HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-04-20; City Council; MinutesI. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME a e T Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular) Date of Meeting: April 20, 1971 - -. 7:OO P.M. 1- ROLL CALL: 2- .INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. 3.;. . ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was given. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of March 29, 1971 were approved as presented. 1971 were approved as corrected. 5- COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: ~551 (a) Garbage and Trash. Councilman Jardine re- ported the information he and Councilman Lewis have been awaiting is contained in a memorandum from the City Manager, dated April 14, 1971 and stated the committee would have to have another meeting prior to the next Council Meet- ing to discuss alternatives available to the City and also the rates. He further stated he felt a decision could be reached by October 1, 1971. MR. V.AN ORT, owner of McDougal Sanitation in- formed Council that a 50% increase in rates for the use of the dump has been imposed by the County and will be effective July 1, 1971.. Upon his request, Councilman Jardine stated the Committee would.notify Mr. Van Ort prior to the next Committee Meeting. [34] (b) Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Ca.stro stated he had audited the bills for the Chamber .of Commerce and found them to be correct to the best of his knowledge. He recommended the bills in the amount of $1,325.76 be rat.i'fied at this Motion time. XI Ayes [69] (c) Parks and Recreation Commission. Council- man Lewis reported on the Parks and Recreation .Commission meeting and stated the Commission Budget was reviewed and approval was given Budget as submitted. Also discussed were the Bond Issue and a new street, tree list. [28] (d) Mayor's Youth Committee. Councilman L-ewis reported that a report will be submitted by Wil- son Pace, a member of the Committee, comparing the Defy and Lifeline Programs. ! X X X :x ". 0 7 0 Ir CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEI -2- - " v 72 fl April 20, 1971 \ \ COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) [62] (e) Coastline Control. Mayor Dunne informed the Council .of his attendance at an Executive Meeting of the San Diego Division of the Califor Cities and reported his appointment as Chairman of an ad hoc Coastline Protection Committee. In this capacity, Mayor Dunne stated it is his plan to keep abreast of current developments on coastline protection and keep the newspapers i nf ormed . r-681 (f) C.P.O. Meeting. Mayor Dunne reported on the C.P.O. Meetinq he attended and discussed the C.P.O. Voting Foriula. The Mayor informed the Council that the Voting Formula.' could not be deci'ded upon at the C.P.O. Meeting and it was requested that the Mayors' of each City return to their Councils' to determine if an agreement could be reached. After much discussion,of this matter, the Mayor stated he would return to the C.P.O. the decision of the Council that they do not want a Regional Government; r The Mayor also reported that a Resolution was introduced requesting that Camp Pendleton not be divided and split and that it remain the property of the U.S. Government. 6- HOUSING AUTHORITY: [io51 The C-ouncil adjourned to the Housing Authority at 7:40 P.M. and reconvened to the Council meeting at 8:15 P.M. with all Councilmen present, 7- PUBLIC HEARINGS: The hour of 7:30 P.M. having arrived, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing opened. [I131 (a) Agenda Bill #399. To consider a reclassi- fication from Zone C-1 (General Commercial) to R-W (Residential-Waterway) and Specific Plan for property located on the Southerly.terminus of Marina Drive. Applicant: CHIP Development Co. The City Clerk presented the Affadavit of Publication and stated there was no written communications. The Mayor announced the Council would like to hear from anyone who wished to be heard in .favor or in opposition to this reclassification. There was no one who wished to be heard and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:32 P.M. The City Planner indicated that this was a proper reclassification. .. .. ia , b 3 7 P ms - a. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 - 0 April 20, 1971 3- " -. 73 \\! f% \\ PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont.) After further discussion of this matter, the following Resolution was offered for adoption. Resolution-No. 1839. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISIONS REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY TN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM-ZONE C-2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) TO R-w (RESIDENTIAL-WATERWAY ZONE, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS further reading waived. xx Ayes OF MARINA DRIVE, was adopted by title only and X Motion The following Ordinances were offered for a first reading. Ordinance No. 9269. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADOPTING A AND REDUCTION IN REQUIRED SIDEYARD SETBACK FOR COVERED PARKING FACILITY ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF MARINA DRIVE, was Motion X given a first reading by title only and further Ayes xx readi ng waived. Ordinance No. 9270. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CLASSIFYING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN THE SPECIFIC PLAN FOR A 33-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX OF CARLSBAD, AMENDING ORDII\JANCE NO. 9060, RE- CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE c-2 (GENERAL COMMER- CIAL). TO R-w (RESIDENTIAL-WATERWAY)ZONE, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY TERMINUS OF only and further reading waived. xx Ayes MARINA DRIVE, was given h first reading by title X Motion 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. City Clerk. C361 1. Agenda Bill #400. Memorandum request- ing that a fee schedule be established for copies of Agendas and Minutes being mailed. The City Clerk briefly reviewed the reasons for this request. I. . Approval was given the fee schedule for Motion Agendas and Minutes being mailed and as recommended by the City Clerk. xx Ayes B. Engineering. C941 1. Agenda Bill #401. Improvement Agreement for Parcel Split #138, relative to shopping center located at Tamarack Avenue and Adams Street. Developer: Daytom Enterprises,-Tnc. Authorization was given the Mayor to execute the Improvement Agreement between the City and Daytom Enterprises, Inc. for Parcel Split #138, relative to shopping center lo- Motion cated at Tamarack Ave. and Adams Street, Ayes X) as recommended by the City Engineer. 0 X X x 1 :I ! 1 (1 'e. CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 - 0 April 2 8- c851 L-1061 L77 1 E771 , -4- 0, 1971 .'* " ,, I DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (cont.) B. Engi neeri ng . 2. Engineering Status Report. The Council acknowledged receipt of the Engineering Status Report and at Council's request, the City. Engineer reported on condemnation suits the Knowles and Buena Vista Street Improve- ments and TOPIC. I C. Underground Advisory Committee. I 1. Agenda Bill #402. Proposed Underground Utility Districts. After considerable discussion regarding Utility Districts, it was agreed that the propo.sed Underground Utility District on Elm Avenue from the Freeway to State Street be given No. 1 priority, and that the work be initiated as soon as funds. are available. D. Planning. I 1. Agenda Bill #403. Guidelines for devel- opment of Loma Laguna Planned Community - Developer: Becrah, Inc. The City Planner briefly reviewed the pro- gress being made between the Planning Department and the developers regarding guidelines for development of Loma Laguna. Mr. ALLAN KELLY, representative of developer stated almost all items are agreed upon or near agreement with the exception of sculp- turing or grading. Mr. Kelly felt there should be more specific guidelines for Planned Communities. Discussion ensued regarding th3s matter and the Council informed Mr. Kelly, upon his inquiry, that when an agreement has been reached on the guidelines and the developers are ready to resubmit their plans to the Planning Commission, they will have to pay all filing fees again. 2. Planning Department Status Report. Upon the request of the Council, the City Planner discussed some of the items in the Planning Status Report. - 1 Mo AY S . .. . COUNCILMEI I t e ion xxx S X - a -~ 0 CITY OF r CARLSBAD COUNCILME! -5- \\\\ 29" e' - -. 20 )e 7% Bfl fl?z April 20, 1971 u, 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (cont.) E. Public Works E1121 I. Agen'da Bill #404. 1971 Weed Abatement . Program, The Director of Public Works br-iefly review- ed the steps that have be,en taken on the Weed -Abatement Program. Af,ter discussion of this matter, the follow- ing Resolution was offered for adoption. Resolution No. 1840. A RESOLUTION OF THE ING AS PUBLIC NUISANCES, RUBBISH AND REFUSE UPON PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAI, was adopted by title only and further Motion X reading waived. Ayes xxx CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DECLAR- a. c831 2. Public Works Status Report: The Public Works Status Report was acknow- ledged by Council. F. Purchasing. c841 1. Agenda Bill #405. Authorization for purchase of tires thru State office of Procurement. After discussion, the following Resolution was offered for adoption, as recommended by the Purchasing Agent. Resolution No. 1841. A RESOLUiION OF THE ZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS, was adopted by title only and further Motion X reading waived. Ayes xxx Mayor Dunne called for an Executive Session at 1O:lO P.M. The Council reconvened at 10:30 P.M. and the M-ayor announced that the following matters were discussed and decisions reached. a) Legal background on Geyer Suit. b) Decision for appraisal of Roberts. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORI- property at Rancho CaFlsbad re: expedi- ting a road thru property located at the; Nilrfhwest corner. City Attorney for a permanent position with the basic salary to be continued at the present rate for the balance of the fiscal year. d) The Appointment of Mr. Robert Repucci to the C.B.D.A.C. to a three (3) year term to fill vacancy left by Mr. R. Rombotis. Street Bridge. No decision reached. I c) Decision to appoint .Mr. A1 Moe as e) Discussion regarding the Jefferson . .. . ., .. . 4- CITY OF -6- CARLSBAD COUNCILME I I - -. 0 April 20, 1971 9- CONSENT CALENDAR: ! A. Communications - Advisory. i 1541 I. Agenda Bill #406. Letter from J. Dekema Division of Highways, regarding intersection of El Camino Real and Route 78. Council acknowledged letter from J. Dekema regarding intersection of El Camino Real and Route 78. B. Proclamations. [sol 1 . Agenda Bill #407. (a) Proclaiming April. 