HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-13; City Council; MinutesCn” OF COUNCELME~
Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) ~ Date of Meeting: July 13, 1972 Z*”a
Time of Meeting:. 1:30 P.M. r6\ /4w - -&st
ROLL CALL: I Present
(105) I Absent
note from the HUD representative and their budget must be submitted today. They need to know how much will be needed for Carlsbad. In checking all funds avail- able for matching funds, $300,000 is all that will be available. A joint meeting with the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission is necessary in order to set some guidelines prior to an application being submitted to HUD..
It was agreed that the City Manager be instructed to :; contact the representative from HUD and make a tenta- tive request in the amount of $300,000 for park develo - Motion. ment in the City of Carlsbad. 1 Ayes
DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: . I A. Public Works. (74)
1. Agenda’ Bill #700. Request to hire Principal Civil Engineer. It was agreed that this matter be deferred until later in the meeting.
B. PERSONNEL, PURCHA~~~, AND PARKS AND RECREATION. 1. Agenda Bill #809, implementing personnel changes affecting Departments of Personnel, Purchasing and Parks and Recreation.
It was agreed that a decision on this ma.tter be de- ferred until the regular meeting of July 18, 1972.
C. Finance. (27)
1. Agenda Bill #810. Audit Proposal for 1972-73. Audit proposals for fiscal year 1972-73 from Carroll & Brantley, James Gaiser 81 Co., and Peat, Marwi’ck and blitchell, certified public accountants, were attached to Agenda Bill #810 for the Council’s consideration. The City Manager recommended that Jim Gaiser & Co. be appointed as they are a qualified local firm and their proposal is similar in cost to that of Carroll
& Brantley.
Some concern was expressed to having Jim Gaiser & Co. appointed as the City’s Auditor due to the fact they are the Auditor for CMWD. Mayor Dunne stated he had several’ reservations. Sometime ago he requested separate auditing on City funds from. CMWD in regards to the proposal submitted by CMWD to take over the City’s Water operations. There were several other questions asked concerning the City’s fiscal position in the event of the proposed-.take-over, and to date he has received no answers to the questions he asked. It was his feeling the Ci.ty should have a separate Audi tor.
Motion Ayes X
By proper motion the proposal of Jim Gaiser & Co. was accepted for auditing services for the City of Carlsba and the City’s Water Department for fiscal year 1972- Motion 73, in accordance with the terms and conditions set Ayes forth in the proposal dated July 10, 1972. Noes 2 /1
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Adjourned rneeti.,g held July 13, 1972 .~~,~-=.=.-~~~~,~~-.~~~~.~~.~~~~~-.-, -~~~~.C~.""~~~-~..~-~.~-.~..~.-~~=,~-~~q~-..-. A .d-b?,c:s" "r
D. City Manager. (29)
1.' Memorandum - Provision of Services to La Costa for Fiscal Year 1972-73.
A memorandum addressed to the Mayor and Members of the .City C.our(c-il dated July 13, 7972, from the City Manage was presented for discussion, in an effort to clarify the degree of the City's commitment for services to the La Costa community if the annexation of the terri- tory is successful. The City Manager pointed out in September, 1971, he submitted a report entitled "Annexation of La Costa - A Preliminary Report". The repcrrt contained the estimated revenues from the La Costa community and various service requirements. This report was never officially adopted by the Counci however, the City Ccuncil approved this report for submission to LAFCO as one of the bases for a favor- able consideration of the annexation request, and was one of the bases for LAFCO's approval of the annexa- tion. The City Manager 'further stated that as far as he could determine the City has a moral obligation, and probably a 1egp.l obligation, to Provide services similar to those envisdcned'in the'preliminary report. The Executive Officer of Lafco concurs in this opinion
The Council was informed an addendum to the 1972-73 Preliminary Budget is being prepared, which will designate revenues derived from the la Costa annexa- tion, exclusive of any property taxes. Also included will be additions to various departmental budgets to provide services to La Costa. The City will not re- ceive any ad valorem taxes from the County for fiscal year 1972-73, but will receive the pro rata share of the $1.30 tax collected for the service area. In addition there wi.11 be revenues received from the Transient Occupanky tax, and the ordinance will have to be amended in order to use these funds until such time as property taxes are received from that area. Other revenues will be Sales Tax, permit fees, busi- ness licenses, enginee.ri1;s i'ees, etc.
