HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-03; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD - - 0 0 Meeti ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) Date of Meeting: July 3, 1973 Time of Meeting: 2:00 P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ROLL CALL: Councilman Chase was present at 2:09 P.M. Preliminary Budget for fiscal year 1973-74. The Council continued discussion on the various depart- mental budgets, and the following decisions were made: Page 16 - City Manager. The City Manager's budget was again reviewed and Mayor Dunne recommended that the secretarial position be made a full time position. . By motion of the Council it was agreed that a full time secretarial position be allocated for the City Manager. Page 44 - Community Promotion. Mayor Dunne noted this matter was held over from the last meeting in order for him to discuss the Chamber of Commerce budget with representatives from the-Chamber. Basically the $25,000 proposed for Community Promotion includes $22,000 for the Chamber of Commerce and $3,000 for a quarterly Newsletter. The Chamber has submitted a budget of $35,000, which includes a considerable amount for civic events. Some of these events the City has participated in in the past. The Mayor recommended that $25,000 be allowed the Chamber of Commerce Budget, and that an additional $5,000 be set aside for special projects, with the understanding the Chamber would have to justify each project. Cmn. Chase was present at 2:09 P.M. Crnn. McComas stated this amount is the most ever offer ed the Chamber, and in order to fund the $30,000 in- quired as to whether the ad valorem tax would have to be raised. The City Manager recommended that if the ad valorem tax received was not sufficient to meet the obligation an additional amount be taken from the General Fund. After further discussion it was agreed that $30,000 be allocated for Community Promotion, w.ith $27,000 being designated for the Chamber of Commerce and $3,000 for the quarterly Newsletter. Page 61 - Police Department. Further discussion en- sued concerning the Juvenile Diversion Grant. The City Manager stated his recommendation was based on the assumption the grant may be discontinued next fiscal year; however, this is a good p.rogram and it i! hoped it will be funded next year. Cmn. Frazee stated it was his understanding this is a two year program. If the Council did approve the program for this fiscal year and it was not funded next year, Cmn. Chase felt it should be clearly under. stood the program would be discontinued. ~ The City Counci 1 approved the Juvenile Diversion 'Pro- I gram for fiscal year 1973-74. I 1 I I ~UNCllME 0 w " *. I 0 m 7 CITY OF C RLSBAD -2- C'mn. Frazee noted in regards to the Crime Specific Burglary Program the personnel hired would be funded one year in advance, and then the City's share would be increased each year thereafter. Cmn. Chase moved that the City Council not approve the Crime Specific Burglary Grant at this time. The motio died for lack of a second. Enforcement of Stop Signs. Mayor Dunne expressed his concern to the City Manager and Interim City Manager regarding the enforcement of stop signs. Cmn. Chase stated he would like to see more men in the field. Page 64 - Fire Department. The Council discussed the cost of the rent for the La Costa Fire Station. The I City Manager recommended th.at the City renegotiate the lease or build a new station at another location, as the lease will come up for consideration this next year. The equipment under account 9.1 was discussed and the Council was informed these items are for replacements. The question of whether the Council intended to in- crease the personnel this fiscal year, specifically the hiring of the PEP employees, was raised by Crnn. Chase. Crnn. McComas stated he did not see how the . City Could reduce the number of employees with the growth of the City. The City Manager pointed out the number of employees proposed in the budget is probably 10 to 12 over the a' average for a City of this size, but by the end of thi next fiscal year it will average out due to the antici pated growth. It was agreed that the PEP employees be retained in the Fire Department budget. The Council deferred disc.ussion on Fire Station #3, and requested copies of the Gage-Babcock Report prior to making a decision. Pool Car. It was recommended by the City Manager that the $1,500 shown on Page 15 (City Manager's budget) for lease of the Mercury, be transferred to the Pur- chasing Department budget, in order that it could be used for a pool car. Following discussion $3,000 was placed in the City ~ Manager's budget for purchase of a new car, and the ~ $1,500 was transferred from the City Manager's budget i to the Purchasing Department budget for the cost of ~ leasing the Mercury. ~ Page 74 - Engineering. The City Manager informed the Counci.1 the Engineering budget is less than last year ' as he felt the engineering fees should be increased. I Under Professional and Technical Services the City 1 Engineer informed the Council he had proposed $36,500 1 in the budget, which included a sewer master plan and COUNCILMEI j - 0 ., CITY OF CARLSBAD - 3- Adjourned meeting held July 3, 1973 fee study, however; the City Manager has recommended $5,000 for this account. Cmn. McComas noted the City Engineer had not included funds for a drainage study, and the Council was in- formed a drainage study had been completed. The City Manager stated it is very difficult to fund a drainage project with.out forming a Flood Control District, and directed the City Engineer to submit copies of the report to the City Council. I Page 75. The City Engineer requested that Account 9.1 be changed as follows: Delete Electronic Calculator in the amount of $1,625; include Radio Handset in the amount of $169.