HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-15; City Council; Minutes1 * CITY OF CiARLSBPID %;OTJlii'"it,f,,jE L " 0 wz- .. a - Minutes of: . CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned 'meeting) Date of Meeting: September 15, 1972 Time of Meeting:. 6:30 P.II. "X." Place of Meeta: %%- Council Chambers " . " ROLL CALL: The Regular meeting of the City Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 6:32 P.M. The City Council meeting reconvened at 7:15 P.M. with four members present. CURRENT BUSINESS: r941 (a) Agenda Bill #878. Agreement between Tri- CI y Auto Dealers Association and City of Carlsbad. Mr.'Robert Knauf, Attorney at Law, representing the Tri City Auto Dealers Association presented an amended Grant of Easement, setting fo'rth certain conditions as to the construction of a road from Cannon Rd., to Palomar Airport Rd. Mr. .Knauf stated this Grant of Easement carries out the obligations and intent of Resolution #1972 adopted by the City Council on March 21, 1972. The resolution also provided that in the event the schedule for the Auto Center was' stepped up and the City did not have sufficient funds to con- struct the road, the developers would construct the road and the City would lease the road from the de- vopers until such time as the funds could be repaid. Clarification was given as to Paragraph 6 of the Easement, which would allow the City to pay for the road on a 5-year basis, with the provision that the City would be allowed to pay the developers off at any time. Paragraph 7 provides that if the loan which the developers obtain .for funding the project has a longer period of amortization, the City, at its op- tion, may use the longer period. Mr. Knauf further stated the Association is anxious to proceed with closi,ng the escrow and to commence construction, as Mr. Dixon would like to be open for business by December of this year. It was noted the City would pay the Association by way of Gas Tax Funds on an interim basis until such time as sufficient sales tax monies:are available. The City Manager indicated to the Council there were Gas Tax funds available for this project. By motion of the Council the Mayor was authorized to execute the revised document on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. Cmn. Frazee was present at 7:35 P.M. Cmn. Chase stated he would like to encourage the staf' to work post haste on this project, as this is certail ly a step forward for the City of Carlsbad. Mr. Finney, President of the Association, was present to execute the document. CONTINUED BUSINESS: [llO] (a) Agenda Bill #785. Recommended changes to ready-to-serve charge ana water rate increases. The Council again reviewed the recommendations of the Water Committee as to the various sections of Title 14 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to reflect changes in the Ready-to-serve charge and water rate p: I .. Ir * 0 ,t'* CITY -OF CARLSBAD C;OUNC!LML _' -2- -AJwclFgeetinJd%f Ci& Council ""li.. held September 15d increases. Comparative statements prepared by the staff were reviewed, and a report was made by Mr. Piet' regarding special rate structures for industrial users in othe'r cities. ,According to a survey made only one city makes allo.y.a,nges for industri'al ..users. Mayor'Dunne pointed out in 1969 the water rates were .increas'ed 30% and in 1970 10%. As of July 1, 1972 the Ready-to-.serve charge was increased, which would make approximately a 42% increase since 1969. Mr. Pieti addressed the Council and answered several questions previously submitted, indicating certain standards.are required, and the standards elected by the Council depends on whether or not a first class s,ys tern i s desi red. Discussion was held on water rate increases for agri- cultural and industrial users. Mayor Dunne questioned the recommended increase. The Council was informed the Water Committee has recommended that the agri- cultural uspr not be aiven a special ra.te, and that th rebate received by the City be passed on to the quali- fied agricultural consumer. The,Committee also recommended a change in the struc- ture for apartments. It was the Committee's feeling that each apartment dwelling should pay the same Ready-to-serve charge as a 5/8" meter, as well as any water rate increase. Col. Bowen, .Cha.iemah of the Water Commi ttee', addressed the Council, stating at the last m,eeting. in August the Committee reaffirmed its original recommendation, with the exception that the rebate be passed on to the Robert Watson spoke on behalf of .the 'Water Committee, stating that in the Committee's study they attempted to look at the problem and project it for a three year period as to operational needs. The budget and the rates proposed were projected up to 1975. No indica- tion has been received as to what the cost will be when the Feather River water is brbught' in. Mayor Dunne expressed his concern over the .38 per uni water rate recommended by the Water Committee. Mr. Pieti. pointed out that if no improvements were made' and no depreciation taken, the bare cost to operate the system would be between .33 and.34 per unit. The additional .04 or .05 was recommended for Capital Im- provements. COT. Bowen stated there is a deficit problem now th,at' has to be taken care of, and one quarter of this fisca year will have elapsed bef0re.a rate change can take place. .. . agricultural user.. .. Further discussion ensued and it was the Councjl 's' feeling that a public hearing should be held prior to an ordinance being adopted amending Title 14 of the ~ Municipal Code. j By motion of the Council the City Clerk was instructec to advertise for a public hearing to be held on October 3, 1972 at 7:30 P.M.to consider the proposed amendment to Title 14 of the Munic.ipa1 Code. ; i I \ pi&?,;- -- c\c- 7 <\\<.!' zs TL$, ?y( ':2 .. 