HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-04; City Council; MinutesGI TY QF CARLSB/~Sl me 0 0 x4 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: September 4, 1973 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 1- ROLL. CALL: ~-T~"~~~~~-~"~-*~~-~"~~~~~~~ I 2- INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Dunne. 3- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: {Approved by one motion) 1 (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held August 21, 1973, were approved as presented. (b) Hinutes 'of the adjourned regular meeting held August 24, 7973, were approved as presented. . (c) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held August'27, 1973, were approved as presented. (d) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held August 30, 1973. 5- COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: I [92] (a) Report from Joint Sewer System Committee. Councilman Chase gave an--oral report on the Joint Sewer System Committee meeting at which it was request ed that certain recommendations be presented t.0 the. Council. Based on the recommendations presented by Councilman .Chase and following discussion, a motion wa made th8.t the City Council authorize staff to proceed to draft a supplement to the Basic Joint Powers Agree- ment of the Encina Pollution Control Facility which will provide for the construction of Phase IIA Expan- sion of the Encina Sewage Facility, which provides for the retention by the City of Carlsbad of the City's capacity rights in the proposed 4 nlillion gallon per day expansion in the same percentage as the original ownership percentages (approximately 25% or 1 million gallons per day); Further, it shall be the intent of the City of Carlsbad to allow other agencies to lease any surplus capacity which may be available from the City's share of the Phase IIA expansion until -the Phas I11 expansion is completed, at which time the total capacity rights belonging to the City of Carlsbad will be returned. p; (b) Agenda Bill #2130. C.P.0:-Agreement. ,ouncilman Frazee reported that the County has voted 4-0 to participate as a member of C.P.O. under the pre sent voting formula for a period extending to April 1, 1974, at whi-ch time they will reconsider their action. It was moved that the City of Carlsbad sign a new C,P;O. Joint Powers Agreement to include the County of San Diego and authorization be given the . Mayor to execute said agreement on behalf of the City. E631 (c) Library Board of Trustees Meeting. Mayor Dunne reported on a meeting with the Library Board of Trustees and stated a memorandum will be sent.to the Council members regarding some of. the problems. I.. f22} (d) Palomar Airport. Mayor Dunne reported having received a number of complaints regarding ex- cessive noise from airplanes flying over the City and. that it was his intention to write a letter to the . County Board of Supervisors. Councilman McConlas sugge ed a lettev also be written to the County Board of Supervisors regarding the proposed plans for develop- ment of the airport to clarify a misunderstanding. As ~ ~ C - S COU:<.C/Lf.,;;i: ~~ KJ 1 <\qc p; y . -1-7 I.pJzu*Typr .T*, * Present X X Motion xx Ayes X Motion Ayes 0. Motion xx Ayes X , I , I 1. p- I I i : I , CKY OF CARLSB/!D , ' COUIL'CILbb4E . '< . .. -2- September 4, 1973 Jman McComas exp?.ained, it is his ount-y is under the impression the proved the pr.oposed plan and. it that the Council but did not take any actiom. HOUSING AUTHORITY: [w The Council adjb-urned to the Housing Authority at 7:ZO P.M. and reconvened at 7:25 P.M. with all Coun- cilman present. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Mayor declared the Public Hearings open at 1571 (a) Agenda Bill #2029. -Supplement #l. To .. consider an amendment to the General Plan, Land Use portion for property (approximately 1100 acres) gener- ally located between El Camino Real and Interstate '5, northerly of Batiquitos Lagoon and south of Palomar Airport Road. Applicant: Rancho La -Costa (Ayres) The Clerk announced Notices of Publication are on file and that no correspondence had been received. The Planning Director gave a brief staff report.andstate Commission at their meeting of July-.24, 1973. No one wished to be heard regarding this matter and the Public Hearing was closed. It was the decision of the City Cou ment to the General Plan, Land Use and the following Resolution was ad Resolution No. 3206. A RESOLUTION OF THE .CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PERTY