HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-12-07; City Council; MinutesB. - I rn . 7 ,c. ,/ CITY OF CARBSBAD COUNCILMEN =v IC Meeting of: CITY. CO.U-N,.C.I.L (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: December 7, 1971 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Counci l,,@hambers 1- ROLL CALL: 2- 1NVOCAT.ION was offered by Mayor-Dunne. 3- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Mi'nutes of the regular meeting of November " 16, 1971,.were approved as presented. 5- 1 COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: [28] .(a) Mayor's Youth Committee: Councilman Lewis gave a brief report on t'he last meeting of the Mayor' Youth Committee. [55] (b) -.G-a-s:b.a:ge..::a.nd Trash: Councilman Jardine stat ed that this nCa-t€-er would be discussed further under Departmental Reports. - AB #583, and the City.Manager was instructed to reply to Mr. C. F. Prince's letter. (see Item 9-B - AB #602.) [78] (c) Nuisance Ordinance. - A5 #494. Councilman Lewis repot'te-d..:briefly on the public meeting which wa held recently and stated that a proposed ordinance had been drafted. He stated the City Attorney would review the major changes for the Council. The City Attorney' pointed out two major chang.es that were made from the existing ord.inance and briefly reviewed the proposed ordinance. Following discussia it was moved that Ordinance No. 9287 be referred to the Planning'. Commission for review and Public Hearing [104](d) Mini-bus System - AB #584. Mayor Dunne re- ported he had attended a meeting with the City of Oceanside, at which the Carlsbad City Manager, Pub1i.c Works D'iir'ector and Councilman McComas were present. It was concluded at the meeting that the City of Carl to Oceanside for further discussion. The City Manage was instructed to pursue th'i.s matter and prepare some proposed routes. He was further instructed to .check into the matter of possible Federal funding.. [71] (e) Downtown Parking Facilities:, Mayor Dunne, reported on a meeting which was held with the down- town merchants regard'ing downtown parking facilities He stated it was felt that *further sf:w,d-~~~:w.ais::.needed. : . ' bad prepare a couple of proposed routes and return .. 6- HOUSING AUTHORITY :. The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority "at 7:14 P.M.. and reconvened to the Council Meeting at 7:16'P.M. with all Coun'cilmen present. ' 7- ' PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Hoursof 7:30 P:M. having arrived, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing open at,7:38 P.M. I C t I] I > ! ! " I 23% 7 Presen I 1 I ~ l Motion ~ Ayes Abstai I Moti or Ayes - I %! 2 z f t nec I - 5 t ( m X X 1 - $ & ._ 4 L- L [ 1 ! i11 1 ~ X - 1 @ - 0 m ~ ~ , CITY OF CARLSB -2- December 7, 1971 339 b :s h 7- PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont.) I ~~ [114](a) Agenda Bill #588. To consider the change of title of Article 13.75 of Ordinance No. 9060, Chapter 21.38 of the M.unicipa1 Code from Planned Community Zone (PC Zone) to Planned Residential Devel men3 Zone (PRD Zone).- Applicant: Resolution of Intention /io. 80 of the Planning Commission. I P- The City Clerk presented the Affadavit of Publication and stated no correspondence had been received. The Mayor announced that the Council would like to hear from anyone wishing to be heard on this matter. Sa'nce there was no one present who wished to be heard: the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Following an explanation by the Junior Planner as to the reason for this change, the matter was discussed by the Council and it was agreed that the matter be returned to the Planning Commission for further study and that consideration be given to the feasibility of having two separate ordinances, setting up the criteria for a Planned Community Zone (PC Zone) and a Planned Residential Development Zone (PRD Zone). [ZO] (b) Agenda Bill #589. To consider certain property a Public Nuisance. I The City Clerk stated that the property has been post.. ed and certified by the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector stated this property has been inspected by. the County Health Officer and the Build- ing Departme-nt and has been posted. He reviewed the existing conditions of the property and stated it has been determined that the condition of the property is dangerous to the occu1jahcy.and is a potential hazard to surq.?unding property, established by the Health Officer for the County and the Building Inspector. The B.uilding Inspector distributed five (5) photograpls to the Council depicting the condition of the proper- ty for their review. The City Attorney stated he had been in contact with the interested parties. Mr. B*andemer, attosney for Mrs. Briggs (owner of the property) informed him that his client does not have the finances to repair and clean up the property. He further stated the property has been sold and is now-Lin Escrow. The Buyers, Mr. and Mrs. Kulick, wish to have this matter continued for two weeks. It. is their intention to immediately start cleaning up trash and undergrowth and to take steps to exterminate the rats. It is his understand- ing, also, that two of the buildings will be removed and that the Buyers' would like to have one building remain for storage of tools and etc. The Mayor announced that the Council would like to hear from anyone wishing to speak on this matter. Mr. Kreinbihl, Kreinbihl & Cornier, Inc., Realtors, 2001 Hill St., Oceanside, representlng Mrs. Briggs, stated his firm has sold the property and the Escrow should be closed by December 15, 1971. Mrs. Kulick indicated that she and her husband'were willing to start cleaning the premises,December 8, 1971, prior '. mUNCIHME, 0 - 0 CITY OF CARLSBA -3- December 7, 1971 7- PUBLIC HEARINGS: (cont.) to the closing of Escrow. The City Manager informed the Council that this property is a public health hazard and should be declared a public nuisance. Following discussion by the Council, it was agreed that consideration of Resolution No. 1926 be held ope until the Council meeting of December 21, 1971 on the expressed assurance by the interested parties that work will commence on the property December 8, 1971. [241 (c) Agenda Bill #582. To consider the adoption by reference of County Ordinance - re: Dogs and Kennels - Ordinance #3086. The City Clerk presented the Affadavit of Publication published twice and reported that no correspondence had been received. Upon noting that there was no one who wished to be heard- on this matter and following lengthy discussio by the Council, Ordinance No. 3086 was offered for a first reading. Ordinance No. 3086. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARL CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, was given a first reading by title only and further reading waived. BAD AMENDING CHAPTER 7.08 - DOGS AND KENNELS - OF THE r r [107](d) Agenda Bill #538. (cont.) To consider a request for vacation of Lot 'IE" (Alder Ave.). Carls- bad Manor. '. The City Clerk stated that a letter was received which was read, from A. C. Bowen, in favor of the vacation.. She stated that all other correspondence had. bewy, acknowledged previously and the petition containing the signatures of 48 residents. Coun'cil McComas stated he would continue to.abstain from this matter, as in the.gast, due to business interests. The Junior Planner referred to the Planning and Engineering Department staff recommendations and pre- sented four (4) maps*of the location, discussing the four a,lternatives the staff felt was available. He answered a number of questions posed to him by the Council relative t9 proposals #1 and 2. The Mayor announced the Council would like to hear from anyone wishing to speak on this matter. Mr. Donald Briggs, Jr., owner of the property in question spoke in favor of vacating the street in order that a structure could be built on Lot ''E". He further stated there is an existing easement 30 x 130 feet which allows access to the Packard property adjoining Lot "E". Dr. Floyd Packard requeSted that Lot "E" not be vacated. He stated the existing easement woul allow him access to the proposed location of his home but would prevent him from dividing the rest of his property which he intends to sell in the future. Col A. C. Bowen spoke in opposition to any extension .of 1 I CUNClLPdE, - .., " e w CITY OF-,- CARLSBAD ._ December 7, 1971 -* " I 7- PUBLIC HEARINGS (cont.) I of Alder Ave. due to the traffic hazard., Dr. Ned Richards, 4039 Sunnyhill stated he would like. to see the str'eet go through so that he could.,have access to the back .of his property to store recreational vehicles. Nr. .D.onald Johnson, 4065 Sunnyhill, spoke in..\favor of having a- double cul-de-sac. The Mayor declared the public Hearing closed, declare a short recess at 9:23 P.N. and the .Council reconvene at 9:40 P.M. Following lengthy discussion of this matter, if was agreed that the matter be referred to the stqff and and that the interested parties be contacted'in order .to work out a plan for the Council's conside,ration., at the Council meeting of December 21, 1971. C C I ,. 2- .* ., . 8- . DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: - . I A. City .Clerk. i. I ' .- .. I . [25{ . j. 1. Agenda Bill #590. Approval of "South Car sbad Annexation No. 1.10". (S.D.G. & E.) -. I The City Clerk announced'that "South Ca'rlsbad Annexa- t.ion No.. 1.10" had been approved by LAFCO and that the annexation was approve-d without notice and hear- ing and also approved and authorized the legislative body.of the City to annex such territory without noti ' and hearing by the legislative body,- and without an election, as provided in Government Code Section 54797.1. '. a, .. I Following a short.discussion of the annexation,' Ordi- nance No. 1140 was" offered f0r.a. first reading: ,' *: 0rdinan)c.e No. 1140. AN ORDINANCE O'F THE CITY OF CARLSBAO'APPROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN PROPERTY DESIGNATED AS "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEaXATION NO. 1:10", was given a first reading by title only and further read;i,ng waived. Earlsbad An.nexat,ion No. l.ll;!. (Beach Colony) .. .- 251 ' 2. Agenda Bill #597. Approval of "South The City Clerk announced that "South Carlsbad Annexa tion No. 1 .llii, had been approved by LAFCO ari'd that the annex'ation' was appro.vec! without notice and hear- ing and also approved and authorized the legislative body of the City to annex such territory without not e3ection, as provided in Government Code Section 54797.1. Following a br:ief discussion of the annexation, Ordi nance No. 1141,was offered for a first reading: 'and hearing by the legislative body, and without an b *4 . .' .! ; ., - i: - Ordinance No. 1147. AN ORDINAhCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN PROPERTY DESIGNATED "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXA/- TION NO. 1.11", was given a first reading by title: '_ only and further reading waived. d z .. ., J I .. COhlNCfLft:E c* z. $30 L,, 0 .2; \-: f" 0 ir) ,i. y !:<; r: l-p :- gq:q b /' 3:" Ir:; ~."*..~ I Motion X Abstainej X X Ay.es . X &. e Motion xxx Ayes X e Motion X# x x Ayes X 0 - * GOUNCJhME:i December 7, 1971 The City Clerk announced that "South Carlsbad Annexa- tion No. 1.12" had been approved by LAFCO and that 54797.1. She further announced that a letter had bee received from owners Carroll R. Kelly and Edwin Fraze petitioning the City of Carlsbad to annex the propert and also requesting that the property at the time of annexation be zone R-A-10,000. Following discussion of the present zone, Ordinance No. 1142 was offered for a first reading: only and further reading waived. C621 4. Agenda Bill #593. Recent Legislation - re: Filing fees. with the County and the State and will not be done Following discussion, it was agreed that costs will be assessed in compliance with the State law, and that the property Qwners whose annexations become effective after January 1, 1972 be notified of this additional charge. 1351 5. Agenda Bill #545. Request for Annexa- tion to the City of Carlsbad (La Costa). Commission for its report or recommendation. Further, the Mayor appointed Councilman McComas and Councilman Jardine to an ad hoc committee to study this matter further. e - e CITY OF -6-C C%XJNCDLMEl B. Engineering. e451 1. Agenda Bill #594. Consultant’s Agreement for Ocean Avenue area sewerage study. The City Engineer reviewed for the Council the reason for a study involving the sewerage system located in a portion of the City, west of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Raiiroad and northerly of the Agua Hediond Lagoon and stated that development in the area wester ly of Carlsbad Boulevard has stopped due to the un- certainties of the sewerage availability. Following discussion, authorization was given the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Consultant’s Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Neste, Brudin & Stone for the Ocean Avenue area sewerage Order #1 - Water Systems Improvement Project - Schedule 31. Approval was given Change Order #l of Contract #lo00 Water Systems Improvement Project - Schedule 11 - as 11 101 3. Agenda Bill #596. Award of Contract Road, Oceanside. The City Engineer reported that bids were received and opened on November 30, 1971 and recommended that the low bid submitted by Don Hubbard Contracting Co. be awar”died. Foll~wing discussion, it was agreed that the firm of Don Hubbard Contracting Com.pany, 46 Encinitas EncBnitas, California, 9202Wbe awarded for Contract #lo06 for replacement of water system under Mission Road between Mission Park #4 and Jones Road,. for the son Bros. on November 2, 1971, be terminated involved a misconception that the Imhoff Tank was empty. Sinc the contract was awarded, it was discovered that thou sands of gallons of sludge remain on the bottom. The contract did not include the .removal and disposal of sludge. It was the contractorb desire to terminate the contract since he did not wish to bid on that phase of the demolition. 0 - 0 w CITY OF - CARLS - /- December 7, 1971 Authorization was given for the termination of Con- tract 1009 for the demolition of the old sewerage treatment plant and the staff was instructed to re- advertise for bids, for removal of tank and sludge. 