HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-15; City Council; MinutesL CITY OF CARLSDAD COUNClLME Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 15, 1971 7:OO P.M. ROLL CALL: 7:OO P.M. INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of June 1, 1971 were approved as presented. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Commission and was informed that the Commission would like some Council direction. Councilman Jardine stated he would report further on this matter at a later date. [28] (b) Mayor's Youth Committee. Councilman Lewis reported that communications had been received [28] (c) Agua Hedionda Lagoon Committee. Councilman Lewis reported on the meeting held by the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Committee and stated Mr. Lathram ownefof the Ski Hut and Mr. John Fox, FOX'S Snug Harbor were invited to discuss items per- taining to the operation of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Councilman Lewis further reported that no action had been taken due to a misunder- standing with Mr. Mol. whose membership on the committee, at this point, is uncertain. The Mayor stated he felt Mr. Mol should be contacted again to find out if he wished to remain on the Committee and the Mayor requested member if Mr. Mol did not want to remain on the committee. It was agreed that the Mayor be * authorized to appoint another member of the . committee i.f Mr. Mol resigns. . authorization to appoint another committee year unless there is an agreement between entiti but next year a mandatory Regional Authority will probably be set up. Further discussion was held on the Preliminary Document presented to the Council by the Mayor and it was recommended by the Mayor that this document be accepted and approved. I -. the final Assembly Bill prior to its being sent . to Sacramento. CITY OF CARLSEAD . -2- 0' 6- HOUSING AUTHORITY (Continued *from June' 1, 1971) [lo51 The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 7:25 P.M. and reconvened to the Council Meeting at 7:32 Pill. with all Councilmen present. 7- PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Hour of 7:30 P.M. having arrived, the Mayor declared the Public-Hearing opened at 7:35 P.M. I Utility District $2, on Elm Ave. between Inter- [lo61 (a) Agenda Bill #431. Proposed Underground I state 5 and State Street, in accordance with Resolution of Intention 81854. The City Clerk reported that notices were mailed to all property owners involved and one (1) notic was returned marked ''address unknown". There were no communications received. The City Engineer briefly reviewed the boundaries of Underground Utility District No. 2. I Mr. Harry Truax, Chairman of the Underground I Advisory Committee, stated the committee is awari of the problems the Director of GuSlding.and . Housing presented before the Council at a previor meeting and stated further that the committee will be meeting again when the Prel iminary Desigl is completed by San Diego Gas and Electric Co. It was felt that at that time, some of the pro- blems may be eliminated. Since there was no one wishing to be heard on this matter, the Public Hearing was declared closed at 7:40 P.M. Following discussion by the Council, the follow; ing Resolution was offered for adoption. I i Resolution No. 1866. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ', COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ESTABLISHING . UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 2,. was .adopted by title.only and further reading waived. I i Dl31 (b) Agenda Bill #444. (Cont. from meeting of June 1, 1971). To consider a request for change of zone from R-1-7500 to P-C (Planned Community) and adoption of Master Plan for 17 Unit single family residential development, on property lo- , cated on the North side of Tamarack Ave., approx mately 135 feet West of Highland Dr. Applicant: BEE CEE COMPANY. The City Clerk .announced that a letter had been received from Mr. Joseph A. Williams, M.A.I. appraiser engaged by the City to evaluate the affect.the proposed development would have on surrounding property. The City Clerk read the letter which stated the proposed development would not have any adverse aff,ect on surrounding property. Also received were letters received from Donna Flanders, 3765 Yvette Way and John A. Casler, Highland Drive, and Mrs. Meg Fallon, 3770 Yvette Hay, expressing opposition. Mr. and presented the City Clerk with a petition e . Casler, H?sghland Drive, was present in the audie rnntaininn +hc> n3-n~ nT Cnn ?ln\ -_-A -Z---L ...