HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-14; City Council; Minutes4 ITY @F CL4RLSBprg GOUNCEBtv4E. 0 Fzx- B ?qx Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 14, 1972 Time of Meeting:' 5:30 P.K. ROLL CALL: The adjourned meeting was called to order by Mayor Dunne in the Council Chambers and adjourned to the City Manager's Conference Room. The meeting reconvened at 5:40 P.M. with all mem,bers present. Recommended Policy for CPO Review of Matters of . Regional Significance. The Mayor referred to a letter dated May 5, 1972 from Richard J. Huff, Executive i Secretary of CPO, requesting that the Council take action on the recommended policy for CPO Review of Matters o'f Regional Significance, and requested that the Council members review the policy and be able to take a stand at the meeting of June 20, 1972. Adjourned meeting - .re: City Policies. Cmn. Chase stated he had been working on a report as to City Policies and will make certain recommendations to the Council for.consideration. He requested that an adjourned meeting be held on Wednesday, June 22, 1972, to discuss the report and recommendations. Mayor Dunn and Cmn. Frazee stated they would be out of town until the regular meeting of July 5, 1972. Proposed Preliminary Budget for Fiscal Year 1972-73. The City Manager requested the following typographical corrections made: Page 18 - Acct. #6.7 $2,500 icstead of $3,600; Page 28 - Salary range for administrative assistant should be classification 36 at a salary of $5,268; and classification for administrativ intern should be 28 at a salary Of $4,554. Page. 30 Fosition title should read.Assist-ant to City Manager ins,tead of Administrative Assistant. Page 54 Acct #6.7 - $2,600 instead of $1,500. Personnel. Mr. Baldwin, personnel Director, presented Memorandums of Understanding from the three employees groups. Miscellaneous Employees. A Memorandum of Understand- ing dated June 2, 1972 was presented, and Mr. Baldwin stated that an agreement was reached-as of June 14, 1972 by a ballot vote. As to Item 3 (Educational In- centive Program), the staff is trying to work out an acceptable plan, and it is planned to have a committe consisting of a member from the association, himself and his secretary, to meet and work out a plan. A list of salary range adjustments for various .miscell- aneous employees to meet an average as revealed by a survey dated February, 1972, has been submitted to Councilmen Chase and Frazee for review. This list involves approximately 30 employees. e! Cmn. Chase stated that he and Cmn. Frazee have review- ed the list and agree with the recommended adjustments, ~ I I I P I ITY OF C 0 exzmxrm 8 -2- Police Officer's Association. A 12emorandum of Under- standing dated June 12, 1972 from the Police Officer's Association was presented and Mr. Baldwin stated they have agreed to the six (6) changes and improvements. Under Item 2, concerning sickness and accident-disa- bility policy coverage, the works "after three months with 60% pay" should be added. Under Item 6, he has agreed to continue negotiations regarding "E" step employees who have been locked in grade over five year Cmn. Lewis stated he felt longevity should be consider ed for all employees. 1 Car,lsbad Fire Fighters, Inc. The Memorandum of Under- standing for the Carlsbad Fire Fighters Association dated June 9, 1972 was reviewed for the Council by the Personnel Director. Mr. Baldwin pointed out an agree- ment was reached as to a reduction in the work week from 67.2 hours to 63 hours. The bereavement leave and sickness and accident disa- bi li ty policy would apply to all three groups of em- ployees. It is estimated that the total cost of all the benefits offered to the employeees would be $32,500. Mr. Baldwin was complimented for his efforts and the results obtained with the three groups. Following discussion it was agreed that the Memoran- dums of Understanding be accepted in principle. Mayor Dunne requested Councilmen Chase and Frazee to review the department heads' requests and make their recommendation to the City Council. 'Departmental Budgets. I Cmn. Chase presented a memorandum to the Council stating that after much study of the proposed budget he has reached the conclusion that in general, it was acceptable to him as presented, and it was doubtful to him that the Council would be able to alter it to any measureable advantage; however, he would like to pro- pose several stipulations to be attached to the accept ance of the budget. Mayor Dunne stated he was not in favor of such a pro- posal as he had several questions that needed answer- I ing. I Cmn. Chase moved that his suggestion and proposal for handling the budget this year be adopted by the Council The.motion wds.'lost for lack of a second. Items listed as Miscellaneous in the various depart- mental budgets were discussed and the Mayor requested that the next budget describe the items included under miscellaneous. Employment of City Attorney. At the previous meeting it was agreed that the City of Carlsbad work with the City of Vista in screening applications for the em- ployment of a full time City Attorney to serve both cities. Mayor Dunne requested Cmn. McComas,to assist him in reviewing the applications. He suggested after a 1 - Mot AY e COkbNG1LME~ I 6- 0 IdL..eBIcELuI 8 CITY . 