HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-05; City Council; Minutes+,% ,... I , . . . .i.. "2"- I."_. <..A "_"._" ._" - _""." , . , ,.- ., .. . . .: _- . . . '" :5; ,... ' 2 -+._ ,, ... . , *: +-:, ., . .,.: ~,-. .: . ,. . .. "- -___ _.__."..." "_. --,.--"""~ I ' r ..< .,>"., CITY '. OF Ca LSEm ' - D rn I) .. . .. Meeting of: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: June 5, 1974 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 1- ROLL CALL: 2- INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Frazee. 3- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held May 21, 1974, were approved as. presented. 5- CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: I [62] (a) San Diego County Transit Bill. Mayor Frazee reported on his Sacramento appearance at the Senate Public Utilities Committee hearing on Assembly Bill 2648 - the San Diego County Transit Bill. He stated the primary reason he appear ed at the hearing was.to oppose the County-wide Transit District or even'the 1/3 County Transit District which would include North County. Discussed also by Mayor Frazee was a provision in the Bill reqardinq the distribution of taxes and he stated he objected to that portion of the Bill also. The Transit Bi 11 wi 11 be discussed again by the Committee next week and Mayor Frazee stated members of the CPO will .attend that hearing and he also plans to attend. I [68] (b) Amendment to CPO Joint Powers Agreement. Mayor Frazee informed the Countil that an amendment has'.been proposed to change the name of CPO to SANCOG, which CPO is supporting and requested Council concurrenc? on this name change. Following further explanation by Mayor Frazee, a motion was made authorizing the Mayor to sign the second amendment to the CPO Joint Powers Agreement, officially changing the name of CPO to San Diego Council of Governments, known as SANCOG. [221 (c) Airport Land Use Hearing. Councilman Chase stated there would be a Public Hearing held on June 17, 1974, re- garding Airport Land Use and felt the matter should be discussed at this time. He referred to a report compiled by SANPAT, known as SANPAT Report #4 and pointed out that in the report, Palomar Airport had been referred as a polssi. ble ''commuter port" which would provide comercial air service within this community within a 500 mile radius olf San Diego. The possibility of Palomar Airport being used as a "commuter port'' is mentioned four times in the SANPAT Report. He stated it is his understanding that this cornmun does not want this type of Airp0r.t in the Carlsbad area and if this is the case, now is the time to make it clear. Discussion was helid by the Council, with input from the City Manager, and Councilman Chase suggested that the Council go on record to all of the proper agencies with a statement that it is the firm intention of the City of Carlsbad that no commercial addition Droqram will be toler- ated at Palomar Airport. . Commuter ports , as defined in SANPAT Report #4, will obviously service commercial program and this is not acceptable to the City of Carlsbad in re- gard to Palomar Airport. ~ -. ,.". ". .~- . . . . . .. ! GWNCf LME , -~-_- .... ....... ... .... ..... ....... ....... .... -*~,.~~~-~-~,.~~~~~~.~~~~~;~~,~~~~~.~~~-~~~~~~:~~~~~~-. . . d.5 .-. ,- . ,. -. - ..,-. +-.& ,^-,i.. i;"*p*-*m".T ..". .-..- ~. "" " " ."; .~ -6 .W>%.. -~.- .-. r..+.+"'T:~.~s.'~.-.- ' -: " ,. .. . .. ....... ... ,.. ~ -< .". . .. ..... .. ,-.... . .- " ...= ; :*:._. :.--~"?~~~~"~*+~s ;d: ,<: ~.. ' -.-",-c.:?:- " - -. ... -,e'" -. . .. -. .. .... . .LA ,- ._;*:- -,-- "A " - .- .