HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-17; City Council; Minutes.d CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMI Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: August 77, 1971 @ Time Place of of Meeting: Meeting: 7:OO P.M. i61\! Cou.nci 1 Chambers w 0 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- c691 . I201 1341 ~781 [ F&] $!!’ ROLL CALL: 7.:00 P.M. Councilman Castro arrived at 7:04 P.M. INVOCATION was offered ,by Mayor Dunne. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of August 3, -1971 were approved as presented. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (a) Parks and Recreation. Councilman Lewis reported on the ?arks and Recreation Commission meeting and stated that discussion was held re- garding Holiday Park and a street tree program. Also he stated the Commission would like to circulate a questionnaire to the community to determine the desires of the community relative to the parks and the proposed park bond issue, and requested Council’s a’pproval of said questio naire. I L Authorization was given the Parks and Recreation Commission to circulate the questionnaire rela- tive to parks and recreation in the .C5ty. F (b) Agua Hedionda Lagoon Committee. Council- man Lewis reported that a letter of resignation from the Agaa ’Hedionda Lagoon Committee had been submi.tted from Mr. Peter Mol and stated since there are still four (4) members of the committe it is possible to continue the study without a reappointment. Mayor Dunne stated he would like the committee to continue this study and report back to the Council. t’ It was agreed that the resignation of Mr. Peter Mol; Chairman of the Agua Med-ionda Committee, be accepted with regrets and staff was instructe to write a 1 etter to t4r. Mol thanking him for his time and effort with this committee. I (c) Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Castro stated he had audited the bills for the Chamber I of Commerce and found them to be true and correcf to the best of his knowledge. He recommended the bills in the amount of $3,516.20 be ratified at this time, and this amount be reimbursed the Chamber. (d) Nuisance Ordinance Committee. . (AB#494). The City Attorney reported certain recommendatio I of the committee appointed to study the vehicle phase of the nuisance ordinance. Following lengthy discussion of this matter, it was the decision of the Council that the matti needed further study and that it be referred back to the committee. . (e) Personnel Review Committee. Councilman Jardine reported that he and Counci1mi;n t4cComas held a meeting on the subject of the proposed ordinance for employment of the City tqanager and the contract for the. City Attorney, He statcd he felt an agreement could be reached by +hn nn\,+ rntCnn;l !Inn+; __ Present - Motion Ayes ¶ ldotion Ayes Mo ti on Ayes !S I I I I ;r +‘I xx xx xx xx i .. b .. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME - * F E -2- .. [55] (f) Refuse Disposal Committee. Councilman Jardine reported that the committee held a meet ing last week and arrived at certain conclusion which were discussed with Councilman Lewis, who was not available for the meeting, with Mr. Van Ort, owner of PlcDougal Sanitation Co., and a1 so 1. That all trash service in the City of Carlsbad be on a mandatory basis for ecologi- cal reasons and the cause of a substantial decrease in rates. a week schedule, which also assists the de- crease in rates. areas to be billed by the City and included each month with the water billing; also that a 7% increase in commercial accounts will be necessary but will not reflect until after the Presidential Moritorium on wage and pric control has been lifted. 4. McDougal Sanitation CO: is to provide its personnel with uniforms acceptable to the City and that the contractor's vehicles be acceptable to the city staff. Further, that the terms of the agreement be for a period of two years. days of pick up service, to be included in the next water billing, and the staff was further - instructed to work with Mr. Van Ort to imple- me.nt the terms of agreement. [94] (9) Automotive Center Committee. The Cornmitt consisting of Councilmen i4cComas and Jardine recommended that the City build a street on a right of way sufficient to accept an 84' impro two auto dealers ready to build on the site. site, the second half of the roadway will be automotive center. *, __I 0 .< August 1 CITY OF -3-CARLSBAD COUNCILMI c . 