-00 and Traffic Counters in the amount of $1,520. Paae 76. d- the Engine ed if cons In considering the increased personnel for ering Department, the City Engineer was ask- ideration had been given to contracting some of the work out? Mr. Cook informed the Council the plan checking cannot be done outside, and normal- ly on the big jobs they do contract the work out. He noted the Engineering Department has one (1) PEP em- ployee, which he would like to keep. Page 78-79 - Streets. The City Manager indicated the basic increase is the street sweeping services have been moved out of Sanitation to the Street Department budget, plus two (2) employees. Cmn sho dea ove Ci t . Frazee commented on the fact the budget only sws $29,000 for the street overlay program. A great 1 of the money spent this past year on the street rlay program was from the Street Department. The y Manager recommended that the Council make a note to add monies for the street repair program. Crnn.. Chase suggested that perhaps some of this work could be contracted out in order not to add more personnel. The City Engineer referred to Page 79 and stated he had requested $3,600 for Materials and Supplies, which is needed for storm drain materials. The City Manager informed the Council this amount should not have been placed in Account 6.O'and the City Engineer should submit a memorandum to the Council regarding this re- quest. The Mayor inquired as to any increase for petroleum products this next fiscal year, and the Purchasing Agent reported the City has a lease with the County of San Diego for petroleum products that will expire in February, 1974. There has been no indication as to what the City may expect as to cost after February. Page 82. The additional employees for street main- tenance was discussed and Crnn. Chase again asked about the possibility of contracting some of the work out.. The City Manager informed the Council some of the w6rk can be contracted out if it is a one-time project. The City Engineer explained when any of the work is :_ contracted out the City still has to prepare the plans and specifications. The City Manager further stated the employees proposed will be used for emergencies during the rainy season, which will give the Engineer- ing Department more flexibility. I 1 COUNCILME; 58l ~ ~ I i - 0 a CITY OF CARLSBAD -4- Adjourned meeting held July 3, 1973. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Mayor called' for an executive session to discuss legal matters at 4:OO P.M. The meeting reconvened at 4:12 P.M. The City Attorney was instructed to intervene in the Case "County of San Diego vs.- Charles A. Mirandon re: Billboard, and to instruct the County of San Diego to proceed with the inter-vension. Discussion of the Budget continued. - Page 113 - Library. The Finance Director requested $7,500 added to the total budget for the Library to include the cost of ground maintenance, making a total budget of $227,338. Mayor Ounne inquired if the additional employees re- quested were for new programs. The City Librarian ex- plained the Library is enlarging on the Children's programs. The Reference Librarian position was taken out at one time and a PEP emp,loyee was hired. Now they are requesting this position placed back in the budget. Crnn. Frazee noted according to the assessed valuation figures the Library Budget is well within the amount that will be received from taxes. The City Manager suggested that any additional funds that might be re- ceived be left in the Library fund rather than reduce the tax rate, as in the very near future there will be a need for a branch library. Also that the $15,000 allocated to the Library from Revenue Sharing be en- cumbered and left in the 1973-74 budget for an enginee ing study. Mayor Dunne requested a breakdown of Revenue Sharing funds be submitted to the City Council for review. Crnn. Chase noted when the Council first discussed the Revenue Sharing funds there were funds encumbered for certain projects. Mrs. Caroline Schindler, a member of the Library Board of Trustees, addressed the Council and stated she would like to refer to a letter submitted by Ray Brookhart, Chairman of the Board. Some months ago the Council approved $15,000 from Revenue Sharing funds to improve the Library Mezzanine. Plans were submitted and the cost of the construction was approximately $36,000 due to safety precautions. The staff is work- ing under unbelievable conditions as more space is needed. They are requesting that the project get started immediately, and that it be completed this next fiscal year. Also there is a need for a Van to transport books. Mrs. Georgina Cole, City Librarian, informed the Council the libraries have no State or Federal funds now to assist them. For the first time the City has. to pay $3,000 into the Serra System. When the Librarians protested they were informed that Revenue Sharing should be used to assist the libraries. All the grants are now being given to the safety depart- ments. The City is having a tremendous population growth, and it was her feeling that other departme.nts should be considered in the expenditure of Revenue Sharing funds. Mrs. Cole made reference to a budget . 'Y. . COUNCILMEI - I CITY OF CARLS COUNCILMEI she received from the Los Angeles area, and they are not charged for landscaping and janitorial expenses. Every year these amounts are increased. the Library is where the shortage of space and equip- .The Ci.ty Manager pointed out the processing area in . ment exists.. After further discussion the Libra'ry budget was approv- ed. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, d 2" ;;ll'..l/ ~-~@2&49 && /" /r pf6dz~+ZY' MARGA,~ET E. ADAMS ( City 'Clerk 0