HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-02-16; City Council; Minutes.. .- \ .. . CITY OF CARLSBAD -e - 0 -..""..+,. .* COUNCILMEI Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting') Date of Meeting: . February 16, 1971 ,\j Time of Meeting: 7:QO P.M. p? msa Place of Meeting: Council. Chambers 46 1 1 I l- 'ROLL CALL: 7:OO P.M. I Present 2- . INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. 3- ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was given. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the.regular meeting of February Ayes 16, 1971 -were approved as presente.d. Motion 5- COUNCIL COMMITTEE R,EPORTS: [llO] (a) .CMWD Proposal. Councilman. McComas stated that. he, as well as the City Manager, City Attorney, and Robert Watson, Chairman'of the Water Committee were appointed by th-e Mayor at [ the last meeting to meet with CMWD to discuss their propo.sa1 to take over the City Water Syste It was the decision of th-is committee that CMWD should prepare a detailed proposal to include table of organization, budget, and CMWD's -pro- posed scope of operation, to be reviewed by CMWD and the committee and requested that it be sub- mitted sometime in late March. [55] (b) Garbage and Trash. Cmn. Jardine stated he and Mr. Gaiser are in the process of accumulat- ing figures that might be used as guidelines for a universal trash rate. He stated Mr. Lewis and Mr. Arnold have contacted other cities, and within the next month, they will have the necess ary informlation to present a more detailed report. [91] (c) Meeting with School Officials. In referenc to the meeting between Dr: Harmon and Mr. Ralph Palmer of the"Schoo1 Boardg Cmn. Lewis, Cmn. ' Jardine and Mr. Arnold; Cmn. Lewis presented a report to the Council which stated that a tenta- tive agenda had been prepared. At the request of the school officials, two tentative dates for a joint meeting of the School Board and the Council .were mutually agreed upo%,by the Coun- cil and set for March 15th or March 29th, 1971 at the hour of -7:OO P.M. The School Board would choose which of these da.tes would be convenient for them. PUBLIC HEARINGS: . The hour of 7:3O P.M. having arrived, the Mayor declared the Pub1 ic Hearings opened. 1 I r. I 4 [114] (a) Agenda Bill #337. (.continued) To consider an amendment to Sections 1375 and 1377, Article . .13.75 of Ordinance #9060 - re: Planned Communi- ty Zone. The City Clerk presenteed the Affadavit of Publication and announced no written correspon- dence had been received. ." .,,_ I , ,__1.I_I .,, ,,_,_ .__ _._"_I_,___,_ ~,. "_ __._____,.__._.._ ..... . .." ...-. . _i ".. 1.. ." ,,_._ _".".."_. . " .," .."...".. . . . . .. ....,,- _. .. 1 .. . .. . . , + 1 1 I (X X (X X x CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEC - -z- 0 .' February 16, 1971 . I Public Hearing (continued) Cmn. Lewis reported he had discussed the matter of the public being informed of proposed ordi- ances which May affect them and stated he felt from these discussions; there was a lack of communication between the City Staff and the public. He suggested that proposed ordinances be published in the Carlsbad Journal and the Blade Tribune prior to any such ordinances bein! presented to Council so that anyone. wishing to discuss, it with the. staff may do so. ' Mayor Dunne' stated this should be embodied in Council Policy and instructed Mr. Arnold and Cmn. Lewis to draft a Policy Statement to be presented to Council as soon as possible. Mayor Dunne inquired if there was anyone presen who wished to speak for or against this propose1 amendment. 0 Mr. Lewis Chase, 4045 Baldwin Lane, Carlsbad stated he felt this amendment was confusing and repetitious since the Special Use Permit seems adequate enough to cover special uses. Mayor'Dunne stated in view of the complexity of this ordinance, he has decided to set up a number of work shops to meet with developers to explain the problems of the Ordinances. Mr. George Long, 4890 Sevilla Way, Carlsbad inquired if this would involve the prcposed Loma Laguna Subdivision which was his concern and he was informed they were two separate matters. He had no further comment. The Public Hearing was declared closed at 7:50 P.M. and after further dlscuss~on, the followin Resolution was offered for adop-tion. Resolution No. 1823. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING-AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 13.75 OF ORDINANCE NO. w60 (PLANNED COMMUNITY ZONE), was adopted by title only and further reading waived. Ordinance No. 9262. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING SECTIONS 1375 and 1377, COMMUNITY ZONE), was given a first reading by title only and further reading waived. ARTICLE 13.75 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9060 (PLANNED [113] (b) Agenda Bill #350. To consider the adoptio of a Specific Plan permitting development of a Safeway Market, Thrifty Drug Store, Satellite 'Shops, and off-street parking, and re.pea1ing Ordinance #9182, adopting a site plan. The City,Clerk presented the. Affa,div'it of Publi cation and reported written correspondence from Mr. Oakley Pa-rker owner of the adjacent propert which expressed his approval of proposed sl'tci. for such development. I _I -..._. I .~ . .~ .. . 3. 3 t d 9 n - Y TiSokDd( ''3 ;' ... j t.; < \\\\ 20 Wf%; /< Cn Motion-. xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X 8. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEP e 0 .., .~.- ~. . . -3- 0'"q c "59 ~. i ; .; \/! Z0,W fq27 . .- 9flt February 16, 1971 ..: Mayor Dunne inquired if there was anyone present wishing to speak on this matter. Mr. Bruce 0' Del, 1 , Daytom Enterprises , Inc. 9 9720 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212 speaking on behalf of Daytom stated they are in agreement with the decision of the Planning Commission but inquired if the Council would have any objections 'to Daytom Enterprises re- apPlving-at a later date in reference to the Planning Commission's ReSolution No. 687, Items #1 and #4. He was informed the Council would have no objections. Cmn. Jardine inquired if the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission had reviewed the site plans on this proposed development, and the City Manager stated that it is the usual practice . of a Commission to be involved only in matters where public property are concerned; not pri- vate property but he would confirm this. The Public Hearing was declared closed at 8:05 P.M, and the following ordinance was offer- ed for adoption. Ordinance No. 9263. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI.TY OF CARLSBAD, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 9182, AND ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN FOR DAYTOM ENTERPRISES, INC.; ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF TAMARACK AVENUE BETWEEN ADAMS STREET AND INTER- STATE #5, was given a first reading by title X Motion only and further reading waived. Ayes A. ENGINEERING: DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: xxx [MI 1. Agenda Bill No. 351. Request by Charles 45- Eyemann.for sewer' main refund agreement - Beech Street. *. The Assistant City Engineer reviewed the I conditions of the sewer main refund agree- ment. He stated that this.is a standard agreement. Mayor Dunne enquired if no one hooked up to the sewer line within the next ten years, would the C.ity have to reimburse Mr. EyemannI and it was explained that the City's agree- ment is that if there are sewer line hook-upj within the next ten years , .the City will re- imburse Mr. Eyemann; if not, Mr. Eyemann must withstand the cost even if there is a sewer hook-up aft.er the ten year period. Since there was no further discussion, a motion was made authorizing the Mayor to Mr. Eyemann on behalf of the City,. as Ayes xxx recommended by the Engineering staff. I i execute a sewer main refund agreement with X Motion .. \ 6 - 0 ,-,.-9,-, -. February 1 k E1 071 ~51 B. 1771 C. t741 ~841 -^ . ._...