HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-24; City Council; MinutesQ 6 0 0 # CITY OF CARLSBAD COWNCDLMEI Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) The Mayor announced this meeting was adjourned from the regular meeting held May 16, 1972. CONTINUED BUSINESS: (a) Agenda.Bil1 #755. Endorsing proposition No. 1 ($250 million Cal-Vet Bond Issue) on the June 6, 1972 The following resolution was presented for con- sideration: RESOLUTION #2018. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MOTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ENDORSING PROPOSITION NO. 1 title only and further reading waived. ($250 million Cal-Vet Bond Issue), was adopted by xx Ayes Councilman Frazee was present at 4:lO P.M. and Councilman Lewis at 4:25 P.M. (b) Agenda.Bil1 #752. Establishing and funding an independent C.P.O. Staff. This matter was contin- ued from the meeting of May 16th and by Memorandum dated May 22, 1972, Mayor Dunne recommended that the City of Carlsbad approve an independent C.P.O. staff, and fund it to the extend of $6,017.00 only. The Mayor introduced Richard J. Huff, Executive Director and Secretary of the Comprehensive Planning Organization, who reported that ten cities had agreed to support an independent C.P.O. staff, two of which conditioned their approval. Mr. Huff made reference to.his letter dated May 5, 1972, with recommended Policy for CPO Review of Matters of Regional Signifi- cance, and supporting data for an independent staff, and correspondence to the Board of Supervisors dated May 17, 1972 from the Chief Administrative Officer, with a preliminary budget attached. In comparing the two budgets submitted, Mr. Huff indicated it was his opinion that the independent staff could be operated on the budget submitted by his office even though there was a difference of $800,00O..between the budget submitted by CAO and his office. Following lengthy discussion by the Council it was Motion X agreed that this Council approve the independent : Ayes xxx staff and approve the $6,017.00 funding. Noes .(c) Agenda Bill #494. Proposed nuisance ordi-. nance, regarding residential storage of recreational equipment. Mayor Dunne suggested this matter be carried over to the next regular meeting. Cmn. Lewis pointed out the Planning Commission has I) had the nuisance ordinance for some time and they attempted to contact he and Cmn. Castro one time. ', 6 0 CITY OF 0 CARLSBAD CBUNCILME a - -2- It: 7 Adjourned meeting held May 24, 1972 (d) Agenda Bill #497. Safety regulations re- garding aquatic area. I The City Attorney informed the Council a letter had- been received from the Department of Navigation and Ocean Development stating that Ordinance No. 3085 of the City of Carlsbad does not comply with the State regulations in regards to certain sections. Prior to the next regular meeting he will contact the State ,, and prepare a revised ordinance for consideration. ' AD.DITIONAL BUSINESS: (a) Agenda Bill #757. Request for issuance of grading permit on Units A, B and C of the Hosp Grove Master Plan. Applicant: Kamar Construction Co. The City Manager presented a memorandum dated May 24, 1972 addressed to the City Council, stating Kamar Construction Co. is requesting the issuance of a grading permit on Units A, 5 and C.of the Hosp Grove Master Plan development. This property was zoned P-C (Planned Community) by Ordinance #9250. Under the P-C Ordinance #9218, Section 1380 requires that prior to the time of development of any area within the Master Development Plan, a specific plan for the area proposed to be developed shall be adopted. A specific Plan and tentative map was received today, however, it has not been approved by the.Planning Commission nor the City Council. A grading plan was submitted and it is the opinion of the City Engineer the plan can be workable with adjustment. It was further stated by the City Manag.er that although the technical requirements of the grading plan .can be satisfied, the'grading plan as a part of the develop- ment concept for the Hosp Grove was not presented and approved as part of the specific plan and tenta- tive map. The City Manager requested a clarification of the P-C ordinance and a policy statement as to whether a grading permit constitutes a part of the develop- ment. It is the opinion of the staff that grading is a part of the development, however, a meeting was held with the developers and it is their feeling that grading does not constitute a part of the development It was further noted that under this grading the. developer will be moving approximately 500,000 cubic yards of earth. The Council inquired if the grading plan meets the requirements of the grading ordinance, and the City Engineer stated it did subject to adjustments being made. The plan shows streets, etc., which is part of the sub.@ivision. The question is "Does the Counci want to see the plans prior to any grading being done During discussion it was pointed out by Cmn. Frazee that by allowing the developer to proceed under the present grading plan, the developer is taking a > 11 chance. .. 1. 0 0 .. CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 - D COUNCILME -3- Adjourned meeting of May 24, 1972 1 I! 8 F; P The City Hanager informed the Council the developer is willing to stipulate that any grading performed would be subject to approval of the specific plan. NICK BANKE, 3424 Ridgecrest, Attorney at Law, address ed the Co'uncil and stated the staff is fearful of issuing. a grading permit, as they feel if a permit is issued the City would in fact be approving the entire project. However, under the P-C .zoning requirement a specific'plan is required for each unit, and it is only economical to have the grading done at one time on the entire three units. By motion of the Council it was unanimously agreed that.the staff be instructed to issue the grading permit in total, that the Council go on record as definitely restricting the. specific plan to the time it is submitted to the City Council, and that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission for study as it applies to P-C zoning. The meeting adjourned to the City Manager's confer- ence room at 5:30 P.M., and reconvened at 5:35 P.M. with all members present. Motion Ayes i X I c ._ - ,[-b:)-.. Agenda Bill #758. Moritorium on submittal of applications <- for P-C zoning. .. 'A . Cmn. Chase requested that a resolution be adopted in accordance with the action taken by the City Council on April 18, 1972, to call for a moritorium on sub- mittal of applications for P-C zoning for a 90 day period, or sooner, at the discretion of the Council, effective May 25, 1972.. Discussion was. held to exclude preannexation zone changes, due to the fact th'is could preclude property from annexing, and an application has been received on a large parcel of .land for staffing.. I I The following resolution was presented verbally: 1 I Resolution #2020. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALLING FOR A NINETY (90) DAY MORITORIUM ON SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR PLC (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE, EFFECTIVE MAY 25, 1972, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PREANNEXATION ZONE CHANGES; was adopted with instructions for written preparation thereof for 'later execution. I ,Motion Ayes I *., ~x CURRENT BUSINESS: 1'. I '(a) Agenda' Bill #756. ' Proposed budget for fisca year 7 972-73. I The City Council acknowledged the City Manager's letter of transmittal concerning the proposed budget for fiscal year 1972-73. Discussion was held as to the.anticipated reve'nues for the next fiscal year. Departmental budgets were reviewed from Page 10 through Page 35. .. I In discussing the General Government Buildings budget Cmn. McComas stated he felt a $10,000 deductible should be considered for insurance on the Government Buildings. I t >' g -..- - \c ?.q ;f A a. xx xx .. , 6 0 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD GOUNClhMEI - 4- 0 Cmn. Lewis was excused at 6:30 P.M. It was agreed that the proposal for a full time City Attorney be continued until the next budget session. On Page'28 a clerical error was noted under Clerk- typist, which should read .5 rather than .25. The City Manager stated he is proposing that Mr. Piet- , Administrative Trainee under the PEP Program, take over the purchasing, and that Mr.. Baldwin continue with personnel. This would enable Mr. Baldwin to act as the assistant to the City Manager. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.11. Mo.tion X and adjourned to Wednesday, May 31, 1972 at 5:30 P.M. Ayes xx in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue. Absent X ~~~L&?!f,> I' t' "',../:j. :,, /- [ /L&.Z%Y, MA~GAR~T E. ADAMS c City klerk .. I)