HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-26; City Council; Minutesi'
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Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 26, 1973 Time of Meeting: 2:OO P.M. Place of Meetinq: Council Chambers I ., i
The Mayor announced this adjourned meeting was called primarily for the purpose of discussing the budget.
Senate Bill #594.. Mayor Dunne reported he had received a message from Senator Stull's office in Sacramento today stating "Senate Bill #594 passed Planning and Land Use Committee June 25, 1973 as amend ed. Amendment requires interval of two (2) weeks between the General Plan Changes and Zoning Changes to conform to that. Requires Zone Changes be made within a reasonable pe>riod of time and allows General Plan to be amended only three (3) times a year. The Bill now goes to Assembly Revenue and Tax, but is being rushed through and is expected to be passed Friday, June 29, 1973".
Minutes of the adjourned regular mee.ting held June 12, 1973, were approved as presented.
Budget for fiscal year 1973-74. The City Council again reviewed the revenues and expenditures.
It was noted that the $125,000 for "Sale of my" was for the Greenwood property. Crnn. Chase stated he felt the Council should take some affirma- tive action on this property and asked the City Attor- ney if the property could be sold. T-he City Attorney indicated the property could be sold.
Following discussion it was agreed that the Greenwood property be placed on the Agenda for discussion as to whether the property should be sold, and if it is agreed to sell the property, the Council should con- sider the type of usage and zoning they wish placed on the property. The City Manager informed the Counci the amount shown in the budget was based on an office building site.
Expenditures. Discussion was held on the various expenditures and it was pointed out that the personnel costs shown in the budget as presented does not in-. clude any raises.
Revenue Sharing. Cmn. Chase referred to the Council Po'licy whereb-y it was asreed that none of these funds would- be used- for persoinel , and this budget does re- flect the use of these funds for personnel. The City Manager stated the Council should decide on the pro- i grzms they wish to implement this next fiscal year, I and recommended that the Council consider each depart-
~ mental budget separately. Cmn. Chase suggested thah' the Council accept the dollar amount shown on Page 123 and appoint a committee to set up priorities. I Level of Service. It was suggested by Cmn. Chase 1 . perhaps the Council should agree.to holding the same level of service until the new City Manager is hired. The City MaRager noted the anticipated population in-
" crease would require additional personnel and equip-
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Present Absent
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mernt to maintain the same level of service.
It was agreed to discus's the separate departmental budgets in order for the City Manager to explain the
various programs proposed.
City Council. Page 12. The Mayor explained the travel
amount has been increased for this year due to the
League convention being held in San Francisco. Also
the Councilmen's salary has been increased $10.00 per month. However, due to the opinion of the City Attorne
this raise could not. become effective until April, 1974 Therefore, the amount appropriated for Council salaries was reduced from $9,600 to $9,125, making the total amount budgeted for salaries $15,227.
By proper motion the City Council budget was approved subject to the changes in the Council salary portion.
Cmn. Frazee stated he would object to a flat amount
being given to each Councilman for expenses, but he
had no objection to the amount proposed being allocated
for expenses to draw on..
A short recess was called at 3355 P.M. and the meeting reconvened at 4:05 P.M.
Non-Departmental. Page 44. Under Account 1-109 the
amount of $1,000 was appropriated for Lifeline. Account 1-134 - Memberships & CPO was reduced from
$9,000 to $6,000. It was noted that under 7-109 -
Community Promotion - $22,000 was allocated for the Chamber of Commerce and $3,000 for a quarterly News-
Mayor Dunne requested the Chamber of Commerce budget
held over until he has more input from members of the
Chamber of Commerce.
Page 46. Account 134 designated "Safety Council"
should be changed to "Miscellaneous Dues", and the
amount changed to $194.00 instead of $100.00. CPO
fee changed from $7,647 to $4,553(New billing). It was noted that there will be a recapitulation on the Auto Center Plaza Lease amount in the near future.
Page 47. Change Typographical error in "Principal Outstanding" column for fiscal year 1977-78 to read
$220,000 instead of $24,000.
Building Department. At the request of the Director of Building and Housing, the part time salary of
$1,000 was deleted and the Clerk-typist position was
made full time at a salary of $6,018.
Police Department. Lengthy discussion was given con-
cerning the State and Federal Grants. The City Manage
expressed concern as to subsequent funding in the
future. Chief Laughlin was present and explained-the purpose of the Crime Specific Burglary Grant and the Juvenile Diversion Grant Program. Under the Juvenile Diversion program the personnel hired would be inform- ed that this was a one (1) year program. If the funds
are continued next fiscal year then they would continu working. The personnel hired would not be sworn per-
' Sonnel and would .be working jointly with Oceanside. 1
Ayes ' Absent
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Senate Bill 325. The City Attorney reported on a meeting he attended this date with other City Attorney in the County and the attorney for CPO and San Diego Transit Co.
It was the opinion of the attorney for CPO that non- operators do not have a vested right in these f.unds. However, he did admit that there is nothing in the law that they cannot be earmarked, as a matter of policy, for Carlsbad and other non-operating cities. The City Attorney stated one of the solutions would be for CPO to adopt a policy whereby if the funds are not used they can be held for future needs.
The City Attorney recommended that the City of Carlsba join with Oceanside in their application for funds.
Discussion was held as to Carlsbad using its share
of these funds for operating expenses, and it was noted that only one-fourth of the monies can be used for operating expenses.
Due to the fact the City is faced with a deadline of
Several alternatives were discussed and it was agreed. that a resolution be prepared by Cmn. Frazee and the City Attorney, stating the City's position, for the July 3, 1973 meeting.
Respectfully submitted,