7, 1971 COUNCIL COI4MITTEE REPORTS. (cont.) Following discussion, the Council agreed in principle- to the recommendations presented by the committee and that an agreement be entered into with the car dealers. Further, it was agreed by the Council that a letter be prepared by the staff to the auto dealer's administrator stating the Council's intention to proceed with the project. e (h) Central Business District Action Commissio (CBDAC). i4ayor Dunne gave a brief report on his attendance at the last CBDAC meeting and 1 stated that the matter of parking for the down- town business area was discussed. I (i) League of California Cities. Mayor Dunne reported that he had attended a meeting of the I League in San Diego and stated he was designate the next President of the San Diego Division of the League of Cities. 1 (j) C.P.O. Meeting. Mayor Dunne reported the matter of Reqional Authoritv and SANCOG was I discussed among the County Supervisors and the C.P.O. The City Manager ,stated that the County Administrator had asked a11 the City Managers to meet with him regarding SANCOG. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The hour of 7:33 P.M. having arrived, the Mayor declared the Pub1 ic Hearing open. 1 (a) Agenda Bill 8508. To consider a zone chancre from P-C to R-1-7500 on property located I easterly of Kelly Drive between' Park Dr. and El Camino Real. .Applicant: Allan 0. Kelly and BECRAH, Inc. The City Clerk stated no written- correspondence had been received and presented .the Affadavit of Publication. Mr. W. Allen-Kelly, representative of BECRAt!; Inc. and property owner residing at 3455 Spanisl Way, spoke (n behalf of the applicants stating thris request was made because it was the desire of surrounding property owners. Since there were no other persons who wished to be heard in favor or in opposition .to this change of zone, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:35 P,!4. .Following a short discussion, the following Resolution and Ordinance were presented. I ~ ,< e CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNClLMt Augu'st 17, 1971 6- PUBLIC HEARING: (cont.) AB#508 Resolution No. 1886. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM P-C ZONE TO R-l- Ordinance No. 9275. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHERLY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 CHANGING EL CAMINO REAL AND EAST OF KELLY DRIVE FROM P-C 'TO R-1-7500 (Residential Single Family) ZONE, ,was given a first reading by title only and further reading waived. [I131 (b) Agenda Bill #507. To consider a recomrnenda tion from the Planning Commission for a change of zone from "M" to RD-I4 (Residential Density Multiple) on certain properties lying North of Chestnut A e. between A.T.&S.F. Railroad right of way and Tyler St. Applicant: Resolution of Intention No. 79 of the Planning Commission. The City Clerk stated no written correspondence had been received and presented"the Affadavit of Publication. Mayor Dunne announced the Council would like to in opposition tc this change of zone. As there was no one wishing to be heard on the matter, the Mayor declared the Public.Hearing closed at 7:50 P.M. Following discussion, the following Resolution and -0rdi nance was -presented. . Resolution No. 1887. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY t . hear from anyone wishing to speak in favor of or COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FIND- INGS AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGE 'OF ZONE CLASS:- FICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE "M" TO RD-M (Residen- tial Density Multiple) ZONE, ON CERTAIN PROPER- TIES LYING NORTH OF CHESTNUT AVENUE, AND BETNEEPI THE AT&SF RAILWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY AND TYLER STREET, Motion . Ordinance No. 9276. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD At4ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF OF-WAY AND TYLER STREET, was given a first read- Motion ing by title only and further reading waived. CHESTNUT, AriD BETirlEEN THE AT&SF RAILROAD RIGHT- I. 0 I__ 0 p" CITY OF -5- CARLSBAD COhJNClLMl A. Engineering. [451 1. Agenda Bill #509. Approval of Fifth Supplement to Basic Agreement to provide for participation by Leucadia County Water Dis- trict and Encinitas Sanitary District. Following discussion, approval was given to the Fifth Supplement of the. Basic Agree- ment in connection with the Joint Sewer System, to allow Leucadia County \dater Dis- trict and Encinitas Sanitary District to participate in the utilization of the plant and ocean outfall , and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the agree- ment on behalf of the City. E451 2. Agenda Bill #510. Approval of Consul- tant's Agreement for Cannon Road Improvement (Associated Engineers) At the request of the City Engineer, it was agreed by the City Council that the matter be deferred until the next regular meeting. Following discussion, authorization was give Dr. Floyd Packard to sewer through a private easement across Lot "E", Carlsbad Manor Unit #1, said easement to be subject to approval of the City Engineer and it being understood of Lot "E" for street dedication. c851 The City Council acknowledged the Engineerin Department Status Report. -. 