HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-06; City Council; MinutesMeeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Yeeting: February 6, 1973 Time of Meeting: 7:00 P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 1 - ROLL CALL: I 2 - INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. I 3 - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. I 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I (a) Minutes of the regular Meeting of January 16, 1973, were approved as corrected. 5- COUMCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (a) CIC, C.P.O. and Coastal Commission. Coun- ilman Frazee briefly reported on the CIC, C.P.O. and Coastal Commission Meetings and no action was taken. 3 I [TI (b) Sign Commi ttee. Councilman Chase inquired of the status of the Sign Committee proposals. The City Attorney informed him there were some technical problems and a memorandum had been prepared regarding the nine (9) proposals of the Sign Committee. Further the City Attorney suggested that action against ille- gal signs be held in abeyance until the sign ordinance is adopted and that a formal moritorium on any action taken against illegal signs be considered by the Counc r L~U] Q (c) Yater Comitttee. Councilman Mcqomas stat- ed that the question of water rates was reGiewed by th Water Committee and it was moved that th$ Council be advised that the Committee reaffirms its prior re- commendations with regard to water rates. The motion was unanimius. Also discussed by the Committee was the possible consolidation of the operation and main- tenance effort of the water system with CMND and that it is recommended that the Council take such action as is necessary to determine the best method of operation which will result in the lowest ultimate cost to the water user and taxpayer in the City of Carlsbad throug alternate methods of operation such as: 1) CMWD operat system 2) City operated system 3) Continue to operate as two systems. It was felt by the Committee that an impartial study be made as to the best method of operation. Following discussion by the Council, it was moved that the City Manager be instructed to take whatever action is necessary to initiate a study. [28] (d) Mayor's Youth Committee. Councilman Lewis reported on the last meeting of the Mayor's Youth Committee. No action was taken. I [lo51 (e) Inter-Governmental Personnel Grant Act. Mayor Dunne referred to a memorandum written bv him I anb dated January 29, 1973, in reply to a letter from Mrs. Muriel Goldhammer, Urban Affairs USCD, regarding Inter-Governmental Personnel Grant Act and requested Council's thoughts on this matter by February 9, 1973. 6- HOUSING AUTHORITY: I [lo51 The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 8:50 P.M. and reconvened to the Council Meeting at 9:05 P.M. with a11 Councilmen present. I February 6, 1973 7 - PUBLIC HEARINGS: I The Hour of 7:30 P.M. having come and gone, Mayor declared the Public Hearings open at 7:40 P.M. thel C1141 (a) Agenda Bill #1017. To consider a request by the Planning Commission for a Zone Change Amendment to provide for a revision of the side yard setbacks applicable to the R-A, R-1 and R-2 Zoning Districts. The City Clerk presented the Affidavit of Pub1 ication and reported no correspondence had been received, A motion was made that the Affadavit of Publication be accepted and ordered filed. The Planning Director presented a staff report and transparency of the proposed zoning amendment. He explained the purpose of this request was to allow flexibility in site design and further to allow the storage of recreational vehicles in the rear yard of residences. The Fire Chief commented that when the distance is measured, it should be measured between buildings, not between walls. Mr. William DeLong, 3600 Highland Drive, Carlsbad, commented that there is 10' less set back on one side - ofthe building but on the outside, there is a 15' or sometimes 20' set-back. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. I Lengthy discussion was held by the Council and it was agreed further review would be necessary. A motion was made that the matter be continued to the next regular meeting . [I131 (b) Agenda Bill #1018. To consider a request for zone chanqe from Zone P-C and R-A to Zone P-M I (Planned ~ndustrial) on approximately 232 acres 1 ocate: on the northeast corner of Palomar Airport Rd. and El Camino Real (Case No. ZC-104) Applicant': Mamaux- Stal ford. The City Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication and reported no correspondence had been received. A motion was made that the Affidavit of Publication be accepted and ordered fi 1 ed. A staff report was given by the Planning Director, which included a transparency of the location of