John Mamaux, representative for La Costa, discussed some of the services needed for the area. He stated the revenues that will be received should far exceed the monies needed to furnish adequate services. Their main concern is adequate police protection. They are not interested in a branch library at this time.
It was agreed that the memorandum from the City . Manager regarding "Provision of Services to La Costa - Fiscal Year 7972-73'" dated July 13, 1972 be accepted.
As to'the La Costa Cable TV System', the Mayor stated the City Manager, Mr. John Mamaux and himself met and it was agreed that the two attorneys draw up a definitive agreement to be presented to the City Counci 1 for approval.
Cmn. Chase stated it was his understanding that the ' Council is accepting the memorandum presented by the
City Manager, however, he wanted it made clear that he would not consider the budget to be presented August 1, 1972 unless there were alternatives submit-
, ted for consideration.
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(29) (a) Proposed minor adjustments in Preliminary 1972-73 Budget (Councilman Chase's memorandum)..
In reviewing Cmn. Chase'.s memorandum, it was agreed that the Council adopt the changes listed below,. and
Page 19 - Account #9.1 . Delete radial arm saw;
Page 48 Account #9.1 Gelete two tape counters;
Page .66 Account #8.4 Reduce travel expense from $2,000. to $900.
In discussing the travel expense for the Planning Commission, it was determined that the $3 to the $600.00 recommended by Cmn. Chase Planning Department budget, be used for the explicit purpose of the Chairman or his representative to attend the League of California Cities Conference and/or symposiums that are necessary for the City of Carlsbad
Purchase of noise meters was discussed and it was agreed that based upon the Noise Committee report, funds are to be provided in the Final Budget as recom-
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Adjourned meeting held July 13, 1972 .*-.~ "~.Y-....i-j.~~?~,,~~~.:.~ .~-~,-~~~~~~C-_Xh.~~-~-~.~~~~~~"-~-~,~~~*-~~~~~"~-~~~.-
ti,me. In addition the City would have to raise the water rates to 38t per 100 units in order- to fund the $100,000. The City Engineer inforn~ed the Council they are trying to accumulate funds for replacements. The kater Committee felt the rates should be raised in order to replace old lines and install new lines'with- in the next three years. There will have to be a cost increase within three years and an analysis made when. the Feather River water becomes available. The Mater Committee suggested that sales tax monies received from the Auto Center be refunded to the Mater Depart- ment.
It .was the Mayor's opinion that some of the capital improvement items could be funded with bond monies and the City could apply for a HUD grant.. As some of these improvements were orig-inally planned for bond monies there would probably be no difficulty in obtain ing another HUD grant. He suggested that the reserve be set aside and bond monies plus HUD funds be used a for replacement of lines and new facilities.
I Based upon Nayor Dunne'.s recommendation it.was agreed that a study be made as to the feasibility of bringing the water system up to a first class system by way of bond monies and that an application be made.for an additional HUD grant.
Further discussion was given to the capital improve- ment items, and it was agreed that authorization be given to those items funded by HUD; items 1, 2 and 11 on Page 3 of the Engineer's Budget, which i,tems were previously approved, and other replacement of lines in an amount not to exceed $25,000; and new facilities to be constructed as funds are available.
Personnel - Wemorandums of Unders.tanding.
(17h4e) Mayor called for an executive session to discuss
personnel. Th'e Council adjourned to the Councils' Office at 5:18 P.M. and reconvened at 8:35 P.M..
