HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-07; City Council; Minutes1: - CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNClLMECl e - 0 I Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: November 7, 1973 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council chambers I ~ ~~~ ~- ' 1- ROLL CALL: 2- INVOCATION: 3- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: I 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) I (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of October 16, 1973, were approved as presented. (b) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of October 18, 1973, were approved as presented. Councilman Chase stated he had listened to the tapes of the meeting of October 18, 1973, and confirmed his eligibility to vote on any matter which was first discussed at that time. 5- CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: b92] (a) Report from Joint Advisory Committee. attended a meeting of the Joint Advisory Committee for the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. He ,informed the Council a number of items were discussed in connection with Phase I1 and Phase 11-A and there mee some tough decisions which must be made. He re- quested a report be given by the Acting Director of Pub1 i c Works. ay0:y :qun.n.e Y: - -.-"- .. .> reported he and Councilman fpaze-e The Acting Director of Public Works informed the Council that at the next meeting of the City Council, the 7th Supplement to the Basic Agreement will be presented, and it is proposed to bring Leucadia County Water District and Encinitas Water District into the Joint A'd~..v.jsory.".Committe'e as a full member; also, the plans for Phase 11-A (1,000,000 gallon capacity) have been completed and will be presented at the next regular meeting of the Council. Negotiations will be continued and should come to the Council for approval. Phase I11 will be the next major enlarge- ment and the staff has done work on this but the City Council must decide what capacity will be needec for the-next major enlargement (1983-84), with the actual on-line date to be 1975-76. Sanitary Sewer System - Ayres. In connection with discussions regarding the Encina Pollutinn Control Facility enlargement, Councilman Frazee reported that the Plyres development, which has within its boundaries a main trunk line of the Sanitary Sewer System. This development was denied by the Regional Coastal Commission and the trunk line is within the five mile permit area. He stated one of the CPO objections was the trunk line was not in the trunk line system. The Acting Director of Public Works informed the Countil this trunk line was on the 1965 Sanitary System and CPO was provided with this information. Councilman Chase stated there are other developments coming in outside the permit area that must be service&,-by that same trunk line. 258 Presen Motion Ayes r f 0 - 0 T CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- November 7, 1973 ~~~~~ It was suggested the City Manager check to determine if the City should adopt some type of policy with regard to matters before the Regional Coastal Commissi 1 Councilman Frazee informed the Council there is anoth development which has had a Public Hearing before the Regional Coastal Commission, land has been recommended for denial. The development is Occidental Petroleum and although the Public Hearing was closed, Occidenta Petroleum is being given an opportunity to answer the reasons for denial and if the Council wishes to be heard by the Commission, a letter could be sent to them. e 1 A motion was made that the staff be directed to send communications to the Regional Coastal Commission re- garding the Occidental Petroleum development, stating that if it is critical to the over-all general sewer system that the City urge them to reconsider their recommendation for denial. [681 (b) Regional Coastal Commission. Councilman Frazee reported that the Regional Coastal Commission has denied a condominium development in the City of Carlsbad located in the vicinity of Washington and Walnut Streets (Thompson); one of the reasons being inadequate parking facilities. He explained the Regional Coastal Commission is more strict on parking requirements than the City. [281 (c) Mayor's Youth Committee. Councilman Lewi:; reported the Mayor's Youth Committee had held a meet- ing and they have elected their officers which will be presented to the Council at the next meeting. [Qgl (d) Parks and Recreation Commission. Council - man Lewis reported briefly on the meeting held by the Parks and Recreation Commission. [38] (e) Transitional Items of the City. Council- man McComas informed the Council, he and Councilman Chase, as:a committee, have discussed transitional items with the City Manager and a memorandum would be presented to the Council for the next regular meeting. 6- HOUSING AUTHORITY: [lo51 The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 9:30 P.M. and reconvened at 9:50 P.M., with all Councilmen present. 