HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-12; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN - D d Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 12, 1973 Time of Meeting: 2:00 P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers , .. I, 1- ROLL CALL: 2- CURRENT BUSINESS: c321 (a) Agenda Bill #2059. Resolution #3149, authorizing the Mayor to execute Joint Powers Agree- ment- to provide for participation in Strike-Force Robbery Program. Cmn. Chase was present at 2:03 P.M. The City Manager informed the Council Chief Laughlin has recommended that the City of Carlsbad enter into a Joint Powers Agreement Creating a Strike Force Robbery with the cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa National City, Oceanside, San Diego, and the County of San Diego,, authorizing the Carlsbad Police Department to participate in a Strike Force Robbery grant, which has been prepared by the City of San Diego, making application to the California Council on Crimin.al Justice for the funds. Mr. Arnold further stated that he and the City Attorne had reviewed the Agreement, and it is the City Attorney's opinion that the Agreement does not obli- gate the City to any matching funds or other financial obligations; therefore, he recommended the adoption of the resolution authorizing the execution of the Agreement. , Cmn. Chase was concerned as to whether this program would necessitate the employment of additional per- sonnel. The City Manager stated that no additional manpower would be needed, and it is hoped that the work will be coordinated to assist the area. Vice Mayor McComas asked if the City could withdraw from such a program once it entered into this agree- ment, and the City Attorney stated he could not fore- see the other agencies objecting to a withdrawal. Resolution #3149. A RESOLUTION OF THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FOR PARTICIPATION IN A STRIKE FORCE-ROBBERY PROGRAM, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. (b) Agenda Bi 1.1 #2060. I331 (1) Approval of Encroachment Permit for property located at 2363 Jefferson Street - Owner: Clifton F. Nooncaster. The Public Works Director recommended approval of the issuance of an Encroachment Permit to Clifton F. Nooncaster, to allow construttion o-f -two garages with in public right-of-way at 2363 Jefferson St., subject to the approval of the City Engineer and City Attorne 1 regarding details of construction and subsequent re- moval of improvements by the owner at his expense, at such time as the right-of-way is needed for public use. Further that the City be named as additional insured in the owner's liability insurance. - J , I CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- June 12, 1973 It was noted that the issuance of an encroachment permit was a condition' of the Planning Commission's Variance Case #226. Mr. James Ready, Attorney at Law from the firm of Walwick and Ready in Oceanside, stated he was repre- senting the Nooncasters. He informed the Counc.il Mr. Noonc,aster is presently in a Veterans Hospital and will be an invalid the rest of his life. It is im- perative that adequate facilities be provided upon hi return to his residence. Mrs. Nooncaster has been in formed the City may have use for the right-of-way in the near future and the structures would have to be removed. [I 071 (2) Request for street vacation. In a related matter the Public Works Director recommended disapproving the request made by Richard E. Geyer as set forth in letter dated May 22, 1973, for partial street vacation of that portion of Jefferson St. from West of 1-5 to Las Flores Dr. , as it would ,be needed in the future if the Jefferson St. freeway bridge is widened to accommodate four-lanes of traffic. By motion of the Council the staff report and recom- mendations were accepted for Items (1) and (2) above, as presented in Agenda Bill #2060. [104](c) Agenda Bill-#2062. Resolution #3150, autho izing the Mayor to execute a Multi-party contract em- powering the City of Oceanside to claim SB 325 Funds for support of a sub-regional North County Transit Study. Subsequent to a report by the City Manager that the City of Oceanside has prepared the necessary document to proceed with the Sub-regional Transportation Study for North County using SB 325 funds, the following resolution was presented: Resolution #3150. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MULTI-PARTY CONTRACT EMPOWERING THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE TO CLAIM SB-325 FUNDS FOR SUPPORT OF A SUBREGIONAL NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY TRANS STUDY, was adopted by title only and further reading wai ved. ' At the suggestion of the City Manager the meeting was .adjourned to the City Manager's Conference Room at 2:13 P.M. and reconvened at 2:27 P.M. 3- BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1973-74. r291 Vice Mayor McComas suggested that each Councilman dis cuss items in the budget that he was concerned with. On Page 1, Comparative Statement of Tax Rates, Vice Mayor McComas noted a .02 difference in the addition of the 1972-73 tax rate, and the Director of Finance stated she would make the correction. I Ilp S - r ,, S I " - COUNCILMEI CITY OF CARLS -3- June 12, 1973 The City Manager requested the following corrections be made to the budget:. Page 9. The total employees appropriated for fiscal year 1972-73 should be 106.00 instead of 95.50. The total employees recommended for fiscal year 1973- 74 should be 128.5 instead of 133.0. Page 10. The total employees appropriated for fiscal year 1972-73 for the Budget total should read 137.25. Total Budget and Water for fiscal year 1972- 73 should read 153.25. The REquest for employees, fiscal year 1973-74, for Water should read 18.5, and the Total Budget & Water for fiscal year 1973-74 should read 214.25. Under the column entitled '?Recommended Employees for fiscal year 1973-74" the Budget Total should read 167.5, Water 16.5 and the Total Budget & Water should read 184.0. Crnn. Lewis stated he had discussed the need of the PEP employees with the City Manager and he agreed wit1 the concept. The City Manager presented a list of the proposed additional employees, including 11 PEP employees, recommended for fiscal year 