HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-26; City Council; MinutesCBTY €" r CARLS - 0 0 i rnkdNCkLid1E Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned meeting) Date of Meeting: July 26, 1973 Time of Meeting:. 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting .!X%- ROLL CALL: ORAL PRESENTATION: :lo51 (a) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposed transportation Control Plan for the San Diego Air Basin. Mr. Larry Taylor, representative from the County of . San Diego, addressed the Co.unci1 regarding the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposed , . transportation control plan for the San Diego a.ir basin. He reported that all of the agencies in the County are contributing a great deal of manpower to analyze this plan. Slides were shown by Mr. Taylor pointing out some of the key factors concerning .the plan, and indicating that if the plan should go through it would mean a great impact on cities within the County due to the stringent requirements. It has been determined that vehicles are contributing the greatest problem. The potential for bad episodes of.smog in San Diego County is three times that of Los Angeles, however, San Diego County does not have the automobiles that Los Angeles has. The problem is slowly declining due to new cars bei ng cleaner. This area has a special project funded by EPA to look into the social and economic costs, and is called San Diego Clean the major trade emissions; (2) duce traffic by (4) shorten tra The Court has ordered EPA to produce' clean -air by 1975, with a possible. extension of two years. EPA is saying there is a great deal of uncertainty regarding the reduction of emissions, therefore, more emphasis should be placed on transportation management action. It is the feeling of the County staff that transpor- tation management would be too costly, and the two alternatives are reduction of emissions and reduction of the automobile .traffic. Mr. Taylor further stated there are three major issues to be considered in the proposed plan - (1) implemen- tation of the plan, (2) payment method, and (3) technical uncertanties. The County of San Diego will hold a hearing on July 31,. 1973 at 7:30 P.M. in the County Administration Center in San Diego, and the City was urged to participate in this hearing. The County will then present its position to EPA at their hearing on August 17, 1973. It is the County's in- tention to challenge the plan in regards to technical controls. The EPA will announce its findings on October 15, 1973. A question and answer period followed, and the Council expressed its concern regarding the social and eco- ~ nlovic impact of the plan. Cmn. Frazee reported I C.P.O. will make a presentation at the hearing. I ! I I CITY OF CARL ~UNCOLEJTEI 0 0 88n -2- w Adjourned meetin held Jul 26, 1973. P.UBLIC HEARING: [64] (a) Agenda Bill #2056 - Supplement #l. (Con- tinued from 7-17-73) To consider the Report from the City Engineer for the maintenance and operation of Street Lighting System and the Assessment Roll. I Mr. Tim Flanagan, Principal Civil Engineer, requeste a continuation of this matter until the next schedule meeting. He explained the County Assessor has set a deadline of August 10, 1973 for submitting the Roll, and should there be any difficulty in the assessment roll, he would like to have the matter heard prior to the August 7th meeting. d d It was agreed that this matter be continued to Thursday 9 August 2, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. Executive Session. The.Mayor called for an executive session to discuss personnel. The Council adjourned to the Mayor's office at 7:45 P.M ... [?%& Mayor announced personnel was discussed and no action was taken on some personnel matters, but a decision was made to pay a fee to the Planning Commis sioners for attendance at regular meetings, not to exceed $40.00 per month. - It was agreed that the Council include in the budget the fee for Planning Commissioners in the pmount of $20.00 for attendance at each regular meeting, not to exceed $40.00 per month. CONTINUED BUSINESS: [29$ - (a) Agenda Bill #2065. Budget for fiscal year the former City Manager had estimated an ending Fund Balance of approximately $200,000 as of June 30, 1974. However, there were salaries proposed to be paid from Revenue Sharing funds, and with the action that has taken place during the budget sessions, the ending fund balance as it stands now would be approximately $89,000. There should be a fund balance between 12 and 15 percent of the total budget. 19 3-74. Mr. Lilley, Interim City Manager, stated Discussion was held as to the feasibility of using Revenue Sharing funds for salaries. [SO] Revenue Sharing - Page 122. It was noted there would be approximately $272,000 in Revenue Sharing funds available during fiscal year 1973-74. The budget proposes $126,118 being used for salarties, operation of Fire Station #3, and $103,000 for general capital out1 ay. Cmn. Chase suggested a dollar amount be approved for the Revenue Sharing portion of the budget, with specific items being designated at a later date. ~ I 1 The Revenue Sharing budget was approved in the amount of $272,000, with the provision that no expenditures be made for specific projects until the Council has assigned these projects. I IPll" 0 . e. 0 CITY -QF CARLSEAD -3- It was agreed that $126,118 .be allocated from the Revenue Sharing Account to the- General Fund for salarie as follows: Finance Department $ 10,222 . Police Department 36,522 Fire Department 79,374 It was fwrther agreed that the Capital Outlay portion of the Revenue Sharing budget be approved, with speci- fic items to be determined at a later date. The. Mayor appointed Cmn. McComas and Cmn. Chase as a committee to st@ the capital outlay portion of the Revenue Sharing budget and make recommendations to the City Counci 1 .) as well as the City Manager and Finance Director. Mayor Dunne requested that the format for .the 1974-75 budget be changed .to include justification sheets for the departmental budgets. Additional Budget Items. The .City Manager in- formed the Council several items have brought to his attention that'were left out in the preparation of the budget. Personnel Department. Over a year ago the miscellaneo employees were promised an incentive program and no provision has been made in this budget. It is esti- mated such a program will cost approximately $6,000. Engine.ering and Public Works. There is a p'erson in the Engineering Department that has been-working on some reports for several months without pay. Due to the fact the City Engineer - Public Works Director 'wi.11 be leaving, it is felt this .person could be very useful in the Engineering.Department and should be given a salary. There are monies allocated in the budget for the Public Works Director's salary, which could be used for this purpose. It was agreed the employee in the Engineering Depart- ment be employed by the City and the salary be funded from the Public Works Director's salary'acco.unt. L Police Department. The Chief of Police has requested the.Counci1 .to consider the .Crime Specific Burglary. program for this fiscal year. The City's share fo-r this program would be $17,535. Folllowing discussion it was agreed that the Crime Specific Burglary program be approved and that $17,535 be appropriated in the Police Department budget. The City Manager stated the Police Department has also requested an additional radio for one of the Police cars, in the amount of $1,000, which was omitted from the budget, and it was his feeling the Council had been very generous t.0 the Police Department and if a radio is needed it could be appropriated from the present budget. General Government. A request has been made by the Clerk's office that a larger and more efficient tape recorder be purchased for the Council Chambers. By proper motion an amount not to exceed $500.00 was COUNCILI.:;;E j . zBr'??!Q=a3 0 0 ,. ar; CITY .OF CARLSBt4D CUUPdCILh4E . -4- :.- allocated in the Gener.al Government account for a tape recorder. Enforcement Officer. The staff discussed the possibili ty of hiring an enforcement officer to assist with the enforcement of business lice.nses, zoning requirements-, signs, etc. The Building Official has budget monies for a trainee in the Building Department, and he .is willing to give up this position if the Council wishes to employ an enforcement officer. If the position is . created it would be necessary to allocate an addition- al $4,200. i ! Motion I Ayes j Fol'lowing discussion it was agreed that this matter be referred to the City Manager for further study and recommendati on. Non-Departmental - Leases. Page 44. The Council was informed the staff received 'additional cost figures 1. concerning the lease agreement with the Auto Center Plaza. It was agreed that the amount allocated for the Auto' Center Plaza l.ease be changed from $43,296 to $57,804. Mechanical Maintenance' 0 Page 87 and.88. The Finance Director requested a transfer of funds from Account 6.7 (Special Departmental Supplies) to Account 9.1 (Equipment) in the amount of $80.00 for a safety cage. Approval was given for the transfer of funds in the amount of $80.00 from Account 6.7 to 9.1 fox purchase of a safety cage. Planning Department. The City Manager read a memor- andum addressed to. the City Manager from the Planning Dire.ctor dated July 25, 1973, concerning additional personnel in the Planning Department; The Planning Director requested an.Associate Planner position be approved in the 1973-74 budget. The person hired would be absolutely responsible for the administration of and professional assessment of the General' Plan Revision. Due to the time, involved in procuring a planner, and the need to have professional assistance now, Mr. Agatep is recommending as an alternative the City ask Lampman & Associates for professional assist- ance in the form of a full time planner, who would be assigned to. and under.the supervision of the Planning Department. Mayor Dunne expressed concern as to the status of the General Plan Revision, specifically the elements where there is a deadline involved.. He asked the City Marlager to contact Lampman and Associates and request that a representative appear before the Counc'il and present a progress report. 1. ! . As to the employment of an Associate Planner, Cmn. McComas stated he would prefer to have an employee from Lampman and Associates until the revision of the General Plan is completed.. Authorization was given for the employment of an Associate Planner, and the.amount of $10,000 added to the salaries in the Planning Department budget. The Planning Department budget was adopted in the amount of $99,673, and the City Manager was instructec Motion to include $3,360 for the Planning Commissioners' fees. Ayes ~~~ (5 rq,->9 $3 t 2 & 8 1 -v . dm<a-z& xx X xx . -. b. _, - -, -- ." . . . . . ,;- -,A ." _. ;" . __ "."_ i ":-i"4.i-..~-~-1~ - "I"_ ^"_-.. * -. ." L77. . . - .. a,. -"" - .. L . , . . . ., ' 1 ("/-'{ .L/j pc ' 'p < f>! n 'f? *i{yictx bf \1 \LSD/", - LluiL;yc-; _- ", -- A.short recess was called at 11:05 2.M. and the meeting Fire Department. The fire Chief budgeted for a full time secretary, which item appears in the Fire Statio-n #3 budget. Due to the fact the Council has deferred . Community Promotion - Page 44.. The City Manager noted by previous action of the Council $3,000 was allocated for a quarterly Newsletter. The Mayor has received a memorandum from Mr.. Henry whereby $3,000 would not be cost of distrution. in the Parks and Recreation budget.. the ci ty in premiums., The City Manager was instructed to have the insurance for the city checked. Gas Tax funds. Page 117. Following discussion the Gas Tax b.udget was approved in the amount of $247,225; approval was'.given the first.three i terns listed on p'age 117; and the balance of th2 funds are to be held for specific items to be determined at a later date. Mr. Tim Flanagan informed the Council a resolution will be presented at the regular meeting to be held on August 7, 1973, proposing to earmark monies for the. Poinsettia bridge overcrossing. llie Mayor suggested the committee study and make recom- mendations on the balance .. of the funds in the Gas Tax Water Cepartment. The \dater Department budget was approved as recommended by the City Manager in the amount of $827,527, with the condition that any re- placement or flew lines amounting to an expenditure of mar? than $1,500 be presented to th'k City Councfi for c CITY -OF CARkSBb\D -6- Adj-ourned "7 meet.' The City Manager informed the Council the Water Com- mittee has requested the Water Bond attorney, Fritz Stradl.ing, apprear before the Committee and render an opinion as to the amount of monies necessary to be held i-n the Bond Reserve fund. Contingency Fund. The City Manager suggested that an - amount be 'placed in a Contingency-Fund for salary adjustments. Authorization was given for the amount of $15,000 to be placed in a Contingency Fund for salary adjustment Approval of Budget for fiscal year 1973-74. The following resolution was presented for the Council's .consideration: Resolution No. 3176. A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY COUNCI OF THE CITY OF CA.RLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A FINAL CITY OF CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTME.NTS AND FUNDS, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1973-74 FOR THE ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:32 A.M. to August 2, 1973 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers. 4 Respectfully submitted, A I I 1 I Dp 1 S. L , COUNC!Lf$E Motion