- " ...... >-. :. "_. - .. CITY .OF efaRtSBAi3 -2- June 5, 1974 - 0 1 ; It-wtructed to prepare f i a statement that refl-ects the aforementioned statement and leaves no question about the position of the City of Carls- bad as it relates to Palomar Airport. I) .. .. . Th.e Mayor stated the Publ.ic Hearing on Airport Lane'Use will be held in Carlsbad-and urged the public to attend . . and express their opinion. 6- HOUSING. AUTHORITY: [lo51 . The Council adjourned to the Housing Authority at 7:20 P.M. and reconvened at 7:25 P.M. , with all Councilmen present. 7- . PUBLIC HEARINGS: ,- .. ' Mayor Frazee clilcared the Public Hearings open at '7:30 P.M. .. Cou.nci 1 'discussion ensued .and Mayor Frazee stated it was' his feeling the applicant-could present evidence in writ-ing regarding the Public Facilities requirement which could . . be analyzed by the staff prior to June 18, 197.4. The motion to continue the. Hearing was passed aid the matter was continued to the regular meeting of June 18, 1974. 2 i i .i i E f f I k f. 1 i [ 1 ! i t CO2kGCfLME tilr~h-tc y)p ..\:";" \Q c\ / 2 / \,LC ; 5- L&:-cJi;;)Lv <... , -.- -.." E. r . .< ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~.~~~~ sy~~7.5~="~*~+~. -.*. --.. .- """ " " ." . . .. .. . . . .#d.~."~-.."% -.,."" "__ ~. . . i -.,- :... " ~.~~,~~.~..~-.:~~.~-' "; .- . , , . .. .. " -. .l."._ . .. - - ... +:>T2::&F_- u ~ ".."&=aZ. .," -"" *y-y+*y*: ?-,.=\* I-, . -. -,-y-... . - .. 1 7- - . .. .. . -. , . .*y?:-.,- -. . " - ~ .-. L- .I z . ... ._," . ..-,-. .-,. . _I - _A "- ~ - .. " - +- r - - .. . . . . . : . " -. .. CITY OF CARLSBAG m:JNCltM! - -. -. _._ . Ip.lsls 0 D ... .. . . . "" .. __ . . , . . - .. . . . , . . , . " . . . - , _, .. -. .".. ...."...___ ... .. - . ._.""..- .".~"-"---.-~-.~-~---~-.- .--- ".'. - .- .. .. ..__."" "",...". -.--.-- .CITY OF CA WNC[LME -4- The Planning Director gave a staff report with visual graphi of the proposed project and background information and state it was the recommendation of the staff and the Planning Commission that the proposed R-P zoning and Specific Plan be adopted. In connection with the zoning, the Planning Director stated the Council, some months ago, considered a request for a zone change to C-1 and the matter was return ed to the Planning Commission, as it was an appeal. At that time, the Council sta.ted its intention to grant the C-1 zone Following review by the Planning.Commission, it was the'ir decision that R-P zoning would be a more appropriate zoning as it would be in conformance with the General Plan and would still allow the applicant to proceed with the proposed The applicant made his presence known but did not wish to be heard and si pice there was no one else who wished to be heard, the Public Hearing was.closed. Following an inquiry from the Council, the Planning Director explained that the r'eason'n3 access .was aflo$red..to Oak : Avenue was due to it being primarily a .residential street and it was felt by the Planning Commission that Oak Avenue should not be burdened with comercial traffic for safety reasons. The applicant has also agreed that access to Oak Avenue is not,necessary. The following Resolutions were adopted by title only and Ordinances introduced for a first reading: RESOLUTION NO. 3435, announcing finding.s and decision re- garding change fo zone from R-1-7500 to R-P (Residential1 - Professional) on property generally located on the south side of Elm Avenue between Highland Drive and Pi0 Pic0 Drive to allow development of a Financial and Professional com- ORDINANCE NO. 9392. adopting a Specific Plan (SP-142) on property generally located on the south side of Elm Avenue between Highland Drive and Pi0 Pic0 Drive to allow for the development of a F.inancia1 and Professional complex. [113] (d) Agenda Bill #3100. To consider an appeal of the de- cision of the Planning Commission in denying approval of" a Specific Plan (SP-155) to allow for a 326 condominium unit development on property located at the northeast corner of Lowder Lane (Paseo del Norte) and Carnino de Las Ondes (extended) Appellant: Pacesetter Homes, Inc. The City Clerk stated the Affidavit of Publication was on file and no correspondence had been received. .. ... ", . ._._." ..".