HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-08; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CAFXSCAD COUNCit,r,;;l fl’5.2! r\c Mi nu tes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular adjourned meeting) -? p\q <-r ” , { $ y;:: Time of Meet,ing: . 7:OO P.M. -{ .Jk .r #$ \‘ c --(,\Ii-,:. 0 Date of Meeting: November 8, 1972 p’i.: \(-:. -n.7>P&aauai 1 c&a!hgu ” 26 ”._ -., \:i\ . - ,?..A f 1. ROLL CALL: All Councilmen present. xx: ‘2. INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. \. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAN.CE:’ 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a). Minutes of the Regular meeting held October 17, 1972, were approved as presented. (b) Minutes of the Regular adjourned meeting he1 October 19, 1972, were approved a5 presented . 5. r371 Council Committee Reports were given and’no actio was taken. Councilman Frazee reported on status of proposed transit system; Councilman Lewis meeting; and Councilman McComas stated a report would be rea.dy for Council consideration on revenue sharing expenditures the first regular meeting in December. He also asked that the City Manager inform the department heads that they should submit priority lists for the com- mi ttee to consider. .. ., . . .. I stated the Mayor’s Youth Committee was again 6. ’ HOUSING AUTHORITY: r1051 The City Councjl adjourned to.the Housing Author- ity at 7:lO P.M. and reconvened to the Council Meeting at 7:30 P.M., with all Councilmen ‘presen 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Mayor opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 P.M. .r971 (a) Agenda Bill #979. Elm Avenue alignment east Following a discussion by the Council, the matte was referred back to the Planning Commission ,for a hearing on the.Environmenta1 Impact Report X wh’ich must be filed. -. XX) Councilman Chase moved the hearing be continued to December 5, 1972 and amended his- motion on th recommend,ation of the Planning Director to a1,low adequate time for. processing of E.I.R. to Dec-. - of El Camino Real. . ‘ember .19, 1972. .. xxx Item 11-A, under Continued Business, was dis- cussed by the Council because of its relation- ship with the Elm Avenue alignment. Agenda Bill #831. Request for .approval of a . Specific Plan and tentative map. APPLICANT: Larwin, Inc. The City Clerk informed the Council that a rep- resentative of Larwin, Mr. Salazzo; had requeste a continuance to December 5, 1972, by telephone. rgg~:, I B .* .- . j+ COUNCILMEN (I . 0 EEPILI D CITY OF CARLSBAD .. - 2- v= I I November 8, i972 7- PUBLIC HEARING continued. The City Attorney pointed out that two separat actions were in order. There will be an E.1.R report on the Elm Avenue alignment and one on Larwin development. In accordance with the recommendation of the .staff, it was moved to continue the Larwin matter to the 19th of December to allow suffic ient time for processing of the E.I.R. and the matter was. returned to the Planning Commission 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS. A. Building Department. rzsl 1. Agenda Bill #836 - Supplement 81. Dissolution of Housing Appeals Board and and appointment of seven members to the Advisory and Appeals Board. This item was deferred until after the Exec- utive Session and the following action was taken.at that tine. It was moved that the Housing Appeals Board bc dissolved and the following people were named to serve on the newly formed Advisory and . Appeals Board: R. R. Robinson Robert Ladwig Art Brown Gus Kamptner Oakley Parker H. .Ray Barrett George Meese, Jr. B. Fire Department. r571 1.. Agenda Bill #740. Fire protection requirements in R-W (Residential Waterway) Zone. The Council .agreed that this matter be referrc to the Pla'nning Commission for public hearing and recommendation to the Council. C. City Manager. cm . 1. Agenda Bill #920. Greenwood property. The Council removed this i tern from the agenda. D. Personnel .. r741 1. Agenda Bill #921. Request for tempor- ary employee in the Personnei Department. The City Manager explained that because of thc increased number of employees within the City and the attendant records, files in this depav ment must be up-dated. It was moved that the necessary funds be tran: ferred in the amount of $1,106 for temporary help in the personnel department. Councilman Chase expressed his feeling that T 1 I. ! I ?