HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-11-17; City Council; MinutesC I) I_ D CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting). Date of Meeting: November 17, 1970 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. . Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 2 -. INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne 3- ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was given. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held November 4, 1970, were approved as submi tte 5 -. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS. [28] (a) CBDAC. Cmn. McComas reported the Commissio met on November 12 and it was suggested by the City Manager that a.renewa1 district be set up. It was agreed by the Commission to recommend to the Council that a district be formed for the renewal of the downtown business district. [28] (b) Water Committee. Mayor Dunne announced that a letter of resignation had been received from Mr. Don Hickethier and requested that the staff forward a letter of appreciation to Mr. Hickathier. The new appointment would be dis- cussed at a later time. I I [55] (c) Garbage & Trash Agreement. Cmn. Jardine reDorted that Mr. James Gaiser accepted the I responsibility of local auditor to serve on the committee to study the rate structure for McDou-gal Sanitation and a report will be made to the Council prior to the next. Council meeting. I ~ I [69] (d) Parks and Recreation. Crnn. Lewis informed the Council that no action was taken at the last Parks and Recreation Commission meeting due to the lack of a quorum. [28], (e) Mayor's Youth Committee. Mayor Dunne re- ported that at the first meeting of the commit- tee regular meetings were set for the second Wednesday of each month, the next meeting being e December 2 and election of officers would be he1 1. [30] (f) Building Permit Ordinance. Cmn. Lewis reported that he and Cmn. Castro were. in agree- ment on the proposed Ordinance in that the industrial areas should be required to put in the street improvements. However, in residen- tial zones such as Highland and Elm where there are no curbs and,gutters, the street improvement; should not be required. Mayor Dunne requested ,Cmn. Lewis and Castro to make their report in writing to the City Manager and City Attorney in order that they may revise the Ordinance accordingly. 7 3 z rn x B - m .. T . CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- November 17, 1970 I [-?&I (9) C.P.O. Mayor Dunne stated he attended a @. C.P.O. Meeting on Harbor Island and discussion was held regarding regional planning and the type of organization and amount of power it should have. The Mayor requested the Council to make recommendations to be presented to the C.P.O. at their next meeting. 6- HOUSING AUTHORITY: I The City Council adjourned at 7:17' P.M. to the Housing Authority and reconvened at 7:25 P.M. with . four Councilmen present. 7- PUBLIC HEARINGS - 7~30 P.M. [113 ] (a) Agenda Bill #291. To consider request for change of zone and adoption of Specific Plan for a temporary banking facility (Bank of America) located at El Camino Real and Haymar Drive. The City Clerk presented Affidavit of Publicaticl and announced no written correspondence had beer received. Mr. Harry Truax, Engineer, addressed the Counci stating that it was their understanding that the improvements on the parcel apply only on the parcel on which the structure will be built and no improvements are contemplated on the other parcel. 1 ¶ It was noted by the City Engineer that the plans as submitted would be compatible with future development. There being no further co'mmunications, the public hearing was closed at 7:45 P.M. and the following resolution and ordinances were pre- sented. Resolution No. 1808. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD,-ANNOUNCING I FINDINGS AND DECISIONS REGARDING' CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY TO C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) ZONE was .adopted by title only and further reading waived.' IN THE CITY OF'CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-A-10,000 Ordinance No. 9258. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN ON I PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE TWO HUNDRED FEET SOUTH OF SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF EL CAMINO REAL AND HAYMAR DRIVE was given a first reading by title only and further reading 'waived. Ordinance No.9259. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, RE- CLASSIFYING FOR C-2 PURPOSES, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE TWO HUNDRED FEET SOUTH OF SOUTH- EASTERLY CORNER OF EL CAMINO REAL AND HAYMAR DRIVE was given a first reading by title only and further reading waived. COUNCILME n Motion xxx Ayes X Motion x x x Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X B - 0 ., w CITY OF CARLSBAD .. -3- November 17, 1970 [ 1131 (b) Agenda Bill '#292. To consider a request for change of zone from R-A-10,000 to R-T (residential tourist) and adoption of a specific plan to allow guest ranch on property formerly known as Thunderbird Ranch. At the request of the applicant, the hearing was set aside until such time as a n.ew applica-. tion is submitted. 1991 (c) Agenda Bill #293. To consider an appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission in denying a request for a tentative parcel split map on prop'erty located in the Ponto Area of the City. Appellant: Paul Ivicevic. It was agreed that the matter be continued until the December 1st meeting as requested by the appell ant. 8 .- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS. - None 9 .- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION. [29] (a) Agenda Bill #271. Ordinance No. 1129. AN 3- ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING Ty ORDINANCE NO. 1126-A REGARDING FINAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1970-71 was adopted by title only and further reading waived and the annual salar) for the position of Director of Planning was increased by the sum of $2,124 effective as of November 1, 1970 subject to receipt of HUD funds E301 (b) Agenda Bill #254.0rdinance No. 8055. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1970 EDIT101 VOLUME I: THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1970 PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION T'HEREOF, AND REPEALING CERTAIN ORDINANCES was adopted by title only and further read,ing"waived. EDITION (UNIFORM BUILDING CODE VOLUME 11) AND I v 10- ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION. E701 (a) Agenda Bill #287. Ordinance #3083, regu- lating Parks, B-eaches and Navigable Waters. Discussion was held by the Council and it was agreed to delete the section of the ordinance regarding navigable waters and certain controls to be clarified as to enforcement to be at the discretion of the Council and City Manager. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the ordinance to include the requested changes and the following ordinance was introduced. Ordinance No. 3083. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY given a first reading by title only and further reading waived. 'OF CARLSBAD REGULATING PARKS AND BEACHES was COUNCILME .* c m 1 i ~ I ~ I Motion x i Abstaine xx Ayes X Motion ) abstaineli xx Ayes X Motion Ayes X, . CITY OF CARLSBAD B 0 COUNCfLME November 17, 1970 -4- i. 9 ' <; .\ 1 I I [w (b) Agenda Bill #265. Ordinance #7038, pro- -30 viding for the installation of sidewalks, curbs . and gutters condurrently with building construc- tion. This matter was continued until the next meeting pending receipt of report from Cmn. Lewis and Cas tro. 11- CON TINUED BUSINESS [74] (a) Agenda Bill #242. Council Po'licy #2 - re: travel was deferred and no action taken. [28] (b) Agenda Bill #242. Council' Policy #5 - re: Appointments to selection committee for citizens service awards. The matter-was deferred to the December 1st meeting and recommendations as to number to serve on committee and terms to be made at that time. [76] (c) Agenda Bill #284. Appointment to City Planning Commission. The matter was deferred to be discussed at an executive session to be called later in the meeti ng. [86] (d) Agenda Bill #289. Request for permission to operate Jewelry Exchange Store. Applicant: John Hamamy. The City Attorney suggested that the jewelry exchange be limited to precious stones and that precious stones be 1imite.d to jewelry i tems. Upon proper motion, a permit was granted for the operation of a Jewelry Exchange business and the staff authorized to issue a business license subject to the stated conditions, and the City Attorney was instructed to set forth the conditions in letter form to-the applicant. Mayor Dunne adjourned the Council to an Execu- tive Session at 8:22 P.M. for the purpose of discussing appointments to committees and com- missions. The regular meeting reconvened at 9:02 P.M. with four Councilmen present and the Mayor announced the appointments would be de- ferred to the next Council meeting. 12- CONSENT CALENDAR [42] A. Correspondence - Advisory. Letter of thanks from residents of Carlsbad by the Sea regarding the modified traffic signals on Carlsbad Blvd. at Grand and Elm Avenues was acknowl edged and ordered fi 1 ed. ~. j 13- CURRENT BUSINESS 1 I Motion Ayes X I I [25] (a) Agenda Bill #268. Policy statement re- quiring annexation to municipalities for areas requi ring services. Discussion was held by 'the Council regarding B - e ". e . CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME conferring with municipalities to de.lineate . natural annexatton boundaries which would requi service and.certain boundaries should be set for serving areas wherein there is no present facilities for service. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare resolution accordingly and present to Council at the December 1st meet ing. It .was further suggested that copies of the City. resolution be forwarded to the County Board of Supervisors in addition tp Lafco and the Local Agency Formation Committee. [69] (b) Agenda Bill #296. Letter of resignation from Gordon H. Se.ars, Parks and' Recreation Commission. It was noted that a letter of resignation had been rece-ived from Mr. Sears, the matter had been discussed at the Executive Session earlie no replacement had been made, and the staff was directed to forward a letter of appreciati to Mr. Sears. [Sl] (c) Agenda Bill #297. Sale of Srentwood Vi1 1 property. Authorization was given to the Mayor to execut appropriate documents for the sale of the property to Mr. Noble for the bid sum of $805.00. 14- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS [45] (a) Mayor Dunne reported that the beach property at the mouth of the Lagoon is leased by the City from Mr. Ecke. and the agreement calls for $1 .OO per year plus taxes to be paid by the City. Mr. Ecke has been paying the taxes to this year but in as much as the taxes have increased to the amount of $7,000, he wou like the City to review the terms of the lease The City Manager , Attorney and City Clerk were directed to review the lease and'meet with 'Mr. Ecke in this regard. [m? (b) Jefferson Street Bridge. The Ci.ty Engine 5% stated the design is nearly completed and an agreement is being prepared for presentation t Mr. Citron regarding the sewerlines. [eW] (c) Sign ordinance. Mayor Dunne stated he ha .so received comments that the present ordinance i restricting the business district and requeste the CBDAC take this matte.r up at their next meeting. [32] (d) Pacific Telephone extended service. Mr. C. R. Brown addressed the Council explaining a package is being presented to the PUC to extend toll free service to the Fall brook area but would not include Vista and Escondido at this time. It was agreed that the Council go on record as being in favor of the extended ~ [31] (e) It was noted that a review of business 'I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -6 1 icense fees is being prepared and will be made to the Council at a later date. 14- RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL. Ratification was given for payment o'f bills for the General Fund in the amount of $213,898.51 and the Water Department of $59,838.50, total- ling $273,737.01 for the period November 1 to 15- ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectful ly submi tted , t