-. ,-,. ". .. . .. . .I_ CITY OF I CARLSBAD . , COUNCILMEI -4- 3 ei 6, 1971 . ,. EPlGINEERING (continued) 2. . Agenda B'i11 352. Request by C. R. Baughman for City quitclaim water line ease- ment located on Skyline Road. - Lot 27, Carl sbad Estates. ' The Assistant City Engineer revi.ewed the purpose of this request. Since there was no further discussion, authorization w.as given the Mayor to execute a Ouitclaim Deed to Catherine Linnett and C. R. B'aughman of a water line easement crossing over Lots 26 and. 27 of Carlsbad Motion X Estates, as recommended by the Engineering Ayes xxx staff, 3. Engineering. Department status reports. The Engineering Department submitted a written report to the Council on the status of various projects that Department has been working on. Mayor Dunne read this report for informational purposes only. PLANNING: 1. Planning Department status reports. There was no report submitted to Council due to the illness of the City Planner. PERSONNEL.AND PURCHASING: 1. Agenda Bill #353. Job classification change for Switchboard Operator - Reception- ist. It was agreed that the wording for the job description of Switchboard 'Operator - Receptionist be changed as recommended by Motion X the staff. *A Ayes xxx 2. Agenda Bill 8354. P-urchase of Aerial Arm and Truck. The City Manager explained that after a trial of three various models and a great deal of investigation by the Purchasing Agent and Administrative Assistant for Public Works, it was felt that the Hodan Aerial Arm and Truck would best serve the City. He stated the truck is a 1970 model with 700 miles on it, and the aeEial arm could be utiliz-ed by the Fire Department if necessary. Authorization was given for the staff to proceed with the purchase of Aerial Arm and Truck at a cost of $19,155.71. on a lease- Motion pyrchase basis for a period of five years. Ayes xxx ,."," _,__ ~ ,",. I__1x .....,,.. ~ .,__""_._,.._. _.,_ ~~~._~.,~~"."~.,~ _,"" ....".. ." ..-.. .- .""..... -..~".-I ..... . .. .. -.-- .,.. -,-. -. -. . .. CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- 0 :' February 16, 1971 . I ~ ~~ ~ ~~ D. POLICE: .' I c741 1. . Agenda Bill #355. Replacement of uni- forms for Police and Fire Personnel. Discussion ensued regarding the matter of replac?ng police and fire uniforms and under what particular circumstances uniforms would be replaced. Mayor Dunne requested the City Manager to meet with the Chief of Police and the Fire Chief t.0 draft a more specific Council Polic Statement to present to the.Counci1 con- cerning replacement of damaged uniforms for the Pol ice and Fire Personnel. I 8- CONSENT CALENDAR: A. c781 I I Correspondence - Advisory. 1. National Safety Council Commendation. Mr. Arnold announced receiPt of a letter from the National Safety Council commending the Police Department for having fewer damaged cars than most cities of the same size and stating that they have.been awarded first place in the Motor Fleet Award Safety Contest. c781 2. Letter of Commendation to Police Depart- ment. Mayor Dunne announced a letter received and addressed to the Mayor and City Council commending the Pol ice De- partment and certain members of the force on their superior performance, and expressing appreciation. The letter was signed by Thomas Crenshaw, 3334 Terrace Lane, Oceanside. I Mayor requested this letter be endorsed to Police Chief and to.offTi-c~ers and ex- pressed Council's appreci-afion. 8. Correspondence - Referral 1861 1. Agenda Bill #356. To Planning Staff for study and report to Planning Commissior letter from Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Ferrarc requesting Ordinance #.go60 amended to alloh privately owned and operated Recreational Vehicle Park. Mr. Vincent P. Ferraro, 3450 "A" Monroe St. Carlsbad was present to discuss reasons for this request. He stated they are planning annexation to the City. I) After further discussion, it was agreed the Council would await reports from the Planning Commission, and ratified the Staff's action in referring Mr. and Mrs. Ferraro's request to the Planning Departmer for submission to the Planning Commissi.on. .I ., _... ...- I r I 1 J 1' COUNCILMEC %%%$I 31 ~~~ . 200,- fizz4 p d - I ~ ~ I I I 1 I --~".-.~,.""_ ..~ .- .~ .~ . CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEh B Febru ~51 c351 ~781 c921 D I_.__.*,. , . .".".,. ..