( ? >- diua i Motion Ayes Motion Ayes I Motion Ayes ~ , I i - Motio-n Ayes ., CITY OF -CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN 0 I) - 3- Novemb'er 8, I972 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS continued. funds should be provided in the budget each year to accommodate temporary' employees th.at are needed for vacation relief and key periods of activity within the various departments. This, he pointed out, is basically an adminis- trative matter and could be handled without coming .to the Council' for fund transfers. The City Manager stated this would be done in the future but because the budget for 1972-73 did not have this provision, Council authoriz- ation 'was required for the balance of this yea E. Planning Department. r.997 1. Agenda Bill #922. Request for approva of a single family residential development on property-located on Avila Avenue and Neblina Drive, Laguna Riviera Unit #9. (L.R.Partnershi The staff reported that a waiver had been file on the proposed development and that the dev- .elopment comp1ie.s with conditions required in the Environmental Quality Control ordinance; the five day posting period for the public has to be met. Following discussion, the matter was contin- ued to November 21, 1972. [as] 2. Agenda Bill #882. Request for a CUP to allow establishment of an auto yard busines in the Ponto area. Applicant: Eugene Chappec The City Clerk read a letter from Norman VettE attorney for the applicant, requesting a con- tinuance. It was so moved. [771 3. Agenda Bill #911 - Supplement #2. Environmental Quality Act of 1970.' The Mayor gave a brief explanation of the forn to be discussed Tor the benefit of the public. He also read the check list which was attachec to the proposed resolution and form. The staff reviewed the changes which had been made in the Environmental Impact Report Form, pointing out the purpose of offering examples of the information which the developer must provide so that a formal rep0r.t can be made bj the City staff. Councilman Chase took issue with the validity , 1. ,\... of the information contained in the Impact -,Report Form. .. , ' .. .. Following discussion, Resolution #3017 was offered for a.doption. RESOLUTION NO. 3017. A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING A FORM FOR THE PREPARATION BY APPLICANT OF A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, was adoptec 9 ! 1 2 ! 1 f I t r- Y X X X g;! !f'J - xx xx X xx ., .. ., CITY 0% CARLSBAD 0 0 - B Novemb ler Llplp COUNC1lMEl.i DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS continued. F. Park and Recreation Department.. Jack Harrison, representative of Lampman and Associates, presented plans for the develop- ment of Holiday Park, pointing out potential lot acquisitions for future expansion, park- ing facilities, proposed tennis court sites, swimming pool site, recreational areas for adults and children and open areas. G. Public Works Department. 1. Agenda Bill #924. Vehicle analysis of Public Works pick-ups and dump trucks. 2. Agenda Bill #925. Public Works equip- ment to support the La Costa area. (Street Sweeper) two items be deferred for further study. H. Purchasing Department. 1. Agenda -Bill #926. Request for author- ity to purchase vehicles. ' at a later meeting. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: The following ord- inances were presented for a second ,reading by title only and adopted. ERTY LOCATED EAST OF JEFFERSON STREET AND NORTH OF THE PROPOSED.MARRON ROAD. (Fawco) GRANTING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-A-10,000 TO 'C-2 (General Commercial) ZONE ON PROPERTY CONSENT CALENDAR. The following i tems were and ordered filed. .. .. .. b D - B " November CITY OF - CARLSBAD - 5- 8, 1973 ~~~~~ - ~~ CONSENT CALENDAR .continued. F. Agenda Bill #931. Council communications, regarding bulletin boards and Carlsbad City Council Reports, acknowledged, accepted and ordered filed. G. Agenda Bill 8932. Correspondence-Referral Letter from Foundation for Cure, referred to Comprehensive Health Planning Organization as recommended by staff. H. Agenda Bill #933. Proclamation. "Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day", December 7, 1972, proclaimed. The following items were removed from the .Consent Calendar for discussion: A. Agenda Bill #917. Request for variance fa watchman's