11 071 5. Agenda Bill #598. Request for vacation of a portion of Buena Vista Ave., located at the Nortt- east corner of Intersection of Buena Vista Ave. and Tuttle St. (Harris) Following a brief explanation by the City Engineer, Resolution No. 1927 was offered for adoption. Resolution No. 1927. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ! VACATE CERTAIN PORTIONS OF BUENA VISTA AVE., was- adopted by title only and further reading waived. .. J L-1 6. Agenda.Bil1 #599. Consultant's Agree- ment for Design of Traffic Signal Installation at Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. Following discussion, authorization was given the Mayor to execute the Consultant's Agreement for the design of the traffic signal at Carlsbad Blvd. and Tamarack Ave. in an amount not to exceed $3,400.00, as recommended by the City Engineer. C. Personnel. I C741 1. Agenda Bill #604. Request by Finance Director for.. additional personnel. I FOl as giv lowing an explanation by the Finance Director and hort discussion by-the Council, authorization was en for the hiring of a clerk typtist (17A-B) for the Finpnce Department to accomodate the increased workload'from trash billing, & the addition of a secon.dary insurance company. 1741 2. Agenda Bill #6;05. Resolution No. 1928, regarding Employees Holidays. Resolution No. 1928. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PROVIDING FOR PROVISION FOR HOLIDAYS FALLING ON A SATURDAY, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. D. Public Works. [io1 1. Agenda Bill #600. Request for Council approval of landscaping plan - Parkway at Grand Ave. and Madison St. The landscaping plan.for the parkwag-at Grand Avenue and Madison Street was approved in principle, subject to the availability of funds and the matter was re- ferred to the Park and Recreation commission for approval and the establishment of priority. cxlUNCHLPdEI - 0 - 0 CITY OF ~ CA CDUNCILPVIEI -8- December 7, 1971 ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: (cont.) [ 551 2. Agenda Bill #617. Recission of Resolu- tion No. 1908, regulating rate for commercial bins. It was agreed that the decision to recind Resolution No. 1908,setting commercial trash rates be deferred pending a written decision from the Wage and Price Control Commission, as recommended by the City Attorn Further, the Ci.ty Manager was instructed to send a copy of the letter from the Office of Emergency Pre- paredness as soon as it is received by the City to Mr. Mischa Rader regarding his inquiry as to the legality of the rate increase. E. Purchasing. C361 1. Agenda Bill #606. Request for transfer of funds for purchase of transcribing machine. It was explained that this machine would be used with gard to Council Matters. Authorization was given for the purchase of the machine and the transfer of funds in the amount of $136.40 including tax from the Coun- cil's Budget Account #1-100-6.7 to Capital Outlay Account #1-100-9.1, as recommended by staff. ~841 2. Agenda Bill #607. Acceptance of bid for purchase of (4) Datsun pickups. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the purchase of these four vehicles as opposed to leasing or lease with option .to buy agreement. It was the decision of the Council that the staff be directed to investigate the possibility of leasing with option to buy on a 1-year to 18-month basis, the four Datsun pickups and to submit the results'at the next regular meeting. [841 '".3. Agenda Bill #608. Acceptance of bid and authorization for purchase of Patch Truck on a time payment plan. The Public Works Director ahti Purchasing Officer stated that the old truck is less versatile and is about 5 years old. It will be transferred ts the Parks and Recreation Department. The Council authorized the purchase of the Patch Truck on a time payment plan and accepted the bid from Vince Dixon Ford in tJie amount of $13,515.14 plus 5% .tax. The Mayor declared a short recess at 11:20 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 11:30 P.M. [84] .. 4,. Agenda Bill #609. Acceptance of bid and authorization to purchase Water Department vehicle. Authorization was given for the purchase of a vehicle for the Water Department and the low bid received from Vince Dixon Ford in the amount of $2,623.16 for the sedan was accepted. h 3, a; 6, .& rc. 2 Y ?\ sa g- A: B - X X X X 0 - e -P CITY OF +CA December 7, 1971 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (cont.) r841 5. Agenda Bill #610. Acceptance of 'bid and authorization for purchase of Ditch Witch Trencher. Fol.?owing an explanation by the Purchasing Agent as to why the high bidder was recommended in the award- ing of the bid, authorization was given for the pur- chase of the Ditch Witch Trencher and the bid receive from the Ditch Witch Trencher Company in the amount of $4,824.75 was aceepted. C r841 6. Agenda Bill #611. Acceptance of bid and authorization for purchase of 4-door lntermediate I sedan. I The Purchasing Agent explained that due to a break down and the expense of repair to the police back-up vehicle, it has become necessary to purchase a re- placement. Following discussion by the Council , authorization was given for the purchase of a 4-door intermediate sedan for the Police Department and the bid received from Vince Dixon Ford, Inc. in the amoun of $3,096.08 including tax, less $1,000 trade-in, Net amount of $2,096.46, was accepted. F. Water Committee. 