GENERALLY LOCATED BETMEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND INTERSTATE 5, NORTHERLY OF THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON AND GENERALLY SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD.. E571 (b) Agenda Bil'l #2.096. -Supplement #l. To consider an amendment to the Gener portion for property generally loc of El Camino Real between Alga Road Road. Applicant: Marvin Kratter. The Clerk announced Notices of Publication are owfile and no correspondence had been received. A bri'ef staff report was given by t r was considered and approved by the Planning ERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE- RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES ON PRO- ng Resolution was adopted by title only er reading waived: Resolution No. 3207. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF.CARLSBAD, CALIFORNI CHANGING THE RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES FROM 0-2 AND ACRE TO RESIDENTIAL DENSITIES OF .93, 8, 10, 15 and I CITY OF CARLSBAD . ' COUF!CILi\/IE -3- September 4, 1973 I -5: "=-.a" ~1131 (c) Agenda Bill #2122. To consider the Environ me.ntal Impact Report and a request for pre-annexation zone change from County. A-3-8 to 'City of Carlsbad P-C (Planned Community) on property.generally locat-ed on, the North and South sides of Alga Road between El Fuert St. and Rancho Santa Fe Road. Applicant: La Costa Land The Planning Director explained a request for pre-annex tion change of zone has been made since this portion of land was left out of. the original La Costa annexation due to a boundary difference between the City of Carls- bad and San Marcos. Following several meetings with La Costa.,and the Cities of Carlsbad and San Marcos, the proper boundaries were determined. Mrs. Janson, resident of Meadowlark in San Marcos in- quired if the proposed annexation would have any affect on a draining center from the San Marcos Water District which she has been opposing. It was determined by the Council the sliver of land is adjacent to Meadowlark. Mrs. Janson explained if the land is'to be developed for a Planned Community, it would allow her .more levera in opposing the drainage center. The Public Hearing was closed and lengthy discussion ensued by the Council, specifically with regard to sewage facilities. A motion was made that the Environmental .Impact Report be accepted with an amendment reflecting that the pro-. perty owners be put on notice that the area will have to be sewered through. the San Marco's Water District. The following Resolution was adopted and subsequent Ordinance given a first reading by tit.le only with fur- ther reading wai ved: Resolution No. 3208. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY-COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDING AND DECISION ON A PREANNEXATION CHANGE OF ZONE FRON SAN DIEGO COUNTY A-1-8 TO CITY OF CARLSBAD P-C (Planned Community), ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, SOUTH OF RANCHO CARRILLO, AND NORTH AND SOUTH OF LA COSTA, ' Ordinance No. 9361. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY GRANTING A PREANNEXATION CHANG (Planned Community) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SID OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD, SOUTH OF LA COSTA, CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 717 ACRES: " . '. - .. OF ZONE FROM COUNTY A-1-8 TO CITY OF CARLSBAD P-C c1 th re 131 (d) Agenda Bill 2123: To cons.ider an .appeal of e decision of the Planning Commission in denyin a quest for zone change from R-3 to C-2 to' allow %evela ment of professional office and retail commercial on gico.between. Oak St. and Elm Avenue. Appellant: The Malone Company a. roperty generally located on the East side of Pi0 . The Clerk announced Notices of-Publication are on file and no correspondence had been received. I j 1 - I ... - 0 -. -. . ." 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COU!.ICILt\4€ T " " - September 4, 1973 4- .. . ~~ ~ ~ The Planning Director gave a staff.re,port and with Coun. cil permission discussed the applichtion by Malone Co. and Robert 1. Watson (Agenda Bill #2124) in his report since, he stated, they were approximately the same and located in the same vicini.ty. Further, he e.xplained a ' C-2 zone was not restrictive enough and a C-1 zone was too-restrictive for the uses intended by the applicants and what is really needed is an amendment to the zoning ordinance which would create a zone'-to accomodate the types of businesses'being applied for at this time. Mr. William Rick, partner, representing himself and the applicant informed the Council the C-2 zone was applied for to accomodate a blueprinting office and it seemed the most logical zoning for such a' purpose. Kathleen Harrison, a resident of Ann Drive, Carlsbad, stated she was in opposition to any type of commercial building east of the freeway. -. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Discussion was held as to the best use of the subject property, the fact that it was adjacent to the freeway and in the vicinity of the Civic Center and it was agre by the Council that a C-2 zone was the best use of the land. A motion was made. to, grant the.:ap.peal of Malon-e Company and the matter returned to the Planning Commis- sion for report. [113] (e) Agenda Bill #2'124. To consider an appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission in denying a request for a .tone change .from :.-R-'1-7500 and c-1 to C-2 (General Commercial), and adoption of a specific of -Elm Avenue between Pi0 Pic0 Dr. and Highland Drive. Appellant: Robert L. Watson, General Partner - p.lan - - .. . . - on . . . - .property generally located on the South side The Clerk announced Notices of Publication are on file and no correspondence had been received. T.he Planning Director informed the Council the subject .appeal was almost identical. to that of Malone Company. denying the ;request, probably dwelled on the circula- tion of traffic and on ReSolution-Nos..-606 and 607, passed by" the Planning-C-omm7s-iion"de>y~ing a zone- change on E1.m Avenue for a bank. He further sta'ted two-thirds of the business proposed to be conducted will.be devote to commercial use and the remainder would be profession use. Mrs. 6ea Carlson, 3390 Adams.St:,".Garlsbad, stated she was interested in a community center and auditorium and inquired as to the zoning required for such use. ". a n d "" 1 t - .w-a-s - h-i .$ .- %eP l--j ng - t h-a-t- ""e- p 1 -a n-nTn-"c o-m-m-~--s -s-i o-n ," i n -._ .. .. . Mr. Robert Watson, appellant, informed the Council th'er has been no C-2 zoned property available in the last : two years i'n the community and stated the parkfng facil ties are in excess of the City ordinance. Further, he stated he feels any traffic congestion at Pi0 Pic0 and Elm has been eliminated but wished to go on record that he will cooperate with any traffic pattern the , City may require. He urged a favorable decision as he felt it was the best use of the land. 1 a c \c \?< q -3 \" '.rt ,X X t .CITY OF CARLSBAD C0UNCILf;'rE -5- September 4, 1973 ' ' .i - 0 I The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Discussiun was held by t'he Council and centered. on the flow of traffic at Pi0 Pic0 Dr. and Elm Avenue. The City Engineer informed- the Council a study .has not be done on the intersection but it probably needs a traffil signal. Further discussion ensued and a motion was made that the appeal be granted and the matter referred back to the Planning Commission for report. .- .. . ". 0 - " The Mayor called for a Recess at 8:55 P.M. and the Coun cil reconvened at 9:08 P.M. 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Planning. " W1 4. Agenda Bi 11 tr'2125. Approval of Tenta- tive Map, Carlsbad Tract 72-38, for development of a 51 unit condominium complex in the RD-M Zone, located east ly and adjacent to Carlsbad Boulevard between Tamarack Ave. and Sequoia Ave. to be known as "Seaview'!. Developer: F. J. Bear The Planning Director s'tated that all conditions approv by the Planning Commission at the July 24, 1973 meeting were agreed to by the developer with the exception of a street dedication of Zl'roffered by the developer as * opposed to 42' which was the condition imposed by the Planning Commission. He stated the developer is seekin relief from this condition and will retain the offer of 21 I. He further informed the Council the. applicant has expressed his willingness to cooperate with the Schools. .. Mr. Donald Freeman, an attorney and one of the owners, 3853 Ingraham, Suite C-119, San Diego, informed the Council the developer has tentatively agreed to contri- bute a fee of $200.00 to the schools toward,.the..con- struction of'Schoo1 buildings based on the assumption of a change of zone. Further, he discussed the 21' offer as opposed to a 42' right of way on the southerly side of Tamarack Avenue and informed the Counci-l there woul-d be no traffic generated on-Tamarack. or