7-[37] ORAL REPORT by the Planning Director regarding imp1 ementati on of School Pol icy. The Planning Director reported on the implementation of the School Policy which was adopted by the Council- approximately two weeks ago. He informed the Council the Policy has been endorsed by the School Board and stated a. number of Tentative Maps to be considere: at this meeting do not jnclude compliance with the School Pol icy. COUNCiLMEt 0 - e- - I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME) 33- 8- PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Mayor declared the Public Hearings open at 7:35 P.M. [55] (a) Agenda Bill #461 - Supplement #3. To consider the increase in rates for refuse collection service requested by McDougal Sanitation Company. The Deputy Clerk announced Notices of Publication ar on file and that correspondence had been received fr the following persons agreeing to a nominal rate in- crease: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eggleston, 3301 Belle Lane R. Cummings, 6550 Ponto Dr. #36, representing 150 families of Lanakai Mobile Home Park, and Mr. and Mr P. T. Bahry, 3160 Canyon St., Carlsbad, opposing rat increase and reducting in bi-weekly pick-up service. The Acting Director of Public Works informed the Cou cfl, the staff has been seeking answers to whether there is justiftcation for a rate increase and wheth there should be once or twice a week pick-up service Following in-depth review of the questions involved, it was the recommendation of the staff that the Coun cil consider once a week curb-side pick-up service and that the present rate of $2.75 be retained. It was determined that this would be approximately a 20% increase for McDougal Sanitation Company. Mr. Fred W. Krause, Jr., 322 Acacia Avenue, stated had been employed by McDougal Sanitation at one tim and indicated he was in agreement with the recommen tion of the staff. Mr. Ward Verner, 1511 Basswood, was in favor of twice a week pick-up service and would agree to a nominal increase in rates but stat an increase may not be necessary if the service wen to bid. Mr. Bob Richards, 2684 Davis, stated if th would be a choice between a rate increase and once a week service, he would prefer once a week service Mr. John O'Leary, 5920 Los Robles, stated that Vist is billed by Mashburn Sanitation Co., $8.10 every three months and they do their own billing. Mr. Ralph Walton, 2395 Olive Dirve, recommended that th City Hall lights be turned off at night and the Cit subsidize the increase in cost of trash service. M Hearn, 3435 Ridgecrest, stated this matter should not be decided by the Council but by the voters and should be placed on the ballot, and recommended tha if this could not be done, then the City should pro Mrs. Don Wilson, 3445 Ridgecrest, stated twice a we service should be retained but is not sure the $2.7 a month rate is feasible with the cost of living rising. She also stated the City should enforce th Leash-law Ordinance to keep dogs from knocking tras cans over and further, if some residents can not afford an increase, it should be subsidized. Chand Edwards, 5471 Los Robles, stated the increase in rates is not warranted by McDougal Sanitation Compa and if the company does not want to continue with the same service at the same rate, perhaps the City should seek another company to provide trash collec ti on service. 7, . CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL ME^ e - a I -4- November 7, 1973 I The Acting Director of Public Norks explained the bjlling arrangement the City made with McDougal Sani- tation Company two years ago, and Councilman Lewis reviewed reasons why it was felt two years ago that mandatory trash service was necessary. He stated approximately 40% of the residents in the City had volunteer trash service; trash was found in Lake Calavera, Buena Vista Lagoon and Hosp Grove. A recess was called at 8:lO P.M. and the Council re- convened at 8:25 P.M. I Mrs. Ethel Kern, 3435 Ridgecrest, spoke in favor of twice a week pick-up service with a nominal rate in- crease. She stated McDougal does a fine job but if an increase would be prohibitive for residents, the firm servicing Vista should be contacted. Mr. Ralph Pickering, 3785 Trieste, stated he felt McDougal was doing a fine job and would be in favor of twice a week pick-up service with a maximum increase of $1.00 a month to keep the City clean. Mr. Robert R. Royce, Attorney, Jones, Hatfield, Penn- field and Royce, Escondido, representing McDougal Sanitation Company was heard by the Council. He in- formed the Council that it should be made clear that McDougal Sanitation Company did not come to the City with a request for a rate increase. He explained that the City entered into a contract two years ago which stated that consideration of the service McDou- gal was providing and a review of whether or not a rate increase was warranted would be given at the end of two years. He further stated the cost increas to McDougal over the last two years is 17.1% and it was figured a 20% increase would cover them for next year. The Public Hearing was closed at 8:35 P.M. 3 - In lengthy discussion held by the Council, it was pointed out that prior to mandatory trash service being imposed, the trash service rates for residents receiving service on a voluntary basis was $3.00 per month. It was agreed that a decision on an increase in rate or decrease in service could not be made at this tim and that a committee consisting of Councilman Chase, the City Manager and the Acting Director of Public Works review the comments made at this meeting and report back to the Council at the next regular meeting. 