- ar - ..,. "". -6- 'y 16, 1971 Correspondence - Referral.(conf.) ~ 2. Agenda B.il1 #357. Precise Alignment of Hillside Drive. To staff for study and report, letter from Donald A. Briggs, Jr. regarding the precise alignment of Hillside Drive as it relates to his property. After discussion of this.matter by Council, Council ratified the Staff's A.ction in re- ferring Flr. Briggs' request to the staff for a report on the alignment of Hillside Drive and the City Manager was instvructed to noti- fy Mr. Briggs of the Council's action. C. 'Resolutions for Adoption Mayor Dunne stated he had a Resolution to '. be intr-oduced to the City Council commend- ing Stuart C. Wilson, former City Attorney. 1. Resolution #1828. A RESOLUTION OF THE ING STUART C. WILSON, FORMER CITY ATTORNEY, Motion X was read by title only and further reading Ayes xxx waived. Council requested that this Resolution be signed by all -members of the City Council. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMEND- D. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION 1. Agenda Bill #358. Establishment of a temporary truck route. The following Ordinance was introduced as an Emergency Ordinance to take effect and be in force immediately following its @ption, during construction of Interstate Ordinance #3084. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING TRUCK ROUTE AND SPECIFICALLY ALLOWED, was read, in its en- Motion tirety and adopted. Ayes xxx PROH.IBIT-ING THE DRIVI-NG "0'F'';TRUCKS EXCEPT AS ADDITONAL BUSINESS: (a) Agenda Bill #359. Enlargement of Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. . The Council. was informed that as a condition i of the Federal Grant f.or the Encina Water Dollution control^ Facility, a Master Plan Study and an Operations Manual must be pre- been received from Brown and Caldwell, Con- sulting Engineers, for the joint system. ' The Vista Sanitation District is acting as the contracting party for the joint owners. Authorization was given for Vista Sanitation District to enter into an agreement with Brown and Caldwell for the preparation 0f.a Master Sewerage Plan Study and Operations Motion X Manual. Yes xxx ... .. . .. .I . pared. A proposal to -perform the work has __ , -. ."_",__ __,.,_.-,._. . - ,.._-.~.---...,.~"--'.-~~ -"' . .-. ~", -_,.-.____ , __...__ ___."".". ". ..- -.--,~.--- '"""'~~' _I ,. ,,,-, .. .. l_.. .-..__.I .- " ~. .- . i_ L CITY OF - CARLSBAD I) - B .^..__ _, Febr E821 E471 E451 CW E311 E971 ...- " ...-..,... COUNCILMECI -7- .. 33 uary 16, 1971. .. ADDITIONAL B'USINESS (cont.) ' '(b) !?eservoirs. Letter received by Coun- cil from Alva Morrison, dated February 10, 1971 with reference to reservoirs during l earthquakes. .. Acknowledged by Council and noted since ' there was no return address on correspond- ence, this letter could not be formally answered. (c) Drainage .Problem. Mr. Gal en Nornho-ld, 2667 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, appeared before Council to explain a drainage pro- blem on his property since Freeway Construe.. tion has begun with the hopes the City would help to solve his lack of communica- tion with the Division of Highways. Much discussion ensued regarding this matte'. It was the decision of the Council that the City Engineer set up a meeting with Mr.. Nornhold, himself and Mr. George Smith, contractor for the Division of Highways to resolve this problem and also that a letter be written to the Division of High- ways regarding this problem. (d) Girl's Club. Reference was made to a proposed'addition to the Girl's Club at Holiday Park. The Mayor inquired if the -City had any control over the architectural structure of the building and was informed it did not, The City Manager stated he felt the Parks and Recreation Commission should have some coordination with the Girl Is Club and would place it on the Parks and Recreat.ion Agenda. (e) Bridge at El Camino Real and Vista Way:- Mayor Dunne stated he had written a letter to J. Dekema, Division of Highways regardin< the hazards of the abov'e location and since this problem has not been resolved, he instructed