Carlsbad Boulevard from the proposed development except in the far northeast corner of the property. He suggested that the 21' offer of street dedication be accepted and if the Council so decides, another 21' could be taken' from the other side of the road. He urged favorable consideration of this offer and stated the requirement imposed by the Planning Commission is an unfair and tremendous. burden to the developer. Mr. William Rick, Rick Engineering, representing the developer was heard by the Council and discussed the street dedication requirevent and urged the Council to accept the offer as submitted by the developer. Mr. Fred Harri.s, 773 Canellia Place, Carlsbad, pointed out the fact that there has never been a definite aligr ment determined for Tamarack Avenue and it'was his opinion that before any infringement is made on proper- ty a definite alignment should be determined for Tamara Avenue. 611 d i I ig % -:-.; F z-. L: < : "I-= 203 Mo.ti on Ayes X Noes r- d :k f& E\ -3 s\. ?*\G;\ y" ."s x* X .. .i 32- a e I CITY OF CARLSBAD -6- September 4, 1973 """"I Lengthy disc,ussion was held by the.Counci1 regarding th street dedication offer, and the alignment of Tamarack Avenue. It was suggested that a decision be postponed on this matter when Mr. Jim Bear'requested to be heard. He urged approval in coneept of the number of units and stated a decisi'on on the width of Tamarack was not necessary at this time but in'formed them time was of th essence and a decision should be made on the Tentative Map. The width of the street can be resolved before the project is cGnsidered by the Coastal Commission. € Further discussion ensued and the following Resolution was adopted hy title only with further readjng waived: I Resolution No. 3209. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIV MAP (CT 72-38), A 51-UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT ON i PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY OF AND ADJACENT TO CARLSBAD EOULEVARD BETWEEN TAMARACK AVENUE AND SEQUOIA AVENUE TO BE KNOWN AS "SEAVIEW". A statement was made that the.Counci1 wishes to make it understood by the developer that further considera- ti.on of the street width will be made prior to approval of the Final Map. The staff was instructe.d, by motion, to proceed to de- termine the alignment of Tamarack Avenue and return to the Council with recommendations at the earliest possible date. C991 2. Agenda Bill #2126. Approval of tenta- tive map, Carlsbad Tract 72-30, for development of 16- unit condominium to be located north of and adjacent to Juniper Avenue between Garfield St:and the A.T.&S.F Railroad right-of-way, 'to be known as "La Casa De La Playa". Applicant: Robert J. Bryan and Ted L..Adams, A staff report was given by the Planning Director-and upon auestionipg by Councilman Lewis, he .stated the applicant will attempt to reach a mutua1''agreement' with the schools. The following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: .I Resolution No. 3210. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIV MAP'(CT- 72-30), A 16-UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT ON I PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF AND ADJACENT TO JUNIPER AVENU! BETWEEN GARFIELD STREET AND THE A.T. & S.F. RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY , TO BE KNOWN AS "LA. CASA DE LA PLAYA". B. Public Works. Wli 1. Agenda Bill #2127.. Request by La. Costa Land Company for vacation of a portion of open space easement over Lot 23, La Costa Vale Unit No. 1. Th'e City Engineer infonned the Council the request.t6 vacate a portion of Lot 23, La Costa Vale Unit #1, was made by La Costa Land Company and in studying the re- quest an offer to purchase for public park purposes to the County was discovered and included all of Lot 23. Sai.d offer of dedication may be acted upon within 10 years for a purchase price of $1.00. .. I COUI4CILfi4E .. CITY OF CARLS5AD COUNCf LhE -7- -i- September 4, 1973 _L ~ "" The City Engineer informed the Counc'l a letter dated August 31, 1973 from. Rick Engineering' representing the applicant, and addressed to the City Engineer, stated La Costa Land Company would like.to withdraw their re- quest to vacate a portion of Lot 23. , Discussion was held and a motion made that the appli- cant's request for withdrawal bcaccept'ed and the City Motion Manager was instructed to acquire all of Lot 23 for Ayes public park purposes' fo-r the purchase price of $1 .OO. X ~831 2. Agenda Bill #2128. Public Works