1973-74, and gave a brief explanation for their need. He pointed out that a space analysis should be made of the administrative offices prior to any additional employees being hired under administration.. The City Manager.informed the Council the City's population is only around 17,000, however, the City is spread over a 25 sq. mile area. Also this City is a full line city with all municipal functions, which makes the percentage of employment high. Crnn. Chase expressed his concern regarding the follow- ing i terns: 1. Revenue .Sharing usage does not comply with policy set up that no employees be funded from Revenu Sharing Funds; 2. Number of new employees proposed in the budget; 3. Work load of Public Works Director js too great, and perhaps the Water Department should be a 'separate entity; 4. Capital Improvement items that were discusse at a Council meeting are not reflected in the budget; 5. He could not justify a raise in Councilmen's pay; and 6. EauiPment purchases should be coordinated .I with the vari ous departments. *I ~ The City Manager stated in considering the budget he would like the Council to consider specific programs rather than specific items. If the Council agrees on I las h e d CBUNCILME I ~ I I I ! 1 CITY OF CAWLSBAD COUNCILME -4- June 12, 1973 a specific program-then consideration should be given as to financing the program Cmn. Frazee stated he felt the City started out with a good street overlay program for this year, and if monies are not provided in this coming fiscal year to continue 'the program, the public will be upset as they feel too much money is being spent on behalf of the developers. Cmn. Frazee also expressed concern with some of the items under Park Development. In reviewing the Capital Improvement portion of the budget, Vice Mayor McComas noted that $5,000 was pro- posed for beach access at Grand Ave. He felt careful consideration should be given as to whether beach access should be provided at Elm Ave. or Grand Ave. The Public Works Director informed the Council the Elm Ave. access would be more costly. Under Community Promotion Vice Mayor McComas requested copies of the Chamber of Commerce budget provided for each Councilman. He also inquired a5 to whether funds had been provided in this account for the Newsletter. The City Manager informed the Council that he recom- mended $22,000 for the Chamber of Commerce and $3,000 for a Quarterly Newsletter. In closing the budget discussions, Cmn. Lewis asked how the Council could compare this budget with specifi programs, and the City Manager requested that each Councilman contact him as to the specific programs proposed for fiscal year 1973-74. I [63] (a) Letter from City Librarian regarding employ- ment of a Children's Librarian. Following discussion it was agreed that approval be given for the employment of a Children's Librarian for fiscal year 1973-74 as requested in the Library Budget. Cmn. Chase stated he was in hopes the person hired would be a local resident. [78] (b) Agenda Bill #2061. Highland Antenna - Ellery Reservoir for Police County Wide Radio System. The Council was advised through County and Federal grants, funds have been allocated to Carlsbad for the purchase of a base station, mobile units and a high band antenna. Funds for installation of the antenna were not included in the original proposal. The City Manager recommended that $1,200.00 be included in the 1973-74 budget to cover the purchase and installation of a self-supporting antenna mast. Authorization was given for the appropriation of fund: in the amount of $1,200.00 from Police Dept. Account 1-119-9.2' for fiscal year 1973-74, for the purchase e and installation of a self supporting antenna pole. I w - - S ,I CITY OF CARLSBAD - -5- 0 - [29] (c) Agenda Bill #2049 (continued). Request for advance of funds to purchase a kiln and tennis ball machine. The Parks and Recreation Director addressed the Counci and stated they are requesting an advance in funds to purchase the kiln and tennis ball machine in time for peak usage months in the summer. Craft classes have been a very popular part of the elementary age program and have beenrequested in ceramics for older students and adults. The kiln will be in use year round. Tennis lessons have'become a year-round activity, serv ing age 10 thr@gh!adOlts. The Council inquired as to where the'kiln would be installed and they were informed it would either be installed at the Magnolia Street School or the Buena Vista School. Cmn. Lewis stated he had.discussed the usage of the kiln at the High School with the Art Teacher and some of the students, and he was informed it is always in use. Also, tennis classes are offered at the High School but there are not sufficient courts, therefore, he felt the tennis ball machine would be very useful. There is also a real need for a trampoline. The City Manager suggested this matter continued until the next budget session, and directed the Parks and Recreation Director to provide each Council member with a copy of the specific programs planned for Recreation. Vice Mayor McComas suggested that if 'any members of the Council had any further questions regarding items in the budget, that they discuss them with the City Manager prior to the next budget session. It was agreed that the next budget session be held on Tuesday, June 19, 1973 at 2:OO P.M. Due to the fact a joint meeting would be held with members of thc Carlsbad Union School District on June 18, 1973, it was suggested the meeting of June 18, 1973 be adjourn- ed to 2:OO P.M. June 19, 1973. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Cmn. Frazee requested an Executive Session to discuss personnel. The Council adjourned to the Executive Session at 4:25 P.M. The City Counci 1 reconvened to regular session at 4:45 P.M., and the Vice Mayor announced the Executive Session was called for the purpose of discussing personnel, and the Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a prototype contract that can be utilized for hiring an interim City Manager. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 4:5.0 P.M. to June 18, 1973 at 7:30 P.M., Room 800 in the Carlsbad High School. Respectfully submitted, ['Zfl& tYd& MARQAR $.A& T E. ADAMS ,/ City ldlerk 9p I I 1 I 2 COUNCILME