1 [113] (b) Agenda Bill #2187. To consider a reques’ for a zone change from P-C (Planned Community) to R-’8 (Single-family Residential) to allow development of a 61-lot subdivision on 21.7 acres of land gener- ally located on both sides of Park Drive (extended) and southerly of El Camino Real, to be known as Loma Laguna #2. Applicant: td. Allen Kelly. ZbL I i dEl I, CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILB 0 - 0 I -5- November 7, 1973 ~~ The Deputy Clerk announced Notices of Publication are on file and no correspondence had been received. Councilman Chase disqualified himself from discussion and voting. The Planning Director presented background informatio regarding the request for re-zoning and stated the Tentative Map is scheduled on the Agenda for consider tion also. Further, he referred to a map exhibited for Council review. It was noted by the Council that the developer had not complied with the School Policy and the developer was asked if he would object to a continuance until an agreement was reached with the School District on providing school facilities. Mr. W. Allen Kelly, developer, explained his position on the Carlsbad Unified School District Board pro- hibited him from signing any agreement or contract with the School District and therefore, he was unable to comply with the School Policy requirements. Dr. Howard Harmon, Superintendent of the Carlsbad Unified School District, informed the Council when it was suggested the matter be continued to determine if there was some means of the developer complying with the School Policy, that there was no way Mr. Kelly could comply since he could not sign an agree- ment with the School District or any contract, either in writing or orally. The City Attorney stated the School Policy is set so that the developer can give evidence that he has complied with the requirements of the School District If the School District informs the Council requiremer have been met by the developer or that school facili- ties will be provided, that is all that is necessary. Dr. Harmon informed the Council the School District will be able to provide school facilities for this development and requested the statement be made a part of the record. The Pub1 ic Hearing was closed. The Council agreed that an oral statement from the Superintendent of the School Di stri ct i ndi cati ng school facilities would be provided for this develop- ment would be accepted, and the following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading wai ved : Resolution No. 3252. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND (Planned Community) TO R-1 (Single-family Residentia' ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON BOTH SIDES OF PARK TO BE KNOWN AS LOMA LAGUNA NO. 2. DECISION ON A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-137) FROM P-C DRIVE (EXTENDED) AND SOUTHERLY OF EL CAMINO REAL, I r a 1: ~ 1: - 1 1 X I, . CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCllMEl e - 0 ..I -6- November 7, 1973 The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only with further reading waived: Ordinance No. 9369. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY GRANTING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM P-C (Planned Community) TO R-1 (Single-Family Residential) ON 21.7 ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED OF EL CAMINO REAL, TO BE KNOWN AS LOMA LAGUNA NO. 2. ON BOTH SIDES OF PARK DRIVE (EXTENDED) AND SOUTHERLY The following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3253. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (73-45) THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 61-LOT SUBDIVISION ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON BOTH SIDES OF PARK DRIVE (EXTENDED) AND SOUTHERLY OF EL CAMINO REAL, TO BE KNOWN AS LOMA LAGUNA NO. 2. [113] (c) Agenda Bill #2188. To consider a request for a zone chanse from P-C (Planned Community) to R-1-7500, to ali development of a 331-lot subdivision on 80 plus acres of land generally located on the east side of Lagoon Lane between Poinsettia Lane and Bafiquitos Lagoon, said project to be known as Spin- naker Hills (formerly Sea Ranch). Applicant: Rancho La Costa, a partnership. 