HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-09-07; City Council; Minutes.I .. "' , CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCiLWil . Meeting of: CITY .COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) .- Date of Fleeting: September 7, 1971 Place of Fleeting: Council Chambers B Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- e ROLL CALL: 7:OO P.M. INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of August 17, 1971 were approved as corrected. Mayor Dunne announced that a member of the American Revolution Bi-Centennial Commission was present and introduced Captain Lawrence B. Cook. Captain Cook informed those present that the Bi-Centennial Commission was organized and appointed by President Nixon to sponsor the 200th Anniversary of the United States in 1976 and that County Commissions will be organized to assist in this celebration. He introduced a short film which explained the purpose of this Commission and the intent that all citize of the United States join together in this. celebration. CITY COUF.!CIL COMMITTEE REPORTS. (a) Agenda Bill 8461. Trash Service. Counci ma'n Jardine reported that the response to the Refuse Disposal Committee's recommendations at the iast Council Meeting, which .were accept in principle by the Council, indicated disappr a1 of once a week trash pick-up in the City. He stated also other questions were raised by those who responded including the legality of the increase during the Presidential Moritoriu Councilman Jardine further reported that it appears as though there will be some problems setting up the billing. In view of th'ese facts, Councilman Jardine stated, it was felt that it would be necessary to rev-iew the re- commendations and determine what changes shoul be made. He stated he would contact Mr.' Van Ort and inform him of the delay. It was agreed by the Council that further stud be made on this matter and the Council express the hope that the news media would carry the desire of the Council that the citizens offer their opinions and suggestions to assist this committee in their final recommendations. (b) Agenda Bill 8464. City Attorney's Contra Counc-ilman T4cComas reported that .he and Counci man Jardine were unable to meet regarding the City Attorney's Contract and that a meeting will be held with the City Attorney prior to the next Council Meeting at which time.they hooe an agreement is reached. gpl 3 n3 1 .. e c; 0 \' m d ,Y e IC- 1- - .. CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- ' September 7, 1971 COUNCILM \$# 1 73 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (cont.) (c) Agenda Rill 6494. Nuisance Ordinance. Councilman Castro reported that he and Council- man Lewis held a meeting last week with regard to the Nuisance Ordinance..and felt at that time they did not have sufficient information to formulate recommendations. He stated it was felt that an informal meeting with the communi- ty was advisable for the purpose of obtaining pertinent information to this matter. (d) Agenda Bill $497. Boating Regulations. Councilman Lewis reoorted that Mr. Paul Cochran was appointed Chairman to this committee and . stated that it was agreed by the Committee that '1) Anyone driving a boat 25 horsepower or more ' should be at least 16 years of age. 2) There should be no speed limit imposed on the lagoon. 3) From the approximate dates of June 16th thru September 16th of each year, and between the hours of 7O:OO A.M. to 4:OO P.M. on the' weekends during those dates and hours, a police officer should be patrolling the lagoon in a motor boat or some other feasible means. He further reported that another meeting will be held to discuss the noise factor and other area to be included in the proposed ordi-nance. 1 (e) Mayor's youth Com'mittee. ' Councilman Lewis reported the Playor's Youth Committee would re- sume their meetings beginning the first Monday in October and new members would be appointed. HO'USING AUTHORITY: The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 7:27 P.M. and reconvened to the Council Meet- ing at 7:30 P.M., with all Councilmen present. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Hour of 7:30 P.M. having arrived, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing open... I (a) Agenda Bill D522. To consider a ch.ange of zone from 2-3 to RD-M (Residential Densitv- t4ultiple) and the adoption of a Specific Plan for property located on Cherry Ave. between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield Street. Applicant: Charles D. Thompson. The City Clerk presented the Affadavit of Publi tion and stated a notation had been received from a property owner, Mr. Larry Morse, stating no objection to proposed change of zone. Also a telegram was received addressed to the Planni Commission and City Council dated September 3, 1971 stating opposition to this proposed change from Mary Jane Shaw. ca- r!3 & I I CITY OF -3- CARLSBAD I) September 7, 1971 " 1 -~~~~~~ ~ ~-~~ 7- 1- I PUBLIC HEARINGS (cont.) (a) Agenda Bill #522 (cont.) The Mayor announced that the Council desired to hear from anyone wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to this proposed change of zone. Those speaking in favor of this proposed change of zone were: Mr. Charles Thompson, 2518 Jefferson St., Carl sbad, appl icant. Those speakin in opposition due to the decreas in setback a1 7 owance were: Mr. Charles H. Weiss, 160 Cherry Ave., Carl sbad. Mr. Mischa Rader, 3580 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carl sbad. Mr. Rader presented ,a petition containtng the signatures of ninety-seven (97) residents of the area, stating that objection was due to the decrease in setback allowance. I Since there was no one c'lse who wished to be heard, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:55 P.M. Following the Council's inquiries, which were directed to the Junior Planner, and his answers to those inquiries, discussion ensued at length regarding this matter.. It was the decision of the City Council that the request for a change of zone.and adoption of specific plan be denied, reversing the findings of the Planning Commission, and that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for further comment. Reasons for denial are as followsr- 1. The purpose of a public hearing is to hear the views of those affected by whateve change is being considered, and it was clea that the property owners in the area wished to have the R-3 zoning remain unchanged. 2. This was not a necessary change of zone (b) Agenda Bill 8523. To consider a zone chan from R-3 to RD-$1 (Residential Density-Multiple) zone and the adoption of a Specific Plan for property located on the Northeast corner of Carlsbad Boulevard and Redwood Ave. Applicant: Donald MacDonald. D The City Clerk presented the Affadavit of Publication and stated that two letters were rec'eived opposing this change of zone. A lette dated September 3, 1971 from llrs. Dorothea B. Damon, 141 Herrlock, Carlsbad and a letter from tlr. Henry Bachman , representing Southlanc Properties. w r ut IC I i COUNCll-hrll CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILM -4- . . B September 7, 1971 Mr. Don Agatep, Junior Planner explained the surrounding property in relation to the propose change of zone. The Mayor announced the Council would like to hear from anyone wishing to speak in favor of or in opposition to this change of zone. Those speaking in favor of this proposed change of zone were: Mr. Donald MacDonald, 70 Giralda Walk, Long Beach, Calif. - applicant. The followin persons spoke in op osition to thls pro?oseg change of zone due !o the decrease! in front yard setback: Mr. hralter Richards, corner of Garfield and Redwood Ave., (3839 Gar- field), Dorothy Read, 146 Redwood Ave. , Mr. Mischa Rader, 3580 Carl sbad Blvd. , Carl sbad. Since there were no others.wishing to be heard, I the Mayor declared the Pub1 ic Hearing closed at 8:40 P.M. Upon further discussion, it wa,s the decision of the Council- that the decision 'of the Planning Commission be reversed and the request for a chanae of zone and adoption of specific plan be denied and returned to the Planning Commission for further report. Reasons for denial are . as follows: ,I 1. The purpose of a public hearing is to 1 hear the views of-those affected by what- I ever change 1s being considered, and it was clear that the prQperty owners in the Motion area, zoned R-3, remain unchanged. Ayes X 2. This was not a necessary change o;f..zone I Noes X (c) Agenda Bill #524. To consider an appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission in denying a request for a zone change from R-1-7500 and R-1-10,000 to P-C (Planned Communi- ty) zone and the adoption of a Specific Plan for property located on the Northeast corner . of Highland Drive.and Magnolia Ave. Appellant: Robert L. Means. The City Clerk presented the Affadavit of Publication and stated that a notation had been received from Hrs. Gunnel Vacha, owner of pro- perty at 3815 Highland Dr., Carlsbad, in favor of proposed change of zone. Also a letter was received from the Carlsbad Unified School Dis- trict dated August 9, 1971, stating that a sewer easement was requested by the developer at the School Board Meeting held August 2, 1971 and would be granted if the Planning Commission and City Counci 1 approved this development, contingent only to the plan presented to the School Board. Further, a petition containing the names of 103 property owners in favor of the proposed development, submitted by the devel oper had been received. D ,. CITY OF -5- CARLSBAD COUNClbh4L k L SeDtember 7. 1971 7- PU9LIC HEARINGS: (cont.) - (c) Agenda Bill #524 (cont.) Mayor Drrnne inquired if there was anyone wishin to speak in favor of or in opposition to this proposed change or zone and adoption. of Specifi Plan. Those speaking in favor were: Mr. Robert L. Means, owner and developer of the property, Mrs. Roby Hayes , 1390 Magnolia Ave. and Mr. Hunter Munford, 2678 Ocean Street. Those speaking in opposition due to their desir that the present R-1 zoning remain unchanged were: Mr. Thomas McMahon, 3551 Highland Dr., Mr. W. Palenscar, 3758 Highland Dr., Mr. Robert Glomb, 3980 James Dr., Mary Casler, 3843 High- land Dr., and Mr. Stephen Bliecz, 3686 Highland Dr., Carl sbad. Mr. McMahon presented a petition containing the signatures of 62 residents of Carlsbad who were in opposition to this proposed change of zone. 9 r t d!izkL- I ~ > It was pointed out by Mr. Means that Norman . Whipple, whose signature appeared on the petitio opposing this matter,reque.sted that his name I pointed out by Mr. NcMahon that Mr. Reinhold be withdrawn from the petition. It was further the petition in favor of this zone change and Barthel , requested his name be .withdrawn from noted that Mr. Barthel, had si.ghed the petition 1534 Magnolia Ave. 5 addressed the Council and in opposition to the change. Mr. Arnold Storm, requested that his name be withdrawn from the petition in favor of this change of zone. Following lengthy discussion of this matter by the .Council, it was the decision of the I Council that the findings of the Planning Commission be reversed and that this appeal be granted for the following reasons. 1. The proposed development offers a uni- que type of living eavironment not avail- able in the community at the present time. 2. The proposed planned comm'unity will off a change in neighborhood design by a.llowing larger amounts of usuable land to be devote( to open space and landscaping techniques. 3. The proposed development will cater to families with one or two very young childrer , not likely to be in school, or families wit1 one older child, or semi-retired or retired couples, so as not to likely overburden the schools. The following Resolution was offered for adopt-on: Resolution No. 1900. A RESOLUTI.ON OF THE CITY COUI.ICIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSB.4D GRANTING I) APPEAL OF DEC1SIOI.I OF THE PLANNIljG COM!4ISSION REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE FROII R-l-1OY00O"A.~~D R-1-7500 TO P-C (Planned Community) ZONE, AND SPECIFIC PLAN OPI PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE AVENUE, subject to the conditions that: Ii I) Carports shall be designed to have garage Motion doors; and 2) That provisions for the future Ayes maintenance of common areas .and exteriors shall was adopted bv title onlv and further rp~dina waived. be subject to the approval of the City Council, 1 NGes SOUTHEAST CORIIER OF HIGHLAND DRIVE AND MAGNOLI/i x ;Y p ; a ,\ s p IX I 1 i ,. CITY OF -6.- CARLSBAD September 7, 1971 Mr. Ernest Adler, owner of property northerly of the intersection of the future Elm Avenue and Donna Driv-e, requested to be heard by the City Council regarding-this site and the City's intention .to construct a reservoir on his property. I .. He stated he had at one time planned to build a home on this site and requested that the City Council forego approval of awarding Contract #1000, Schedule $2 in order to provide further study regarding reservoirs and their location in residential areas. He further stated he did not feel sufficient notice was given in order to prepare for this matter and that the surroun -ing property owners were not aware of the City' intention to construct a reservoir on a portion of his property. Discussion ensued by the Council and the City Engineer informed the Council that a decision could not be delayed as .if noth+ng is done the City Attorney must file condemnation proceeding for immediate possession by the City. It was the decision of the Council that this matter be discussed in an Executive Session. I 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: I A. City Clerk. .1. Agenda Bill #525. Detachment of certai property from the City of Carlsbad known as "North Carlsbad Detachment #1 .TI'. Ordinance No. 1138. AN ORDINANCE OF THE 'CITY OF CARLSBAD EXCLUDING TERRITORY AT OCEANSIDE-CARLSBAD BOUNDARY PER GOVERNMENT CODE 35561 .4 (North Carlsbad Detachment ~ No. 1.1, was given a first .reading by title only and further reading waived. 2. Agenda Bill $526. Approval of annexati to the City of Carlsbad of certain propertj known as "North Carlsbad Annexation .No. 1.1 Ordinance No. 1139. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CAaLSBAD OF CERTAIN PROPERTY DESIGNATED "NORTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1.1", was given a first reading by tit1 only and further reading waived. 3. Agenda Bill 8506. 2 Supplement $1. Report from Planning Commission on propose( "Lani kai Mobi 1 e. ii'omes". Mr. Jack Robinson, representating Lanikai Mobile Homes, spoke before the Council sta: ing they would 1 i ke to be annexed to the surrounded by the City. B , City of Carl sbad and are now completely COUNClLMl -. Motion X Ayes xx: n Motion X Ayes xx> ., CITY OF -7- CARLSBAD I) September 7, 1971 - D b I 3- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (cont.) Agenda Bill X506. (cont.) c After discussion of this matter, the follo\v ing Resolution was offered for adoption: Resolution No. 1893. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO!lNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CON- SENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PRO- PERTY TO BE KNOWN AS "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXA TION NO. 1.13"., was adopted by title only and further reading waived. - EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Dunne called for an Executive Session at 10:35 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Per- sonnel and possible litigation. The Council reconvened at 11:lO P.M. and the Mayor announced that discussion was held regarc' ing the legal ramifications of Phase 82 of the Water Contract and on the advice of the City Attorney, the City is committed to follow. through with this proposal. The Mayor further announced that regarding the matter of Personnc no immediate action had been taken.' B. Engineering. 1. Agenda Bill X527. Quitclaim deeds for .existing easements - Cannon Road., Ocean . St. and. idonroe Reservoir. The .City Engineer stated there are six east ments involved in various locations which are presently not in use and for which the) is no future need. tie further stated the property owners of overlying parcels have requested the easements be'vacated. Following discussion, authorization was given the Mayor to execute the quitclaim deeds for six easements, on behalf of the City, as recommended by the City Engineer. (Exhibits 1 thru 3 of Agenda Bill f527 .) 2. Agenda Bill B528. Contract f1007-1. Construction of Chestnut Ave. (Harding to Jefferson) and 11. Resurfacing various streets in the- City. Following discussion, plans and specifica- tions for Contract 91007 were approved, an( the City Clerk was authorized and directed to advertise for bids to be opened Septem- ber 21, 1971 at 1O:OO A.M. 3. Agenda Bill 8510. (revised) Cannon ' Road Improvement Consultant's Agreement. Authorization was given the Mayor to execu Consultant's Agreement with Associated Engineers for design of Cannon Road Improv ment District on behalf of the City, said payment to be on an Actual Cost Basis with a maximum of $23,000.00. w f- ,- " 1 -, 2 3 .. I j tl e COUNCILM 9 Motion xx: Ayes 'X Motion xx; Ayes 1 2 Motion xx: Ayes )1 .. CITY OF CARLSBAD -8- - I) September 7, 1971 I I 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (cont.) B. Engineering (cont.) 4. Other Engineering Matters. Mayor Dunne inquired of the City Engineer if any inform tion could be furnished on bids for the sewer plant and the City En ineer stated he would have some jnformation on this matter available for the next Council Meet- i ng .