HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-03-29; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME ROLL CALL: 7:20 P.M. By proper'motion, the meeting was adjourned to=the Carlsbad High School, 800 Building, to meet'Gfth Members of the Governing Board of Carlsbad Unified School District in Joint Session. (Please see minutes of Carlsbad Unified School District, March 29, 1971, of Joint Session, attached hereto.) Respectfully submitted, :'qxryF@L /,' MARGA T E. ADAMS City .,. 6 .. B* ” - 57 \ (Unadoptcd) Room 804, CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Carlsbad High S 3557 Monroe St1 MINUTES OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING Carlsbad, Calif1 OF THE GCVERNING BOARD (Adjourned from March 29, 1971 March 22, 1971 Rcgular Meeting) IN JOINT SESSION VTi’H CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL The meeting was called to order at 7:3E p.m. 5.7 Call to Order. President Ralph J. Palmer. Board Members Present: RalDh J. Palmer Roll. ”aul S. Swirsky Ronald C o Packard Ida Me Vlestree VI. kllan Kelly Cauncil Members Present: Glenn E. McComas John E. Jardine Joe A. Castro Claude A. Lewis Council Member Absent: David M. Dunne Gthers Present: Dr. Howard C .- Harmon Robert E. Laubscher Fred H. Lance Jack B. Arnold, City Manager Margaret Adams, City Clerk Dr. Lynn Davies Mr. and Mrs. James Sleeper Craig Harris, Carlsbad Journal Gil Davis, Bladg-Tribune ?at Palmer, parks ?.nd Recreation Betty VJollrich, ?arks and Recreation Elizabeth B. Murphy Mrs. D. T. Stewart A1 W~E., Carlsbad City Attorney Barbara Smith Presidsnt Palmer explained that the purpose of the joint meeting was to explore areas in which the city qovernment and the school board csluld coopErate and coordinate different activitks to the benefit Qf the community. 0 D0 1 L 58 (Unadopted) Unified Adj .kg. Meeting 2 March 29, 1971 A joint powers agreement for community recreation purooses Parks and Recrea was discussed at length. This agreement would include a community swimming paol, summcr pr3Jram, tennis courts, baseball fields and parks which v7ould utilize school facilities throughout the year for children and adults. Cities vary in the extent of sharing costs, and it depends on the community and board members as they see the needs of the district. A schedule 3f priorities will need to be established. to assist both bodies during preliminary budget studies. Materials from the physical Education program cmld be made available for recreational purposes, but additional ecuiprnent will be needed and Derhaps cmld be purchased through the . joint powers agreement. Employees for the summer program would be employees Df the city and would serve as extra work for interested teachers. The possibility of liability by the school district was mentioned , but this could be worked out in the agreement perham through double coverage or co- ins wed. Funding of a joint Dowers agreement would be available through the regular 3perating 5udget. The school district could use an merride tax up to 10 cents, or perhaps the swimming portion could come from the high school educational program. Dr. Harmon pointed out that most of the funds irom the community services override tax is spent €or noon-duty supervisors, general activities of the Suildings used by the Community in the evenings, and USE of the playgrounds by the Little League and Pony League. An opinion was expressed that issues as large as capital improvements for a -wimming pool should be taken to the electorate. Dr. Harmon mentioned that the school. district would not be a5le to finance its share on a pay-as-you-go ba.sis but perhaps could if spread mer a period of at least four to five years. P- bonding program over several years to .qet the amount of repayment per year down to a manageable level would be preferable. An important item to be written into the joint powers agree- ment should be that the school district will have first (priority) use of cchool facilities. .- . 59 B? Unified Adj .Reg. Mceting 3 (Unadapted) March 29, 1971 ..- Mr. Jardine stressed the importance of timeliness of budget cmsiderations in order to imDkmEnt a joint powers agree- ment this year. It is most important to define the program and move ahead this year. Financial maninulation is generally worked Dut as programs develop, but a basic agreement from which to 5uild must first 5e developed. TherefxE, the city and schoDl .>oard mus.t wxk together 3x1 financial matters. The first step to take is tc, Gstablish a joint powers aqree- ment hetwecn the city and school district for use of school facilities flsr the recreation program for the maximum efficiency in the use of-public facilities. Mr. Jardine suggested that the city manager, representatives from the Parks and Recreation Commission, and school district representatives meet together to recommend the kind of pr.sgram with cost estimaks that could be included in this year's budget. Mr. Amold reqwsted feedback from the governing 3oard regarding the parks and recreation proposal for a bond election. Mrs. Margaret Adams suggested invsstigating the feasibility of a swimming pool built in cooperation with the S3.n Diego Gas and Electric Company to utilize the warm water and cited the community pool at Rzdondo Beach. Such use might be a savings to taxpayers. The foot of Hoover Street at the lagoon as a recreation area was suggested. Hiyh land cost is a factor, '>ut an arrangement is currently being studied that might Se less costly to the taxpayer. The possibility of extension 3f James Drive and closing ?f Public Facilities i Valley Street w&re discussed. At the presmt time, it apDears School Sites and i that the closing of Valley Street micrht create problems. The Between Maqjnolia street might serve as a buffer Setween the junior high school Valley. and park. At one time the city and Fchool district had discussed closing Valley Strest between Wagnolia and Andrea Way. However, there would '-E easement prob.lems. No action has been taksn re.garding ths Extension of James Drive as other matters have %en more urgent. 'Development D k ..- - 619 D, (Unadopted) Unified Adj .RE g. Meeting 4 March 2.9, 1971 of a park in that area does not appear to 5e contincent upon closing ,3f Valley Street. The .General feeling, thersfore, seemed to be therE is sufficient acrcaqe in a good location so that plans for development of the site should mv~e rapidly ahead. Development of a nark in that are2 is not contingent upon passage of 3 bond issue. At one time, it vias Jencrally agreed between ,the city and the school district that the ychool would domte the property if James Drive wsre extendzd, and the sch.ool district would be relieved of improvement costs. Mr. Arnold cjarified definitions for parks. A neighborhood park is usually three to six acrcs; a community Dark is a large park of at ].cast 100 acres, and a regional park is approximately 8,000 acres serving a number of cities financed b\7 a park district cr county. Parks adjacent to school sites are neighborhood parks. The,.Arroyo park site was .briefly discus s~d because board members were not aware of any proposed school site in that location. It was suggested that funding and program should be worked out so that both Dark and school are being developed at the same time. It was felt that with a joint powers agreement closer communication will develop. It was agreed that the school and planning cornmission have close communication but that closer pl-anning with the parks 2nd recreation commission is very necessary. Mr. Palmer inauired how thE school district can '?e assured Land Development of school sites where there is major development. School Use. Mr. Jardin€ replied that the master plan is the starting point. In =ome areas, developers are forcsd to provide schools or clsdicate school sites, or iy city ordinance , if school facilities Srz not available, the subdivider must pay per estimated child until such time as the facilities are available. It was reported that state funds are available on a loan basis for school sites on a limited priority basis when approved by a two-thirds majority of the electorate. B " 61 F (Unadopted) Unified Adj .Tic g. Wieeting 5 March 29, 1971 A su'.~gestion was made! for representatives from the governing ,oard, city ~1.aming and parks and recreation to get together and Establish xidelines for procedures involved where land devclopmrnt projects are concerned. An amendment to the cx-dinance reauiring reports from various agencies before consideration of a subdivision man was suggested to include a report from the school district. The ordinance could =i: amended to include notifying the school, and the school golicy c3uld be to respond to that notic€ in writin3. President ?almer announced that current thinking of the Ba seba 11 League governing board is to use a portion of the.Little League field for a continuation hiqh school. Dr. Davies was callcd upon to review the continuation school program. The site was selccted because there would he no expense of buying a site; it is centrally located; and the site provides room for Expanded growth. The continuation program is mandatory. The possibility 3f the city's purchasing the'?ine School Pine School Site site was discussed. Dr. Harmon reportEd that a.ccordinq to pupil enrollmfsnt studies, there has '-1een a loss of 40 pupils in the Jeffsrson-Pine area mer the last five years. If this trend were to continue, it is 3ossible that some! slight wpansion of the Jefferson School could in the future sccommodate all pupils in that area. A final decision would have to be mads by the city reauirinq the property for park use. Dr. Harmort also cluestioned what effect the HUD development might have upon mrollments in the Jefferson-Pin2 School area. Mr. McComas pointed out that the trend scems to :E apartments and t9urists west of the freeway. Gmeral use of Holiday Park was discussed. Mrs. Adams stated that the site was liven to the City of Carlsbad by the county, and property has been accuirsd to enlarge it. Pedestrian walkways wa-e discussed in relation to traffic hazards in the school arcas. Carlsbad High School is the mly school in the district at the present time 0 . , ..* -c - I 62 i B. .. i I I (Unadopted) Unified Adf .Reg.Mceting 61 I March 29, 1.97 without sidewalks. The gsnsral fecling zppeared to be that all property 3wner.s should be resoonsible for impr~vemcnts . A suggesticn was made to meet together periodically Adjournment. in the future to insure ;.ood communication for the benefit of the community and the taxpayers. President ?almer adjourned the meeting at 10:SO p.m. Howard C. Harmon Secretary to Governing Board Ida M. Westree Clerk 4 e