HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-03; City Council; Minutesr.. -\ 1 1 0 m- 1 s. 1 Cn-Y OF CARL%, Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned meeting) Date of Meeting: July 3, 1972 Time of Meeting:. 5:30 P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ROLL CALL: CURRENT BUSINESS: D=m ' .. '1 [281 (a) Agenda Bill #785. Recommendation of Water Committee - Changes to Title 14, Carlsbad Municipal Code, Water Charges. Mr. Pieti, Adminlstrative Intern, presented a chrono- logical report of Water Committee actions which lead . to the recommended water rates and ready-to-serve charges. The purpose, background, and method in gathering and preparing information for the committee was reported. The method was to identify, define, project a'nd equate operating costs to water rate revenues and maintenance costs to ready-to-serve charge revenues. The revenues were based upon per capita water consumption and per capita meter use. Charts and comparison rates of other cities were shown for the Council's review. The Council was informed that based upon the informa- tion received in the report, the Water Committee has recommended certain changes to Title 14, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, which is attached hereto and made a part of these Minutes and identified as "Exhibi 'I A " . Lengthy discussion was held on the water rate increase recommended by the Water Committee. Two Preliminary Budgets were presented - (1) the City Manager's pro- posed budget based on a .33t per unit cost; and (2) a proposed budget prepared by the City Engineer and recommended by the Water Committee based on an average .38$ per unit cost. It was pointed 'out the difference in.the two budgets proposed was the capital outlay items. The budget recommended by the Water Committee proposed $106,140 for capital outlay items for fiscal year 1972-73. The Committee also recommended that approximately $lOO,OOC be included in the budget for the next three years for capital outlay items. Mayor Dunne questioned the accelerated program for capital outlay items over a three year period vs. funding them v:jth bond monies over a longer period of time. He pointed out that the electorate voted on a $1,800,000 bond issue and only $1,225,000 bonds have been issued. The City Engineer explained the capital outlay items proposed, and stated the major portion represents re- placement of lines. Mr. Robert Watson, Chairman of the Water Committee, was present and stated the Com- mittee's views in making its recommendation. Further, the Committee questioned the ability of the City to pay for additional bond monies.. I Mr. Pieti was requested to prepare a comparative table of water rates and ready-to serve charges of other cities vs. City of Carlsbad. rn"$NCi&&4E / 3jO G i i t I ! 1. I ~ I ! i I I 1 I , 1 ~ I 1 I Y * F ~A~~~~~~ COUNCiLME I -2- By motion of the Council it was agreed that the Acting City Manager, Mr. Baldwin, contact the bond attorneys to determine the feasibility and cost of selling addi ti onal bonds. [110]Agenda Bill 786. The City Engineer stated due to the fact the Council has tentatively approved the Mate Budget, it is requested that approval be given for the ability of HUD funds. The City Engineer further requested that in connection wi'th the work at Chestnut Ave. and the A.T. & S.F. Railroad, a pipeline license will be requir'ed across right of way and under tracks at Chestnut Ave. The following resolution was introduced: Mayor Dunne called for an executive session at 7:20 P.M. to discuss personnel. The meeting reconvened at 8:lO P.M. and the Mayor announced the executive session was called for the purpose of d,iscussing personnel, specifically wage negotiations as request in a letter received dated June 29, 1972 from the Department Head Salary Negotiat ing Committee, and the Council has directed him to [68]C.P.O. Independent Staffing. Mayor Dunne also reported he would have to take a position as to C.P.O. Independent Staffing, and if the Council has no ob- jections he would vote in favor of the Independent Staffing as funds have been provided in the budget. ~> v k '4 OF CARLSB -3- 0 Also the County has 'changed its thinking on the weight ed vote and they now are asking for a 50% vote. Executive Secretary for Housing Authority. Cmn. Chase reviewed the Counci 1 Is action in regards to a change in Executive Secretary, and questioned as to whether or not this had been accomplished. The Mayor stated action would have to be taken on this matter when the t!ousing Authority meets. It was agree that this matter be.taken up at the next Housing Authority Meeting. m51 L'JpfFation of Moritorium on Development .of property around the Civic Center area. Cmn. Chase pointed out the mori torium will end July 1, 1972 and. was sure the staff was not ready to present a recommendation at this time. It was agreed this matter be held over until the recommendation is received. Adjournment. By proper motion the meeting was adjourn ed at 8:28 P.M. ya, /&FgA/',&) MAR '[ZT E. ADAMS City klerk I I ~ I I 2, - COUNCILMEl I