HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-20; City Council; Minutesi CITY OF CARbSD/ltD Mi nutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 20, 1972 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. I)- Place of Meeting: Council Chambers - .- ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by !/layor Dunne. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes c;f the Adjourned Meeting held May (b) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 7, 31, 1972, were approved as presented. 197'2, were approved as corrected. .COUNCIL - COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council Committee Reports were given and the following.action was taken by the Council: [ [ [69] (a) Parks and Recreation Commission. Council- man Lewis reported on the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion meeting a.nd stated the Commission has requested a Joint Meeting be held with the City Council sometime in July for discussion' regarding development of parks in the City. It was agreed by the Council a Joint Meeting would be held with the Parks and Recreation Commission in July to discuss park development. :281 (b) Sign Committee: Cour;cilman Chase stated th Sign Committee has completed recommendations.which ' have been submitted to the Council Members. Dr. Ron Packard, Chairman of the Sign Committee stated recom- mendations were subrni tted for Council review. The recommendations were presented at a Chamber of Commerc meeting and there has been no significant response fro those present at the meeting. It was mgved that the Council accept the report of the Sign Committee and that it be referred to the Planning Commission for incorporated recommendations. :28] (c) South Carlsbad .Planning Committee. Council man Frazee reported th2 South Carlsbad Planning Com- mittee has requested Council assistance in establishin guidelines for the committee. It was pointed out this committee, was not a Council appointed committee. The Mayor requested Councilman Frazee contact the Planners to determine what objectives they would like the com- mittee to accomplish. 6- HOUSING AUTHORITY: (Cont. from 6/7/72) " i 1051 The City Council adjourned to the Housing Author ty at 8:13 P.M., and reconvened to the Council Meeting at 8:45 P.M., with all Councilmen present. e. i 7- PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mayor Dunne declared the Public Hearings open at 7:30 P.M. :113] (a) Agenda Bill #774. Request for approval of pre-annexation zone change from County A-1-(8) to P-C (Planned Community) and the adoption of a Master P7an on property located Easterly of El Camin:, Real, Northerly of Elm Ave. extension- and Southerly of Marron Road extension. Applicant:. tarwin-San Diego, I - mur<clLb,4E, \ e3\Y* c-y+;. r\o\ 1 3 9 ,,!yy \ Tii ,g:r\ A-;: ..&2 \<" *' /-. ': I '.: ;?4-.. ".>" : 17:. r-3: ~ ~ Present X Motion Ayes - . nc . 0 - a DezI CiTY OF ~ CARLSBAD -z- June 20, 1972 " -6 ~~ ~~ ~~ """"""." The City Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication and reported no correspondence had been received. A motior: was made that the Affidavi.t of Publication be accepted and ordered filed. .Mr. Darrell Dalton, 9100 Wilshire Blvd. , Los Angeles , representative for Larwin, informed the Council the Planning staff is presently reviewing the Specific Pla on this property, which would require a P-C zone. The plan shows a townhouse development, city park and ' commerci a1 development along El Ca.mi no Real. Recreati o areas wi 11 be provided within the .development for all age groups. The architectural design will be in keepi with the Spani.sh Motif. established along El Camino Rea The City Manager informed the Council the staff has been working 'with the developers concerning the school problem. Larwin has agreed to give to the City the sam of $56,000, which is equivalent to 1/2 a school site (representing 7 or 8 acres). Cities can lease property to school districts. Due to the topography of the land, the developer. was unable to give a full school site. It is estimated this development will generate approximately'200 school children. Inquiry was made frorn the audience as to where the school would be located and the City Manager stated a site would be purchased to the satisfaction of the City Council and the School Board. The City could the lease .the property to the school district for $1 .OO a year. Mr. Dalton further stated that access to the develop- ment would be from the Elm Avenue extension. Council- man Frazee inquired as to why the improvement of the Elm Avenue extension was not mentioned as a 'specific item in the ordinance., The City Engineer stated this is the Master Plan and that it would be a condition of the Specific Plan. The City Engineer further stated the developer would be. required to improve one-half of Elm Avenue extension along the southwesterly por- tion of his property from the intersection of- El Camino Real to the most southerly boundary of his property; one-half of Appian Kay; and one-half of Marron Road to the most easterly portion of. his proDev Mr. Dalton stated the developer is in agreement with the installation of street improvements as indicated by the City Engineer. Mayor Dunne closed the Pub1 ic Hearing with the unani- mous consent of the Council. The following Resolution was. adopted by title only and further reading waived: Resolution No. 2030. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DE- CISION REGARDING A PRE-ANNEXATION CHANGE OF ZONE FROM COUNTY ZONING A-1 (8) TO P-C (Planned Community) ZONE ON PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL, SOUTH OF HIGHNAY 78, AND NORTHERLY OF THE PROPOSED ELM AVENUE EXTENSION. ,I Wl C9UNCfk"~ \\ 140 yvy:; a\" CtO l&"Io Fqq :,:e\ .q -f jy ,z>>7 : L.:. .: .! <%\ .. I i 0 " - D I CiTY QF CARLSBAD -3- June 20, 1972 n The following Ordinances were introduced by title only w-i th further reading waived, and passed to a second reading at an adjourned regular meeting, July 5, 1972. Ordinance No. 9315. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLS ,BAD, ADOPTING A MASTER PLAN SUBJECT TO ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL, SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 78, AND NORTHERLY OF THE PROPOSED ELM AVENUE EXTENSION. (Larwin), subject to . the inclusion of Item #7, Section 2, which shall read as follows: "Developer shall improve the one-half of Elm Avenue on the southwesterly portion of his pro- perty from El Camino to the most southerly boundary an that h.e improve one-half of the street, at this time called Appian Way, which abutts his property on the south and that he improve one-half of the proposed Marron Road from the existing improvement of the inter section of El Camino to the'easterly most portion of his property boundary", and as amended by Councilman Frazee and accepted by Councilman Chase, to include the wording "or provide bond in lieu of improvements subject to the approval of the City Council". Ordinance Nc. 2316. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLS BAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 BY GRANTING A PRE- t ANNEXATION CHANGE OF ZONE FROM COUNTY ZONING A-1 (8) TO P-C ZONE, ON PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF EL CANINO REAL, SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 78, AND HORTHERLY OF THE PRO- TO P-C (Planned Community) ZONE AND FRO14 R-1-70,000 POSED ELM AVENUE EXTENSION (Larwin). 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS : A. Engi neeri ng : :811 . 1 .* Agenda Bill #775. Auth.orization for 1 acquisition of land at' intersection of Roosevelt St. and Laguna Drive. The City Engineer explained that a traffic hazard exists at the intersection of Roosevelt and Laguna Dr. and stems from an existing fence at the southeast corner of the intersection which blocks the view of approaching traffic. The matter was reviewed by the Traffic Safety Commission and recommendation was that the. city acquire sufficient right of way along the south side of Laguna, east of Roosevelt, to permit re- location of the existing fence. Since the property ow at this point has not granted the city permission.to d so, it is suggested that the staff be authorized to negotiate with the property owner for the purchase of a seven foot strip or to obtain immediate possession by condemnation if negotiations are unsuccessful. Ttie following Resolution was adopted by title only and further reading waived. Resolution No. 2031. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A I PORTION OF PARCEL 203-102--36 BY NEGOTIATION OR CON- ~ DEMNATION, IF NECESSARY, TO ACQUIRE SAID PORTION. 1 1 Further, the City Manager was authorized to transfer funds in the amount of $1,000 from the general fund reserve to account #1.-128 for purchase of the 7' strip. CQWNCILP~~E \yyp ).