HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-08-18; City Council; Minutese ~~~~~ .,". .% .. .. .e P I CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: August 18, 1970 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Courici 1 Chambers ROLL CALL. 2- INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. 3- ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was given. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES. (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held August 4, 1970 were approved as. submitted. 5 L " COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: [a81 (a) Water Committee. Cn;.,. YcComas reported that the Committee met on August 11th and discu,ssion was held regarding disposition of Lake Calaveras and other water property. The have adopted an idea for future action but were unable to pre- sent a concrete plan as they did not have a quorum. Cmn. McComas stated that the committee plan to submit recommendations by letter after they have been approved. [R (b) Jefferson Street Overpass. Cmn. McComas informed the Council that he and Cmn. Jardine had conferred with the property owners adjacent to Marron Rd. regarding the development of the property and the estimated total cost of the project is $210,000. He further stated that the ' owners would agree to contribute $40,000 of this amount, leaving the City's share at $170,000. The City Attorney .was instructed to notify the owners by letter the City was prepared to commit funds . not to exceed $1 70,000. [+#I (c) Parks and Recreation Commission. Cmn. Lewis 67 reported that the Commission approved the change of the Transient Tax at their meeting on Monday, August 17th. Other reports were given to the Commission con- cerning the YMCA , the K.O.A. regarding possible deve.lopment of Lake Cal averas. which is being held over until a later date, and the Women's Club and the Commission have formed a joint committee for the development of the Lagoon Park. E281 CBDAC. Cmn. Lewis stated he had attended the . meeting of the committee and discussion was held regarding .various ideas for improving the down- town area. It was noted that Mr. Olinghouse would submit ideas and plans in a report at the next meeting: 1681 League of California Cities. Mayor Dunne stated he had attended an executive meeting of the League and discussion was held regarding the convention in October. Another meeti'ng is scheduled with various offi cia1 s and comrni ttees for further discussioil. The next ,League meeting is at Del Mar on Thursda.: ~ I i ! COUNCIL I& \\\ ZG ?G 4 Present x x Motion X Ayes . xx I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL -2- a '1 q %$ . August 18, 1970 ,'. * '\\" 3% fl ($ [68] (f) C.P.O. Mayor Dunne pointed out the CPO is concerned with its roll which passes on all County plans of regional significance. They were originally set up for screening applications for Federal aid. The question has come up as to its authority and function and will be determined at a meeting to be held September-Zlst. The Mayor noted that a new airport study has been set up at the request of the Federal 'government at a cost of $200,000 and the principle sites to be considered included an island off Point Loma, . Miramar Air Station, and Brown Field. There was no mention of Palomar as the State Air Authority had previously refused the location. 6- HOUSING AUTHORITY (Adjourned Meeting) The Council adjourned to the Hous.ing Authority meeting at 7:17 P.M. and reconvened at 7:23 P.M. with all Councilmen present. . . .. 7- ORAL COMMUNICATIONS : None '. 8- PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7:30 P.M. C7.131 (a) Agenda Bill #238. To consider a request for change of zone from R--1 and R-P to RD-M (Residen- tial Density-Multiple) Zone, on property located at 3515 Roosevelt Street. The City Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publi- cation and inf.ormed the Council that no written . .. communications had been received. As no one wished to be heard in protest or in favor, the public hearing was closed at 7:33 P.M. The City Planner noted that this is a new version of zoning and many cities zone according to .the compatible uses and do not consider this spot zoning. This method of zoning gives control on the type structures and more flexibili'ty. After discussion, the following resolution was presented approving subject request: Resolution No. 1772. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISIONS REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE ..- .. . I FROM R-1 AND R-P TO RD-M (RESIDENTIAL DENSITY- MULTIPLE) ZONE, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROOSEVELT STREET, BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND . ' MAGNOLIA AVENUES, was adopted by title only and further reading waived and the following Ordin- xx Ayes ance was introduced: X Motion Ordinance No. 9255. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE N0.'9060, RECLASSI- FYING FOR RD-M (RESIDENTIAL DENSITY-MULTIPLE) PURPOSES, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROOSEVELT STREET BETWEEN CHESTNUT AND MAGNOLIA STREETS, was given a first reading by title only .Motion .x x Ayes and furth'er readi ng waived. XI 0 I 2 0 0 c CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILh -3- ;up, August 18, 1970 9- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Fire Department. [:511 1. Agenda Bill #244. Proposed reduction in working hours for Firemen. The City Manager addressed the Council stating this matter had been discussed with the Fire Chief and they recommend. that. the Council change the work hours from 70.2 to.'61.1'. Mr. Arnold stated it was felt this woulii not jeopardize public safety as one off duty man would be assign- ed to "stand by" on an equitable rotating basis and he would be in direct contact at all t.imes with the dlepartment either by telephone or his "Plectron". He will have his full fire protectivc! gear with him and an emergency equipped vehicle only to be used for city business. The following resolution was presented, reducing Firemen work hours from 70.2 to 6.7.2 per week: Resolution No. 1776. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING WORK HOURS FOR EMPLOYEES, was adopted by title only Motion and further reading wa-ived. Ayes xx B Civil Defense 1:Pf I 1. Agenda Bill #239. Two appointments from i'os Council to serve as alternates in the Unified San Diego County Civil Defense and authorization for Execute agreement. Cmn. McComas and Lewis were appointed to serve I in the capacity of alternates to the organization I The City 'Attorney noted that the agreement in- volves the payment of certain monies to the or- ganization based on population and assessed value and may be terminated by the City upon the giving of at leas8 120 days notice prior to the beginning of the fiscal year upon which the termination becomes effective. Mayor Dunne requested that a City disaster plan and policies be developed and appointed Mr. Arnold, Chief Anear and Chief Laughlin to study and prepare procedures and policies. The following Ordinance was introduced regarding the Civil Defense and Disaster Agreement: Ordinance No. 1126. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING MAYOR ON BEHALF OF CITY TO ENTER INTO CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER AGREEMENT was given a first reading by Motion title only and further reading waived. Ayes xx ' Ctty to enter into-an agreement and Mayor to CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL1 August 18, 1970 \\! flu -4- 0 3" ZG T 8qi 3% C. Engineering I31 1 1. Agenda Bill #240. Surplus City Property- Lot "A", Brentwood Vi 11 age. It was noted by the City Engineer the property was dedicated to the City in fee when the Brent- wood Village Subdivision was recorded. The lot is on the corner of Harding St. and Avocado Lane and is 20 feet by 200 feet. He further stated that the adjacent property owner had offer- ed to purchase the lot and there is no need for this property for public use and recommended the sale of the lot. The property was appraised and I the estimated fair market value is $500.00-. ~ At the request of Mayor Dunne Agenda Bill #240 was approved and amended declaring the property sur.plus to City needs and the property to be offered for sale with a minimum bid price of Motion $750.00. Ayes xx D. Planning Dept. rfi 1 1. Agenda Bill #241. Request for additional r".5 funds - re: "701" Program. The City Planner informed the Council that the letter to CIR in Sacramento requesting additional funds is a procedural requirement in order to assure that our two year program as originally proposed is processed for funding. 'After discussion, the Mayor was authorized to execute the letter dated 8/17/70 to the Council on Intergovernmental Relations requesting addi- xx Ayes tional assistance as recommended by the staff. Motion E. City Manager I391 1. Agenda Bill #242. Adoption of Council policy statements and establishment of a Council Pol icy Manual. (a) Resol uti on #1775, adopting procedures for Counci 1 Pol icy Statements. The City Manager explained that the intent of policy manual is to clearly identify policies of the Council not covered by ordinances, and to make such policies readily available to all concerned. Further, that the initial policy statement settin: forthe the procedures for Council Policy state- ments should be adopted by resolution . Subsequent policy statements may be adopted by minute motion; however, there should be a formal vote taken. He also noted the proposed resoluti-on provided for four votes of th.e Council. After discussion, the fo1,lowing resolution was presented: 0 0 l- CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNClLh -5- I5LF August 18, 1970 Resolution No.1775. A RESOLUTION OF .THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING COUNCIL POLICY MANUAL was adopted by title only xx Ayes and further reading waived. Motion (b) Policy #2 - re: Travel. At the request of the Mayor, this policy was deferred to the meeting of September 1, 1970, in order that the Council may study and give further consideration to the matter, (c) Policy #3 - re: Employee Education The City Manager explained that if the' City is to make efficient use of personnel, an Employe(! Education Program is mandatory and together with the use of modern equipment will tend.to reduce the operational cost of the city during the next several years. Mr. Arnold noted that a sum of money is shown in the budget of p.ersonne1 for this purpose. After discussion, policy statement No. 3 re.gard- Motion ing an' Employee Education- Program was approved. Ayes xx Program. 1291 2. Agenda Bi 11 #223. Approval of Final Budget - fiscal year 1970-71. The City Manager introduced the final budget for the .fiscal year 1970-71 and noted that three changes, i.e. (a) salary adjustment for long term addition of $4700 to replace equipment (trucks) for the parks department; (c) $4,000 allocation for employee training program. With these changes the General Fund reserve fund would be $100,000 and the tax rate would be reduced by . employees incl udi ng department heads; (b) the $.02 to $1.97. The following resolutions and ordinances were presented adopting the annual. budget for the fiscal year 1970-71 : Resolution #1773. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FIXING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE FROM PROPERTY TAX NECESSARY TO SUPPORT CITY DEPARTMENTS AND TO PAY BONDED INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1970-71 was adopted by title Motion and further reading waived. Ayes xx Resolution #1774. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADOPTING THE SALARY PLAN AND WORK CONDITIONS FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE 1970-71 FISCAL YEAR was adopted Motion by title only and further reading waived. Ayes xx Ordinance No. 1125. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SETTING TAX RATES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1970-71 was adopted by title only and further Motion reading waived. Ayes xx Ordinance No. 11267A. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1970-71 was adopted by-title only and furthemMotion reading waived. Ayes xx 0 - a .. 'T- a- CITY OF CARLSBAD -6- 151. Auqust 18, 1970 10- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION. [28] (a) Agenda Bill 8226. The following ordinance was given a second reading, adopted by title only and further reading waived. Ordinance No. 1123. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1119 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION COMMISSION. [loo] (b) Agenda Bill 8228. .The following ordinance was amended tx, read "for allowed purposes and recreational program of said fund" and returned to a first reading: Ordinance #1124. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY .OF CARLSBAD AMENDING SECTION 16 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1087 REGARDING TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX was given a first reading as amended by title only and further reading waived. 11- CONTINUED BUSINESS [45] (a) Agenda Bil.1 #153. Santa Fee' Depot Lease. It was noted by the City Attorney, that in view of the amount of $2600 taxes due, the city may not wish to .lease the- depot under the present agreement since the city has maintained and beautified the property. He further noted that not entering into the agreement would effect two tenants. After discussion it was agreed that a letter be the council's decision opposing the responsibilit o,f the City to pay the taxes, and the following resolution was presented: Resolution No. 1777. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OPPOSING PAYMENT OF TAX RATE ON RAILWAY PROPERTY was adopted by title only and further reading waived. [34] (b) ' Agenda Bi 11 X235. Chamb'er of Commerce . sent to the tenants and the railroad regarding agreement. The City Attorney informed the Council the Chamber agrees to the proposed agreement except for Paragraph 8 and the Chamber offered two alternate substitutions for paragraph 8. It was the City Attorney's recommendation the Council accept the agreement and amendment No. 2 to Paragraph 8 as submitted by the Chamber. By proper motion the Agreement was approved as amended upon recommendation of the City Attorney and the Mayor authorized to sign on behalf of thc City . .. ~ ! I / 1 COUNCIL Motion Ayes xx Motion Ryes xx Motion Ryes . x x I Motion xx Ayes X ~ ,' 0 - 0 .. . -,, . . . , CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL1 - -7- i52' - August 18, 1970 7~ ~-~-~ [M (c) Agenda Bill #164. Procedure for the Conduct ey? of Council Meetings The City Clerk presented the proposed changes of procedures of council meetings in accordance with the revised Roberts Rules of Order. It was noted that the omission of Oral Communica- tions from the agenda would not deny citizens to speak on any matter on the agenda. Also, citizen desiring to place an item on the agenda could do so by request, through the staff prior to the council meeting which would give time for a study and recommendations to be preparedfor the Council > After discussion, the following resolution was presented and ordinance introduced: Resolution No. 1733. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING THE CONDUCT OF COUNCIL MEETINGS was adopted by title Motion only and further reading waived. Ayes Ordinance No.1121. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING CONDUCT OF COUNCIL MEETINGS was given a first reading by title and further Motion reading waived. Ayes 12- CURRENT BUSINESS. I -. [74] (a) Agenda Bill #243. Request tochange insur- . ance carrier. I Harry Walton, President of the Employees Associa- tion stated the employees had voted to change carriers and noted that the City will save, as their share, $.59 per person per month. He brought to the attention of the Council, the various differences in coverage. After discussion, the City Attorney was instruct- ed to draw up the necessary documents to present to the Council for approval at the next meeting. 13- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS .. [86] (a) A letter was presented from the Keeno Squares of Carlsbad requesting recognition and assistance in obtaining a suitable location to hold classes under the Adult School and Recreatio Program and the Parks & Recreation Commission fo assistance in advertising and promoting classes and dances. ne lr The City Manager reported that an initial effort 3s to develop an agreement with- the school district regarding use of its facilities for recreation purposes which would assist the city in developing a year-round recreation program. Mr. Arnold stated the Keeno Squares had been made aware of the steps necessary to accomplish their request and a report to the Council wi.11 be made at' a later date. . xx xx I .. . .. .. . 0 - ~~~~ ~ 0 Y CITY OF CARLSBAD -8- COUNCIL1 153 August 18, 1970 - The City Council adjourned to an executive session to discuss personnel at 9:22 P.M. and reconvened to the regular council meeting at 9:31 P.M. [76] Mayor Dunne announced the appointment of Mrs. Ralph Palmer to the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion for a four year term-and requested a letter of gratitude be sent to Mr. Robert Prescott for his past service. [38] Approval was given for travel expense for the City Manager and moving expense from Carpenteria not to exceed the amount expended by the. City Engineer. These funds are to come from th,e City Manager's *fund. [28] Water Committee: Mayor Dunne requested that the City Manager forward a letter to CMWD regarding discussions held pertaining to water service areas and that an urgent effort be made to have a quorum at future committee meetings. [67] Municipal Code. The City Attorney reported he will meet with Mr. Crain regarding his proposals for recodification and it is expected to be com- pleted by the first of the year. [g] Freeway signs and bill boards. At the request of :qo. the City Attorney, authorization was given to <CY' contact lessees notifying them of a time limit to move billbo.ards and if not complied within the specified time limit, city forces are authorized Motion . to remove same. Ayes [47] Canyon and Sunnyhill Wash. Crnn. McComas reported that the owner of the property offered to dedi- cate the property to the city and requested a study and report from the City Engineer as to the feasibility of accepting and filling the canyon. [47] Buena Vista Creek Weir. Cmn. Jardine inquired as to the status of the Buena Vista Creek Weir. The Mayor suggested the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion pursue this matter and that a letter of in- quiry be sent to Mr. Tenagl ia and Mr. Dave Rorich, representative of the Buena Vista Lagoon Association. The City Manager suggested the letters be written, as the Parks and Recreation Commission would not meet for one month.. I [54] Chinquapirl Overcrossing. Cmn. Lewis requested th: staff investigate the possibility of having the hand rail on the southerly side of the Chinquapin overcrossing raised in heighth because of school children crossing over the overpass. 2 .: Mr. Spano, Assistant Engineer, informed the Council the State Division of Highways has modi- fied the plan to raise the height of the rail. '[77] Parks and Recreation. The City Manager reported. that he and the City Attorney were preparing an ordinance regulating the use of city parks. I X xx 1 e. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILh -9- 0 3 ,. kmG August 18, 1970 14- AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICA- TION OF PAYROLL. Authorization was given for payment of bills for the General Fund in the amount of $37,131.16 and the Water Department of $2,485.47, totalling $39,616.63 as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee Motion for the period August 4, 1970 to August 18, 1970. xx Ayes Ratification ,of the payroll was given for the first half of August, 1970 in the amount of $44,905.99 as certified by the Director of Motion Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ayes xx 15- ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 0 ,