--- .JL :€ > 3 - 1: r i rl COUNCILME > - CITY OF CARLSBAD C0UNCIl"E . -3- June 15, 1971 (b) Agenda Bill #444. Due to Council's know- ledge of persons wishing to be heard., the Public Hearing was reopened at 8:02 P.M. The following persons spoke in opposition to the proposed devel opment. Mr. Bob Glomb, 3980 James Drive, Mr. George Flanders, 3765 Yvette Nay, Mrsl Theron Baynard, 3785 Highland Drive, and Mrs. Mary Casler, 3843 Highland Drive, Carlsbad. Since there was no one else present who wished to be heard, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:14 P.M. be denied for the 'following reasons: DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Planning. 1. Agenda Bill #452. Request for authori- zation to resubmit application for planning assistnace under the '701' program. with the State. He further stated this has been endorsed by the Technical Committee of the C.P.O. and has been forwarded to the . Executive Committee. After discussion of this matter, the follow ing Resolution was offered for adoption. Resolution No. 1867. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RELATI TO URBAN PLANNING ASSISTANCE, authorizing the Mayor to execute on behalf of the City all necessary applications, contracts and agreements, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. The Mayor requested a copy of the element when it is completed. The Planning Department St'a'tus Report was acknowledged by the Council, and discussion ensued resarding a list and a map;which wa displayed, of projects approved by the Coun- cil but never developed. The City Planner stated some of these projects are n,ow in progress. CITY OF -4-CARLSBAD COUNCfLME e -. c B. Engineering. [451 7. Agenda Bill #453. Approval .'of agreement for revision to cost sharing of operation and maintenance costs (Buena Vista Line) re: Joint Sewer System. The City Engineer explained that a modifica- tion of the basic agreement for the Buena stated it will cost the city approximately $1,000 a year, and recommended its approva.1. Authorization was given the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the Third Amendment to the Basic Agreement between the Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad Motion X regarding the City's use of Buena Vista Line, as stated in "Exhibit 1". xx, * Ayes . , 1851 2. Engineering Status Report. I; The Engineering Status Report was acknowledg- ed by the City Council and the City Engineer reported he has been communicating with the owners of Rancho Carlsbad and they are working on fur'ihur negotiations with propert) owners so that they can get the sewer line across El Camino Real before it is paved. C. Pol ice. E451 I I. Agenda Bill #454. Agreement between California Highway Patrol and City of Carls- bad for use of Police Pistol Range.. The City Manager. explained that this is a I i' . standard agreement which must be renewed 1, every year for the Highway Patrol's use of ' , the Pistol Range. ' Resolution No. 1868. A RESOLUTION OF iHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHOR ZING THE CALIFORNIA.HIGHWAY PATROL TO USE THE CITY PISTOL FIRING RANGE, was adopted. by xx Ayes title only and further reading waived. Motion D. Public Works. ! C 961 1. Agenda Bill ,,"455. Report from Public - Works Director re: "NO PARKING" signs on Ponto Drive. The Director of Public Works explained this request was originally made by the Police Department.and was considered by the Traffic Safety Comm+ssion and is listed as Item #5 of Traffic Safety Commission minutes of May 3, 1971, and stated the Stake does not want to contribute to the cost. After further consideration of this matter, it was agreed that this matter be regretfull: Motion denied QFI the basis that the city could not absorb the total cost and it did not appear Ayes fX +n hr, - rnm<nllr &.".ZZ<p haTaJr,( =+ fh;? +;-,, CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCltME -5- June 15, 1971 . 2. Agenda Bill #456., Agreement between CMWD and City - re:"Laguna . R-iyiera Valve and Metering Station. The Director of Public Works explained that the agreement be approved and $3,500 be paid to CMWD. Authorization was given the Mayor to execute the agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Metering Station and authorized the sum of $3,500 be paid to CMWD for the City's share in the cost of construction of the E. Traffic Safety Commission. 