HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-03-06; City Council; Minutes4 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN x Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: March 6, 1973 Time of fileeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council ChaRbers 1 1- ROLL CALL: 2- INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. \ 3- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. I 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of February 20, 1973, were approved as amended. 5- COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: [37] Council Commi ttee Reports were given by Council men McComas and Chase and no action was taken. A re- port was given by Councilman Lewis regarding the Parks and Recreation Commission and it was agreed by the Cour cil that Councilman Lewis be appointed to the Oral Board interviewing for the positfon of Parks and Re- creation .. Director. 6- ' HOUSING AUTHORITY: m51 The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 7:09-P.M. and reconvened at 7:13 P.M. with all Councilmen present. 7-. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Hour of 7:30 P.M. having come and gone, the Mayor declared the Public Hearings open at 7:35 P.M. [113] (a) Agenda Bill #1053. To consider a request for a zone change from R-A to C-1 and approval of a Specific Plan to develop a mobile home sales facility on property located on the east side of Avenida Encina north of Palomar Airport Road. Applicant: C. William and Ruth H. Dealy. (ZC&SP-f03) The City Clerk presented the Affjdavi t of pub7 ication and reported no correspondence had been received. A motion was made that the Affidavit of Publication be accepted and ordered filed. Councilman Chase relayed the message from Burroughs Corp. that they would like to go on record as definite ly opposing the proposed project as it was felt it wou down-grade the area. The Planning Director informed the Council that a letter from Burroughs Corp. ,* statin theit opposition, was read into the records at the Planning Commission. A staTf. report was presented by the P.1anning Director including a transparency of the location of the pro- posed zone change and a Specific Plan Map which was displayed for'the Council's review. There was no one wishing to be heard and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Lengthy discussion ensued and the following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3072. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C,OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDIN 0 AND DECISiON REGARDING ZONE CHANGE (ZC-103) FROM R-A TO .C-1 ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF A\~EP.IIDP, ENCSNAS, NORTHERLY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. .. i G CITY OF CARLSBAD 03UNC1LMEP -2- March 6, 1973 ) The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only with further reading waived: I Ordinance No. 9346. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUiiCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AFIENDING TITLE 21, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY GRH?jTII\IG A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-A TO C-1 (Nseighborhood-Comnercial) ON PROPERTY LOCAT- ED ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF AVENIDA ENCINAS, BIORTHERLY OF PALQMAR AIRPORT ROAD. I The following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: I I Resolution No. 3073. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDING AND DECISION REGARDING SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-103) TO DEVELO I A MOBILE HOME SALES FACILITY ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF AYENIDA ENCINAS, NORTHERL'Y OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. [173] (b) Agenda Bill #1054. To consider a zone change from R-1-15,000 to P-C (Planned Community), approval of a Specific Plan, a tentative map and Final Environmental Report, for development -of a condominium complex, consisting of 190 dwellings, 12.9 acres of land generally located on the south side of Adams Stree east of Hoover Street, to be known as "Hedionda Point". The City Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication. A motion was made that the Affidavit of Pub1 ication be accepted and ordered filed. The Clerk reported written correspondence had been received from the following persons: 0 i Mr. and Mrs. John Specht Mr. John McGill 4350 Highland Drive 4340 Highland Drive Mrs. Ethel Hagan 4407 Highland Dr. Mr. Sidney Dunn 4379 Highland Drive Also received was a petition containing the signatures of 51 residents. A staff report which included a transparency and a Spe fic Plan Map was presented by the Planning Director. The Planning Director informed the