HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-19; City Council; Minutes*CITY -OF CF,RLSC,\D Luut\;ui,I\.tr .? ,-.-I . " Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) 9 Date of Meeting: October 19, 1972 Time of Meeting . 6:OO P.M. I) Place of Mee'ting: Council Chambers -.-.B"ar0AR=c, "- r." The meeting was called to order by.Mayor David M. Dunne .at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CAL'L: C261 Agenda Bills 896, Supplements 1 and 2, regarding Canno'n Road Assessment District 1-1970, were.deferred tc meeting-of October 30, 1972. I Agenda Bill if909. San Diego County Park Bond El ecti on. . '* .. I C871 A letter from the Public Works Administrator, Coun.ty of San Diego, explaining the, list of priorities for development and zcquisition of park lands was dis- cussed by the Council. . In view of the benefit to Carlsbad, as well as. the entire County, it was the concensus of the Council that the Regional Park .Bond issue for $20,000,000 which will be on the November 7th ballot be supported. It was so moved and the, staff was instructed to advise the.County Board of Supervisors of the Council's support. [7Q] Agenda Bill fi'910. Parks .and Recreation. The Council ackno'wledged Status Report; Parks ani Recreation Director Bob Johnston stated that plans and speciTications for the Laguna Riviera tennis -courts are almost complete and that the cost of their construction including lights, was in excess of what had been antic- ipated. The Council was informed that a poll conducted by a citizens cornmi ttee placed tennis courts in a ptiori ty position. ulars on tennis courts, he expected to have confirmatio of the HUD grant application on Holiday Park by, the November 8., 1972, Council meeting. e . . .. Mr. Johnston stated that along with the partic- Mr. Johnston also reported on the Swimming.Poo'1 Study Committee, presenting a list of people who would be willing to serve on the committee. It was the feel- ing of the Council that only those people'who live in Carlsbad should be voting members of this or any other co.mmittee within the City. Follow-ing the Executive Session which occurred later,.the following people were appointed to the Swimnin,g Pool Study Committee: .. David Carroll. ' Edward Moneypenny Gail DeWeese Wes Radoycixh. Del ores Frazee Bernard Schindler Jean French Mrs. Donald Silva Judy Newel 1 . '. 8 The Carlsbad Unified School District appointed Allen Kelly, Jr., and. Swede. Krcmar as their represen- tatives to the Swimming Pool Stu.dy Committee. The Council 'accepted the resignation df George ' Long and requested the staff to write a letter of .appreciation for Mr. Long's efforts as a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission. .. .. Mr. Eric Larson, 163 Juniper Avenue, was appoint to fill the unexpired term of Patricia Palmer on the Commission following the Council's Executive Session. ..$. 1 d ¶ n e( y?&;; /. :i.?-?:. t ; \ 1 \ :. : ) (-. 4 zss \ p\, "v: "=-.;-".,,7., Present ~ X X I Motion Ayes xx .. d .. "-.CITY OF . CAF?iSEl\D COUI4C1" 5 .. .. , 8 b - 2- w-3 r I 256 ""."- "". - [86] Agenda Bill 8903; Carlsbad Junior Chamber of Commerce Request regarding circus to .be held in Plaza Camino Real. Upon the advice of the City Attorney as to the legality of granting the request on the basis of the - circus being an extension of a"promotiona1" being held. by the Plaza, the Council withdrew its denial for'.a permit, and granted a permit to the Plaza Camino Real and the Carlsbad Junior Chamber of Conmerce to allow . DeWayne Circus to appear in Carlsbad on October 25, 197' subject to the necessary insu'rance being provided to th City of Carlsbad. It was further agreed that Ordinance No. ,9252 and 9297 be amended to accommodate such matters should they occur in the future. [33] Agenda Bill 8898. Request for approval of pop- ulation certification from State Planning, Departmeht of Finance, Population Researc.h .Commission Unit. .. Resolution No. 3006 authorizing City Manag.er to execute agreement'wi th the State of, California for population estimate, as previously -authorized October '3 1972, was presented. RESOLUTION No. 3006. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AUTHORIZING CITY MAN- AGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CONDUCT POPULATIO'N ESTIMATE was adopted. '22) Agenda Bill #905. Resolution opposing Jet Air- 'port facilities at.Camp Pendleton and opposing major expansion of Palomar Airport.. Following dis'cussion, Res'olution #3004 was presented. RESOLUTION NO. 3004. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY-OF CARLSBAD OP'POSING JET AIRPORT SION OF PALOMAR AIRPORT.was adopted by title only. FACILITIES ATSCAMP PENDLETON AND OPPOS'IN-G MAJOR EXPAN- The. Council directed the staff to forwa'rd copie of the.above named resolution to the Orange County Boar of Supervisors, San Diego County Board of Supervisors, both U.S. Senators, two State Senators, three Congress- men, State Assemblymen, C.P.O., City of Oceanside, City of Vista and City of San Marcos. 