72 :J -"., ...,::*?*,&wm:L. ! 1. Moti'on XX) Ayes X */ 6- I .. I) CITY -OF .CARLSBAD COUNCiLiLI -3- . 226 I: I Adjourned meeting of City Council held September 15, 1972. The Mayor complimented' the Water Committee members for t'heir efforts in preparation of the water study. Executive Session. With the consent of the Council the Mayor called for. an executive session to discuss personnel at 9:05 P.M. The regular meeting reconvened at 1O:lO with all members present. . The Mayor announced personnel was discussed and no action was .-taken. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: """ -z . "msuesx 1. Senior Citizens Advisory Counci.1. Mayor Dunne asked that each member gf the Council submit names for appointment to this committee. 3 04i 2. Intra-City Transpor.tation. In discussing ad itional intra-city transportation for the citizens of Carlsbad, the Mayor 'stated Oceanside was contacted and they are not interested, and expressed.a need for some form'of transporta.tion within the .City'. He has asked the City Manager. to iRvestigate the possibility of making application for funds to operate a mini-bus:... service in Carlsbad. ' .. -..\, : Cmn. Chase stated it is a well.known fact that.trans- portation systems do not pay their way, and .felt there' were other priorities to be considered; however, he had no objection to having a study made. Mayor Dunne stated it was his understanding the C.I.C. . is making a transportation study. .The City Manager indicated that if the City were able to establish a bus system there is a possibi.lity. the School District < 'could use the buses for part of the day. [231 3. Amdulance Ser.vice. Cmn. Frazee stated he felt an ambulance service is one program the City. will be forced into, as one of the areas being annexed has such a service. Cmn. Lewis suggested that a priority list be prepared for'the Council's consideration. [76] 4. .Planning Commission. Cmn. Lewis reported the..P'Ianning.Commission has -requested a joint meeting with the City Council. The Mayor pointed out one of the problems is that a presentation is made before the Planning Commission and the matter is denied. When it is. presented to the Council a more complete presenta- tion is made and in some instances it is approved. Mayor Dunne informed the Council he had sent a memor- andum to the Chairman of the Planning Commission re-. garding their request for nomi'nal stipends. Cmn. Chasc pointed out there were many people in this City who have given a great deal'to the City and were never paid anything. [621 5. Proposition 20 L Coastline Protection. ' The . . .' Mayor asked the Council members if they wished tb take. a stand on this matter. Cmn. McComas stated he did not feel the Council should take a stand on a matter that is being presented to the voters. .. Y f3 qq 7;. cp!/.j; c4 (I\\'\\;* -=, q\*:- I<\.. vi*t;T; e-- -1 7 fJ1 m. :*fi$"lA .b cn" -OF CARLSEAD COUNCII,b,;f I ., m- e * 0 .v= [ [ -4- 227 Adjourned.meeting of City Council held September 15, 1972 C"".W iliLarz-. ""- :68,1 6. San Diego County Planning Organization. A copy of a letter from the County of San Diego, Board of Supervisors was presented regarding the weighted vote in C.P.0, and discussed. Cmn. Frazee asked what position the Council wished to take on this matter as he would be attending the reorganization meeting on Monday, September 18, 1972. The County is also re- - .questing that the cities recognize' C.P.O. as an i agency. . It was agreed that the City of Carlsbad take no posi- tion on this matter at the present time. :85]' 7. Aquatic Facilities. The City Manager reporte the'Parks and Recreation Commission has appointed a committee to make a study on the type of aquatic facil ities needed for Carlsbad. Hi! asked if the Council would have any objection to him preparing.a statement as to the City's financial ability to fund such a program to include in t.he committee's study. Mr. Arnold stated he has discussed a multi-use concept of a pool with Dr. Harmon of the School District. He also pointed out there will probably. be an .additional $96,000 revenue received from property taxes this year due to the increase in assessed valuation .of public uti 1 i ties. Cmn. Lewis asked about reviewing the employees s Mr. Arnold stated there is a drastic restructuring of salaries being compiled by the League of Ca1iforni.a Cities, however, it will not be available until Spring Cmn. Chase su'ggested that a priority 1is.t be prepared and submitted for the Council's re'view. < . ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:52 P.M. .. .. 1, a\??;\{ q>'*. Lot.; C~. <''; 2$*\-::21 si,>:;;,k;; \;: \ -.=L 's.+;:NC>.'r 1 .i 1