HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-29; City Council; Minutes\- 0 0 CITY OF CA*RLSBAD 0 lEQep B 1 ;I COUWCII."~ Minutes of: Date of Meeting: June 29, 1971 . 7 : 00 P .M. Council Chambers ROLL CALL: 7:OO P.M. IN!'OCATION was.offered by Mayor Dunne. ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG was given. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7:OO P.M. [291 (a) Agenda Bill n"467. Budget and Salary Plan, The Mayor announced that the Council would like to hear from anyone who wished to be heard. As there was no one present who wished to be heard the Mayor declared the Pub1 ic Hearing closed at 7:05 P.M. Discussion was held by the Council regarding the Budget and Salary P'Ian and a1 so recognition 1971-72. Following an Executive Session, Resolution No. 1873, adopting salary plan for the City of Carlsbad for 1,971-72 fiscal year, was deferred until such time as the City Council approves the salary schedule. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING PRE- LIMINARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1971-72, was adopted by title only and further reading waived, to include for a General Fund Reserve an additional $25,000 over what is now reflecte in the budget. [79] (b) Agenda Bill 8468. Uniform Allowance and Rental, Council Policy Statement #7. it would include Pol ice Reserve Officers. . on other cities to determine what allowances are made, such as dry cleaning, by other cities and report to the Council. and Rental, it was agreed that Council Policy Statement fi7 be adopted and staff was instructe to prepare a list of specific departments and the status of those employees required to wear uniforms, to be presented at the next Council , -. 0 0 CITY OF CARkSBkID COtlf\?CftME -2- I June 23, 1971 to Nr. Westree and it was requested by the Council that a Resolution be prepared for the next Council meeting recognizing Mr. Westree's long years of service. EXECUTIVE SESSION:. The Council reconvened at 3:30 P.M..with four Councilman present. Councilman Castro was [29] The Mayor announced that an agreement had been reached on Department Hgad Salaries and the matter was turned over to the City Manager for incorporation in the budget. Also the Mayor announced that Councilmen McComas and Jardine had been appointed to an ad hoc committee con- cerning the City Manager and discussions were ' to be held by this committee with the City Manager. Further, it was agreed that the Memorandum of Understanding submitted by the Xarlsbad Police Officer's Association be [74] It was agreed that the City Council adopt the Memorandum of Understanding with the Carlsbad Police Officer's Association as presented by the City Manager. [SO] Request from Carlsbad Cyclonites. Councilman Lewis announced that Mr. Ron Harris, 722 Arbuckle, Carlsbad was present and wished to be- heard by the Council. Mr. Harris spoke before the Council announcing . a newly formed Motorcycle Club in Carlsbad and br-iefly reviewed the history of the Club: He requested, .on behalf of the Carl sbad Cycl oni tes that the month of July be proclaimed "Safe Cycling in Carlsbad" month. Mayor Dunne requested that a proclamation be prepared for the next Council Meeting. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS. -A. Parks and Recreation Department. I. Agenda Bill #469. Agreement between City Parks and Recreation Department and and the Carlsbad Unified School District. . The Council requested the title of the agreement be changed to read "Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad'Unified School District". e, - D June 29 DIlp 0 0 I! I i CITY OF CARLSRAD COUNCILME " DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS-AB f469 (cont i) approval be given the Agreement between the Cit of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Unified School District regarding the use of District School Facilities and the City Attorney was instructed to meet with the District Business Manager to be authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City. B. Engi neeri ng . 1. Agenda Bill #470. Contract Change Orde No. 1, Contract No. 1005, Knowl es Avenue. After clarification for the purpose of this Change Order by the-City Engineer, approval 2. Agenda Bill fi471. Construction of con- crete wall within Public Right of Way, Knowl es Avenue. The City Engineer reviewed the request of Mr. Frederick T. Monett, 1096 Knowles Ave. for the construction of a concrete wall and tion. further discussion by the Counci'l and an agreement. C. Finance of Interest from Joint Sewer Project Fund to General Fund. After discussion of this matter, authoriza- from the Joint Sewer Project Fund to the General Fund as recommended by the staff. , -. I, 0 - 0 0 0 CITY OF -4- CARLSBAD COUNCtL" D June 29, 1971 D. City Manager. 1. Agenda Bill #474. Pending legislation June 18, 1971 - League of Cities -Legislative Bull eti n. 2. Agenda Bill #475. Recognition of De- partment Heads as a "Bargaining Unit". After lengthy discussion by the Council regarding the Myers-Milas-Brown Act and explanations given by the City Manager and Mr. Priday, representative of the Bar- gaining Unit and it was agreed by the Cit.y Officials. The City Manager stated that if this "Bar- gaining Unit" is recognized by the City Council, it should be done so as to recog- nize "Administrative-Professional and Technical I' Personnel rather than Department Heads since the law does not contain the concept of Department Heads. 6- ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION. [93] A. Agenda Bill #473. Ordinance #7039, fixing and establishing charges for service and facili ties furnished by City Sewerage System.; and providing for the collection of said charges. After lengthy discussion of this-matter, the Council agreed that there be a delineation between the terms "Trailer Court" and "Mobile Home" prior to adoption of this ordinance. The Mayor instructed the City Attorney to pre- pare said delineation for the next Council Meeting and staff was instructed that this item be placed on the next Council Agenda as an urgency ordinance, as recommended by the City Manager. -ADDITIONAL BUSINESS [29] Agenda Bill 8476. Budget Adjustment/Planning Department. Authorization was given for the position of a summer Special Assistant at $688.00 per month for a three month period. I 0 0 ;I .. I CITY OF -5- CARLSBAD CQUNCi1”.I,4TL: s ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: E671 Agenda Bill #477.- Carl sbad Municipal Code adoption of the Ordinance. . .Discussion was held regarding this matter and the following Ordinance was offered for a first Ordinance No. 1133. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0 ADOPTING THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, AS COMPIL ED, EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY BOOK-PUBLISHING COMPANY OF SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, AS THE OFFICIAL CODE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, was reading waived. . [SI] Fire Department. The City Manager reported tha the Fire Chief wished to inform the Council tha [78] ‘Community Relations Officer. The City Manager explained the Police Chief would like to intro- duce a new concept to Carlsbad by hiring four men-with certain types of background, such as High School Counselor, to patrol the beach on plan which would only eliminate Lakeside and Poway and keep Supervisor Craveniin the 5th District, which was his desire. the most logical plan: . . -. (I * 0 0 CITY OF CMRLSBAD COUNCILME -6- RATIFICATION OF THE PAYROLL. Committee. 8- ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MA~GA T E. ADAMS City Xr k zv L&?k&&<& 0 , -*