- I Agenda Bill #414 - Supplerent #2. Contract $1000 - Water System Improvements. Authorization was given to accept the bids for Contract #lo00 for the Water Systems Improvements to Don Hubbard Construction Company in the amount of $622,258.78 for Schedule I and to Taylor and Hoover, Inc. in the amount of $1,039,299, for Schedule 11, subject to HUD approval, as recommended by the City Engineer and the Nater Committe and the following Resolution was offered for adoption: Resolution No. 1901. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CASLSBAD AMARD- ING CONTRACT #lo00 FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVE MENTS, was adopted by. title only and furthe reading waived. C. .Planning. 76 1 Other Planning Matters. Ttie- Junior City. Planner announced that six members of the Planning Commission have expressed a desire to attend the League of California Cities Convention in San Francisco to be held in October and further that there is not a budget appropriation for this. Following lengthy discussion, it was the decision of the City Council that authori- zation be given three (3) Planning Commiss. ers to attend the League Convention .in San Francisco, and that priority be set by the Planning Commission. Further the Finance Director was instructed that funds be made available for this expenditure. , ! I D. Personnel. I I. Agenda Bill 4529. Additional -job clas: fications with salary range. C The Personnel Director explained that this change is more for clarification purposes. He further explained that theYonstruction Maintenance Manl'was previously approved by ' the City Council under Public \.larks Depart ment and would be funded through the Feder, Unemployment Program. The "Park Haintenan1 Leadman" and "Tree Trimmer Leadman'' were approved in the Parks Budget at the same salary range. COUNCILMI t4oti on X Ayes xx)I n- btoti on x Ayes xxx - ,. CITY OF -9- CARLSBAD September 7, 1971 1 1 D. Personnel (cont. ) .. . 1. Agenda Bill #529. (cont.) The Council adopted and approved the addi- tional positions and salaries recommended by the staff. 2. Agenda Bill #530. Request by City Employees for permission to submit proposal for accident insurance. The Personnel Director stated this Insuranc would be in addition to the Insurance now held by the City and the City Employees and would be strictly accident insurance, on a voluntary plan and paid for by the employee through a payroll deduction plan. c Permission was granted to the City Employee to submit proposal specification for accide insurance to qualified insurance companies. E. Public Works. 1. Agenda Bill #531. Request for change in Capital Outlay i tem from pic.kup truck to Paint Striping j4ach;ine.; The Public Narks Director explained that Council approval was given the purchase of pickup truck as a capita? item in the curre . Street Maintenance budget in the amount of $2,000.00 and it is now apparent that there is a greater need for a traffic line paint- ing machine. It was requested that the painting machine be approved in lieu of the pickup truck. ~ Authorization was given for, the purchase of a "Green Lite" striping machine and attach- ments in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00 in lieu of the pickup truck. .- R 2. Other Public blorks Matters. The Mayor inquired if the Director of Public Works had knowledge of the Johnson Petition for a 4-way stop at Jefferson and Laguna, and the Director of Public Works stated this matter was placed on the Traffic Safety Commission5 Agenda, September 13, 1971 at 2:00 P.H. and inquired if a member of the Council could be present a.t that meeting since there were approximately ten (10) items to be discussed. F. City Treasurer. I 1. Agenda Bill 8532. Request for permissi to destroy cancel led bonds. I Resolution Flo. 7894. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUl,ICIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PRO- VIDING FOR CREPlATION OF CAlaCELLED BOIIDS, was adopted by title only and further read- ing waived. v E 4 r' C r C COUNelLM t Motion Ayes ,. x x t Motion Ayes 1 x x n !.lotion xx; Ayes j I 1 I .. 1 - I v . .I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -1 0- G. City Manager. 1. Agenda Bill #533. Request by Chamber of Commerce to have non-refundable applica- Mr. William Nickels, Manager of the Carlsba 'Chamber of Commerce stated the reason the from several further stated it is the feeling of the Chamber that this fee is a deterrent to the improvemen-t of store fronts and would dis- courage the beautification of the downtown business district, and requested that the fee be rescinded or reduced to a more rea- sonable fee. Following discussion of this matter, the staff was directed to prepare a new fee schedule for above-ground encroachments for Motion X the next regular meeting.of the City Counci'.Ayes xxx 2. Agenda Bill #536. Report on City's Liability 1nsuranc.e. The City Manager stated that due to the difficulty municipalities have encountered .relative to liability insurance, and after-tis- cussing the matter with the City's Insuranc ! Agent., it has become necessary ,to cancel all fishing permits at Lake Calavera, effec-. tive immediately, and the Lake would be posted "off limits'' and patrolled by the Police Department during peak daylight hour!. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding this matter and it was recommended that two Councilmen, the City Manager, the Personnel Director and the City's Insurance Agent study this matter and deterinine recommenda- tions prior to the expiration date which is July 1, .1972. " .-._ " H. Parks and Recreation. 1. Parks and Recreation matters. ' - - The City Manager reported that the Parks 'and Recreation Department ,is planning to erect a grapestake fence all around the,bac: of the Greenwood property and also construe.; a drivew.ay. He further stated once the will get some slips and grow some of their own plants. I:. City Attorney. . fence -is c.ornpleted, the parks departments ' 1. Zoning Violations. The City Attorney reported that claims file( by him on Dix and Chappy, on behalf of the City have been set for a .pre-trial in Octob(!r to -determine if there i.s an basis for sett-- ing these matters. He furt i er stated more claims will be filed on trailers being parked in front yards. I .. , I I), - b CITY OF CARLSBAD -11- * . September 7, 1971 ~~~ ~~ ~~ 7- 9.- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION. I /I% (a) Agenda Bill #507. Ordinance nU9276, chang- ing zone from "M" to "RD-PI" on property lying North of Chestnut between A.T.& S. F. right-of- way and Tyler Street. Ordinance No. 9276. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 0 CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF OF-WAY AND TYLER STREET, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. ing zone from P-C to R-1-7500 on property locat ed easterly of Kelly Dr. between Park Dr. and El Camino Real (Kelly and BECRAH, Inc.) Ordinance-No. 9275. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHER LY OF EL CAMINO REAL AND EAST OF KELLY DRIVE " FROM P-C TO R-1-7500 (Residential Single Family ZONE, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. CHESTNUT, AND BETWEEN THE AT&SF RAILROAD RIGHT- e- (b) Agenda Bill' $508. Ordinance nU9275, chang- I. ![ ,9 OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 CHANG- F' 10- CONSENT CALENDAR I A. Correspondence - Advisory.; There was no advisory correspondence. I B. Correspondence - Referral. The Council acknowledged- arid referred the following letters to the Refuse Disposal Committee: Letters from A.J. Skotnicki,P.C. Davis, E. M. Verner and 3. Yaeger. Also acknowledged and referred to the Planning Department was a letter from Mrs. H. Vickery. (AB #534) 3 (. /,' C. Proclamations. The following proclamations were read in full: I 1. Proclaiming Oct. 24th as "Uni.ted Nations Day" 2. Proclaiming Sept. 14th as"Car1sbad Chamber of Commerce Da 'I. 3. Commending "James on Ke'l ler" as Distri Attorney for Services rendered. 4. Proclaiming Sept. 19th as"United States Motocross Grand Prix Day". 