-, &n , *<?f: )<. I") \ -;;', : py7* CTZ'I 'a b\ I 0 v 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNClLME -4- [I 101 2. kenda Bill #776. Mater Systems Improve rnent Contract #lOOO. The City Engineer offered a brief explanation regardin a condition which was placed on an easement granted .by Rus~ell H. Sheffler to S..D.G. & E. S.D.G. & E. has requested the City to assume all costs of relocation as required by the aforementioned condition. It w2.s the recommendation of the City Engineer that authoriza tion by given for the execution of a relocation agree- ment and an addit-ional easement for electrical purpose in connection with Ellery Reservoi.r, be granted. Following discussion, .authorization was given the E451 3. Agenda Bill #777. Agreement for tempor- ary connection by City of Oceanside to Joint Sewer Sys tem. Following discussion by the Council and explanation by the City Engineer 9 authorization was given' the Mayor to execute a Temporary Connection Agreement to the A recess was called by Mayor Dunne at 9:03 P.M. and the,Council reconvened at 9:lO P.M. C85l. 4. Engineering Status Report. Acknowledg- ment was given the Engineering Department Status Repor and discussion was held on Cannon Road, Underground Utility Plans expected from S.D.G. & E. and the paint- ing and landscaping pf Ellery and Skyline Reservoirs. B. Purchasing. C601 1. Agenda Bill #778. Bid proposals for . General Liability Policy for City of Carlsbad. Mayor Dunne stated. it is his intention to recommend, to the League of Cities at the next convention that there be State funding for municipal liability insur- ance. C. Planning. 1771 1. Planning Status Report. The Planning Department Status Report was acknowledged. Discussion was held regarding a letter received from Mr. Robert L,. Rombotis,-dated June 16, 1972, requesting a pre- subdivision review committee. The Mayor stated he would like Councilman McComas, Councilman Chase, and Chairman of the Planning Commission E. H. Jose to serve 'on an ad hoc committee. The City Manager was instructed to write a letter- to Mr. Jose asking him to accept the appointment. e - 8 e - CITY OF " 5 GAWLSBAD June 20, 1972 ~ -~ ~~ ~"_~" "_~~ ~ for a mobile home park was submitted at this time. The Planning Director stated the application would be processed and forwarded to the Planning Commission. Councilman McComas stated a proposal should be prepare for the Council to terminate C.U.P. 's which were- grant ed and 'not acted upon. Councilman Chase requested the Planni.ng Director to furnish the Council with in- formation on mobile homes, specifically how many are ' in actual operation; how many have not been developed and any other pertinent information. Further, he suggested this information be prepared for the' Cougcil and,forwarded to them prior to the adjourned meeting to be held July 5, 1972. D. Parks and Recreation. c701 1. Parks and Recreation Dept. Status Report The Parks and Recreation Department Status Report was acknowledged. 9- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (a) Agenda Bill #779. The following Ordinances were deferred to the next regular meeting. c1131 1. Ordinance Mo. 9311, adopting a specific plan for property located on th.e easterly side of the A,T.& S.F. Railroad right-of-way, westerly of Intersta -5 and southerly of Chinquapin (Hunts Partnership-Papa of zone from R-1-7500 and R-T to T-C (Planned Communit zone on property located on easterly side of A.T. & S. Railroad right-of-way, westerly of Interstate-5 and southerly of Chinquapin. (Hunts Partnership-Papagayo) It was agreed by t.he Council that these Ordinances be deferred pending receipt of a letter from Hunts Part- nership stipuq,ating that they woitld agree to fencing the entire project; the type of fencing being subject to the approval of the City and further, there will be buffer Planting strips to conceal the fence. The following Ordinances-were adopted after reading of the title only and further reading waived. [I131 3. Ordinance No. 9313. AN ORDINANCE OF THE [I 131 2. Ordinance No. 9312, granting a change CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADOPT1NG.A SPECI INCLUDING ONE (1) MOTEL, ON'PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE (W. Joseph Parisi) FIC PLAN FOR FREEWAY-ORIENTED COMMERCIAL FACILITIES, NORTHWEST QUADRA'NT OF INTERSTATE-5 AND ELM AVENUE. ~1131 4. Ordinance No. 9314. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBmmNDING ORDINANCE.'NO. 9060 BY GRANT- ING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1 AND R-3 TO R-P (Residen- tial-Professional) ZONE, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE (W. Joseph Parisi) NORTHWEST QUANDRANT OF INTERSTATE-5 AND ELM AVENUE. c251 5. Ordinance No. 1145. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN PROPERTY DESIGNATED "EAST CARLS BAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.11". (Carrillo) COUPtrCt LME CITY OF CPiKLda,\D r"! cp -6- or June 20, 1972 "W" -7 1 10- ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: I The following Ordinances were introduced for a first reading by title only and further reading waived 'I [2*5] (a) Agenda Bill #780. - "East Carlsbad Annexa- .tion NO. 2..14" (Larwin-San Diego, Inc.) The Ciiy' Clerk announced the proposed annexation was approved 'by LAFCO, June 5, 1972, and the legislative body was authorized to annex such territory without notice and hearing, as provided in Government Code Sectfon 54797.1. Further, st was .pointed out this annexation request included properties owned by Beck- strand and Carroll Kelly. Ordinance No, 1146. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLS TAIN PROPERTY DESI.GNATED AS "EAST CARCSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.14" (Larwin - San Diego, Inc.) BAD APFROVING ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CER- I [78$ (b) Agenda Bill #781. Permit to Dischal.ge Firearms. .. Ordinance No. 3092. AN ORDINANCE OF THE C'ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHRLSBAD AMENDING SECTION 8.16.020 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE (Ordinance No. 3010) REGAR ING FIRE ARMS PERMITS. 11- CONSENT CALENDAR: The following i tems were approved by 'one motion affirming the actions on the CoGsent Calendar. A. Correspondence - Advisory. B. Correspondence - Ref-erral. D. Agreements. [45 1 1. Agenda Bill #782. Authorizing execution of second amendment to- Civil Defense and Disaster Agreement - re: Emergency Services. [gg & 4512. Agenda Bill #783. Approving and authori zing execution of Future Improvement Agreement in conn tion with Parcel Split #159 (Carlsbad Investment Corp. for future improvement of Oak Ave. frontage of propert C451 3. Agenda Bill #784. Approving and authori zing execution of agreement between Buene Colorado .Municipal Water District and the City of Carlsbad re: La Costa Annexation. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: The City C'lerk requested Item 'IC-1" removed frorr the Consent Calendar, since the Certification of Registered Voters had not been received from the Regis trar of Voters in San Diego. [25] C - 1 Agenda B'i11 No. 506. - Supplement #2. Reso ution No. 2032, stating intention of the City 0 Council to hold a special election in certain inhabite territory known as "South Carlsbad Annexation #l .13" (Lanakai) and fixing a time and place for public heari I 1 I (-JJ!)taCtlP ii" :li. 0 . 0 L-p B Cl*TY OF CARt.SBhD -7- June 20, 1972 E-xKc7s.m-. - ..-.-<<- 12- CONTINUED BUSINESS: [32] (a) Agenda Bill 8741. Supplement #2. Purchase of State of California Surplus Property. (4 freeway parcels). The Purchasing Agent stated he was instructed by the City Manager to hold negotiations with the State Divi- sion of Highways with regard to fogr (4) surplus freew parcels. The final result of negotiations was an agre men-t Lhat the City could purchase the four parcels for a total cost of $14,860 with $2,000 down, leaving a balance of $12,860 spread over a period of four (4) yea'rs with 7% interest. Further, it was a condition of the State that .the properties would be for public use. Councilman Chase stated.the minutes of June 7, 1972 reflect the Council's decision on this matter regard- ing negotiations with the State Division of Highways. He stated the City Manager was instructed to negotiate with the State representative at a meeting.to be held JGne 9, 1972 and he was instructed to negotiate for the purchase of Parcel 'IC" and for the option of first refusal on the other three parcels for the same price as Parcel 'IC". It appears thet-e was some misunderstan ing as the Purchasing Agent's report indicates all four parcels were negotiated for-purchase at this time Councilman McComas pointed out that in his discussion in Sacramento with the Division of Highways regarding this matter, it was his understanding that ,terms would be designated by the City and also that whatever terms were agreed upon would be interest free. Following further discussion, it was agreed by the .Council that Councilman McComas should attend another meettng with Mr. Greek from the State Division of Highways to negotiate to the terms reflected in the Minutes of June 7, 1972 and also in accordance with his understanding regarding "no interest" . Further, that a clarification be obtained from the State Divisi of Highways regarding the condition placed on the purchase of any of the freeway parcels. [931 (b) Agenda Bill 8765. .Recommended change to commercial and industrial sewer service rates. The City Engineer stated the Ordinance has been revis- ed and those affected by the increase have been noti- fied by mail. He has received no response from letter of notification. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the increase in commercial and industrial sewer service rates and it was the decision of the Council that the matter be deferred until the next regular meeting. The Council also expressed the desire for the local news media to publish information with regard to the increase explaining the increase is in compliance with State and Federal Law and will insure the City's eligibility for Federal Grants. L" 1 d ( s C(-JiJ;GCf[-,I;,.:!E - In ~ i i 1 I I b 0 - ..," ..Ei,- .". e 7-3 (-JTy OF c/jRLSfp$J -8- June 20, 1972 "" x-m- -*- - "~"""x= [78Qc) Agenda Bill.