Depart- ment proposed fee schedule.. I By concensus of the Council, the proposed fee study schedule was received and no action taken. [lo21 3. Agenda Bill #2129. Traffic Safety Commission recommendation regarding speed zones. Brief discussion was held-and a motion was made that Ordinance'No. :3098 be offered ,for-a first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Frazee. Brief dis- cussion was held and Council.man. Frazee withdrew his second. The motion died for lack of a second. The City Engineer informed the.Council the Traffic Safety Commission based its recommendation on the re- sults of Engineering studies on Carlsbad Boulevard be- tween Palomar Airport Road and the south city limits which revealed that the 45 MPH Speed Limit is not post- ed and not being enforced. The request being made is to eliminate a speed zone for that portion of Carls- bad Boulevard and that a 45 MPH speed zone be imposed on Palomar Airport Road between Carlsbad Boulevard a.nd Plaza del Norte. Following further discussion, it was moved that the Motion matter be referred back to the staff and that further Ayes justification be given prior to an amendment to the X Carlsbad Municipal Code being considered. I C. City Manager. [8l 1 1. Agenda Bill #741. Supplement #5. Resolul tion #3211, authorizing acquisition of certain surplus State Highway properties and reserving same. for public purposes. A brief report was given by the Cite Manager and the. following Resolution was adopted: I I c I Resolution No. 3211. A RESOLUTION OF THE- CITY COUNCIL Motion OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALI.FORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE I Ayes IX ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN SURPLUS STATE HIGHWAY PROPERTIES AND RESERVING SAME FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES. Do11 2. Agenda Bill #2131. Ordinance No. 6050, amending Title 5, Chapter 5.20 of the Municipal Code _. relating to Taxicab Driver's permits. The City Manager informed the Council that a request was made by the City Manager of the City of Sari Diego.tha.; all City Managers in San Diego County that licensing of taxicab drivers be turned over 'to the San Diego County Sheri.ff's Office. It was the recommendation of .. ,c 0 L& $y \?!\.y X xx x>! x> - e 0 T I CITY OF CARLSSAD -8- September 4, 1973 C-.- the City Manager that this process be turned over to the County Sheriff's Of.fice on a trial basis and if it appears the processing is not satisfactory to the Po.lic Department, it be returned to that department. Discussion was held by the. Council and a motion made that the request to turn over the processing of taxicab driver's licenses to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department be denied and that the present procedure be retained. c781 3. Agenda Bill 82132. Results of Noise .. Ordi nance. Survey. A report was given by the Administrative Assistant assigned to obtain facts for a Noise Ordinance. He stated a questionnaire was mailed to twenty-one cities with sixteen responding. Twelve of the sixteen Wad an Ordinance controlling noise but only five had modelled their ordinance after the League of California Cities. Lengthy discuss-i:on was held by the Council a:nd .it was suggested by the Mayor that the staff be instructed to- identify those areas of particular concern to the City as individual annoyances and return to the Council with specific recommendations for corrective action. The Council concurred with the Mayor's suggestion and the matter ,was referred to staff for 'further-study. r.1001 4. Agenda Bill 82133. Report on Transient' Tax and allocation of funds received. The City Manager reported on the past allocation of funds from Transient Occupancy Tax. .. Lengthy discussion ensued by the Council and a comment was interjected by Mr. W. Allen Kelly after which further discussion by the Council followed. The matter was referred to staff for recommendation as to use of the transient, tax far fiscal year 1974+75. . Further,' that a report be' made .as to whether the La Costa area is now paying for services provided. EXECUTIVE SESSICN: .The Mayor called for an Executive Session at ' 11:OO P.M. to discuss Personnel.and the Council re- convened at 12:13 A.M. The Mayor annouced. Personnel had been discussed and no decision was made. ~501 5. Agenda Bill #2134. Report'on Revenue' Sharing Fund Balances. The City Manager reported on the status of Revenue Sharing and referred to a report submitted by the Fin- ance Director. .He further stated no recommendation is being made at this time. Following discussion Councilman Chase requested that members of the Council submit their list 'of priorities for use of Revenue Sharing Funds. I ~ I I ' . COUI\IGiLME p": 2- q '4; $\$ GJ a6",*=-;.-.w b\ 1 Motion xxx Ayes X - - . -! a -A e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD -9- September 4, 1973 - - -e 73 I [+-n 6. Agenda Bill 82138.- Request by All County Patrol for permission operate Patrol Service in I the City of Carlsbad. The City Manager informed the Council the applicant requesting permission to operate a Patrol Service is registered by the State of California. An investigatio' by the Police Department was conducted'and it wa's the recommendation of the staff that the request be granted A motion was made that the recommendation of the staff. be accepted and permission granted to All County Patrol Service to operate a private patrol service in the City of Carlsbad. Dl 1 7. Agenda Bill #2139. School Policy.. It was pointed out by the City Manager that a proposed school district policy with regard to fees from develop had been submitted to the Council by the SChool Distric for the Council's consideration. -This policy, it was felt by the School District, has become necessary to provide adequate school sites and school buildings to house,the anticipated students 'from the proposed new residential developments. B Following lengthy discussion and acknowledgement of comments made by W. Allen Kelly, representing the School Board and Mr. Fred Lance of the School District' Administration, it was agreed that further .considera- tion was necessary and that no acti.on be taken. The Mayor requested copies of the policies adopted by the City of Chula Vista, the City of San Diego and the County of San Diego for study and review by the Council I 9- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: I m31 (a) Agenda Bill #2113. Councilman McComas . moved for the adoption of the following Ordinance; with 1 out prejudice to vote: - 1 Ordinance No. 9360. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY GRANTING A-PREANNEXATICN CHANGE OF ZONE FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY A-1-8 TO CITY OF CARLSBAD P-C (Planned Community) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY AND ADJACENT TO E.L CAMINO REAL, EASTER LY OF THE PRESENT EASTERLY MOST EXTENSION OF TRIESTE DRIVE. (Amos Sommers - El Carriino Portals). 10- CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items, w.ith the exception of Item 1 8-2 Agenda Bill #1072-Supplement #1, were approved by one motion affirming the actions of the Consent Calendal Agenda Bill #1072-Supplement #1 was removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of Councilman Chase. I A. Correspondence - Advisory. ~ [58] 7. ligenda Bill #2135. 'Correspondence from 1 Tri-City Hospital District re: conditions of annexa- i ti on was acknowledged. I I . COUNClLh4iE - .I - 0 0 "k" 1 t CITY OF CRRLS5AD , . COUNCiLME -10- September 4, 1973 c4.51 B. Future Improvement Agreement. Authorization , was given the Mayor.to execute the Future Improvement Agreement for the following property: 1. Agenda Bill f2136. Parcel Split #207 at Basswood and- McKinley - Robert E. and Ba:rbara J. Scot [lo71 C. Agenda Bill 552137. The following Res.olution was adopted by title only. .(Quitclaim Deed to Thomas McMahon)- Resolution No. 3212. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. 0.F THE C1,TY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE VOLVING A WATER LINE EASEMENT NO LONGER REQUIRED BY THE CITY. MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED IN- ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: Item 10-E-2 was removed from the Consent Calendatb c by request of Councilman Chase. Councilman,Chase in- quired if. this tract involved,high-rise and was advised by the Planning Director it did not. The following action was taken: [99] Agenda Bill #lo72 - Supplement #l. Carlsbad Tract #73-3 (R. D. Miller) (a) Approval was given the Final Map for CT 73-3, westerly side of Ocean Street between Grand and Elm Avenue, subject to conditions contained in Resolution #3089. ~451 (b) Authorization was given the.Mayor to execute a Future.Improvement Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Robert D. Miller. 11- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS:- A. City Council. The Mayor announced the follo~, ing items would be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting: I391 1'. Agenda Bill #2119. Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission. .I 2. Agenda Bill #2140. Appointment to Li- brary Board of Trustees. [lo51 3. Appointment to the Housing Authority ; Advisory Committee. B. City Attorney. -. .9 .- I351 1. Trash Fuel Facility. The City Attorney reported on the'proposed trash fuel facility to be located near Palomar Airport and he stated he had met with Supervisor Brown regarding this proposal. He suggested payment of past services if the County Board of Supervisors will offer favorable approval of the . annexation of Palomar Airport. e . 0. - 0 0 r -CITY OF CARLSBAD . . COUNCILh4E M , -11- September 4, 1973 IOC C. ,City Manager. c921 1. Report on assignment of Sewer Ca.pacity re: San Marcos. The Interim City Manager reported a letter had been sent t.0 the San Marcos Wate.r District regarding sewer capacity but no response had been re- ceived probably due to the meetings being held by the Joint Sewer Advisory Committee in connection with the Joint Powers Agreement for the Encina Pollution Facilit: VOI 2. Swimming Pool. The Interim City Manager reported on the meetings that have taken place by the Swimming Poo? Committee and stated they are now prepare to make recommendations. He informed the Council the Swimming Pool Committee would like to make a presentati at the next regular meeting and since discussion was held with regard to a possible Joint Powers Agreement with the School District and the City, background mater will be presented for review by the Counci 1 .. Also mentioned in discussion by the committee meetings was the fact they would like to. receive an expression from the voters. He stated members of the ad hoc swi.mming pool committee were the Parks and Recreation Director, Councilman Lewis and Councilman .Frazee. Discussion was held briefly by the Council with.. comments made by the Parks and Recreation Director and Mr. W. Allen Kelly. It was agreed the matter be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. [251 3. Progress Report on Annexation Proceedings Agatep. - The Interim City Manager .informed the Council the report on annexation proceedings would be given by the Planning Director. The Planning Director reported that he "and the City Clerk attended a meeting with Mr. Peter Detwiller of the LAFCO staff to discuss procedures, processing and timing of City initiated annexations. Special emphasis was placed upon the referenced City Council Directive. He made reference to his memorandum addressed to the City Manager and dated September 4, 1973 and reviewed. various points with the Council. Discussion was held by the Council and a motion made that the staff be direc ed to proceed on the basis of recommended priorities on properties in the central area, within the City boundari [68J 4. league of California Cities Conference. Discussion was held by the Council.arid it was determined one member of the City Council would be attending the league Conference. The Planning Director ,informed the Council three or four members of the Planning Commissior have expressed interest in attendfng also. It was agree by the Council that a maximum .of four (4) Planning Commission members be authorized to attend the League of California Cities Conference. ~ [lo41 5. V.T.N. and C.P.O. The Interim City Mana- ger reported that a request to appear before the City 'Council at the next regular meeting had been received from V.T.N. and C.P.O. They would .like to ,make a . ' ,20-minute presentation regarding transportation prior Ro the Public Hearings scheduled for that meeting. It was agreed by the Council thi.s matter be placed on the IAgenda for the next regular meeting. I I z b C r L I I !: X xx: L, 3 c CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME, F- a 0 -1 2- September 4, 1973 " RATIFICATION.OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: Ratification was given the payment of bi.lls fpr the General Expenses of the City in the amount of $42,810.67 and the Water Department in the .amount of $872.29 for the period August 16, 1973 through August 31, 1973, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee., Ratification was given the pa roll in the amount of $91,969.06 for 16, 1973,through August 31, 1.973, as Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commi t tee. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 A.M. to Wednesday, September 12 in the City Council Chambers. Respectfully subtiiitted, NORA K. GARDINER Recording Secretary ..