1281 1. Agenda Bill #603. Acceptance of Minutes for Water Committee Meeting held November 23, 1971. (Special Meeting).. The Council accepted the Minutes of the Water Committ as presented:. Discussion was held as to the decrease in water sales in comparison to this time last year, as we7l.as the increase in water costs due to the donded indebtedness. It was suggested that the Water Committee move forward in a water rate study. I3 101 t 4. Carls.bad membership to the San Luis Rey Watershed Plan'ning Agency. 2. Agenda Bill #618. Approval of City of It was agreed that the City'bf Carlsbad become a member of the San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agency by a Joint Powers Agreement, at a cost of 1,500.00 plus a percentage of the balance of the project cost based on the assessed valuation of City properties within the San Luis Rey drainage area, and that funds be appropriated in the 1972-73 budget for such costs. The City Manager was dtrected to prepare a letter to the Water Committee stating the Council's intention. 1 9- CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Agenda Bill #601. Correspondence - Advisory I Dl01 1. Letter from Ernest Adler, Jr. with attached Petition. I Mr. Ernest Adler, Jr., a resident of Long Beach and owner of property involving the proposed location of a reservoir, appeared before'the Council in protest of reservoirs in residential areas. Mr. Adler's letters were acknowledged and he was informed that I CBhlNCIILMEf t Moti.on X Ayes xxx !e 0 - rn CITY QF CA c%XNCILOVJEE a meeting would be held with the property owners whose signatures appeared on the petition for the purpose of information and Mr:Adler was invited to attend. It was further stated that this meeting should in no way indicate the intention of the Council to stop the project. The City Engineer was instructed to schedule a meeting for the prupose of explaining the project to the interested parties-and that each petitioner should be notified of the meeting, as well as by. public notice. 8. Agenda Bill #602. Correspondence - Referral I I [551 1. Letter from C. F. Prince - re: Trash. ~ The letter frpm Mr. Prince was acknowledged and re- i ferred to the City Manager for reply stating the dis- i posal area is owned and operated by the County of San Diego and the City has no control over the charges for dumping. ~781 2. Letter from Peter No1 - re: Proposal for Noise Ordinance. - Acknowledgement was given the letter from Mr. Mol and the letter was referred to the Planning Commission, to be considered simultan- eously with the proposed Noise Ordinance, which the City Attorney reported has been prepared in rough draft. It was agreed that the Noise Ordinance should be considered by'the Planning Commission and a report and recommendation made to the City Council. It was also requested that a copy of the League of Californi Cities "Quiet City Report" be acquired for the Plannirg Commission's: use and the staff was instructed to re- ply to Mr. Mol's letter stating the Council's action and its intention to purchase a decibal meter in the next fisca.1 year. 1 o- . ORQ~NANCES FOR ADOPTION: I [30] (a) Agenda Bill #558. Ordinance No. 8057, adopting by reference 1970 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. . Ordinance No. 8057. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING 1970 EDITION OF UNIFORM PLhMBING CODE AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR YIOLATION THEREOF, Mot4on was gi,.\s~n-a-~~Second reading by title only and adopted. Ayes " X xxx [30] (b) Agenda Bill #559.. Ordinance No. 8058, adopting by reference 1.970 Edition of Uniform Housing Code, Vol. 111. Ordinance No. 8058. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING Vol. I11 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, 1970 EDITION, REGARDING HOUSING AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF, was given a second Motion X reading by title only and adopted. Ayes xxx [113] (c) Agenda Bill #578. Ordinance No. 9285, amenj- ing Ordinance No. 9263, regarding signs for Specific Plan in Tamarack Plaza. Ordinance No. 9285. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 9263, SUB-SECTION I Ill . ~. 4 OF SECTION 4 REGARDING TAMARACK PLAZA (Daytom ' I ;;:ion 1\11 I Enterprises, Inc.) was giver? a second reading by title only and adopted. X I I ,liixl 0 - B CITY OF CARLS -11- December 7, 1971 ~ ~- ~ 10- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION;(cont.) 1 [551 (d) Agenda Bill #583. Ordinance No. 6046, amend. ing Ordinance No. 6045. Chapter 6.09 of the Municipal Code by adding sub-sectiqn 6.09.010 (e) regarding Garbage and Trash Collection. Ordinance No. 6046. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING CHAPTER 6.09 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BAD, was given.a second reading by title only and adopted. REGARDING GARBAGE COLLECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLS- 11- ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: [781 (a) Agenda Bill #494. Ordinance No. 9287, con- cerning zoning uses in regard to Residential Storage of Recreation Equipment. (See Page 1 - Item 5-c) Referred to the Planning Comhission for recommendations and Public Hearing. 1301 (b) Agenda Bill #612. Ordinance No. 8059, amending Chapter 18.04 of the Building Code in regard to street numbers and street signs. Ordinance No. 8059. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING CHAPTER 18.04-OF THE BUILDING CODE REGARDING STREET NUMBERS AND STREET SIGNS, was given a first reading by title only and further reading waived. l301 (c) Agenda Bill #613. Ordinance No. 3087, amending Section 20 of Ordinance No. 3005, establish- ing office of Traffic Engineer, and establishing powers and duties. Ordinance No. 3087. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAQIAMENDING CH4PTER 10.08 - TRAFFIC ADMINISTRA- I TION - '6% THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING OFFICI': OF TRAFFIC ENGINEER, was given a first reading by titl-e only and further reading waived. C781 (d) Agenda Bill #614. "Ordinance No. 6047, amenci ing Ordinance No. 6041, and adding Chapter 8.09 to the Municipal Code, regulating Cabaret Danci'ng and Cafe Entertainment. Ordinance No. 6047. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PAL CODE REGARDING REGULATIONS OF CABARET DANCING AND CAFE ENTERTAINMENT., AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 6041, was given a first reading by title only and further reading waived. CARLSBAD ADDING CHAPTER 8.Q9 TO THE CARLSBAD MUNICI- 12- CURRENT BUSINESS: I C701 (a) Agenda Bill #615. Letter from Mobile Oil Company, expressing an interest in leasing the Green- wood property. It was agreed that this matter be referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission for recommendations prior to Council Action being taken, and the City Manager was instructed to write to the Mobile Company informtng them that the matter has been referred 'to the Parks and Recreation Commissi.on for review and recommendations. COUNClLMEI - - ,, I e CITY OF CA GOUNCIILMEI -1 2- Mr. Lisle Smith, representing Oceanside Cablevision stated his company would also be interested in sub- in furnishing CATV service in the City of Carlsbad and inform them that the City is receiving proposals for Cablevision. He should also inform them that Ayes xx x their proposals should be based on the proposed ordinance by the League of California Cities and should be submitted no later than January 15, 1972. Motion X ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [45] (a) Ecke Property - Carlsbad Blvd. Mayor Dunne stated he had recently talked,-to Mr. Paul Ecke and Mr. Ecke expressed his desire to lease his prpperty, docated on Carlsbad Boulevard near S.D.G. & E., for $1.00 a year. Mr. Ecke stated in their conversation that he would pay for the taxes on the property. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare a lease agree-. ment indicating that Mr. Ecke will bear the cost of the taxes. The Agreement should be similiar to the one we have had in the past.on this property. [43] (b) Sproul Homes - Extension on McReynolds CUP. The City Clerk announced that a letter had been re- ceived from .Sproul Homes requesting an extension on the McReynold's CUP which expires December 15, 1971. It was recommended that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission for a decision at their December 14, 1971 meeting. 1% RAYIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL.: - Ratification was given for the payment of bills for the General.Expenses of; $he City in &he amount of $38,543.09 and for the Water Department in the amount of $10, 186.82 for the period November 16, 197.1 thru November 30, 7971, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Motion Committee. Ayes xxx Ratification was given for the payment of the payroll in the amount of $56,420.54' for the period November 16, 1971 through November 30, 1971, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Motion X Committee. Ayes xxx 14- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12~56 A.M. Respectfully submitted, TTdfq- MARGA ET E. ADAMS ~ City Clerk j 1 I ,