#773. Appointment of Noise Ordinance Committee. - EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Dunne called for an Executive-Session at 1O:lO P.M. to discuss Personnel. The Council recon- vened at 10:45 P.M, and the Mayor announced Personnel was discussed and the.follcwing appointments were made to the Noise Ordinance Committee: Ede Westree C'apt. L. 1. Rash 1288 Las Flores . 4156 Highland Dr. Bart Lefferdink Joe Tufillaro 4659 Park Drive 331 Olive Don Sammons 319.5 Monroe St. Police Chief Laugh1 in was appointed the task of getting the committee orgatiized. 13- CURRENT BUSINESS: [68] (a) Agenda Bill #784. Recommended Policy, for C.P.O. Review of Matters of Regional Significance. The Mayor stated he would like members of the Council to submit their views and recommendations regarding this matter at the next regular meeting. C291 (b) Agenda Bill fi756. Preliminary Budget for 1972-73 fiscal year. It was noted that the budget had been considered with the exception of the Water Department Budget and the Employees Agreements.. .Councilman Chase presented a memorandum dated June 20, 1972 which recommended cer- tain corrections be made prior to acceptance of the Final Budget. * INSERTION (see page 11) b!~~us!~~~t~~lYheld regarding a letter rece.ived from Mr. Sam Henry, dated June 20, 1972, estimating the cos of the quarterly newsletter and bi-monthly Council Report. Mr. Henry appeared before the Council to offe further explanation of his proposal. He explained a breaK-down of the cost which included planning, pre- paration, printing, art work, editing, distribution, supervision, an-d cost of mailing for 3 issues of a 4-page Newsletter of which 5,000 copies would be print ed per issue and 24 issues of the Council Report of whSch 500 copies would be printed per issue, 'f0r.a. total cost of $7,316.00 per year. It was pointed 'out. by the City Manager .that the break-down indicated .the. cost of the Newsletter wotild come within the.budget. Newsletter and Council Reports. t t.' E741 Memorandums of Understanding. Councilman Chase " announced the Council was in receipt of Memorandums of Understanding from the City Employees Association, the Firefighters Association and the Police ;Officer's Association.- .. CGkJI.dC!tl:I",E 146 - I j i .- , CITY OF -9- CARLSBAD June 20, 1972 "~~~%mAs2Z=Z"~<~~%4r"~ .. .. A motion was made that. the Memorandum of Understanding from the City Employee's. Association be accepted, with the exception of Item #3, Educational Incentive Progra that the Memorandum of Understanding from the Police Officer's Association be accepted, with the exception of Item iY4, Educational Incentive Program; and the - Memorandum from the Firefighter's Association be accep ed, with the exception of Item #3, Educational Incen- tive Program; also, the agreement, per se, with the Department Heads, and regarding the items deleted in connection with the Educational Incentive Program, the Council agreed in concept and agreed to implement a program by January 1 , 1973. Mayor Dunne stated it was his understanding that negot tions have been made with the three segments of employ and if the Memorandums of Understanding are not accept by the Council as submitted, they must go back to the individual groups for re-negotiation; .e A proposal was submitted by the City Manager for De- partment Heads and the Mayor appoint,ed Councilmen Chas and Frazee to review the proposiil. .Councilman Chase submitted a memorandum with recommendations regarding Department Heads. Councilman McComas stated that with regard to Educatio a1 Incentive Programs , if it was felt an employee re- quired training between now and January 1 , 1973, i t should come before the City Council for approval until such time as an educationa'l incentive program is pro- v'i ded. [29] Allocation in Department Budget for Overtime. The City Clerk presented a memorandum requesting ad'di- ,tional funds for overtime pay for' secretaries taking minutes. A motion was made by Councilman Frazee that an additioRa1 $300.00 be placed in the City Clerk!s Budget (Account #1-702-1.2) for overtime pay. A memorandum was also received from the Plann?ng De- partment requesting overtime for secretaries taking minutes and it was the decision of the Council that all secretaries called back to take minutes after completing an 8-hour work day be paid at the rate of time and a half (1-1/2) for overtime. [74]' Job Reclassification. . The City Clerk presented a memorandum requesting a job reclassification. The City Manager stated the