the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Engineer to draft a Resolution for Council approval to be forwarded to Mr. Dekema, Assemblyman Stul-1 , the County, Senator Burgener and the City of Oceanside so that they can take action along the same 1 i nes . (f) Delinquent Business License. Letter received from Mr. Sam Finnell, Finnell Is Jewelers, El Camino Plaza, requesting a waiver of delinquent penalty due to illness, This reque'st was denied due'to .the fact that sufficient notice had been given as to Motion X the delinquent date. Ayes xxx (9) Basswood and Elm. Mayor Dunne inquir- ed if the portion between Basswood and Elm had been stripped and it was rep0rte.d it had.. -. j_ . . , - ,"l.l., l__/"___.""., _.__..___. I_ .." ., . "~"... ^.~".."..... ."_" ._.- ~"."" ." .i... ...-..I.-. ,." "I. n.I_c" . ,.. - ---.- . -.--.--_-----.. - -. . 1 B - B ... .". CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEb Februa 1301 1541 D81 E681 E681 9- I- .,... "-1 _-,,_, .ry 16, 1971 -8- Jb ~ ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: (cont.) I (h) Freeway Billboard. Councilman Jardine stated that there was still a freeway bill- board standing and requested that the pro- perty owner be notified to remove the sign, as this was a condition of the annexation proceedings. (i) Bridge at Chinquapin. Councilman Jardine stated he felt a more adeauate auard rail should be -placed on the south side-of the Chinquapin Bridge, and the Assistant .City Engineer stated the .Division of High- ways was notifi'ed and they are proposing a change order to modiTy the rail similar to that at the Las Flores overpass. (j) City Manager's Confer.ence. Mr. Arno'l d stated he and Mr. Baldwin, the Personnel I - Officer would be attending the. City Manager Conference which subjects are fringe bene- s fi ts and employee re1 ati ons hi ps . (k) League of California Cities. Mayor Dunne stated he attended the League of Cities Executive Meeting on the 8th. and it was concurred with the County Supervisors in the appointment of the C.P.O. to act as an Airport Land Use Committee for San Diego County. He further announced that legisla-' tion has been introduced'in Sacramento re- garding the coastline protection. Also, there is an effort being made to set up a San Diego Transportation operation which would encompass all of San Diego County. The Mayor further related that Supervisor Scheidle has asked that the Executive Commit tee meet on the 8th of March to discuss these matters. Both of the aforementioned items will be discussed at the meeting which will be held at Rancho Bernardo. This meeting will be an all day se*ssi.on and all Councilmen are invited; (1) Mayor Dunne stated he would be presid- ing at the League of California Cities month ly meeting, Thursday, February 18, 1971, at the Escondido Country Club and requested that those who could attend be there. The time is 7:30 P.M. RATIFACATTON OF PAYMENT FOR BILLS AND PAYROLL: I Ratification was. given for payment of bills for the General Fund in the amount of $140,212.71 an.d the Water Department.of $6,562.34, totalling $146,775.05 for the period February 1 thru February 15, 1971 as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee Mot I Aye -,. .._,._ ..,. ~ " .". .__ ,,, ,," r __./___,. __."., . .. ,... ." .".,... ~ ..., .".." -.~ .,-" ._",_ _.". .. ".,.",.. _. .. ."... _,_"".".. "-.,"" I "..." ~ ion S x -x x - " ..,-. " _r . . . ., - .. YF 1 .. . CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEb -9- B 0 I' 3s February 16, 1971 Ratification was given for the payment of the payroll for $46,548.77 for the period'february Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. .1 thru Februa.ry 15, 1971 as certified by the 10- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the-meeting was adjourned at Motion 9:45 P.M. .- Ayes Respectfully submitted, T E. ADAM'S' - ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ I i *. D - ."_ ~ - - - -.- . .- .... -. - I ....,_I ,__. .,..,... .. __*,I__,._._ ,... __." ,....,. .......-,........... - .. """. -.."--.~-.-. - ...- _j .."I._ ."..., l..._."."-. ._I.-I-.-" ...1_." - _-