8 +. a D. Resolutions for adoption: 1. Agenda Bj11 +518. - Supplement #17 Resolution =1895, supporting Supervisorial. The City Clerk explained that the Council previously adopted Pl.an #7 regarding SuPer- visorial Redistricting. Plan 13 is proposec by the Eoard of Supervisors and does not change the 5th ijistrict as proposed in Plan 7. She stated the matter woc4ld be heard by * the Board of Supervisors September.13, 1971. Resolution No. 1895. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TtlE CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPOR- DESIGNATED AS PLAN 13, was adopted by title 2;; ,Redistricting Plan 13. -. ING THE SUPE!?VISORIRL REDISTRICTIPIG PLAN only and further reading waived. 1 COUNCILM ! 1.. . . CITY OF -1 2- CARLSBAD @ September 7, 1971 110- CONSENT CALENDAR (cont.) D. Resolutions for adoption (cont.) (a) Resolution Xo. 1896. li RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD COI4r.IEN ING RADIO KARL FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. 2, ,. - (b) Resolution No. 1897. A RESOLUTION OF STATION KUDE FOR OUTSTANDIYG SERVICE TO THE COMFlUNITY , was adopted by title only and further reading waived. (c) Resolution Yo. 1898. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING THE S.T.E.P. PROGRAM, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMENDING RADIO (d) Resolution No. 1899. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND ‘DIRECTING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A LINE OF CREDIT FOR $300,000, was adopt ed by title only and further reading waived I ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: .I 1 * .. ., (a) Reimbursement from Siate Commission of Peace Officers. The City Manager stated the City was reimbursed $2,121.00 from the State Commission of Peaceofficers which was the cost to the City f,or training Police Personnel. (b) El Camino Real and Vista May. The City Engineer reported that the State Division of Highways opened bids on August 19, 1971 for the work on El Camino Real and Vista Way and will start in October. He stated further, it should be completed “by the end of this year. (c) TOPICS The City Engineer reported tha the report submitted by the City to TOPICS is being sent to the Technical Committee, the Management Committee and the Policy Committee. The !layor stated he would check into this matter. (d) Cannon Road. Councilman McComas McColr inquired of the schedule for making that portion from Cannon Road to 1-5 acceptable. The City Engineer stated this would include signalization at the crossing and would prc bably be acceptable in the late summer of 1972. - .. D (e) City’s Population.Sign. Mayor D7,unne p,. stated when the population of Carlsbad is , establi.shed, the population sign shou;fd be changed. I [ , Ii I 1. COUNCltM - Motion Ayes xx: 1s 8' . . . @ - b CITY OF-, 3- CARLSBAD COUNCILM " [57] , (f) Industrial Area - Visitors. Councilman McComas stated the City Manager received a letter indicating interest in the City of Carls bad with respect to Industrial areas. He stat- ed there will be approximately 40 visitors who will visit both the City of Oceanside and the City of Carlsbad for possible industrial areas and stated he felt some plans should be made. He further suggested that the Council, Citv Manager, Planners, and representative from the Chamber be available to greet these people. m71: . (9) Easement Vacation. Councilman McComas .inquired if a city water easement near Rancho . Carlsbad will be vacated at some time. He stated that Mr. and Mrs. Robinson who live near Rancho Carlsbad have requested that this ease- ment be quitclaimed. The City Engineer stated he would check into this matter. 13- RATIFICATION OF BILLS AN^ PAYROLL: Ratification was given for payment of bills for the General Fund in the amount of $42,739.60 and the Water Department of $35,841.74 for the period August 16, 1971 thru August 3.1, 1971, as Ayes certified by the Direc'tor of Finance and appr(;v/ Motion eci by the Auditing Committee. xx Ratlficatlon was given for the payment of the payr.011 for $54,455.24 for the period August 16, 1971 thru August 31, 1971, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Motion Auditing Committee. Ayes xx. 14- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12~42 P.M. Respectfully submitted, TL&d F@L " M R RET E. ADAMS City Clerk