1 The Deputy Clerk announced Notices of Publication wer on file and no correspondence had been received. I A map was exhibited for Council review and the Plann ing Director gave a staff report providing backgroun information. He further stated the request for chan of zone also included a request for consideration of the Tentative Map. The Planning Director stated that all services will be available including school facilities and a letter was on file from the School District indicating an agreement had been reached between the School District and the developer. - d 93 No one wished to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed. Discussion was held by the Council and the following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3254. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL INGS AND DECISION ON A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM P-C (Planr- ed Community) TO R-1-7500 (Single-family Residential) ON 6.5 ACRES OF LAND, GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY OF AND ADJACENT TO LAGOON LANE, APPROXIMATELY 350 FEET . SOUTHERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF POINSETTIA LANE AND LAGOON LANE. (Donald B. Ayres - Rancho La Costa) OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FIND- '. . CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCllMEl e 7 0 I -7- November 7, 1973 The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only with further reading waived: Ordinance No. 9370. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY GRANTING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM P-C (Planned Community) TO R-1-7500 (Single-fami Residential) ON 6.5 ACRES OF LAND, GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY OF AND ADJACENT TO LAGOON LANE, APPROXIMATEL 350 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE INTERSECTION OF POINSETTIA LANE AND LAGOON LANE, 9- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Planning. 1 Y €991 1. Agenda Bill #2189. Approval of Tenta- ive Map for Rancho La Costa Partnership, Ltd. to per 1 mit the'development of a 333-lot single' family resi- dential project on property located easterly of and adjacent to Lagoon Lane. Owner: Donald B. Ayres Developer: Standard Paci fi c Corporati on. This matter was discussed in connection with Agenda Bi 11 #2188 and certain conditions of the proposed Resolution were discussed. Lengthy discussion of the conditions of the Resolu- tion was held and it was agreed that one of the con- ditions be deleted and that condition #17 referring to a sewer trunk line (Council Committee Reports - Item ''a'') be modified as indicated by the following motion: It was moved that condition #17 be modified to in- cl ude the wording "if the City Engineer determines this is not a feasible solution, the developer should provide an alternate solution to the satisfaction of the City Engineer". The following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3255. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT OF 333 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY OF AND ADJACENT TO LAGOON LANE, 350 FEET SOUTHERLY OF INTERSECTION OF POINSETTI LANE AND LAGOON LANE, as amended. 1991 2. Agenda Bill #3190. Approval of Tenta- tive Map for a 12-unit condominium project, on pro- perty generally located between Unicornio Street and Alga Road, east of Corintia Street in La Costa. Developer: Robert Parker. The Deputy Clerk announced a letter had been received this date from Rick Engineering, representing the developer, requesting a two-week continuance to all0 the developer an opportunity to comply with the School Policy. WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-39) TO ALLOW The request for a continuance was granted by the Counci 1. ., I $V g 65 mmh zG4M 9 Motion Ayes xxx Y Motion Ayes Mot i on Ayes i e - e 'c CITY OF CARLSBAD -8- November 7, 1973 C371 Joint City Council-Planning Commission Meeting. Councilman Chase announced the Planning Commission, in a memorandum, requested a Joint Meeting with the City Council and pointed out almost all members of the Planning Commission were present in the Council Chambe at this time. He inquired if the Council wished to determine a date for the Joint Meeting while members of the Planning Commission were present. The Planning Director explained the intention of the Planning Commission when they requested this meeting was to discuss Planned Community concepts. It was agreed by the Council that a Joint City Counci- Planning Commission Meeting be held November 15, 1973: at 6:OO P.M. The Planning Director requested that Agenda Bill #2191 and #2192 be continued until the next regular meeting as t,he developers have not yet complied with the School Policy. It was moved that the following Agenda Bills be con- tinued to the next regular meeting to allow the de- velopers an opportunity to comply with the School Policy. [991 . 