1. Agenda Bill #457. Designating "Yield" sign at intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Pal omar Airport Road, The Traffic Safety Engineer stated this matter had been reviewed by the Traffic Resolution No. 1869. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF: CARLSBAD DESIGN TING THAT VEHICLE TRAFFIC ON CARLSBAD BLVD. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION-. [431 (a) Aqenda Bill #443. Ordinance #9274, amendi Section 1400, Article 14, Conditional Uses, Sub section 2, I.tern "h" of Ordinance nU9060, regardi Overnight Campsites. Ordinance No. 9274. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0 CARLSBAD AMENDING SECTION 1400, ARTICLE 14, CONDITIONAL USES, SUBSECTION 2, ITEM "h" OF ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION. I -. The City Manager requested this matter deferred I to the next regular meeting to allow the City Attorney time to prepare an exception to the nrrl;n.\nr,. CITY OF -6-CARLSBAD ;I. COUNCILME 10- ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION. (cont.) of such fees. A. Correspondence - Advisory. The City Council acknowledged the letter. from the County Board of Supervisors and ordered it filed. 2. Letter dated June 7, 1971 from North Coast Family YMCA, regarding Summer Recrea- ti on Program. that approval was given previously for the expen,ditures for the Summer Program and it is now betng requeste.d by the'Y.M.C.A. that funds in the amount of $1,000 be released to meet expenses for the purchase of items for the summer program. Authorization was given for the release of funds in the amount of $1,000 to the Y.M.C.4 program, as agreed by the Council. quest resulted from the increase in dumping has completed their findings. was -denied to allow time for a final report and recommendations from thee trash committee The City Manager was instructed to write a letter to the County Board of Supervisors ing rates for the City of Carlsbad to be effective July. 1, 1971, be deferred for 60 da.ys pending final Council action on local "11".&2" ."L" 0 - c CITY OF - CARLSBAD June 15, 1971 CBUNGlLl\riE -I- 121g \/ 11- CONSENT CALENDAR (cont.) [80] C. Proclamations. 1. Agenda Bill n"462. Proclaiming October 24, 1971 as "United Nations Day" . Mayor Dunne requested this be deferred to a later date. 12- CONTINUED BUSINESS.. [I731 (a) Agenda Bill #412. Appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission for a change of zone, adoption of Specific Plan, Conditional Use Permi for two service stations, in connection with a proposed Freeway Service Facility - Appellant: . William D. Cannon. This matter was continued from a previous meetin pending the preparation of the following documents: . COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, OVERRULING PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION AND ANNOUNCING : FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION, SPECIFIC PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN was adopted by title only and further reading Resolution No. 1872. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD GRANTING AN reading waived. CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, RECLASSI- CURRENT BUSINESS: (a) Agenda Bill #463. Request for permission to camp overnight on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon area - Explorers Boy Scouts. Approval was given the request by Reverand Brokenshire on behalf of the Ex'plorers Boy Scouts for overnight camping at Agua Hedionda Lagoon for the dates - July 5 thru 9, July 12 thru 16, and July 19 thru 23, 1971. +\(- 2, 5 $21 B r. LP x: x: X X X X CITY OF CARLSBAD CBUNClLMf . -8- 13- CURRENT BUSINESS. (cont.) C35-j (b) Agenda Bill '$464. Contract for services of City Attorney. Mayor Dunne called for an Executive Session at 9:56 P.M., for the purpose of discussing Personnel. The Council reconvened at 11:25 P.M., and the Mayor announced that discussion was held on the following matters: 1. The appointment of Miss Margaret Baker, 2, The Memorandum of Understanding from 2035 Charlene, Carlsbad to the C.I.C. the City Employee's Association dated June 19, 1971 and the Memorandum of Understanding from the Firefighters Association dated June 15, 1971. 3. The claim against the City by Richard Geyer in the amount of $25,000. 