trailer at Carlsbad Raceway. In discussion of the above matter, it was agre by the Council that the existing ordinance which governs such requests should be modified to allow certain trailers to be occupied for the purpose of protection of property. The staff was directed to prepare an ordinance fol Council consideration. C. Agenda Bill 8928. Report from City Man- ager regarding Mini-bus transportation for City. The City Manager reported that consultation with Oceanside on the transportation system.' was pending; C.I.C. is formulating recommen- dations at this time and these recommendation: will be given consideration when the committef on proposed transit system meets. D. Agenda Bill #929. Water Systems Contract #lo00 - Change Order #28. (time extension) It was moved that the Change Order #28 be granted, to allow the extension of.90 days. E. Agenda Bill #930, Water Systems Improve- ment Project - water line easement quitclaim. The Council authorized the Mayor and City Cler ..to execute a water li'ne easement quitclaim on .pr'operty south of Clearview Drive. .. 'CONTINUED BUSINESS. Item 11-A, regarding Larwin, heard earlier in meeting. See page one and two. ADDITIONAL BUSI'NESS: The City Engineer requested the Council con- sider approval of the final map for Buena Woods, CT 72-1, L. R. Partnership. .. w I" ,I I > 2 COUNCllMEN b - I) CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN - 6- N vember 8, 1972 Approval of the final map for Buena Woods, CT 72-1, was granted, subject to the conditio of the Tentative Map, and to the improvement plans which are subject to approval by the City Engineer. The staff also requested the Council to consi er an extension of time for La Costa Hills, Units.1 and 2,on a tentative map which had been filed with the County and which will expire November 14, 1972. It was moved that La Costa Hi1 Is , Units 1 and 2, be granted a one year extension of time, subject to those conditions which may be imposed by the Planning Commission and the staff. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Dunne called for an Executive Session a lOi00 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Personnel. The Council reconvened at 11 :05 P.M. The Mayor announced the appointment of seven members to the Advisory and Appeals Board, as indicated on page 2, item 8-A-1. City Attorney. Mr. Biondo stated that negotiations were unde way with Tri-City Auto Dealers Association an a meeting is planned with attorneys and Counc man McComas for the first part of next week. He also indicated that Council directives fro previous meeting have been met except-for two the. Ctiappee.variance and the amendment regard ing circuses, and they are being worked on. Ci ty Counci 1. Agenda Bi11'#738. Draft Council-Manager Ordinance. Councilmen McComas and Lewis to revfew and make 'recommendations to the Counci The staff reported that the Planning Commiss- ion hearing on the Planned Community ordinanc is se,t for 'November 14, and the proposed sign ordinance hearing for November 28. Ambulance service to the city was discussed i relation to that service presently offered in La Costa. It was pointed out that La Costa is a special County Service Area and until ' such time as the County determines what it will.do, the City.cannot take any affirmative action regarding ambulance service. w nl 'd,. t r d il rn Y - 1. e r v 273 Motion Ayes Motion Ayes I- I I. CITY OF, .. CARLSBAD COUIdClLMEPr * rn Novem ber - -7- City Clerk. The City Clerk brought to the attention of the Council the need for certain revisions within the Business License Ordinance. Councilmen McComas and Chase agreed to study and review the ordinance, giving consideration to out of town contractors who are often working in the city for a short period of time before the end of the year, but who are assessed a full license fee for the entire year. RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL. $9,754.81 , and Water Construction Project $3,248.72, for the period of October 16th through October 31st, 1972. 1972. Bills and payroll were certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing (c) Ratification was given payment of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce bills in the. amount of $1,321.59. ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned a 11 :30 P.M. . ,^ Respectful1,y submitted, Deputy City Clerk