HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-05-29; City Council; Minutes,. c 0 0. CITY OF CARLSBAD COWNCILMEh .M'inutes of: .CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) Time of Meeting: . 8:30 A.M. ~ .- Place of Meet'ins: Council Chambers I) Date of Meeting: May 29, 1971 IO3 ROLL CALL: The Council adjourned to the City Manager's Conference Prese Room. Discussion conti,nued'from the meeting of May 22, 1971, as to the replacement of three cars. The question was asked as to how many department heads take cars home at night, and they were informed the City Manager, Director of Public Works, Engineer and Purchasing Agent. Also there is certain personnel within various work departments on a 24 hour availability who take cars home at night. Mr. William Baldwin, Purchasing Agent, was present and submitted cost estimates as to the leasing of vehicles. The lowest bid was $2,800 for each vehicle per year. Cmn. McComas pointed out that if you pay the annual lease at one time you usually get a 13% reduction in cost. Due to the cash flow, it was agreed to lease the three vehicles for the next two years, and that the de.part- mental budgets be adjusted accordingly. Salaries. Mayor Dunne appointed Councilmen McComas and Jardine .as a committee to study and make recommend- ations to the Council for salaries of the department heads and elective officials. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS (Continued) General Government. The. following changes and additions were recommended: Account No. 101 - City Manager. . Page 3 3.0 Equipment rental increase $250. - $1,650. 4.1 Repair and Maintenance - add $250. 6.5 Petroleum Products - add $200. Account No. 105 - City Attorney Page 12 8.2 Professional & Tech. Service inlrease $3,000 - $6,000. It was the decision of the Council no further discus- sion would be given the City Attorney's budget until such time as the contract between the City and the City Attorney had been approved. Account No. 107 - City Treasurer Page 16 . 1.1 . Salary for Treasurer increase $300 - $1500. Account No. 126 - Personnel Page 22 It was noted that the salary for the Purchasing Agent D and the Personnel Director was divjded .between Account No. 111 and Acc.ount No. 126 as one person acts in both capacities. Cmn. Lewis requested that the salaries be footnoted as to the account number when they are divided between accounts. ..".^ ,. .. nt xxx -. '. 0. 0 - D. CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- Adjourned meeting'of City Council held hay 29, 1971 Personnel (continued) The City Manager pointed out that Account No. 8.9 was for Training and. Ed.uc.ation and that the City would be reimbursed by the State for the Police Officers train- i.ng o Cmn. McComas' requested that if any special accounts ar reduced by State reimbursements that the budget be adjusted accordingly, and that the Council be notified e Account No. 5-114 Parks. The City Manager informed'the Council the Parks and Recreation budget has been premised on the hiring of a Parks and Recreation Director, leadman and part time secretary. The personnel would be oriented towards park.design at this time with a minimum of recreati0.n. Mrs. Wollrich, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commiss'ion, stated the Director should have a back- ground in planning of parks and design and knowledge- abie in recreation. Cmn'. McComas asked if the proposed bonds fail what would happen to the position of Director, and the City Manager stated the position is needed for main- tenance and operation. If the bond passes it wi71 enable the City to acquire park lands. However, it would probably be September before the Director is hi red. Mrs. Wollrich further stated that if the County passes its bond issue there will be monies available for park acquisition and there should be someone to keep on top of the matter. .. ~ I I The City Manager stated Lake Calavera is on a high priority list and the County is looking into the po-s- sibility of acquiring access road to the Lake. I Cmn. Jardine questioned the amount of in-.lieu fees for parks placed in the budget as he felt the amount should be higher. The Finance Director stated there are funds placed'in a trust fund and until such time as a project is completed the funds are not placed in the in lieu fund. I On Page 55, Account No. 6.7 Special Departmental Supplies, the Mayor requested a breakdown of the items allocated in the $lO,UOO for a guideline. Mrs. Wollrich stated this money is to. be used for the Maxton .Brown Park, the planting of trees in Laguna Riviera and much needed work in Holiday Park. The Lions Club is willing to work in Holiday Park but need direction. Also Laguna Riviera needs a Director to plan the planting. Cmn. Jardine agreed the.re should be a breakdown of the monies allocated for these projects. COUNCILMEh 10 - .- i .. .. ,. <* . CITY. OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN -3- I) .. Adjourned meeting of City .Council held May 29, 1971. Cmn. Jardine suggested that the Greenwood p.roperty be given. a "face lifting", By common consent i.t was agreed that the City Manager be authorized to proc,eed with applications and testing for the position of Parks and Recreation Director. * General Government - Non-D.epartment.al - Page 25 Account No. -1-134 increased $125 - $90.0. By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 P.P. Respectfully submitted, MARG ET E. ADAMS City TdrdFpL Clerk . .- D ..- I , .. . ..