Mayor Dunne announced that personnel was discussed, and the Memorandums of Understanding, including Police and Fire, were accepted, and the City Manager was re- quested to continue negotiations with the Department Heads. Further, it was recommended that funds be set up in the Fi.nal Budget for the hiring of a Planning Consultant to work on the Sphere of Influence and the amendment to the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad.
Agenda Bill #700. Request to Hire Principal Civil Engineer. Authorization was given for the hiring of a Principal Engineer to fill the position of Principal Engineer provided in the Preliminary Budget for fiscal
year 1972-73.
I 1 (f1o)Agenda Bi 11. #785. Water, $ommi ttee Report on Pro-
1 posed Water Rates. .. .. . -. 1 A comparative.Statement was presented by Mr. Pieti,
1 Committee to fund the recommended budget.
showing the water rates being charged in other cities in comparison to the 386 charge proposed by the Water I Mayor Dunne questioned the 38$ charge for all units
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be as high, and Mr. Pieti stated it could probably be reduced to 344 per 100 units.
i Cmn. McComas pointed out that the larger users have .been subsidized by the smaller users for several years Most of the cities used in the comparative statement have a tax charge that is not reflected in the state- ment. It was the Committee's thought that there would be more apartments, condominiums and planned communi- ties, and the single family residents would be sub- sidizing these units.
Discussion was held co'ncerning the small'agricultural and industrial users, due to the fact they would be included in the 384 charge.
It was the decisio-n of the Council that the water rate study be returned to the Water Committee for further study as to the effect of water rates for small agri- cultural and industrial users.
Cmn. McComas reported a meeting will b.e held next Wednesday between the two ad hoc committees from the City and CMWD, and CMWD is to present recommendations as to it taking over the water system operations for the Water Committees consideration and the City Counc
'(57) Amendment to General Plan. Cmn. Chase asked if the Council wanted to instruct the staff to,prepare material for the hiring of a Planning Consultant and the City Manager stated he would prepare.a letter to send to various consulting firms.
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(79) Policy Statement regarding City Car usage.. Cmn. Chase reported a rough copy of a policy statement concerning usage of City cars has been sent to each of the Councilmen, and he asked if the Council wanted him to proceed to work. with the City Manager in prepar ation of a policy statement for the Council's consider ation. Cmn. Chase was directed to proceed along those lines.
Policy Statement - re: Council Agendas. It was agreed that Cmn. Chase be directed to work with the City Manager and City Clerk in preparation of a Pol'icy Statement for Council Agendas.
(79). Policy Statement - re: Height Limitations for Buildings. Cmn. Chase suggested that a Policy State- ment be established as to building heights.
The City Manager. stated the staff has some suggested locations in the City where high-rise buildings would be acceptable.
It was the decision of the Council that the City Manager be directed'to prepare a Policy Statement for the Council's consideration, prohibiting application for structures in excess of 35 feet, as prescribed by
, City ordinance, in all zones exclusive of P-C(P1anned Community) and RD-M zones, until such time as the General Plan is amended.
l(ll3)Conditions imposed on tentative maps and specific I plans. Cmn. Chase informed the Council there are
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several conditions being imposed for tentative maps and specific plans that are objectionable to him, however, if the other members of the Council do not agree he will not bring the matter up again.
Mayor Dunne suggested Cmn. Chase submit a list of the conditions that are objectionable for the Council's consideration.
:28) South Carlsbad Planning Group. Cmn. Frazee stated
he felt the members of the South Carlsbad Planning Committee should be informed that this committee was not authorized. by the City Council. If the Council wishes the committee to continue functioning then they should be' formally appointed.
It was agreed that the City Manager be directed to send a letter to each of the members thanking them for their efforts, and advise them that it is the intentio of the City to hire a Planning Consultant, and at such time as a preliminary study of the City's General Plan is prepared they will be contacted.
By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M I <,q MAR A T ...'FqAd E. ADAM
City Terk