HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-03; City Council; Minutes'I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN c B Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: April 3, 1973 ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by Vice-Mayor McComaS. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: HOUSIN-G AUTHORITY: Scout Ken Crow, requesting funds from the City to support the expenses of a trip to the National Jamboree in Idaho, representing the City of Carlsbad. formed by the Council that consideration would be given their request, following staff recommendation. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Fire Department. 1. Agenda Bill #1085. Reactivation of Fire Protection Improvement Committee. It was agreed by the Council that this matter be del' ' ferred to the next regular meeting, and that the Fire Chief and members of the Council submit a list of name for this committee. I B CITY OF CARLSBAD .-2- Apri I 3. 1973 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ B. Lib,rary. I c631 1. bend'a ,6j"l'l #894. - Supplement #l. Pre sentation of Master Plan for Ctty Library. Following a report by the City Clerk that the repre- sentative from the Library Board of Trustees who was to make the presentation of the Master Plan for the Library could not be present, it was agreed the matter be deferred to an adjourned meeting. C. Parks and Recreation. .c701 1. Agenda Bill #910. - Supplement #1 Approval of concept for community swimming pool. The City Manager informed the Council it has been re- quested that this matter be deferred. The City Council agreed the matter be deferred to an adjourned meeting when Capital Improvements would be discussed. [701 2. Agenda Bill #1086. Adoption of Policy #15, providing for public walkways around all lagoons and other bodies of water and public utility easements. Following discussion, it was agreed by the Council ..that this matter should be studied further by the staff, and the City Attorney was requested to check methods used by other cities as to water front properties. Mrs. Betty Wollrich, representative from the Parks and Recreation Commission, informed the Counctl this matte had been discussed by the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion at the request of the Planning Director and it was recommended this matter be placed on the agenda to assist the PlaRntng Director in establishing a policy. r It was agreed the matter be deferred to the next r'egu- lar meeting. I D. Person.ne1. I C741 1. Agenda. Bill #1087. Implementation in principal of Educational Incentive Program pay. I Following discussion by the Council regarding Educa- tional Incentjve Program pay, a motion was made adopt- ing the Fire Safety Employees Education Incenttve Program, excluding the Fire Chief and Fire Mar.shal1. E. Planning. L991 1. Agenda Bill #1058. To re'consider the tentative map for Carlsbad Tract 72-28. Applicant: Klug/Pannonia. The following letters favoring the Council's reconsider ation of thefr decision on the tentative map for Carls- bad Tract 72-28, were acknowledged: Letters from Mr. Donald A. Watkins, 3778 Skyline Rd., Carlsbad and Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire, Jr. 4233 Sunnyhill Drive. The Vice-Mayor announced that although this matter is not a Public Hearing, anyone wishing to be heard was invited to do so. Councilman Frazee informed the COUNCILMEN Motion X Absent xx: Ayes X - I, CITY OF -?- CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN " public, the tentative map had been approved with the opening of Sunnyhill and Skyline Drives, at the meet- ing of March 6th and agreed to reconsider their de- cision on the 7th of March, at an adjourned meeting. Capt. L. W. Rash, 4156 Highland Drive, Carlsbad, in- formed the Council he was opposed to the Council's re- consideration of this matter as it was his opinion that the opening of Sunnyhill and Skyline was the most practical approach. Also in opposition to the reconsideration was Mr. Jim McNair, Laguna Riviera Subdivision, due to the fact that he felt if the traffic was not routed through the Sunnyhill-Skyline area, it would place an unfair traffi: load on Kelly, Highland and Hillside, which already are under traffic strain. The Council heard from Mr. John Klug, developer of the property,..who presented a map of the traffic circulatiol pattern prepared by Rick Engineering and informed the Council he would be willing to,do anything the Council decided but did not feel here would be a heavy increase in traffic from his development. Mr. Jerry Johnson, representing Douglas-Pacific, devel- opers of the property to the southeast, informed the Counci 1 when their development is completed, it will afford access from Titmarack Avenue to their development. He also stated that the developer has offered a site for a Fire Station, with the stipulation that it be utilized for that purpose only. Mr. Richard Campbell, 4143 Skyline Dr., displaying maps of the area, and Mrs. Betty Wol lrich, 4150 Skyl.ine Dr. were heard by the Council y favoring the reconsideration of Skyline and Sunnyhill as major connector streets. Following discussion by the Council, a motion was made Motion to adopt Resolution No. 3085, with the provision that Item #14, regarding the opening of Skyline and Sunnyhill(Motion * be stricken from the Resolution. The motion died for died): lack of a second, and Resolution No. 3085 was adopted as it was presented at the meeting of March 6, 1973, including item #14. Resolution No. 3085. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Motion X OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAy APPROVING TENTATIVS Ayes xx: SOUTHERLY OF THE TERMINI OF SUNNYHILL, CLEARVIEW, AND Absent X SKYLINE DRIVES AND EXTENDING SOUTHERLY TO WITHIN 200 FEET OF PARK DRIVE, AND KNOWN AS PANNONIA INVESTMENT COMPANY. The Vice-Mayor called for a recess at 8:30 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 8:40 P.M. E771 2. Agenda Bill #1088. California Environ- mental Quality Act of 1970 and State guidelines. . A staff report was given by the Planning Director and covers the Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and con- forms to the guidelines of the State. Following discussion by the Council, Ordinance No. 1158 was given a first reading by title only with further reading waived: MAP, CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 72-28, ON PROPERTY LOCATED Noes D the Council was informed that the proposed Ordinance .I 2 a, CITY OF -4- CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN Ordinance No. 1158. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL INCLUSIVE, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE WITH AMEND- MENTS, ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS AS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL LINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION THEREOF ISSUED BY THE RESOURCE:; AGENCY OF CALIFORNIA. The following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3098. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Motion OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RESCINDING RESOLU- Ayes xx: TION NUMBERS 3015, 3016, 3017 AND 3019, REINACTING Absent X THEIR SUBSTANCE WITH AMENDMENTS, ADDITIONS AND DELETION!; AS REQUIRED BY THE GUIDELINES ISSUED BY THE RESOURCES MENT FROM, GUIDELINES:. FOR DETERMINING WHETHER OR NOT A PROPOSED PROJECT INVOLVES A SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT, GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF A PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, CONTENTS OF AN ENVBRONMENT IMPACT REPORT AND FEES FOR PROCESSING PROJECTS ALL PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT TECTION ORDINANCE OF 1972. C74 I 3. Agenda Bill #1089. Request for temporary ' employment of Research Analyst. Following discussion, a motion was made. that a Research Motion Analyst be hired at $797.00 a month for a three month Ayes XXI minimum period, effective April 4, 1973. Absent X QUALITY CONTROL ACT OF 1970 AS AMENDED AND THE GUIDE- AGENCY THEREBY ADOPTING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESS- OF 1970 AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ENVIRONMENTAL PRO- 7 I. F. Police Department. ~781 1. Agenda Bill #1090. Funding for "Communi tJr Service Officer Project," The Chief of Police stated this is a request for second year funding for the Community Service Officer Project which had been previously approved on the basis that it would be a three year project. Following a brief discussion, Resolution No. 3099 was adopted by title only and further reading waived: Resolution No. 3099. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Motion X ' OF THE CITY QF CARLSBAD TO OBTAIN FUNDS FOR CRIME CON- Ayes xxx TROL (Seeond year funding). Absent X ~781 2. Agenda Bill #1091. Request for funding of Crime Specific Burglary under CCCJ Grant. The Chief of Police informed the Council this is a re- quest for first year funding of a possible three (3) ear Grant, and introduced the Administrative Sergeant ho processes.the Grants to explain the mechanism of the D krant . *I Discussion of the availability of matching funds.for the project was held, and it was the feeling of the. however, funding for.the project would have to be considered during budget discussion. ouncil that the City could proceed with the applicatior s. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN -5- April 3, 1973 68 Following an explanation by the Admintstrative Sergeant Resolution No. 3100 was adopted by title only with further reading waived:. Resolution No. 3100. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Motion X OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TO OBTAIN FUNDS FOR CRIME Ayes X Absent CONTROL. xx G. Public Works. C991 1. Agenda Bill #787.- Supplement #l. Approving final map for Carlsbad Tract 72-11, Phase I, of Hosp Grove Development, located on the easterly side of Monroe Street northerly of Elm Avenue. (Kamar Constrtc- tion Company) A motion was made that the Final Map for Carlsbad Tract Motion X 72-11 , be approved subject to completion of conditions Ayes xx in Resolution No. 2035 within a twenty (20) day time Absent limit. X I351 2. Agenda Bill #1092. Agreement between State Division of Highways and City - re: Maintenance and Operation Agreement for 1-5. An explanation was given by the Director of Public Works and following discussion by the Council, Resolu- tion No. 3101 was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3101. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL .Motion OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE Ayes xx: MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Absent X (Interstate #5) [451 3. Agenda Bi1.l #973. - Supplement #l. Water Systems Improvement Contract #1000, Schedule I and 11. Approving Change Order #8, accepting the work for Schedule I and 11, and authorizing the Cit,y Clerk to file Notice of Completion. Following brief discussion, a motion was made that Chan:e Motion Order #8 of Schedule I1 in the amount of #3,220.95 be Ayes xx> approved, that the work on Schedules I and I1 of Con- Absent X tract f1000,be accepted and the City Clerk was authorizcd to file Notice: of Completion and release the bonds 35 days after Notice of Completion has-: been filed. [ 971 4. Agenda Bill #1025. - Supplement #l. Awarding Contract #1013, Schedules I and I1 3 for annual street resurfacing and sealing program. A brief review of the bids was given by the Director of Public Works and it was pointed out that funds have been budgeted for this purpose. Discussion was held and the following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3102. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, Mot,ion OF THE CITY OF CABLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS Ayes xxx D AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS FOR SLURRY Absent X SEAL AND ASPHALT CONCRETE OVERLAY PROJECTS. .a 5 -, ' CITY OF -6- CARLSBAD April 3, 1973 1 I I c1121 5. Agenda .Bill #1098. Weed Abatement for 1973. I I The -Following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: I I Resolution No. 3103. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING AS' PUB- I LIC NULSANCES, RUBBISH,-AND REFUSE UPON PRIVATE PRO- PERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. A Public Hearing was set for 7:30 P.M., April 17, 1973. H. City Manager. Dl 1 1. Agenda Bill #615. Supplement #l. Bid for purchase of City owned property (Greenwood) The City Manager stated a bid had been received on the Greenwood Property for the purpose of constructing offices and introduced Mr. William Rick. The Council heard from Mr. William Rick, Rick Engineer- ing, who informed the Council that this was an unsoli- cited bid and was cuased by the Firm's need to relocate to larger quarters than the ones now housing his em- ployees and which are located in Carlsbad. A brief discussion ensued and it was agreed by the Council that this matter be given further consideration at an adjourned meeting. I. City Attorney. I ~781 1. Agenda Bill #1097. Regulation and con- trol of operation of massage parlors. I The City Attorney offered a brief statement to the Council regarding the Massage Par!or Ordinance. Following discussion, the Ordinance was offered for a first reading by title only with further reading waived, as corrected. I Ordinance No. 3096. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA. AMENDING CHAPTER I 5.16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE DELETION OF SECTIONS 5.16.010 AND 5.16.020 AND BY THE ADDITION OF PROVISIONS FOR THE REGULATION OF MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AND MASSAG TECHNICIANS. I 9- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: .. The following ordinance was adopted by title only with further reading waived: [113] (a) Agenda Bill #1070. Ordinance No. 9347. BAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS- CODE BY GRANTING A PRE-ANNEXATION CHANGE OF ZONE FROM B COUNTY A-1-8 TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD P-M (Planned Industrial), ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIR- PORT ROAD AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL. (Capital Sys. Cor: Councilman Chase requested the record indicate the reason for his nbstention was due to his absence at the first reading of the Ordinance. COUNCILMEN Motion X Absent XX) Ayes ) Motion X Absent >I Abstained xx Ayes X 1.1 .. L' , , :* CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN c. D -7- April 3, 1973 % I 10- CONSENT CALENDAR: The following item was approved by one motion affirming the actions on the Consent Calendar. A. Proclamation. DO1 1. Agenda Bill #1093. Acknowledgement was given the 27th Annual Classic Powder Puff Derby. E451 B. Agend-a..Bill #1094. Authorization was given the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Future Improvement Agreement in connection wi th Parcel Spl it No. 197, lo- 'cated between Stratford Lane and Laguna Drive (Symons) E451 C. Agenda Bill #l095. Authorization was given the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Future Improvement Agreement in connectfon with Parcel Split #194, located on Juniper Avenue (Minnich) [451 D. Agenda Bill #816. Supplement #l. Authoriza- tion was given the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Future Improvement Agreement in connection with Carls- bad Tract 72-12, Parcel Split No. 191, Hosp Grove Apart. ments, located westerly. of El Camino Real between pro- posed Elm Avenue extension and.Marron Road. 11- CONTINUED BUSINESS: , [571 (a) Ag-enda Bill #1075. Citizen Committees participation in the General Plan Revision. Discussion was held regarding citizen committees participation in the General Plan Revision and questiorl were answered by the Planning Director. By motion of the Council, it was agreed that the Coun- cil accept the recommendation of the staff. It was further agreed that the Planning Director es- tablish a limit as to the number of committees and the number of persons needed to serve on each of the vari- ous committees. 12- ADDITIONAL BUSIN;.E.SS: (a) City Council. c761 1. Agenda. Bill. #1096. Three appointments to the Planning Commission. Following an Executive Session, it was announced by th Vice-Mayor that no appointments were made. It was agreed that this matter would be discussed at the next regular meeting. (b) City Manager. . (c) City Attorney. - S Motion X Absent xx x Ayes X ?* 1 - I' CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN -8- April 3, 1973 approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the payroll Motion in the amount of $79,993.35 for the period March 16, of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. X Absent 1973 through March 31, 1973, as certified by the DirectDr xx Ayes EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Vice-Mayor called for an Executive Session at 10:45 P.M. to discuss Personnel and Appointments. The Council reconvened at 11:42 P.M. and the Vice-Mayor announced that the Council discussed certain Personnel matters and no decision had been made; a.lso no deciston regarding appointment$ had been made. 14- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 P.M. to April 3, 1973 at 3:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. MARGARET E. ADAMS City Clerk B