HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-01-05; City Council; Minutesi I _. . I, P e T I [ [ i I CITY OF CARL. COUNCILhI Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) \ Date of Meeting:' January 5, 1971 .- -.. Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 1 -. ROLL CALL - 7:OO P.M. 2- INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. . 3- ALLEGIANCE TO-THE FLAG was given. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular m.eeting held on December 15, 1970 were approved as corrected. 5- COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS. I :68] (a) Cmn. McComas reported he attended the CPO meeting in San Diego on December 21, 1970. A motion was made to have a resolution prepared by the staff of CPO regarding the Coastline Protection. Copies will be sent to each of the cities for consideration. :55] (b) McDougal Sanitation rate increase. Cmn. Jardine informed Mayor Dunne a report from the Council Committee was made on this matter at the meeting of December 15, 1970. Councilmen McComas and Castro dis- qualified themselves on voting so the matter was held over until this meeting. The committee made the following recommendations: 1. The interim $3.00 pick up rate be made a permanent rate; 2. The Sanitation .company be required to post a performance bond-equivalent to two months service for guarantee of service to residents; 3. The company should provide the City with their articles of incorporation; and they would like to add another recommendation as follows: 4. That the 1 ife of the ad hoc committee be extended to investigate the feasibility of mandatory trash pick up. Cmn. McComas and Castro again disqualified themselves from voting. Discussion was given as to the availability of a per- formance bond by the company, and Cmn. McComas stated it is getting more difficult all the time for a company such as this to obtain a bond unless you have had a previous bond or can put up equal collateral. It was agreed that if the company had difficulty in obtaining a bond this recommendation would be con- sidered again. After further discussion the recommendations of the Council Committee were accepted. 1 Cmn. Jardine announced a further meeting would be he1 ~ regarding mandatory pick up by the committee, and re- j quested the City Manger to contac't Mr. Gaiser to see I if he would be able to attend. The City Manager also . announced that if any citizen wished to make comments regarding the mandatory pick up they could do so. I d Present ; Motion Ayes Abstainec I Motion Ayes Abstaine d , ~ 1 A 9 !$ s c: : x: 1 : X ~ CITY OF CARL% COUNCILk -2- II) feeling that if the ordinance v[ere put into effect it would be denying a citizen his right to improve his property. They realize there .is a need for street improvements, however, this ordinance only affects those who wish to i’mprove their property. by which street improvements can be put in if the in- dividual owners agree: Mrs. Emma Salsen, 4422 Park Drive Dan Ferrell, President of Carlsbad Realty Board Lewis Chase, Builder Mrs. O‘Brien, 1155 Oak Avenue Howard Baumgartner, Builder Joe Parisi , Real tor -. Claud He1 ton, Builder Slides were shown by the City Engineer of certain areas in the City that need improvements. It was agreed by the Council that further study and for street improvements under the 1911 Act. Cmn. Castro announced the next meeting of the Co.unci1 HOUSING AUTHORITY: The City Council adjolrr.ned to the Housing Authority meeting at 8:20 P.M. The regular meeting of the City Council reconvened at 8:30 P.M. with all members present. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: . .> .. .. . .. CITY OF CARLSBAD CaJNClLME CI) -3- UI .. i .*-. " . January 5, 1971 c. signal modification was accepted, and. the*City Clerk was instructed to file a Notice of Comp-letion and re- lease the bonds 35 days after date of filing Notice of Cotnp? e ti on. [30] (2) Agenda Bill ?318. Application for encroach- ment to allow biarquee on property located 2339-2945 State Street. Ap.plicant: Peter Aquilar. Following . a- report by the staff, an Encroachr;;ent Permit was granted to Peter Aguilar to allow the construction of a marquee on public right-of-way. on property located 2939-2945 State Street. It was noted that the marquee would have to conform ir size to the requirements of the City's Sign-Ordinance. 6.. Police Department. r [781 (1) Agenda Bill +319. Request 'for transfer of funds from Capital Outlay. Transfer of funds from the Sanitation Department to the Police Department in the amount of $900.00 for the purchase of a'radio for the Street Sweeper was approved, as well as the dis- bursement of funds in the Police Department budget as follows: $750.00 to Acct. No. 1-119-30l.and $150.00 to Aect ._ No. 1-1 19-292, in accordance with the recom- mendations of the staff. -. C. . Finance Department. -. C741. Regu rule Coun rule on a rule post The (1 1 latio s and cil t s to "fis s req ing t fol lo Agenda Bill ns - tiotice o regulations. he staff is d show .the clos cal year" rat uire that the he notices co wing resol uti Ti 11 - f e i h n - 0 320. Personnel Rules and intention to amend person The City Attorney informe sirous of amending the per ng dates for all fiscal ma er than a. "calendar. year.". Council prescribe a place cerning the proposed amend n was presented: ne1 d the sonne tters The for ment. Resolution No. 1817. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PRESCRIBING PLACE FOR PUBLIC POSTIRG OF NOTICES PURSUANT TO SECTION '5 OF RULE I1 OF COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 1727, was adopted by title only and further readi.ng waived. D. .City Manager. [85] (1) Agenda Bill f256(Supplement,). Report on possible inhabited annexation of Leucadia. The City 14anager presented a written report and recommendations as to the feasibility of annexjno.leucadia.. The report. indic.ated the Leucadia area would fall short of providing the cost of its own services by at least $100,000 to $150,000 annually, and the existing City of Car'lsbad would have to subsidize Leucadia services, and the staff did not consider it practical, or moral, to- provide a different l'evel of services within the City. Mayor Dunne asked if the.area undeystudy for the !Leucadia annexation was the same as the Leucadia 'County \dater District and he was informed the same boundaries were considered. I "~-.-"--.~..~."~~ ..., -....... T...."".".. . -...- _.".." "."".. . ,.-.. ~ ..-._ a-c ___.". ""..".,,~~.._.___._*,".-.- T f 11 - , 1 , Motion Ayes xx f4o t i on xx Ayes '. X ,,__ L_ .- " ^I .,,. . . CITY OF CARLSBAD COU"fE '" e . .. . .._ . - . -4- January 5, 1971 the Leucadia and San Di egui to area. Nayor D.unne requested the .matter deferred until the 0RD.I NANCES FOR ADOPTION.. . -. [31] (a) Agenda Bill $304. ORDIKAI4CE 06042, OF THE -. CITY OF CAKLSBAD, AGEi\iDIr.:G CERTAIN SECTIONS OF ORDINAKCE .NO. 6040, REGARDIPiG IJITER CITY TRAfjSPORTA- TION BUSINESS, was given a second reading by title only and adopted, and conforming the present City Business License ordinance with State Law.. ORDIKANCES FOR INTRODUCTION. E301 (a) Agenda Bill +265. Ordinance R7038, pro- viding for installation of sidewalks, curbs and gutters concurrent with building construction,' was previously discussed under Council Committee Reports, and continued for further study and report. CONSENT CALENDAR. " . A'. Communicatioi's, - Advisory. None were re- cei ved. .. , B. Communications - Referral. None were re- ceived. . .. C. Resolutions for Adoption. -. I [281 (a.) Agenda Bi 11 #31-6. RESOLUTION P!O. 1816, ESTABLISHING A "I4kYOR'S STUDENT COMkiITTEE", was adopt.ed by title only and further reading waived. The Mayor announced th.e following students wo.ufd serve on the committee: Dav.i d Harti nez Louis f$ontanez Dan Lance Richard Gomez Ann MacDougal1 - Beverly Smith Jane Canada - Joan 0rteg.a Hi 1 son Pace idark Geyer David Harki ns Bobbie Oshima . . .. ., Nancy Rice .. The committee will meet on the first Monday of each .month in the Council Chambers at 7:OO P.14. Cmn. Lewis stated the students who were appointed to the first conmjttee were recommended to him. In the future the students will make recommendations for rep1 acernents. 1 Executive Session. Mayor Dunne called for an execu- tive session at %:56 P.I.1. to discuss personnel.. The meeting reconvened at 9:08 P.M. I .. .. ,""._,.__ ^."""."""_" "-.- ---.&"- - ."." -..""..""--.-.~~"~".""I._~.~.. "" -.-. .. .. ,""._,.__ ^."""."""_" "-.- ---.&"- - ."." -..""..""--.-.~~"~".""I._~.~.. "" -.-. ._.__.",X.""- .... . .. .- .I* CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME CONTINUED l3USINES.S: Cmn. Lewis asked. for clarification of Paragraph 4 as to -whether this -paragraph appt i ed to' the Council. It was noted that Paragraph 4 applied basica-lly to City employees. He then asked who the Counci 1 members were responsible to,' as -he felt the Council as a whole should approve any conventions attended by any members of the Council due to the fact the Council 281 (b) Agenda Bill ?242 Supplement. bol3cy $5 regarding Community Reiations. announced appointments to the Selection Cornmitte will be made at the January 19th meeting. [69] (c) Agenda Bill $296. next two weeks.. . - - .. .. .. , . . . . . - t. . -.. 6 .> I. .. .. ~. .. @ " e C8TY. OF Cb".SB/4D .' .. -6- Amwy 5. 1977 [ - It was suggested that some form of citation or'ticket be issued to those persons in violation: of the law, and that the parents of children in violation be made aware of the situation. It was agreed that the City Manager request the .Police Department to pursue this matter for .a feasible solu- tion. Cmn. Jardine asked that the newspa'pers be made. aware the matte'r. .that the City Manager has been instructed to pursue [701 (b) Motorcycle riding in the Lake Calaveras Area. Cmn. Lewis inquired as to whether it was against the law to ride a motorcycle in the Lake Calavcra area, and the City Attorney stated it was not i 1 legal. Bob Edgar, 1385 Yourell Ave. addressed the Council and asked if there was. an area where the childred could ride their motor bikes? The City Manager stated "if a community-wide park is developed perhaps an area'could be developed for mini bi ke.s and small motor bikes. The Parks and Recreation Commission is working on'a plan for the development of a community park, and invited Mr..Edgar to attend the commission meetings and offer his suggestions. [781 .(c) Speed control of boats .on .the Agua Hediond Lagoon. Cmn. Jardine reported he had been contacted by interested citizens in regards to the control of speed for boats using the.Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The City Attorney informed the Council there .is an exist- ing ordinance concerning the hours in yhich boats can use the lagoon and the distance from shore a boat can obtain speed. It was noted that in order to enforce an ordinance controlling speed, the City would have to have a- chas boat. .. - a e The .City Manager advised the Council there has been .an indication of a development on the upper- lagoon, dnd he would be willing to work with any member of the Council. and make a report of their findings back to the Council. Cmn. .Lewis offered to work with the City Manager. Cmn. Jardine requested that Peter Mol and John Fox be asked to assist'.in the 'study. ['lo21 (d) Rerouting of .traffic during construction of Interstate 5. 'Cmn. Castro asked who was responsi- bile for the rerouting 5f traffic during the construc- tion of the Freeway.' He suggested that the traffic be rerouted onto Carlsbad Blvd. as it is a secondary - ~ I i i I h 6 ___r COUNCiLh/; .~~~~ Go 7J z? 9' 2% z __r fl& "- i ... , .. . . .. . CITY. OF Cb,RLSBAD COUNCILM si.gned to carry heavy traffic. . 451 (9) Lease of Ecke Beach property. A letter has been received from Mr. Paul Ecke regarding the beach property leased by the City. In accordance with the agreement the City is required to pay the taxes. This year it amounts to approximately $7,000. Mr. Ecke has suggested that the City contact the State to see if they will purchase the property. If the State is not interested Mr. Ecke stated he will have no alternative but to sell to an individual. Cmn. McComas suggested the City Manager contact the State Beaches and Parks to see if they would be in- terested in purchasing the property. The City Manager advised the Council he had written the State Beaches and Parks to inquire as to when they inte'nd to complete the beach facilities and parking Ratification was given 'for payment of bills for the general expenses -of the City in the amount of $364.,633.26 and the Water Department in the amount of $189,398.61 for the period December 15, 1970 to, January 5, 1971, as certified by the Di.rector of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. .. -. ..