5. Other Engineering Matters. Inquiry was made by the Council as to any information Division of Highways with regard to El Camin Real and the City Engineer stated it was his understanding that the asphalt will probably be spread on the 25th of August. . received by the City Engineer from the B. Personnel. C741 1. Agenda Bill 3511. Reclassification of positions in Liater Department. Discussion was held by the Council regarding the Presidential Moritorium on wage and pric control and its affect on this request for reclassification. Following lengthy discussion, it was agreed that these reclassifications be approved with the pay increase, and that implementa- tion be withheld until the moritorium is lifted or an interpretation of law is re- ceived which would allow the reclassifica- tion and pay increase. 0 __. 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMI -6- " August 17, 1971 C. Finance and Purchasing. 1. Agenda Bill. $513. Request for addition- al funds for.Capita1 Outlay items and Street Lighting Charges. Following discussion, it was agreed that the additional funds for Capital Outlay items be approved for the library, City's contributio for lighting di*stricts, and additional pick- up truck, for the Public Works Inspector, D. Planning. 1. Agenda Bill 5514. Request for authori- zation to send letter to HUD to apply for funding assistance via "Open Space Program" 2. Planning Department Status Report. Discussion of the second report from the Inner City study and acknowledgment was give the Planning Department- Status Report. 3. Other Planning Matters. The Cit,y Planne stated the Atlas of Haps requested by the E. Public Works. 1. Agenda Bill 4515. City's participation in Landscaping Interstate 55:". Resolution flo. 1888. A RESOLUTION OF THE TING THEIR WILLINGFIESS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF TYE CITY OF CARLSBAD INDICA- was read by title only and adopted. Further, the staff was instructed to send a copy of this Resolution to Mr. J. Dekema, Division of Highways. 0 - 0 CITY OF -7- CARLSBAD COUNCILMI . . August 17, 1971 . -167 7- ~331 [ 7 0.1 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (cont. ) E. Public Idorks (cont.) 2. Public Works Status Report. Acknowledgment was given the Public Norks Status Report. 3. Other Public Works Matters: There were no matters to be discussed. F. Parks and Recreation. 1. Parks and Recreation Status Report. Acknowledgment was given the Parks and Recre - tion Department Status Report. 1 I G. Traffic Safety. I ~721 '1. Agenda Bill #516. Approval of "No Park- ing" on the North side of Palomar Airport Road. Approval of "NO Parking" signs was given for the North side of Palom,ar Airport Road from 1-5 East to the widened portion of the road, at a cost of $120.00. H. C.ity Attorney. E351 -1. Report on zoning violations. The City Attorney reported on the zoning violations which he was instructed to pursue and stated he had contacted the three (3) parties involved and received some response but none that .indicated compliance. As a result, the City Attorney' stated complaints were filed as of this date. Also discussed were the billbo'ards located along 1-5 that were to be abated and the City Attorney stated he has been pursuing this mattqr to determine who the owners of. the signs are. I. City Manager C621 1. Agenda Bill 8521. Pending Legislation. The Council accepted the recommendations of the City Manager concerning pending legis lation, and. that the City take a strong stand to oppose AB 193.6, relative to vending machines. 8- CONSEI.IT CALENDAR. A. Correspondence - Advisory. 1. Agenda Bill #517. (Letters attached to Agenda Bill ) f .I Exhi bits (a) thru (d) of Agenda Bill #517 were acknowledged and ordered f i 1 ed. I lilo ti on xx Ayes X ~ Motion xx Ayes X .* CITY OF -8- CARLSBAD COUNClLMl 0 .. August 17, 1971 B. Correspondence - Referral. There was no Correspondence Referral. C. Res6lutions for Adoption. 1. Agenda Bill 9518. Supervisorial Re- districting. The following Resolution was offered for Resolution No. 1889. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPOR ING THE SUPERVISORIAL REDISTRICTING PLAN DESIGNATED AS PLAN 7, AND URGING THE CHANGE 9-. CONTINUED BUSINESS: Services of City Attorney. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Dunne called for an Executive Session at 9:35 P.M. to discuss Personnel. was taken. [78] (b) Agenda Bill 6494. Proposed Nuisance. Ordinance. to the committee. . The Amendment to Council Pol icy #7, following britorium is lifted. 3. 0 - 0 - CITY OF -9- CARLSBAD COUNClLMl e . August 17, 1971 9- CONTINUED BUSINESS (cont.) [55] (e) Agenda Bill 8461. Request for increase in mnnthly trash collection rates - McDougal Sanitation Company. This matter was discussed under Item (f) of the Council Committee Reports and the proposal of the committee was accepted. 