HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-22; City Council; Minutes.. - ,A ,- 0 0- CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEh .Minutes of: .CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) Time of Meeting: 8:30 A.M. Date of Meeting: May 22, 1971 Place of Meeting:' Council Chambers 101. ROLL CALL: Present x x x Absent The City Council adjourned to the City Manager's Conference room at 8:35 A.M. The Mayor announced this meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the budget for fiscal year 1971-, The City Manager discussed his Budget Message and note the proposed'budget was based on a basic tax rate of $1.95, which represents a.$.02 tax reduction. In orde to.1ower the tax rate it will be necessary to take the following two steps: ' 1972. 1. Remove energy costs for street lighting from the General Fund and create lighting districts with levies appropriate to the level of 'lighting in the are . 2. Increase the sewer service charge which was adopted twelve years ago by $1.00 per month per resi- dence and other rates proportionately. Part of the new revenues generated would be used to pay sewer bond redemption and interest. An unappropriated reserve Bund of $196,374.00 is pro- vided in the. proposed budget. Discussion was given to the Water Division budget, and the City Manager informed the Council the City will reach a critical revenue-expenditure gap in fiscal yea 1971-72. This is created by the failure to establish water rates as recommended by consultants a number of years ago in conjunction with the revenue bond and by escalating costs of wholesale water. It is prop'osed that the water rates be increased 30% and the meter rates increased 40%. Mayor Dunne suggested the pos- sibility of increasing the stand-by meter rates. The City Manager recommended that the-divisional budge for the Water be approved as submitted, and final action to resolve the problem be deferred until some additional information is submitted to t-he City Council. Revenues for the coming hear were discussed, and on Page IV Mayor Dunne noted that -the sun: of $77,138 under Parks and Blvds. was incl.uded twice. It was agreed that Page IV be redone showing the corrected total for 1971-72 . The proposed budget expenditures were discussed, and on Page VI, Account No. 19(Parks & Blvds.) the Council asked for clarification as to how much would be spent h this fiscal year for capital improvements. GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTAL: Discussion was held on the individual departmental recommended: D budgets, an.d the following changes and additions were .. _. , - .. "4 0. e I) - B CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- -. , .' .. Adjourned Ci ty Counci 7 meeting he1 d -~Ju-n&-1--9, 1971. Account No. 100 - City Council Page 1 8.1 Council Expense increased $900.00 - $1,200. 8.3 Governmental meetings increased $100 - $400. 8.4 Travel Expense increased $500 - $2,500. 9.4 Books - .account added to budget for a total of $50. Discussion was held as to.the installation of an air conditioning unit in the Council Chambers, however, it was determined there were no funds availabq'e for this item in fiscal year 1971-72. Account No. 101 - City Manager Considerable discussion was held concerning Account Number 3 (Equipment Rental). The City Manager proposec that he be allowed $100.00 per month car a.llowance and he would furnish his own car. He pointed out there were three cars in the City needing to be replaced and he was recommending that the individual department heads be allowed $100.00 per month instead of an out- right purchase which would cost approximately $9,000, A lease arrangment was suggested and the City Manager was instructed to obtain estimates of the cost involvec for leasing three vehicles. By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 A.P. to Saturday May 29, 1971 at 8:30 A.M. Respectfully submitted, (%A7 HE E@& Ter k MARGA T E. ADAMS City .. .. I COUNCILMEh 102 ......... t