0.F .-.CAf?LS -. .. ._ - -3- slection has been agreed upon that two councilmen be available to interview the applicants. Cmn. Lekis suggested that before a selection is made someone con- tact the applicant's home town to find out what type of person.he is and how he works. It was agreed that Mayor Dunne and Cmn. McComas pro- .teed to work with the City of Vista in screening ap- plications. Page 30 - Personnel Department. In a memorandum from the Chief of Police, he stated a Federal Grant had been received and requested the following items be deleted: 1 chalkboard - $100; 1 wall mount screen- $55; and 1 Graflex instant-load Projector - $200, making a total of $355 to be deleted. The Chief has requested the following items be added.to the budget: 1 monitoring system $130; 1 Rotary sign $50; and 1 Booking camera $170, making a total of $350 to be added to the budget. La Costa Annexation. Discussion was held as to the proposed annexation of La Costa and any commitment made regardi.n.g personnel. The Mayor stated the only commitment made was the City would integrate the Fireman now employed at La Co-sta. The City Manager informed the Council it is contemplat ed the County Special Services would continue until July 1, 1973 for police and fire. The Transient Oc- cupancy tax received will be used for services not furnished by the special districts. A branch library is one service the City of Carlsbad has to offer to the La Costa residents. Mr. Arnold asked that the Council submit a policy and guidelines as to manning the fire station and branch library It was the concensus of the Council that if. any pro- motions or advancements were made due to the .annexa- tion, that the present City employees should be given first chance. I Mayor Dunne requested 'the City Manager to submit a proposed policy statement for the Council's review. I:. General Government Buildings. The City Manager was directed to check into the cost of insta1.ling air conditioning in the Council Chambers. Fire Department. In discussing the Fire Depart- ment budget the City Manager pointed out La Costa is in the County Ambulance District. It was his feeling the City has a choice of going into the County Ambu- lance District or the City furnish this service. The Fire Chief is preparing a report on the cost of such a service. Further, $10,000 has been placed in the budget for architectural d.esign to convert a house plan into a satisfactory fire station on the property owned by the City at Chestnut Ave. and El Camino Real. Page 46 - Civil Defense. Mayor Dunne stated he was concerned about the fact the City does not own a I generator in the event the power went off. If this should happen raw sewage would be dumped into the I Buena Vista Lagoon. The City Manager informed the Council the City is trying to obtain one through 1 68UNCtbMEI 135 v ,I CITY WUNCiLFdE 0 ~ i -4- Adjourned meeting held June 14, 1972. Civil Defense Surplus Properties. Engineering and Public Works. The Mayor suggeste a Public Works Division in the budget and Engineering could then be a part of this division, as it is very difficult to follow salaries, equipment, etc., the way it is set up now. The City Manager informed the' Counc it would be set .up as requested next year. C Page 49 - Salaries. The Engineer's salary should be $15,273, representing 3/4ths of his.salary, and 1/4 is charged to the Mater Department, making a total of $20,364. Page 48 - Acct #9.1. Discussion was held as to reducing the four tap counters to two. Page 49 - Personnel.. Approval was given to the number of employees proposed, however the actual hirin of the Principal Civil Engineer must be approved by the City Council. Cmn. Chase asked if funds proposed for the employment of .a Principal C. E. and a person were not hired could the funds be used for contract- ual work. The City Manager stated they could be. Page 68 and 69 - Parks. Cmn. McComas asked if the equipment proposed in the Parks budget would be used full time. He felt that any equipment purchased by the City should be coordinated with other depart- ments. The City Manager informed the Council Mr. Piet will be making a study and report of the nqeds in the various departments. The equipment is available for any department to use: Page 70 - Parks personnel. The City Manager in- formed the Council that it is proposed that one of the employees ('Jim Baird) be taken out of the PEP Program and placed 0n.a permanent status, and that the secretary be placed under the PEP Program. It was noted that under the number of employees the secretary was not included, however, $6,798 was allocated for salary. The City Manager was instructed to check into this matter. Park in lieu funds. A report was submitted by Mr. Johnston, Parks and Recreation Director, showins the amount of $38,219.63 being held in this-fund for the 31 park areas throughout the City. A further re- port will be submitted by the Parks and Recreation Commission, recommending how the funds are to be used. Mayor Dunne suggested an adjourned meeting sometime in July to discuss future development of parks. A plan is being prepared for the development of. Lake Ca 1 avera . I Page 71 - Recreation. The Parks and Recreation Director pointed out the Summer Recreation Program starts the 1st of July, and it is necessary that the equipment be purchased prior to that time. Authorization was given for the expenditure of funds not to exceed $5,584.00 for recreational equipment from Acct. 5-133-6.7. It was also agreed that the amount of $350.00 be deleted under acct. #9.1 I ~~~ '#\Qp\$; 136 1 Motion Ayes I. CITY OF CARhSBFtD -5- 0 viE?;e- 8 Adjourned meeting held June 14, 1972 Mayor Dunne noted that funds received from the Parks and Boulevard tax could be used, and the City Manager stated the funds received from these tax monies could only be used for certain functions. Cmn. Chase suggested that if there were funds availabl consideration should be given to providing access to the lagoon from Hoover Street. This could be develop- ed for aquatic recreation and parking area. It was his understandi.ng the City does have fee title to property at this location. Cmn.. Lewis requested that funds be provided for buoys in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and the City Manager stated he would check into this item. Page 50-A - Streets. The City Manager recommend- ed that Acct. #4.1 be reduced from $28,000 to $23,000. I Page 51 - Acct. #4..1 reduced from $25,000 to $20,000. Page 54 - Acct. #6.7 increased from $1,500 to $2,600. The City Manager stated next year the budget would reflect only one Street Department budget. I I Car allowances. Car allowances were discussed and Cmn. Chase stated this matter would be considered I in the report he will be submitting to the City Counc'i 1 Page 65 - Sanitation. Acct. #8.0 in the amount of $48,600 was discussed and it was noted this is the I City's share of the Encina Plant .maintenance. The to allocate the amount shown in the joint sewer budget1 Acct. #8.2 was discussed and the Council was informed these funds are used for technical services for in- dustrial waste. It was also pointed out the 'rates proposed in the ordinance submitted at the last Counci meeting would take care of part of this cost. By proper motion it was agreed that the City set up a policy that would require a direct charge to indust- rial users for technical services. .City Manager was instructed to verify this amount and Page 67 - Planning. Cmn. Chase stated he was opposed to sending as many people to any one conven-' tion as last year. The City Manager informed the Council in a City of this size usually the Chairman of the commission is sent. Cmn. Chase further stated he was very dissatisfied that the Planning Director is not present at the Planning Commission and Council meetings. This means the Associate Planner is required to attend all meet- ings. It was the general concensus of the Council the Associate Planner was not being compensated for the work being performed. The Planning Director has been receiving $100.00 per month for the position of Executive Secretary of the Housing Authority. It was suggested that the Planning Director's classi- fication be changed from 51 to 48 and that the salary be reduced from $18,480 to $17,172,; and that Bob Coles be appointed Executive Secretary to the Housing caUNQBLF&K - I 1 1 i 1 1 ! I I .<e ITY OF CARLS GgUNClb!v$El -6- Page 76 - Gas Tax. The City Manager reported all the gas tax monies are committed for the next few year Supervisors. It was the feel ing of the members of the. Council other means should be explored prior to re- questing a hearing. Executive Session. The Mayor called for an executive session to discuss personnel at 11:35 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 12:lO A.M. and.was adjourned at 12:15 P.M.