18-24 "California Ecology Week". (b) Proclaiming May 1, 1971 as "Law Day USA". (c) Proclaiming April 24th and 25th "Carl s bad Spri ng Hol i day". (d) Proclaiming April 26th thru 30th, 1971 as "Pub1 ic School Week". 10- CONTINUED BUSINESS: [37] (a) Agenda Bill 390. Council Policy Statement si17 - re: Vehicle Replacement, Car Allow- ances and mileage reimbursement. It was agreed by Council, that this matter would be tabled. 11- CURRENT BUSINESS: [62] (a) Agenda Bill #408. Request for City's Support to increase number of supervisoral di stri cts. Mayor Dunne requested the matter deferred stating he wished to contact Major Kile Morgan of National City for :further parti- culars. [62] (b) Agenda Bill #409. Request for City's support of H.B. 4750, authorizing Federal 'acquisition of land - Rancho Guajome. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare a Resolution for the next Council Meeting urging support of Bill H.R. 4750 perta.in- ing to the acquisition of Rancho Guajome as a National Historic Site, and that Lake Calavera also be included. A [76] (c) Agenda Bill #410. Appointment to Planning 0 Commission. The appointment to the Planning Commission was deferred until the next regular meeting. . ... . .. I: '"( - 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEE -7- - L. April 20, 1971 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [54.] (a)' Letter from J. Dekema re: Jefferson Street Interch,ange. Mayor announced receipt of ,letter from J. Dekema regarding Jefferson Street Interchange stating that a decision must be reached by July.1, 1971. The Mayor stated this matter is still being discussed [SO] (b) Cash Fund Balance. Council acknowledged receipt of cash fund balance as of February 28, 1971. [34] fc) Spring Holiday Parade. Letter acknowledged from Chamber of Commerce regarding Spring Holiday Parade. [42] (d) Letter from Governor Reagan to Randy Cochran, re: Merit Award for Bravery and Service. Mayor read copy of letter from Governor Reagan stating award given Randy Cochran for "Young Californian Merit Award for Bravery and Service", as- nominated by Mayor Dunne. [Sl] (e) Memo from City Engineer re: Reservoirs - Earthquakes. Acknowledgement of memo from City Engineer and attached letter from Engineering Science providing pertinent data with reference to reservoir streng.th during earthquakes. Mayor stated this 'information should be used for future reference. [69] (f) Parks and Recreation Commission. Compli- ments to City Manager on Park .Plan Presenta- tion at P & R Meeting. Mayor requested City Manager to present Park Plan t.0 Council and City Manager stated he would do so at the next Council Meeting. [lo31 (9) Traffic Safety Engineer. Discussion was held regarding dual position- of Public Works Director and Traffic Safety Engineer. It was agreed that a clarification be made. [86] (h) COMBO. Acknowledgement of letter from "Combo" and it was agreed that no action be taken. [54] (i) Elm Avenue. Discussion regarding the Elm Avenue on-ramp was held, as well as th.e street being cleaned up by the Division of Highways and a hole which needed patching on Elm Avenue. [lo21 (j) Truck Route. Councilman Castro reported there are still problems with the truck route. [28] (k) Water Committee. Councilman McComas stated he did not attend the last Water Committee Meeting and that the committee is with- holding report on water rates. The Commis- sljn made a recommendation that not less than $20,000 be used in the next fiscal Year for repair of San Luis Rey Water Sy.sten, and.that Oceanside be contac'ted as -to using their filtration nlant. f *- e 7 0 P CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNClLMEf -8- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS (cont.) [36] (1) Publication of Agenda. Discussion was held a *regarding publication of Agenda for the Planning Commission and -the City Council Councilman Lewis r.equested City Manager to check with the Blade Trtbune for pub1 ication rates. [g3] (m) Batiquitos Lagoon. Discussion regarding a proposed development north of Batiquitos Lagoon was held with regard to sewer ser- vice being supplied by the City of Carlsbad [85] (n) Reports. Mayor Dunne requested that de- partments submitting status reported list any major projects anticipated in the next month. [83] (d) Parks Equipment. Mayor Dunne stated the equipment being stored at Holiday Park near the Parks Office be stored at Public Works Department or if it is to remain that a fence be erected to eliminate an eyesore. [83] (p) -Mayor Dunne stated that the corner of Highland and Elm is very dangerous when cars park too close to the intersection and suggested that the '.curbs be painted red. 12- RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: Ratification was given for payment of bills for the General Fund in the amount of $27,892.58 and the Water Department of $67,594.39, totall- ing $95,-486.97 for the period April 1, 1971 thru April 15, 1971, as certified..by the Directop xx: of Finance and approved by the Au'd'iting Committe?.Ayes Motion Ratification was given for the payment of the payroll for $46,812.11 for the period April 1 'thru April 15, 1971 as certified by the' Director Motion X of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ayes xx: ~ 13- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:lO P.M. Respectfully submitted, : ._. .,/ y (Yd FgL MARGWW T E. ADAMS City dl erk i ..