1621 Agenda' Bill #906.. Resolution of. the City Counci opposing Proposition 20. .. The Council discussed the merits and disadvanta of the City taking an official stand opposing Proposi- tion 20. Councilmen McComas and Lewis indicated the.y were o.pposed to the City Council taking a posit.i.on on this-proposition since it .was being submitted to the.. voters; though their personal inclinations were in opposition to Proposition 20. After discussion of the matter .by the Council, the following resolution was adopted and reading was waived by consent of the Council. RESOLUTION NO. 3005. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OPPOSING PROPOSITION FORNIA COASTAL ZONE CONSERVATION ACT." 20 ON THE NOVEMBER 1972, BALLOT, KNOWN AS THE "CALIF- \\ c?\ 7:! I" c -ci\ii. 7- of: /.;i,!"f' . \ ' .t ::; -). 1 \;-; >/' 1 X xx , xx xi X X' CITY OF CAF?L4_>~AD co CQUNCll,t,*' I - 3- -n e * 8 t." * I I I October 19; .!972 -curd-.- WI " [68] Agenda Bill #907. Instructions for delegate to C.P.O. Councilman Frazee, delegate to C.P.O. , requested Council tonsideration and recommendation on three items on which he will.be voting at'the next C.P.O. meeting, Following discussion, it was agreed-that: (1)C.PJ should. amend its by-laws to change 'the voting formula s that the County weighted vote is equal to that of any other memb'er. (2) C.P.O. should recognize that it is' an interim agency and should support in depth the 'study of local government and its possible restructuring. It was further agreed that no vote should be cast on item (3) regarding the distribution of local C.P.O. cost being allocated in proportion to new revenues coming to regional agencies under: Senate Bill 325. The Council also recommended that C.P.O. urge the County Board of Supervisors to join the new C.P.O. 4ii2ement. Agenda Bill '#911. Environmental ImpaCt Po7icy City Attorney Vincent Biondo reviewed ihe'Ci;tj's Environmental Impact Policy Statement in the light of interpretation of the Supreme Court ruling on Friends o Mammoth vs Mono County and stated he felt the City shoul'd modify some of its requirements contained in the Policy Statement. Mr. Biondo specified certain changes be made in the Policy Statement which would comply with the intentions of the law but which would provide guide lines for the staff in processing applications. .. * Following discussion, it was moved. that Environ- mental Policy Statement.#13 be revised as recommended- by the City Attorney. - -- Councilman Frazee stated it was his understandir th'at it was -the responsibility of the developer to furnish environmental impact study and asked the City Attorney to clarify this point. The City Attorney advised the Council that it was clearly the responsibility of the City to provide such a statement, but the developer could be required to provide the information for 'the impact .statement. . EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Dunne called for an Executive Session a:t 7:40 P.M., for the purpose of discussing personnel and committee/commission appointments. The Council reconvened at 8:25 P.M., and the Mayor announced the following appointments: [103],. A1 Wood - Traffic Safety Commission [69] Eric Larson - Parks and Recreatio'n Commission .' E631 Mary Casler - Library Board of Trustees [70] Swimming Pool Study Committee. (see page 7) Lp* 3 01 S - 15 257 " "% Motion Ayes ' .. Motion Ayes I 1: ~ y:!n c -+; 72 P,< /J"~ "' 1 t'i \;A\ :- :') (, .-4c2-=.;"...,. i -. .. X xx xx I <. 0 - I. .. 8 CITY OF @ARLSBb,D COUN',I";i - 4- October 19, 1972 258 %rs.:wx""r- "" ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: [lo41 The City Manager reported that the mini-bus matter would be placed on the October 30, 7972 agenda for the Council's consideration. He stated that one possi- .. bility for bringing this type of transportation into y Carls'bad would be by joining the Oceanside District and expanding their system to include Carlsbad. He suggestep : I meeting and express his interests along these lines. [40] The City Engineer informed the Council that the' air conditioning system for the Council Chambers was b77] The 'Planning Department reported that resumes ConsU1tant; a report and recommendation will be submjt- ted to the Council at the 0ct.ober 30th meeting. ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion meeting was adjourned a.t 8:.,50 P.M. - ' that each Councilman contact him prior to the next . ab0u.t ready for bids-. ave been received and interviews completed for Planning .. .. Resp.ectfully submitted, d4546Fa-d - E. ADAMS, Cl'ty Clerk , .. .. .. .*A;- , .. \\ a'qrJ.~ 75 &J /;:$r I - - +-m.:-.p:..*.>+ c -0 {hi,. & I ..>I. t; \;$I .. I I