HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-10; City Council; MinutesCFTY OF CAWLSRA WdNCILME " 0 T Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned. Meeting) Date of Meeting: July 10, 1973 Time of Meeting:. 6:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers -A - d 1- ROLL CALL - 6:OO P.M. Councilman Chase was present at 6:02 P.M. 2- CONTINUED BUSINESS: [7J] (a) Agenda Bill #1077. Establishment of Devel-. opmental Policy as it .affects "Critical Planning Issues''. This matter was continued to the regular meeting of the City Council July 17, 1973, at the request of the City Planner. Cmn. Chase was present at 6:02 P.M. (b) One-way. entrance to alley on North side of Elm Ave. between State Street and Roosevelt Street. A clarificatim was made as to the description of the alley and it was agreed it should read I' the entrance to the alley which intersects the North side of Elm Ave. and runs from Elm Ave. to Grand Ave. between State Street and Roosevelt Street. The City Engineer reported this matter was considered by the City Council previously and was referred to th CBDAC for recommendation. The Safety Commission rec- ommended posting a one-way entrance at the(souther1y end of the alley to eliminate a hazardous vehicle movement. A possible 'alternative-would be to elimi- nate parking on Elm Ave. adjacent to the alley. The one-way would extend from the northerly curb line of Elm Ave. to a point 60' to the north. The property owners and*businesses were contacted' on Elm Ave. between State St. and Roosevelt 'St. and they are definitely opposed to giving up any parking spaces. e Cmn. Chase stated he met with members of the CBDAC an they indicated they would prefer eliminating the two parking spaces on Elm Ave. Also there is a proposed parking lot being considered, and he would dislike taking any action that would hamper the parking lot. 1 The possibility of making the entire length of the alley one-way was discussed, and the City Engineer pointed out this could cause a problem with some of the businesses located on Roosevelt St. whose propert backs up to the alley. Also if the entrance on Elm Awe. were designated one-way it was felt the trucks would enter from Elm Ave. and exit onto Grand Ave. I Mayor Dunne felt if the telephone poles in the alley were moved it would eliminate some of the problem. It was the Council Is decision to try the one-way entrance to see if it would eliminate the hazardous condition, and the following resolution was presented Resolution No. 3048. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGNATING AS ONE WAY THE ENTRANCE TO THE ALLEY WHICH INTERSECTS THE NORTH SIDE OF ELM AVENUE AND RUNS FROM ELM AVENUE TO GRAND AVENUE BETWEEN STATE STREET AND ROOSEVELT STREET, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. 1 0 . .. ,I: CITY -OF CARLSEAD CQUNGiLbdE .- 2 - Adjourned meeting of City Council held Jul c.781 (c) Agenda Bill #2008. Proposed Noise Ordinance .I Mayor Dunne stated this matter was discussed previous1 and referred back to the City Manager as to the cost of implementing such an ordinance, and to the City . Attorney for review. Mr. Arnold, former City Manager, recommended the matter be tabled and that the staff work wi'th other agencies towards an ordinance that would be more workable and consistent with those found in, other parts of California. Cmn. McComas was concerned with the enforcement of SUC an. ordinance. Cmn. Frazee stated there are two areas that shou,ld definitely be considered - mini bikes and motor bikes, and the noise on the lagoo'n,. I Captain Rash, one of the members of the Noise Committe addressed the Council and stated the Committee worked very hard and diligently .to'try and present an ordi- nance they felt could be enforced. Other cities were contacted, and the ordinance proposed is now being used by the ci ties of San Bernardino, Rive.rside and . Glendale. According to the letters- and petition re- ceived the people of Carlsbad'have indicated they want such an ordinance. As to the enforcement, he could see no reason for not enforcing a no'ise ordinance if other cities have been successful. Y The Council expressed its concern as to the cost of implementing such an ordinance and if the ordinance would be effective if the City were taken to court. I Prior to any decision being made, Cmn. Chase requeste the City Manager to submit information on the follow- ing questions: (1) What cities have adopted basical . ly the League Noise ordinance, with modifications; (2). How effective have those cities, been i.n the en- forcement df the ordinance in court; and (3) What would the cost be to ,the City of Carlsbad in order to implement such an ordinance. ' d' - It was agreed that the matter be referred to the staff Motio for more information. Ayes [lo41 (d) Agenda Bill #2083. Instructions to CPO Representative regarding SB-325 Funds. Crnn. .Frazee informed the Council next M'onday, July .16 1973, at the CPO meeting there will be discussion on the allocatn of funds, and requested the Council to indicate its position. .. It was agreed the Council should reaffirm its previou position. The City Attorneypresented a letter dated July 6, 197 from Lawrence A. Patton, atto'rney for the San Diego Transit Corp. , relating.to the so-called 75-25 test for calculating capital' outlay requirements under SB 325. Attached was a interpretive opinion rece.ived from Frank J. Walton, Secretary of the Business and Transportation Agency. The City Attorney also pre- sented a proposed resolution 73-77 to be presented to the CPO Board of Directors on Monday, July 16, 1973, prepared by Roger Hedgecock, CPO Counsel, in an attempt to clarify the nature of the right of each jurisdiction to its apportionment un-der the Trans- portation Deve1opme.nt Act of 1972: I. I Y a'q" \c f+ , rt-1. CI ~,~~~ ?\ p\ 3.. & ' s=QJ2*bL-Ai-?m n za;e>- 0 . .. 0 T CITY -OF 'CARLSBFLI -3- . " ~ -~~ .~. "" ".""" 7 Executive Session. Mayor Dunne called for an executiv session to discuss personnel and legal matters, and the City Council adjourned to the City Manager's offic at 7:14 P.M. The meeting reconvened in the City Manager's Confer-. ence Room at 8:05 P.M. with all members present, and the Mayor announced personnel matters and litigation were discussed and no decision was made. [63] (e)' Agenda Bill #2084; Appointment to Library Board of Trustees. I Th'i,s matter was deferred to the regular, meeting of July 17, 1973. I % [29] (f) Agenda Bill #2065. Preliminary budget for fiscal year 1973-74. I Page 44 - Community Promotion. The Clerk asked if the motion stated in th.e Minutes of the adjourned meeting of July 3, 1973, regarding the Community Pro- motion ac'count, was correct, and th'e Counci'l indicated its approval of the motion as stated. Cmn. McComas noted the Chamber of Commerce would have to present an adjusted budget. Mr. Lilley, City Manager, inform- ed the Council an agreement has been prepared between the City of Carlsbad and the Chamber of Commerce for the Council's consideration at the July 17th meeting. I Clarification of -a1 of budget. Tt-i Council's intenti Council's action in regards to approv- e City Manager asked if it was the on to approve the budget by way of a blanket motion, and the Mayor stated it was his understanding the departmental budgets that have been . diiscussed were approved where there is no change. Mr. . Lilley then requested the Council to approve the hiiring of a secretary for the City Mana.ger and the purchase of capital outlay items for the City Attorney office. Authorization was given for the City Manager'to hire a secretary and to purchase capital outlay items ne-eded for the City Attorney's office.. Page 30 - City Attorney. The City Manager requested the .75 .secretarial position in the City Attorney's budget.be changed to a full.. time position. It was agreed the. City Attorney's secretarial positior be made a full time position and the staff was in:- structed to change the budget. accordingly. i Tax.Rate. The Mayor noted the former City Manager recommended that perhaps the tax rate could be reduc- ed, however, he would like to suggest that the Coun.ci not reduce the tax rate as the City is going to have to fund some type of transportation. Also there should be 10 to 15% of the total budget placed in unappropriated reserve. Page 64 - Fire Department. The Finance Director re-' quested the following items be rebudgeted in fiscal year 1973-74: Account 6.7 - Special Dept. Supplies - $2,300 for the Brush Rig Account 9.1 - Equipment - $1,'695 for 12 Plectron COUNClkME .. i, CITY F CARLS -4- Page 67 - 70 -- Fire Station #3. The City Manager in- formed the Council the Fire Chief had contacted him regarding Fire Station #3, and he requested the Chief to submit a written report. Mr. Lilley read the re- port from the Fire Chief dated July 9, 1973. Chief Anear was present and stressed the need for the third fire station and its manning at Chestnut Ave. and El Camino Real. The Council expressed its concern as to whether the Chestnut Ave. location was appropriate due to the growth of the City to the south and east. Palomar Airport Rd. was considered as a possible.1ocation for future needs. After considerable discussion it was the concensus of the Council that no decision should be made until the completed Gage-Babcock ,Report is received. By motion of the Council it was agreed that Fi.re Station #3 be made a part of the operating budget, and that the final determination would not be made until the Gage-Babcock report is received. Page 104-112 -- Parks and Recreation. The City Counci reviewed a revised budget submitted by the Pakks and Recreation Director. It was noted the revised budget was approximately $7,500 over the amount recommended by the former City Manager. The Director of Finance requested the following change made to the revised budget: I Page 104, Acct. 3.0 - Equipment Rental. The amount of $15,100 changed to $18,100 Page 107, Acct. 3.0 - Equipment Rental. The amount of $15,000 changed to $18,000. Page 108. The Council requested a breakdown of Account 9.2 - Structures. The Council was informed $5,000 is budgeted for the beach access and $5,000 fov Ho1 i day Park. Page 111 - Recreation. The Parks and Recreation Director inquired as to purchase of equipment listed in Account 9.1 in order to carry out the recreation program. Cmn. McComas noted in the past the Council has restricted the purchase of capital outlay items as it was never too sure of the City's income. The.City Manager stated after spending considerable time on the various departmental budgets, especially capital outlay, it was his feeling that once the bud- get is adopted the Council should have confidence in the City Manager to allow the purchase of capital out- lay items as funds are available. Crnn. Chase requested the purchase of the kiln be de- ferred until information is received as to where it will be installed. In discussing personnel the Parks and Recreation Director requested a temporary secretarial position for three months during the summer, as the person who I ~!JNC&~$j$ Motio Ayes ' ., , CITY F CARL% =====%= 0 0 -5- has been doing the secretarial work is going into the recrea.tion leadership program. It was ag.reed that the Parks and Recreation budget as revised be approved, with the exception of the purchas of the kiln. 3- CURRENT BUSINESS: .I [701 (a) Agenda Bill #2086. Letter from Public Works Agency, San Diego Councy, requesting permission to appear before City Council - re: . "Development En- croachment" on proposed Calavera Lake Regional Park. The City Council agreed that the County be notified they are welcome to appear before the Council at the regular meeting of July 17, 1973. 4- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: I C851 (a) Building Contractors Association Study. Cmn. Frazee informed the Council the Building Contract I ors are doing a study as to the procedures to be camplied with for a development, and they would like to use Carlsbad as a typical city. It was agreed that the staff cooperate with the Building Contractors Association in their study; 5- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:06 P.M. Respectfully submitted, . Oh.. /J .-y ,'&//u& y 2 x ly/&&<,/L/ If I MARGAR! E. ADAMS City C erk i I I I COUP4CILME ? Moti Ayes - I 1