3. Agenda Bill #2191. Approval of Tentak tive Mat, to consolidate three existins lots into one, 1 to be used for condominium project, on property gener ally located on the west side of Jerez Court north of Gibraltar Street in La Costa. Developer: Condo- Costa Developers Owner: Don Davis (CT 73-47) -1 C991 4. Agenda Bill #2192. Approval of Tenta- tive Map to consolidate four existing lots into one I to be used for condominium purposes,-property gener- ally located on the north side of Pirineos Way east of Viejo Castilla Way in La Costa, to be known as Orleans East. Developer: Sullivan Enterprises. (CT 73-48) ~981 5. Agenda Bill #2193. Street naming policy initiated by Planning Commission. I The Planning Director informed the Council a street naming policy was adopted by the Planning Commission and is being presented to the Council for considera- tion. He stated that with the annexations that have come into the City, the problem of duplicate street names and sound-alike names are causing concern for various departments, especially the Fire and Police Departments. Discussion was held by the Council and it was agreed the staff be directed to prepare a written policy for Council consideration at the next regular meeting. I A question was raised by the City Attorney as to whether or not eonsideration was being given by the staff to change any street names presently existing. The Planning Director informed him that the staff ha no intention of changing existing street names at th time but that the policy would avoid duplicate and sound-alike street names. S i COUNCILME1 - 1. . CITY OF CARLSBAD -9- 0 November 7, 1973 - 0 I 6. Other Planning Matters. I C571 (a) Discussion of General Plan matters The Planning Director reported on the status of the General Plan Revision. He stated certain elements must be completed to comply with the State of Cali- fornia's January 1, 1974 deadline. Lengthy discussion was held by the Council with ques- tions answered by the Planning Director as to which of the elements must meet the first of the year dead1 i ne. The City Attorney stated it appeared the Council woulc have to schedule a Special Meeting to comply with the requiremeriYthat these elements be adopted by January 1, 1974. A recess was called at 10:20 P.M. and the Council re- convened at 10:34 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION: [28] The Mayor called for an Executive Session at 10:35 P.M. to discuss Personnel and the Council re- convened at 11:05 P.M. The Mayor announced that Personnel was discussed and that appointments to the Citizen's Award Committee was discussed. He announce the following persons were selected to serve on the committee, subject to their acceptance: Mr. Joe Tufillaro Mrs. Lois Curry John J. Mamaux i B. City Manager. ~251 1. Agenda Bi 11 #2194. Proposed "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.17", said property being located east of El Camino Real, south of El Camino Mesa subdivision. Applicant: Sommers Development Corporation. The Deputy Clerk announced approval has been given ., this annexation by the Local Agency'Formation Commis- si on ( LAFCO) . Brief discussion was held and the following Resolu- tion was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3259. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY HEREIN- AFTER DESCRIBED AND DESIGNATING THE SAME AS THE "EAST CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.17". [96] 2. Agenda Bi 11 #2195. Removal of stop signs at Tamarack Avenue at Park Drive. I The Acting Public Works Director i.nformed the Counci- that a recommendation was made by the Traffic Safety Commission at their October 1, 1973 meeting. The COUNCILME) das - - Motio Ayes 0 - 0 c ~ ~ I ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD nlOn November 7, 1973 recommendation of the Traffic Safety Commission was that the existing stop control at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and Park Drive be reversed, thereby stopping north bound and south bound traffic on Park Drive: The Commission pointed out that the reversal of the stop control will make it safer for children using the school crosswalk on the northern part of the intersection (across Park Drive). Lengthy discussion by the Council regarding the in- tersection at Park Drive and Tamarack Avenue.and the procedure for removal of stop signs at intersections was explained by the Acting Director of Public Works. The following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3260. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAy REVERSING STOP CONTROL AT THE INTERSECTION OF TAMARACK AVENUE AND PARK DRIVE THEREBY DESIGNATING PARK DRIVE AS A STOP STREET AT TAMARACK AVENUE. ~91 3. Agenda Bill #2196. Request for appropriatiollof funds for preliminary drawing of one,acre park site at Auto Center. Review of a lengthy staff report was made by the Planning Director regarding an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Tri-City Auto Dealers Associatio in connection with landscaping a one acre parcel at the Auto Center. Discussion was held by the Council and the following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3261. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAy AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR THE AUTO CENTER PARK. Funds in the amount of $200.00 for prelimi.nary land- scape drawings would be transferred from Account #5-75 Park and Recreation Fund Balance to Account #65-26-7, Park Area #7. MI 4. Agenda Bill #2197. Agreement between the City and North County Lifeline. The City Manager reported that the City of Carlsbad had an agreement with North County Lifeline by which the C.i.ty provides a portion of the support for that organization. The agreement has expired and the staf recommends authorization for the execution 6.fi.a new agreement and the City Manager concurs. I ~ The following Resolution was adopted by title only ~ with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3262. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- j CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING I THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT NITH NORTH COUNTY i LIFELINE FOR DRUG ABUSE PREVENTION SERVICES. I I COUNCILME1 I i a - 0 v CITY OF CARLSBAD -11- November 7, 1973 1 I;:] 5. Agenda Bill #2198. Amendment to the Municipal Code to provide for compensation for City Clerk and City Treasurer. Th be C1 e City Manager explained that salaries presently ing received by elected officials designated City erk and City Treasurer are $225.00 and $125.00 per month, respectively. The Municipal Code still reflec $200.00 and $75.00, respectively, so that an amend- ment to the Municipal Code is in order to remedy the present situation. I The following Ordinance was introduced for a first reading by title only with further reading waived: I Ordinance No. 1162. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.Q8.OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2.08.020 AND 2.08.030 TO INCREASE THE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY CLERK AND THE CITY TREASURER. [371 6. Agenda Blll #2171. Monthly expense allowance for Mayor and Councilmen. It was pointed out this matter was discussed some two months ago and is before the Council once again for further discussion. Lengthy discussion was held with individual views being given by members of the Council, when it was moved that the matter be tabled. A further motion was made that a determination be made on the cost of living increase and that the staff prepare a recommendation of how it can be applied by the Mayor and City Councilmen. The motion died for lack of a second. 10- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: I The following Ordinances were presented for a second reading and adopted: I [loo] (a) Agenda Bill #2180. Ordinance No. 1160. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARL BAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3.08 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE IMPOSING A SALES AND USE TAX TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALI- ZATION AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 3.08.010 THROUGH 3.08.070 IN- CLUSIVE AND BY THE ADDITION 06 SECTIONS 3.08.080 THROUGH 3.08.180 INCLUSIVE. S COUNCILMEC I. e 7 0 v CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCllMEl n12n November 7, 1973 [481 (b) Agenda Bill #2186. Ordinance No. 1161. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS, BAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF SAID OF TO ESTABLISH A FILING FEE FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICES OF SAID CITY. [lo61 (c) Agenda Bill #2181. Ordinance No. 7042. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS BAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.08 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 11.08,030 AND 11.08.060 REGARDING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICTS. [w (d) Agenda Bi 11 #2123. Ordinance No. 9367. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS BAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF OAK AVENUE AND PI0 PICO DRIVE. (Malone Company) CITY BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 1.12 TO TITLE 1 THERE, CODE BY GRANTING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-3 TO C-2 [w (e) Agenda Bill #2124. Ordinance No. 9368. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS . ." . ~ BAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY GRANTING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1 AND C-1 TO C-2 (ZC-121) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF PI0 PICO DRIV AND ELM AVENUE. (Colonial Mall - Robert L. Watson) 11- CONSENT CALENDAR: The following i tems were approved by one motion affirming the actions of the Consent Calendar: [@fl A. Agenda Bill #2199. .Resolutjo'n 'N~,. 3263. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T'HE CITY OF CARLS BAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED INVOLVING A WATER LINE EASEMENT NO LONGER REQUIRED BY THE CITY. (Tenaglia) .?c3 7 b*7+ H B. Agenda Bill #2200. Resolutjon No. 3264. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARL5 BAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED INVOLVING A SEWER EASE- MENT NO LONGER REQUIRED BY THE CITY. (CT 73-12 - Jerez Court - Lot 370 La Costa So. #5) - - - 1. E291 C. Agenda Bill #2201. Resolution No. 3265. BAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. (Children's Librarian & Secretary to City Manager) [l1lJ D. Agenda Bill #2202. Resolution No. 3266. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS. 8153 ADOPTING SALARY PLAN FOR THE CITY FOR 1973-74. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS', BAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CITY MANA- GER TO FILE PETITION WITH STATE WATER RESOURCES CON- TROL BOARD FOR EXTENTION OF TIME OF APPLICATION 8205, PERMIT 5228. - - c I >. 0 7 0 c .. CITY OF CARLSBAD -1 3- November 7, 1973 ~~ [961 E. Agenda Bill #2203. Resolution No. 3267. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS- BAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO RE- ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON CONTRACT NO. 1015, INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT THE INTERSECTION OF PI0 PIC0 DRIVE AND TAMARACK AVENUE. [451 F. Agenda Bill #2204. Resolution No. 3268. BAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO REGARDING THE INSTALLATION OF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF LA COSTA AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL. 12- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLS- A. City Council. I [IO61 1. Refinery. Councilman McComas stated letters will be coming in to the City regarding the proposed Refinery and he would like them acknowledged and kept in a file. B. City Manager. I [991 1. Agenda Bi 11 #1075. Report on Krepps matter - re: Letter dated October 10, 1973 from Harry L. Krepps. The City Manager reported a letter had been received from Harry L. Krepps stating he had appealed certain condi ti ons imposed by the Engineering Department with the approval of a Tentative Map on Parcel Split #195. It was his desire to inform the City that he had sold the property at 411 , 421 and 431 Tamarack Avenue and that the appeal be removed. The Council acknowledged receipt of the letter from flr. Krepps, E531 2. Progress report on Cable TV - written report dated October 30, 1973. The report was made by the Administrative Assistant who stated the draft for Cable TV should be presented to the City Council shortly. Councilman McComas stated some of the cities have Cable TV as a city operated service. He felt perhaps the City should check into this possibility as it is very profitable. Some discussion was held by the Council and it was agreed that the City Manager return to the Council with a report of the feasibility of municipally owned Cable Television System. ~231 3. C1,ty Ambulance. The City Manager re- ported the City Ambulance will arrive sometime during the week and will be put into service. He further stated there is a need for legislation setting fees, routes and other refinements that must be considered. COUNCILME) , ;i CITY OF . CARLSBAD HNI*blLMLI* 1 - 1 " -14- November 7 , 1973 27r C811 4. Lake Calavera. The Assistant to the City Manager reported that Mr. Gamon, M.A.I. Will be unable to make an appraisa.1 on Lake Calavera but Mr. Fuller's proposal of $8,000 remains the same. Lengthy discussion was held by the Council and the question of funding the ap.praisa1 was raised. The City Manager suggested that a budget transfer be made and further discussion ensued. I It was agreed by the Council that the matter be con- tinued and the City Manager baskrequested to inform the County of San Diego of the^ C-o'unci 1 's action On i acquiring a .real estate appraisal of the Lake Calaver: property and also that funding capability for the appraisal be researched. It was further requested that Mr. Fuller, M.A.I. be apprised of Council action 1 and informed that the Council is requesting 10 Copies of the appraisal as a condition to the appraisal bein! made by him. 1 I I C. City Fittorne'y. ~701 1. Agua Hedi'o'n'da 'La'g.oon. The tilt$ Attorn !y reported receipt of a letter from the State Departmen,: of Navigation indicating that the setting of a 40 MPH speed limit on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon is within the.jurisdication of the City. 13- RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL:? Ratification wiis given the payment of the bill; Motion for the General Expenses of the City in the amount of $159,980.26 and the Water Department in the amount Ayes xxxx October 31, 1973, as certified by the Director of of $9,894.21 for the period October 16, 1973 through Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment of the pay- Audi ti ng Committee. fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the October 16, 1973 through October 31, 1973, as certi- Ayes xxxx roll in the amount of $96,176.47 for the period Motion X 14- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned Motion X at 12:OO Midnight to Thursday, November 15, 1973, at 6:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Ayes xxxx Respectfully submitted, %/{&& NORA K., GARDINER Deputy City C3,erk