4. The contract for fiscal year 1971-72 for the City Attorney. - No decision reached. .was instructed to incorporate these items in fiscal year budget 1971 -72 and in the pay plan for fiscal year 1971-72 and any necessary amend Mayor Dunne announced that matters pertaining to the Carlsbad Police Officer's Association would be discussed at a later date. [29] (c) 1971-72 Budget discussion. The City Manager gave the following changes and additions for the 1971 -72 Budget with necessary explanations. Page 3. - 6.5 - Petroleum Products - add $200.0 Page 55 - 3.0 Equipment Rentals - add $200.00 to fund lease vehicle for Parks Director. Page 44 - 4.1 Discussion by Council on overtime salaries - City Manager explained this as emer- gency overtime. Noted Street Lighting would be eliminated due t the Lighting District. City Manager justified increas,e, in Equipment Rental and repairs and maintenance. 6.0 - Materials and Supplies - Traffic Signs and Pai nt. CITY OF CARLSBAD COURCILME . - 9- June 15, 1971 (c) 1971-72 Budget discussion. (cont.) Page 45 - Concrete saw City will be relying more on contract work. The Ma-yor stated this should be considered at a later date. Page 48 - Councilman Lewis questioned the Datsu pickup due to the previous discussion on foreign cars and the City Manager explained the reason for this particular vehicle is because it is a compact pickup and the City does not need t.he full size pickup. The City Engineer explained the purpose for the encroachment and recommended it approval. Approval.was given by the City Council for an Encroachment Permit subject to conditions re- commended by staff;, as listed. 1. Modify existing service drop to provid adequate clearance as required by Building 2. Submit a release satisfactory to the The City Engineer was instructed to check into the Ordinance to determine if there is a normal charge for such an encroachment. [31] (e) Agenda Bill 8466. App.lica'cion for Business License - Jewelry Manufacturing and Pawn Shop. business to be located at 2551 State .Street, Carlsbad to be owned and operated by Mr. John Paul Hamamy, with the fol.1owing conditions and restrictions: 1. That applicant deal-only in jewelry and precious metals, and not in such items as cameras, tools, firearms, etc. 2. That no "hawking" be permitted at any , -. I I CITY OF -10- CARLSBAD COUNCILME ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [37] (a) Request for Book for Council. .-Councilman Jardine requested -the Council be issued hard bac book covers containing maps and other'pertinent information from the Planning Department. [25] (b) LAFCO. Mayor Dunne stated Mr. Kile Morgan Chairman of LAFCO was very impressed with the City's approach to annexations and stated furthe the Council would be very interested in the map and covering letter being prepared for Mr. Morga and requested a copy of this.before it is mailed to Mr. Morgan. [74] (c) New Development Projects. Mayor Dunne stated a memorandum has been circulated appoint- ing Mr. Priday in charge of this coordination. 1; [93] (d) Sewer Plant: Councilman Jardine inquired if the sewer plant on Carlsbad Boulevard will- be removed and the City Engineer stated he is re- searching the bond monies. The-City Engineer wap instructed to pursue this matter and prepare a .: report for the next meeting. \: C701 (e) Holiday Park. Discussion of Holiday- Park was h-eld and the Director of Public Works stated the equipment located at the Park will be moved and as soon as the Library has removed their books, the office of the Parks will move into !: the Greenwood house. i, [llo] (f) Water Funds. Discussion was held regarding the fronting funds used by the Water Committee for the Water Committee Study and it was recommerd- ed that these funds be transferred back into the Water Department. The City Manager reported hel would check with the- Finance Director as to stafLs of these funds. I It was moved that those funds that were used for the Water Committee Study be replenished to the Water department.operating funds from the Bond Motion X Funds in the amount of $131,000. Ayes xxx City Attorney regarding the three bill board I signs to be removed by the property owners and the City Attorney stated he would soon have the necessary information to communicate with the property owners. i ', I [301 (e) Billboards. An inquity was directed. to the, [83] (9) Public Works Activity Report. The City Council acknowledged the Public blorks Activity Repor't. c , -. . .. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCltMt ' -11- June 15, 1971 Ratification was given for payment of bills for the General Fund in the amount of $32,444.17 ADJOURNMENT: Respectfully submitted, , e. . ~ ..