the proposed zone change. The City Attorney offered back- ground information on the Environmental Impact Report which indicated the environmental impact was non- significant, following its review by the Planning Commission. . Mr. John Mamaux, 1393 Basswood Avenue, Carlsbad, informed the Council he was in concurrence with the Planning Commission's recommendations and stated an Environmental Impact Statement would be filed at the time the Specific Plan is filed. The Public Hearing was closed at 8:15 P.M. COUNCILMEN February 6, 1973 8 - DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: I A. Building Department. [741 1 . Agenda Bi 11 nU1020. Request for addi - tional Personnel in Building Department. I An explanation for the need of additional personnel in the Building Department was offered by the Director of Suilding and Housing. Discussion was held by the Council following the City Manager's statement that he had turned the request down but it was his policy that if a department head could not agree in such matters, the department head could appeal to the Council. It was the decision of the Council that this matter be tabled since a decision had already been reached by the City Manager and that further negotiations could be carried out by the City Manager and the Department Head. B. Fire Department. [Sll 1. Agenda Bill #999. Fire Protection Surv I Discussion was held by the Councl regarding the matter of a Fire Protection Survey and the following Resolu- tion was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3060. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH GAGE-BABCOCK & ASSOCIATES, INC. TO PERFORM A COST EFFECTIVENESS STUDY AND LONG RANGE PLAN FIRE DEFENSES AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF $5,000 IN FEDERAL REVERUE SHARING FUNDS FOR SAID STUDY. Councilman Chase requested on behalf of the City Coun- cil that the City Manager and Fire Chief insure the submission of the report to the City within 120 days. C511 2. Agenda Bill #I021 . Approval of prel im- inary floor plans and elevations for proposed Fire Station. The Fire Chief reviewed the preliminary floor plans and elevations for the proposed Fire Station which were displayed for the Council's review, and explained the practicality for future use. Approval was given the preliminary floor plans and elevations and the architect was directed to complete his contract by preparing the specificatjons. Further, it was requested that the original plans be obtained for the City. C. Library.' I C631 1. Agenda Bill iY894. Supplement #I. Re- I Quest bv Raymond Holt for extension of time to present "car1 s bid C: ty Library Master Plan Study". I Approval was given an extension of time until February 28, 1973 on the proposal for a "Carlsbad City Library Master Plan Study", as requested by Raymond Holt.. February 6, 1973 D. Parks and Recreation. I 1701 1. Agenda Bill #1023. Resolution #3061, establishing park-areas for implementation for Chapter 20.28 which provides for land dedications or payment of in-lieu fees. An explanation was given by the City Manager and two maps entitled Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" were dis- played for review by the Council which would reduce the number of park areas from twenty-nine to seven. Discussion was held by the City Manager and the follo ing Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3061. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING PARK AREAS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF CHAPTER 20.28 OF THE MUNIC PAL CODE WHICH PROVIDES FOR LAND DEDICATIONS OR THE PAYMENT OF FEES IN LIEU THEREOF FOR PARK PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH LAND DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY. E. Planning. C571 1. Agenda Bill #916. Supplement #I. Approval of proposed Work Program and Contract for General Plan Revision. The Planning Director presented a staff report regard- ing the proposed Work Program and Contract for Genera1 Plan Revision and stated that the first six phases' have a State deadline of June 30, 1973. Following lengthy discussion by the Council and furthe explanation offered by Mr. Paul Neal, representing Lampman & Associates, approval was given the Work Pro- gram for the General Plan Revision and the Mayor authc ized to execute the contract between Lampman & Associ- ates on behalf of the City. F. Public Works. [261 1. Agenda Bi 11 #871. Supplement #l. Amended map for Highland Dr. Sewer Assessment District NO. ADr2-1969. Following discussion, Resolution No. 3062 was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3062. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING "AMENDED MAP OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2-1969". 