10- CURRENT BUSINESS: (a) Agenda Bill 8519. Request by Friends of c291 the Library for Additional Library Shelving. This matter was discussed under Departmental additional shelving in the Library. ' Reports Item #C and approval was given for [29] (b) Agenda Bill iiu520. Final Budget for fiscal year 1971 -72. The final budget was presented. Discussion was held and the following Ordinances were presented for adoption as urgency Ordinances. Ordinance Ho. 1135. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SETTING THE TAX RATE F,OR FISCAL YEAR l40 t i on 1971-72, was read in full and a'clopted. Ayes xx Ordinance No. 1136. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY. OF 'CARLSBAD FIXING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE FROM MENTS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND FIXING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE FROM PROPERTY TAXES NECESSARY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE "1962 SENE! BONDS, SERIES A, B, AND C" AND "1966 LIBRARY BONDS!' FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1971-72, was read in Motion full and adopted, as amended. Ayes xx Ordinance No. 1137. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL Motion YEAR 1971-72, was read in full and adopted, as Ayes xx amended. Further it was agreed that the final amended budget replacement sheets should be pre- sented to the Council at the next regular meetin!. 1 PROPERTY TAXES NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THE DEPART- I ADDITIONAL BUSIXESS: [70] (a) Buena Vista Lagoon. Mayor Dunne inquired of the City Engineer if he had available any information about the level of the Lagoon and the City Engineer stated the level is approxi- mately 1 foot below the level of the Weir. ~ ~ [llO] (b) Joint Meeting with CMWD. The ad hoc Committee on the Ci4WD proposal was instructed to determine some of the unanswered questions which the Council would like discussed relative to the proposal by Ci4Wi) to take over the operation of the city's water department. -, ,. CITY OF -10-CARLSBAD COUNCtLMl 0 August 17, 1971 'ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: (cont.) [78] (c) Unlighted Bicycles. Discussion was held regarding unlighted bicycles and it was the de- cision of the Council that anyone riding a bicy- cle at night without lights shall be cited and that this law .be strongly enforced. Further, it was stated that it was the desire of the Council that the press adequately inform the public that all violators will be-cited for riding bikes at night without the proper lights, for their own protection. The City Manager was instructed to write a letter to the Police Department informing them of Council's decision, [72] (d) Overtime Parking. The Mayor stated that at a recent business meeting, complaints were heard from several business people that cars in the business district were not being cited for parkin the City Manager and Police Chief and it was agreed that the Police Department would tag cars parked overtime from time to time. .overtime. As a result, a meeting was held with [lo51 (e) Federal Employment Bill. The Personnel Dir- ector reported on a new bill which was just passe relative to the Department of Human Resources representing 12 cities of the Cbunty (excluding San Diego City) and stated that under the bill federal funds will be distributed to each city according to population, which would given Carls- bad about $22,000 and funded thru June 1972. A contract would have to be entered into. [lo51 (f) STEP Program. The Personnel Director brief- ly reported on the progress of the STEP Program. (9) Line of Credit. The City Attorney stated 57 the City Treasurer is desirous of establishing a line of credit as in the Frevious years to en- able the City to have a cash flow uniil such tim as the City begins receiving its major source of revenue from property taxes. National Bank. [I101 (h) Wate.r Rate Increase. Discussion was held regarding the probable water rate increase and the City Manager stated he would gather the necessary information to keep the citizens in- formed of the possibility of a water rate increas within the next year. It was'agreed by the Council that between now an the next Council meeting that either a news re- > * .. ' CITY OF -1 1 -CARkSBAD COlJNClLMf 11- RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: . and the Water Department of $7,709.05 for the period August 1, 1971 thru August 16,.1971, as ed by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given for the, payment of the payroll for $53,726.74 for the'period August 1, 1971 thru August 16, 1971; as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Audit- i ng Commi ttee. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully, submitted, .. .. .