Countil that with regard to the Environmental Impact Report, a number of agencies were contacted; i.e. the Army Corps of Engine C.P.O,.Department of Fish and Game and others, and a71 responses indicated this project would have no signifi cant impact on the environment. However, the findings of the staff, as contained in staff reports, is that the proposed development would have a significant en- vironmental impact, particularly with regard to the traffic circulation on Adams Street, C e - Mr. Bill Zongker, owner of Coninmark, explained to the Council that, he is the developer. Covington is his financial backer, thus explain'ing the names of Covingto Coninmark on the application. Mr. Zongker explained his plans for the proposed project and introduced Mess-r Haws and Weber, as architects on the project. Messrs. Haws and Weber presented renderings of the proposed ;project and answered questions posed by the Council. the following persons directed questions to the develop land his representstives thru the Chair: ~ I B I Motion i Ayes xxx ) Mot3 on Ayes xxx 1 .- i- rS Y , 7 ,. 3. I I ~ I C!TY OF CARLSSAD -3- 1 March 6, 1.973 I Mr. Don Tasker, 4262 Highland Dr., inquired if arrange ments had been made by the developer for the school in lieu fees and he was in-formed by Mr. Zongker that he i negotiating with the School District at this tine. .' Katy Jean Capps II 7175 Hoover Street, raised the questi of the erosion factor in the area of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, stating the erosion factor is fantastic. Flr; Zongker indicated that studies made do not indicate an problems with the erosion in that area. The following persons spoke in opposition to the pro- posed development, primarily on the grounds that a de- velopment of this size would increase the traffic cir- culation problem already existing. Mr. Floyd Robinson 4871 Highland Drive Mr. John McGill 4340 Highland Dr. Mrs. Rita Windrum 4230 Clearview Dr. Mr. Don Huffman 4315 Highland Dr. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed and a re- cess was called at 9:00 P.M. The Council reconvened at 9:15 P.M. The subject application was given consideration and was to be discussed in three increments: The Environmental Impact Report: Councilman McComas commented with regard to the Environmental Imuact Re- port, that it was-his opinion the Environmental Impact Report was not the most decisive or strong report and it appeared there were some reservations on the part of the Planning Department on the report. He felt the Council should acknowledge cPceipt of the report but not approve it. A motion was made that the Envfronmen tal Impact Report be accepted by the Council. Councilman McComas stated he was not opposing the pro- ject per se'but felt since the report was presented on a contingent basis, it should have included the total area. Further, that it would be consider pre-mature devel opment. The Zone Change: Discussion was held regarding the matter of the Zone Change and the followincr Resolution was offered for adoption: Resolution No. 3074. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDIN R-1-15,000 TO P-C (Planned Community), ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF ADAMS STREET, EASTERL OF HOOVER STREET AND KNOWM AS "HEDIONDA POINT." The Motion to adopt the above Resolution was offered by Councilman Chase and seconded by Councilman Frazee, without prejudice to his vote and was defeated. The following reason was given for denial of the zone chan 1) That it is necessary for the City to revise the General Plan in this area and particularly the ci rcul ati on element. The following reasons were given for denial of the Specific Plan and Tentative Map: " AND DECISION REGARDING ZONE CHANGE. (ZC-101) FROM . WUNCILMEN pl I 1 ~ I I . Moti Ayes Noes 5 Moti Ayes Noes (Moti defe 3. .. CITY OF- CARLSBAD &QUNCILMEN -4- March 6, 1973 C991 3) The Tentative Map CT-73-1 was denied on the basis that it necessitates a density in excess of that explicit of the zoning. wi (c) Agenda Bill #1055. To consider an amend- ment to Title 21 of Municipal Code in regard to signs relating to motels and hotels and extension of amoriti- zation period. accepted and ordered filed. A brief discussion was held on non-conforming signs and the Mayor requested .the City Flanager instruct the Build ing Inspector to prepare a report on non-conforming signs which were erected after the date the existing sign- ordinance became effective. Mr. Marry Truax, 4125 Harbor Drive, stated he felt the proposed amendment to the sign ordinance should be adopted as presented. Mr. Bill Nickles, Manager of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, made an inquiry of the Council regarding the sign o'rdinance. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed and dis- cussion ensued by the Council. The following Resolutio was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3076. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDING AND DECISION REGARDING AMEiYDMENTS TO SECTIONS 21.40..070 The following Ordinance was introduced for a first read ing by title only with further reading waived: Ordinance No. 9348. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APIENDING TITLE 21, SECTIONS 21.40.070 AND '21 .40.080 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNI- CIPAL CODE REGARDING SIGNS. C7.FIBfid) Ager;da Bill #1056. To consider the Final Environmental Impact Report submitted by Tri-City Auto Dealers Association on property located south-of-Cannon Road and east of 1-5. The City Clerk presented tbe Affidavit of Publication and reported no correspondence had been received. A motion was made that the Affidavit of Publication be accepted and ordered filed. A brief staff report was given by the Planning D.irector and di'scussior? held by the Council. CITY OF CARLSBAD rnUNC3EMEN 2epor-t for Tri-City Auto Dealers be accepted. [7.-7-1E%je) Agenda Bill 81057. To consider the Final Environmental Impact Report submitted by L. R. Partner- ship on property located north of Agua Hedionda Lagoon and east of Park Drive for a condominium development. The City Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publjcation and reported no 'correspondence had been received. A motion was nade that the Affidavit of Publication be accepted and ordered filed. The Planning Director presented a staff report, which included transparencieCand stated Parcels 1 and 2 would have a minimal impact on the physical environment Parcel 3 may have an impact on the ecology with regard to a salt marsh which was covered over prior to the requirement for an Environmental Impact Report. Upon inquiry from Betty Mollrich, Parks and Recreation Commission member, the Planning Director stated that the Musuem of Man had been contacted for archeological sites on all three sites proposed. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing clbsed. Partnership be acqepted. [113] (f) Agenda Bill #1058. To consider a request for zone change from R-1-15,000 to R-1-7,500, approving the tentative map and Final Environmental Impact Report The City Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication. A motion was made that the Affidavit of Publication land Drive, Mr. John McGill 4340 Highland Drive and Mr. Lester E. Cooper, 4000 Highland Drive. Also re- ceived was a petition containing the signatures of 80 residents. A lengthy staff report was presented by the Planning Director, including a transparency and a map of the subject area. Mr.-John Klug from San Juan Capistrano, developer, discussed the proposed development and offered back- ground informati on. Mr. Jim McNare Fir. John McGill 1880 Val enci a 4340 Highland Drive L. W. Rash 3940 Alder 4156 Highland Drive Mr. Lester Cooper Rita Windrum 4000 Highland Drive 4230 Clearview .. F . - CARLSBAD ~UNC1LMfN < March 6, 1973 The Mayor declared the Public Hearing .closed: Lengthy discussion ensued by the Council and centered primarily on the circulation pattern regarding traffic. The following Resolution was adopted by title only wilh further reading waived: OF SUNNYHILL, CLEARVIEW AND SKYLINE DRIVES. The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only with further reading waived: Ordinance No. 9349. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 27 DRIVES, AND KNOWN AS "PANNONIA'!. Resolution No. 3085 was offered for ad.option and dis- A.motion was made that Item #14 be amended to include Skyline Drive as a perrnanent.connector street. The Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIV MAP, CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-28, ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHERLY OF THE TERMINI OF SUNNYHILL, CLEARVIEW AND SKYLINE DRIVES AND EXTENDING SOUTHERLY TO WITHIN 200 as amended. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Building. 1. Agenda Bill #1059. Report on sub-stan- dard Housing progress. Discussion was held by the Council and a number of questions were asked of the Building Director regarding the status of sub-standard housing and the progress It Gas agreed by the Council that the City Manager respond to a letter from Mr. B. G. Alvarado, 3327 Tyler Street, regarding sub-standard housing and that the Director of Building and Housing submit a report on the feasibility of enforcing the Housing Code, at the next regular meeting. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: ,. .. -. 1 .e I. CITY OF CARLSB84D CDhlNCltFflfF -7- March 6, 1973 and approved by the Auditing Committee. ADJOURNMENT: