HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-17; City Council; Minutes, 0- 0 .I 'i'i CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: December 17, 1973 Time of Meeting: 3:OO P.M. 2- PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1 At the request of the Planning Director, the Agenda Items were taken out of order with Agenda Bill #2251 being the first item discussed. Agenda Bill #2250 was discussed prior to adjournment. (a) Agenda Bill #2250. To consider the adop- tion of the proposed Open Space and Conservation Ele- ment to comply with the requirements of State Law re: ! Assembly Bill 1301. The Planning Director presented a report with regard to the Open Space and Conservation Element displaying 1 a transparency of the Table of Contents. He stated ~ specific references made by the Council to specific ' areas at the workshop meeting held between the staff ~ and the City Council, were eliminated. Discussion ~ ensued regarding a number of items contained in the ~ Open Space and Conservation Element. ! The Mayor inquired if anyone wished to be heard. It appeared no one wished to be heard and the Public Hearing was declared closed at 4:35 P.M. It was notec a gentlemen from the audience wished to be heard and a motion was made that the Public Hearing be reopened The Mayor declared the Public Hearing reopened at 4:36 P.M. Mr. William Savage, a resident of Rancho Santa Fe and property owner in Carlsbad for the past 14 years, re- ferred to Page 10, Paragraph 5 of the revised docu- ment (Page 11, Paragraph 9 of the original document) and suggested for clarification purposes that the wording in that paragraph should read "will recognize and consider" rather than "will be recognized and utilized". Further, he referred to Page 13, Paragrap1 7 (Page'lS, Paragraph 1 of the original document) and recommended the wording be changed to "should be give1 special consideration for the preservation of open space" rather than "should be utilized to preserve the unique and special resources". It was agreed by the Council that these recommendations were reasonable. The Public Hearing was closed at 4:45 P.M. Further discussion ensued and the Mayor suggested that each Councilman submit to the Planning Director any word changes and recommendations for consideratior prior to the matter being returned to the Planning Commission. The Planning Director indicated to the Council that an adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission woulc- be scheduled and he would appreciate the Council's recommendations being submitted as soon as possible. prior to the adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for the latter part of this week. 0- 0 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- December. 17, 1973 ~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ A motion was made that the matter of the General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element be returned to the Planning Commission with the newly recommended version dated December 5, 1973 and that the final draft con- sider any comments or recommendations submitted by the Counci 1. (b) Agenda Bill #2251. To consider the adop- tion of the proposed Amendment to the General Plan to meet the requirements of State Law requiring consis- tency of Land Use and Zoning re: Assembly Bill 1301. The Planning Director made a presentation of the Land Use and Zoning portion of the General Plan, and state the staff has reviewed the existing General Plan and has identified five (5) areas in conflict between Ian use and zoning. The areas under discussion were de- signated as follows: Area #I - The area zoned C-M, M, and P-M, north and northeast of the Palomar Airpor Areas #2 - Ponto, Area #3 - the lands fronting Pi0 Pic0 between Tamarack Avenue and Elm Ave., Area #4 - State Street between the '1nterSe.ction op State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard, south to the eastward extensi of Cedar Ave., and Area #5 - southerly of Oak Ave. tc the line connecting Walnut Ave. between the A.T.&S.F. rallroad right-of-way and Tyler St. The Planning Director discussed each area individually, with the exception of Area #2 which was not forwarded to the CItY Council since the Planning Commission wished to retain it for further testimony. A transparency was exhibited for review and recommendations presented for Area #'s 1, 3, 4, and 5. C ( I I Councilman Chase arrived at 3:20 P.M. There was no one who wished to be heard on this matte- and the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 3:40 P.M. Lengthy discussion was held by the Council and a number of questions were answered by the Planning Director. The following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: I Resolution No. 3313. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. AMENDING I THE GENERAL PLAN AND AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF SAID PLAN FOR FOUR AREAS OF THE CITY TO CONFORM TO THE ZONING OF THOSE AREAS TO INSURE CONSISTENCY BETWEEN DESIGNATED LAND USE AND ZONING. (c) Agenda Bill #2252. To consider the adop- tion of the proposed Amendment .to the General Plan I re: Public Facilities. The Planning Director presented a report on the Publi: Facilities Amendment to the General P1 an and pointed out that if this amendment should be adopted by the Council, it would allow the Council to deny Tentative Maps submitted by developers who have not complied with the School Policy and would provide a stronger foundation than the existing Council Policy #17 COUNCllM Motion xx Ayes X In Motion xx Ayes X El 3 [ I X X 0- a w - .. CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- December 17, 1973 1 dealing with the provision of adequate school facili- ties. He stated that denial of Tentative Maps could be based on non-compliance with the General Plan. i ~ No one wished to be heard and the Mayor declared the ~ Public Hearing closed. ~ by the City Attorney. ' Lengthy discussion ensued with comments interjected A motion was made that the amendment to the General Plan regarding Public Facilities be tabled. The City Manager reported that the staff had met with School AdminiStrators of various School Districts and were reasonably satisfied that developers could re- ceive a letter from the School District:.stating their compliance with the School Policy as set forth in '. Council Policy Statement #17. He stated further, that there are a few who are still negotiating with the School District in which their development is involved, but not necessarily with regard to fees. The question of school sites, in some instances, is still being negotiated. (d) Agenda Bill #2253. To consider the adop- tion of a proposed Amendment to the Land Use Portion of the General Plan to insure consistency of Land Use and Zoning per requirements of Assembly Bill 1301 - GPA-18. The Planning Director stated prior action was taken by the Planning Commission and City Council by grant- ing a change of zone requested by Cabot, Cabot and Forbes, for land south of Palomar Airport. The proposed amendment would insure consistency of General Plan Land Use recommendations and Zoning per the requirements of Assembly Bill 1301. No one wished to be heard and the Public Hearing was cl osed. The following Resolution was adopted by title only with further reading waived: Resolution No. 3315. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR 335+ ACRES OF PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST CORNE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND EL CAMINO REAL BY CHANG- ING THE DESIGNATED LAND USE FROM RESIDENTIAL DENSITY 3-7 FAMILIES PER NET ACRE TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL . (Palomar Airport Industrial Park.) ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Mayor Dunne stated he had recieved a letter from the Office of Emergency Services (QES) and also attended a meeting with Mr. Aleshire, Chief Adminis- trative Officer for the County of San Diego, and Mr. Milliam Marty, Chief Deputy Director of the Office of Emergency Services. The subject under discussion was the Energy Crisf.s and a request by II E! COUNCILME1 1 .: CITY OF CARLSBAD UJUNCIILMEN '. .P -4- December 17, 1973 1 317 the San Diego County Unified Disaster Council that each City appoint a staff representative on Energy Conservation and Management Measures. The City Manager stated he was designated as head of the National Disaster Council for the City of Carlsbac but that Administrative Assistant Jerry Pieti usually handled those matters for him. A motion was made that authorization be given the Motion X City Manager to appoint a staff representative as Ayes xxxx liaison to the San Diego County Office of Emergency Services in connection with Energy Conservation and Management matters. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:58 P'.M. Respectfully submitted , fl*FC~L- MARGARET E. ADAMS 7 City Clerk , NORA K. GARDINER Recording Secretary , !