1971 2. Agenda Bill #1024. Poinsettia Lane Grade Separated Railway overcrossing. I Councilman Chase requested this matter be continued to the next regular meeting. I [971 3. Agenda Bill #1025. Annual Street Resur-. facing and Sealing Program - Contract #1013. . 1 I Following discussion, a motion was made that the matte be continued to the next regular meeting and that staf consideration be given to including Highland Drive, Hillside Dr. and Park Dr. in the street resurfacing overlay program, and that cost figures be provided for the intlusion of these streets. I COUNCILMEN February 6, 1973 G. Purchasing. I C841 1. Agenda Bill #1004. Approval of 2-ton Dump Truck Specifications. Councilman Chase inquired of the Purchasing Agent what the status of the AM Radio was in the specifications and he was informed the AM Radio was deleted. The following Resolution was adopted by title only wit further reading waived: Resolution No. 3050. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSEAD. CALIFORNIA APPROVING SPECIFI- I CATIONS AND AUTHORIZING-THE PURCHASING AGENT OF THE CITY TO INVITE BIDS FOR A TNO-T-ON DUMP TRUCK. 1841 2. Agenda Bill. #883. - Supplement #l. Rejection of bids and solicitation of new .bids for Air I ~ondi tioning System in City Council Chambers. I A motion was made that the bids be rejected and the staff be authorized to readvertise for bids on an air- conditioning system in the City Council Chambers. Councilman Chase requested the staff expedite this matter. H. - City Manager. [373 1. Agenda Bill #1026. Request for addi- tional distribution of Planning Commission and City Council Agenda Pac.kets. Following discussion, a motion was made that a copy of the agenda packets for the City.Counci1 and Plannin Commission be made available at the City Library. C241 2. Agenda Bill #1027. Report on Animal Regulation Services. The City Council acknowledged receipt of the informa- tion presented, and the City Manager recommended that the Council discuss.the animal regulation service leve during budget deliberations. 3. Agenda Bill #1028. Request by AT & SF ailway for payment of taxes on city leased property. I Following explanation by the City Manager and lengthy discussion by the Council, the staff was instructed to prepare a letter to Assemblyman John Stull requesting that he initiate action to seek relief from the law which requires payment of property taxes by the AT & S Railway. Further, the staff was instructed to prepare a resolution authorizing payment of property taxes under protest to the AT & SF and approving the amendme to the lease proposed by the AT & SF Railway. a 0 '[MI 4. Agenda Bill #1029. Request for trans- fer of funds to provide matching funds for CCCJ Grant. I Discussion was held and the fol1owin.g Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3066. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL DF WSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE CALIFORNIA COUNCIL ON CRIMINAL JUSTICE GRANT FOR THE COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER PROJECT. February 6, 1973 - A recess was called by the Mayor at 11 :25 P.M. and Council reconvened at 11:35 P.M. I [701 5. Agenda Bill #1030. Construction of public access to points to the beach areas. Councilman McComas commented that a number of people in wheelchairs have requested that accesses be made for wheelchairs and that a platform be provided for use by the wheelchairs. Following discussion, the City r4anager was instructed to prepare and present cost estimates on beach access at Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue for discussion during the budget sessions. 9- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: H (171 ['*I. ' (a) Agenda Bill #991. Ordinance #9342, The following Ordinance was given a second reading by title only and adopted: Ordinance No. 9342. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING SECTION 21.42.010 (2) (D) OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR CIRCUSES AND CARNIVALS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES ON APPROVAL OF THE CITY NANAGER. 10- ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: I The following ordinances were given a first reading by title only with further reading waived: k ., I [?81b''/(a) Agenda Bill #1031. Ordinance No. 9345. AN ORDINANCE-OF THE CITY CouNcfL OF THE CITY OF cARLs- I BAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 5.24.145 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY CLARIFYING TECHNICAL REQUIR MENTS FOR A WATCHMAN'S TRAILER. 1 C76 1 (b) Agenda Bill #1032. Ordinance No. ;1157. AM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER-2.24 OF BAD MUNICIPAL CODE RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION. 11- CONTINUED BUSINESS: I [ 38 I (a) Agenda Bill #738. Revised Council -Manager Ordinance No. 1156. I Lengthy discussion was held by the City Council regard. ing the revised Council-Manager Ordinance and the followin Ordinance was given a first reading by title only wi t.2 further reading waived: Ordinance No. 1156. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2.12 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REDEFINE THE POWERS, DUTIES, OBLIGATIONS, COMPENSATION AND TERMS OF THE CITY MANAGER. [70] (b) Agenda Bill H1000. Revision and automatio of Rotary park Irrigation System. I This matter was continued pending a determination as to whether AT & SF Railway will request the City to pay taxes on Rotary Park. February 6, 1973 [lo21 (c) Agenda Bill #1003. Resolution #3048, desig nating as one-way the alley entrance located between State Street and Roosevelt Street on the north side of Elm Avenue. i This matter was referred to the Traffic Safety Commis- sion for report and recommendation. 12- CONSENT CALENDAR: I Councilman Chzse requested Item G be .removed fro the Consent Calendar. t The following items were approved by qne motion affirm ing the actions on the Consent Calendar: I A. Correspondence - Advisory. None. I B. correspondence - Referral. None. I C. Proclamation. [ 80 1 1. Agenda Bill #1032. Mayor Dunne proclaim ed "Vocational Education Week - February 11th thru February 17th". I [451 D. Future Improvement Agreements. The follow- ing improvement agreements were approved and the Mayor was authorized to execute the documents on behalf of the City. C451 1. Agenda Bill #1033. Authorizing Mayor to execute Future Improvement Agreement - re: Parcel I Split #I74 for property located on Park Dr. Applicant Jack Y. and Patricia R. Kubota. I C451 2. Agenda Bill #1034. Authorizing Mayor to execute Future Improvement Agreement re: Parcel Split HI77 for property located on Roosevelt St. south of Beech Ave. Applicant: Walter A. and Virene Dewhurst. [451 3. Agenda Bill #1035. Authorizing Mayor to execute Future Improvement Aqreement - re:' Parcel 1 Split #I87 for property located on Chestnut Ave. Applicant: Dorothy A. Gugl ielmetti. I C451 4. Agenda Bill #1036. Authorizing Mayor to execute Future Improvement Agreement - re: Lot I Split ,#I88 for property located-on High1 and Ave. and Adams St. Applicant: Charles A. Anthony. I [741 E. Agenda Bill #1009. Changing description for classification of Administrative Assistant was approv- ed by the Counci 1. - [s] F. Agenda Bill #1037. The following Resolution was adopted: Resolution No. 3063. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THAT 1 THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM AS AN IMPLEMENTATION OF ; THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1971 HAS GREATLY BENEFITED THIS MUNICIPAL AGENCY. February 6, 1973 I Resolution No. 3063. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2050 ADOPTING SALARY PLAN FOR I 0 I THE CITY FOR 1972-73. I ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: $7 G. Agenda Bill #1038. The follo\rring Resolution was adopted. Councilman Chase said he had requested this agenda bi7 removed from the consent calendar so that an addendum could be added. I 13- NEW BUSINESS: [221 (a) Agenda Bill #1039. Request by Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce to change name of Palornar Airport. The following Resolution was adopted by title only wit further reading waived: t Resolution No. 3065. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE I BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO CHANGE THE NAME OF PALOMAR AIRPORT TO CARLSBAD AIRPORT. I EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Dunne called for an Executive Session at 12-:35 P.M. for the purpose of discussing Personnel. he Council reconvened at 1:20 A.M. and the Mayor announced the matter of Personnel was discussed and the following appointments were made: [28] American Revolution Bicentennial Committee. Dr. Howard Harmon Jayce McCl el 1 an Maria Gardiner Tony Howard-Jones Lou Sciarra Barbara King John Maurice Central Business District Action Commission. Jayce McClellan The Mayor further stated the appointments to the Ameri can Rev01 ution Bicentennial Cornmi ttee must be confi rue There was.;no ,apppintment to the Building Authority at this time. 14- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: (a) City Counci 1. 1 Agenda Bill #1015. Request for appoint ments to Cultural Goals Committee. Mrs. Hope Wrisley appeared before the Council represen ing the proposed Cultural .Goals Committee and presente a list'of prospective members. She stated the Committ would like a membership of fourteen. A motion was made that the concept of a Cultural Goals Committee be approved in principle with the understand ing that it is a recommending and advisory committee to the Parks and Recreation Co~nmission and the City Council. Mrs. Wrisley informed the Council she would temporaril handle the comnlittee until a Chairman was appointed. COUNCILMEN . - ClTr OF CARLSB- COUNCILMEN -10- February 6, 1973 2. Agenda Bill #1040. Appointment to Carlsbad Building Authority. Following the Executive Session, it was announced by the Mayor that no appointment had been made to the Building Authority. 3. Agenda Bill #1041. Appointments to American Revolution Bicentennial Committee. Mayor Dunne announced unconfirmed appointments to the American Rev01 ution Bicentennial Committee, fol lowing an Executive Session. (b) City Attorney. (c) City Manager. 1. The City Manager announced he would not be present for the next regular meeting of the City Council since he would be in Oakland, California. 2. The City Manager requested an approxi- mate two hour rap session with the Council regarding their thoughts on what some of the Capital Improvement should be. ADDITIONAL ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: osition 20 - Coastline Initiative. ion was held by the Council regarding the effect of Proposition 20 on the Encina-Leucadia Sewer Project and the installation of the crossing gates at the railroad crossings. It was felt since the installation of crossing gates was ordered by the PUC, the City is obligated to have the crossing gates installed without delay and that althoug apply to the Coastal Commission, the crossing gates would probably be installed prior to approval by the Coastal Commission. It was suggested by the City Attorney that a letter be I written to the Attorney General to deter for the City. The City Manager stated h a letter to the Attorney General regard (b) Agenda Bill #1042. Request to sell tickets to charity event within public right-of-way- Mr. Harris, 7321 Plaza de La Casa, appeared before the I Council with a request to use the City's right-of-way to sell tickets to the Andy William's Golf Tournament and explained the proceeds from the sale of tickets will go to charity. Following brief discussion, a motion was made that the I request be approved, subject to the prov applicant sign a traffic control agreement and that nothing be done to hamper through traffic. [281 (c) Fi re Protection Committee. Councilman McComas suggested the reinstltution of the Fire Protec tion Cornnlittee and the Mayor requested that Councilman McComas submit some names for appointment to the committee. Councilman McComas stated he would like other members of the Council also to submit names. I 'i February 6, 1973 It was requested that $700 of the City of Carlsbad's SB 325 planning funds be ahthorized for use toward the completion of the subregional North San Diego County Transit Study. The following Resolution was adopted by title only wit further reading waived: Resolution No. 3067. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF-THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SUPPORTING THE CITY OF OCEAN- SIDE IN REQUESTING SB 325 STUDY FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF A SUBREGIONAL NORTH SAN DZEGO COUNTY TRANSIT STUDY. [84] (e) Agenda Bill X993. Request for approval of sole source of supply bid for 1/4 ton Two-Wheel, right hand drive Jeep Dispatcher 100's. The Purchasing Agent explained the reason for this re- quest and discussion was held by the Council. A motion was made that the Purchasing Agent be author- ized to negotiate the purchase of two right-hand drive Jeep Dispatcher 100's as authorized in the budget on the basis of a sole-source of supply. 15- RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: Ratification was given the pyament of bills Tor the Genera1 Expenses of the City in the amount of $283,016.47 and the Water Department in the amount of $1,831.28 for the period January 16, 1973 through January 31, 1973, as certified by the Director of Fin- ance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the payroll in the amount of $84,440.68 for the period January 16, 1973 through January 31, 1973, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the auditing conmi 1341 Chamber of Commerce Bills. Mayor Dunne stated h had audited the bills for the Chamber of Commerce and found them to be true and correct to the best of his knowledge. He recommended the bills in the amount of $1,556.43 for the last six months of 1972, be reimburs- ed the Chamber. The Mayor announced that as a matter of information, the Council Meeting of February 20, 1973, will be ad- journed to February 23, 1973 at 2:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers and will be a Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission. 16- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 1:28 A.M. Respectfully submitted, City