HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-31; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting). _ Date of Meeting: May 31, 1972 Time of Meeting: 5:30 P.ikfi. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers and adjourned to the City Manager's Conference Room at 5:40 P.M. I CURRENT BUSINESS: [68] Agenda. Bill .#752. Request for City Attorney's .. assistance'in preparation of Joint Powers Agreement - re: Implementation of independent C.P.O. Staff. Reference was made to a letter dated May 26, 1972 from the Chief Administrative Officer, F. J. Morey, County of San Diego, requesting the assistance of the City Attorneys from each city to meeting with the County Counsel and cooperatively draft a joint powers I agreement establishing an independent CPO. I The City Attorney was directed to meet with the Count Counsel on behalf of the City of Carlsbad in prepar- ation of the joint powers agreement. I [79] Agenda Bill #759. Establishing procedure for Counci 1 Agenda. I Discussion was held on various suggestions and recom- mendati ons submitted to expedite the Counci 1 meetings , It was agreed that better use should be made of the Consent Calendar portion of the agenda. Also that one Councilman meet with the City Manager and City Clerk to go over the agenda items prior to being placed on the agenda for a while, in order to assist in establishing some guidelines in preparation of the agenda. Cmn. Chase stated he would be willing to work with the staff. [74] Agenda Bi 11 #759-A. Additional Job Classifica- tions. The Personnel Officer requested the following job classifications in order to reimburse two Serra System Library employees: Systems Coordin'ator, Range 40, and Que Sera Coordinator, Range 33. It was pointed out funds for these two positions would be 100% reimbursed through the Serra System. Resolution No. 2023. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADDING TWO POSITIONS TO THE CITY JOB CLASSIFICATIONS, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. Request for expenditure of in lieu Park funds. The City Manager informed the Council the Parks De- partment would like to use approximately $3,800 of the in lieu Park Funds to install a watering iystem and planting of turf and trees, for that portion of Holiday Park that is not planted. Authorization was given for the expenditure of $3,800 from the in lieu Park Funds to provide a . watering system and the planting of turf and trees, for that portion of Holiday Park not planted. COUNCILMEN CITY OF CARLSBAD, Crnn. Frazee requested that an additional sheet be added to the budget setting forth the special funds, i.e. Park in lieu funds, Transient Occupancy tax, etc. [29] Agenda Bill #576. Proposed Budget for fiscal ' year 1972-73. Page 21 - City Attorney. Discussion was held as to the employment of a full time City Attorney. The City Manager inf.ormed the Council the City of Vista is in the process of hiring a City Attorney, and they would be willing to share a full time attorney with the City of Carlsbad. It was agreed that the Mayor and City Manager meet with representatives from the City of Vista to discuss the possibility of sharing a full time attorney. It was further agreed that the amount proposed in the budget remain in the budget, but no hiring of a full time attorney be approved at this time. Page 31 - Non-Departmental. Cmn. Lewis stated the Ihlayor's Youth Committee feel that the operation of Lifeline is needed for the community, and are in hopes funds will be allocated. I Authorization was given for the allocation of $1,000 to Lifeline, Account #7-109. I Additional Personnel and Classifications. Crnn. Chase, inquired of the City Manager if it was his intention to add 5.75 additional employees, and if so where do they show in the budget? I The City Manager stated the addtional employees are proposed in the following departmental budgets: I No. of Employees Department Building Inspector Planning Department Engi neeri ng Administrati on Parks Department Secretary Cmn. Lewis asked if a flat percentage increase was being recommended for the employees, and the City Manager stated due to the funds needed for the retire- ment system, there are no funds available for an ' across-the-board increase. There are several employees in the miscellaneous catagory that are below standard, and .the Personnel Director is making a survey and wi 11 submit his recommendations to the Council. I Cmn. Frazee stated he did not feel you can go entirely on a comparison with other cities in making a survey. Mayor Dunne requested that Councilmen Chase and,Frazee meet with the City Flanager and go over the recommenda- tions that will be submitted by the Personnel Director Meritorius System. Discussion was held as to setting up a meritorius system for longevity. The City Manager stated he would check into the percentage of City employees that have been with. the City 15 years or longer. COUNCILMEN Motio Ayes CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN