HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-02; City Council; Minutes__ .___ ..__...___._ r__". ~ - ._ ."..". _"~"~_~ _~-~ - ~ r: . c.'~~..""~""""~' " - __ .. %." - ('" j -.j- y (-le" - C,qRtSsA.a bQL)r%Lj&. wi I 1 ,-%J i Meiti ng of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) PUBLIC HEARING continued. therefor. Dick Sprehe, Engineering Department, gave a staff report and explained the. differences in the three districts. District #l coversinter- section lighting; District #2 comprises regular street lighting on wooden poles, and District #3 denotes ornamental street lighting. Mr. Sprehe indicated that costs are approximately 10% higher, over-all, this year. He pointed ou two corrections in addition on pages 3 and 4 of Resolution 3188. In answer to a Council inquiry, it was stated that the Lighting Maintenance Districts were formed to more fairly place the cost of lightin on those people who will benefit from it, rathe than paying for the charges by ad valorem taxes. No one in the audience wished to speak and -the Public Hearing was closed. Resolution No.-3188 was presented and adopted with the following corrections: page 3, item #3, District #3 - $43,916.74, and page 4, item #7, District #3 -$42,371 .96. RESOLUTION NO. 3188. A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE FORMATION OF LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2, AND 3, IN. SAID CITY AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR. Resolution No. 3189 was presented and adopted by title only. RESOLUTION NO. 3189. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WIT THE SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION'OF THE CITY STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM. [57] GENERA1 PLAN REVISION. Mr. Marshall Lynn, planning consultant wi th Lampman and Associates addressed the Council and gave a status report on the General Plan Revision. He-stated that the General Plan would be a functional document designed to serve the City's needs for a five to ten year period. Further, amendments could be made very readily. Mr. Lynn said th? first draft of the Open Space Element was complete and will be presented to the Council in two weeks and the final. draft will be ready by the end of September. \ '*"' - .--. . J ,/-. : -F x-/ ;-$ '7 ~ .- Vw-= ~- ------- _" "" "~A ,""..* .". ;""i"".:"- .. ; jI T- ?. "a] cq !A3-) &Ui\biLdvi 'id; ; d .i.-: r :4j+.;TLu-J-$> -2- GENERAL' PLAN REYISIQN continued. Mr. Lynn stated the Sgismic Safety Element is complete now and this is the basis of the Open Space Element. The Cjrculation Element will be done in phases, he stated, and the first phase will be available in three to four weeks. It will be ready for pub1 ic hearing by the end of October. The Park and Recreation phase will be presented the end of Eext month. Mr. Lynn indicated that Capital Improvements and a manner of financing needed serious con- sideration. The Council inquired as to the plans for the area surrounding the airport. Mr. Lynn said he had not been in contact with the County Planner and could offer no information. Don Agatep, City Planner, informed the Council that he had talked with William .Pierre, County Planner, and that no program is ready yet and there bas not been any joint activity on the airport. Councilman lewis asked how the citizens groups interested in the General Plan were beTng utilized. Mr. Agatep said that a list of peopl who have designated an .area of the General Plan in which they are interested will be presented to the Council and at that time it is hoped the Council will make appointments to the committee as recommended. Mayor Dunne brought up the request by the Plann ing Department for additional personnel. It is taking all the present staff's time just to process applications. It was poi'nted out that the contract with Lampman and Associates calls for 50/50 participation on the preparation of the General Plan Revisions. Mr. Lynn noted that Sacramento has not provided any guidelines for the Noise and Safety Element and probably will not before 1974. Councilman Chase asked Mr. Lynn's advice on processing applications presently on file. It was Mr. Lynn's feeling that each appl'ication must be dealt with on its own meri t and that i be completed well within the required dead1 ine. V-iryinia M. Smith Recor-di ng SEtcre."sry