job classification would have to be alidited, prior to reclassification. e [29]. Water Budget. It was agreed that the water por- tion. of the Budget be held over until the next rneetinc and that the Water Committee be extended the courtesy- of discussing this budget. The Mayor requested that an adjourned meeting be held July 3, 1972 to discuss the water budget. It was moved by Councilman Chase that the suggestions presented by him in written form be accepted by the Council with reference to the Pre- liminary Budget. The motion was withdrawn and the following Resolution was adopted by title only and further reading waived. l e* WUNCil"l\hE SFfg \- to cy,\ \ /y.? 0 PI? q &;I 9 t: 2::) &>.,I. 5 \, .." ? p i;.:;p : 1 1 47 y\ *...:Lca',.~-,.%. 9 - Motion Ayes a- es d - Mo ti on Ayes e. . 0- e I_ 0 ...- .. . 2 CITY QF ~C/4F?L"DtSID -10- June 20, 1972 ,"P "a- "" . . .. Resolution No.' 2034. A RESOLUTION OF THE CXTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS'EAD ADOPTING PRELIIqINARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1972-73,:with the exception of the Water Department Budget, and subject to the changes made by the City Council. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [32] (a) City Council. Counci;T.man McComas announced Assembly Bill #1183 authored by Assemblyman Stull con- cerning a $.300,000 allocation for the improvement of Carlsbad State Beach was removed with the recommendati that it be brought back next year. [35] (b) Cjty Attorney. There was no report from the 'City Attorney. The City Council instructed the City Attorney to- obtain a legal opinion on the manner in which i tems on the consent calendar should be hand1 ~381 (c) city Manager. NO report. [45] (d) Water Systems Improvement Contract ilCl000 (Schedule I') - Contract Change Order #25. The City Engineer presented this matter to the Council explain- ing three'additional water lines are. needed to ihcreas the efficiency of the .overall water system. Discussion ensued and it was the decision of the Coun- cil the matter be deferred. The City Manager requeste the matter be discussed at the adjourned meeting to be held July 3, 1972, under the Water Dtvision portion of the Budget. [74] (e) Request for Executive Session. .The Per- sonnel Director rqquested an'Executive Session to dis- cuss personnel. The Council inquired if discussion was relative to the Memorandums of Understanding for the three Associations. The Personnel Director stated that would be the purpose. It was the decision of the Council tha't the Personnel Director inform the Associ- ations of Counkil and,re-negotiate with them. Also, it was suggested the City Manager negotiate with the Department Heads. RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: Ratification was given for the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City in the amount of $168,552.18 and the Water Department in the amount of $157,370.-11 for the period June 1, 1972 thru June 15, 1972 as certified by the Director of Finance and appro ed by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the payrol in the amount of $60,279.51 for the period June 1, 197 thru June 15, 1972, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commi tte,e. [34] Chamber Bills. Mayor Dunne stated he had audi.te the bills for the Chamber of Commerce and found them to be true and correct to the best of his knowledge. He recommended the biljs in the amount of $650.02 be ratified at this time and this amount be reimbursed the Chamber. Further he reported the Chamber balance was $1.77. I cotf NCf -. . !i Q! Y"' c~,~~ i$ ,,'/ ~ f' ':?;IC 1 48 "\ i . -%> s=? Mot1 on Ayes n d. f- Motion Ayes X ) Motion Ayes X 1 .Motion X Ayes X ! t- \. T \I :{ 2 -.. 'i v A,; i! T-\? .. . :, 4< .::' : 1 LC;>: ;>.+ \.'.;-< 3 .L:, i c '.I :. \ :J lf .^_.. - . .L .. I' I a. IC * I a C1-I-Y OF CARkSBPdl -11- June 20, 1972 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:OO Midnight to Monday, July 3, 1972 at 5:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers. 1 Respectful ly submitted, 1. *INSERTION - page 8 Councilman Chase requested.fol1opring recommendations contained in his memorandum of June 20, 1972, be included in the minutes:. 1. That no employees be hired by any department in the City of Carlsbad without explicit approval of the City Counci 1. 2. That no new vehicles be purchased by the City of Carlsbad without the explicit ap-proval of the City Council until a study of proper usage of a1 1 city owned vehicles has been completed and accepted by the City Council. Those police replacement . vehicles which are needed at this time, are to be excluded from the above, and may be purchased with- out Counci 1 approval-. I I I wuNcii.,.rt;;E I I