* ."." .... __".. ~ .... . __ . ,. ... ,. . ".. _.. .. - .". __._ , __" " "_" -" "__. _""" ""--.*"."-.-"--- -. -. . . ___ -... , ". __._ .. _I.... -.~-. - I) 0 0 "__ ."_ -.. CITY QF CA -5- June 5, 1974 The City Manager stated he had distributed a memorandum to the Council requesting this matter be removed from the Agenda and readvertised. He stated this request is based on the fact that the staff discovered a technicality after the .nDt.iCe had been sent to the newspaper for publication. A motion was made that the matter be returned to the staff and the staff be directed to renotice this matter for Public Mearing'at the appropriate time, to be reheard, b$ the Plm- ning Commission. 8- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Planning. Dl31 1. Agenda B:i 11 #2157 - Supplement 82. Request for a Change of Zone from R-1-10,000 to Industrial (ZC-124) on property located easterly of and adjacent to Lowder Lane, and southerly of the intersection of Lowder Lane and Palomar Airport Road. Applicant: Andrew McReynolds. The Planning Director explained this matter had been before the Council previously as an appeal of the Planning Commis- sion's decision denying I'M" zoning as requested by the applicant. The .Planning Commission denied the I'M" zoning and recommended P-M (Planned Industrial) zoning. The a!pneaT was heard by the Council on October 2, 1973, the ;Public Hearing closed, and the Council up-held the decision of the Planning Commission and tabled the matter until such time as the General Plan Amendment was approved. Approval of the General Plan Amendment (LAU-12) was given on -May 9, 1974 and it is now recommended that the applicant be granted a P-M zone. Following brief discussion, the documents below were adopted and introduced for a first reading, respectively: I RESOLUTION NO. 3436, announcing findings and decision re- garding change of -zone from. R-1-10,000 (single family) to P-M (.Planned Industrial) on approximately 29 acres of land located easterly of and adjacent to Lowder Lane, approxl- mately 1,000 feet southerly of the intersection of Lowder Lane and .Palomar Airport Road. ORDINANCE NO. 9394, amending Title 21 of the Municipal Code by granting a change of zone from R-1-10,000 (single family) to P-M (Planned Industrial) on approximately 29 acres of land located easterly of and adjacent to Lowder Lane, approx mately 1,000 feet southerly of the intersection of Lowder Lane and Palomar Airport Road. 'r.991 2. Agenda Bi 11 #3101. Request for approval of tenta- tive map for Carlsbad Tract 74-6, to allow development of a 10-lot single family subdivision located on Park Drive between Adams Street. and Hillside Drive. (Karnar .Constructio The Planning Director gave a staff report and sta.ted thilt a1 1 ordinances and policies of the City of Carlsbad had been met by the applicant. The following document was' presented and adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 3437 ,-!approving with conditions Tentative ' . Map (CT 74-6) for a 10-lot single-family subdivision locate on Park Drive between Adams Street and Hillside Drive. "... /- , .~, . . .~. L cxUNCILME - -.?&. .. ~~"<.~ ;:-, .:;ui;-7?;i>p" " ". . .- -~~.~."~~-~::~:.~,:~.'... c ~ -.- - . .--. .. 2 .-5: ~~~~.~~~~~'~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~.~~.-- . . . . ... .. . _- . . . . - .' -2% z-7-.yiGs 3- ... -4 ~~~.~;,~~~~-~~~~~~-~~-. ."- y5 :* .I ." .~ .". . "". . . ._. , . . .- . ; -.*.-.-.-. I. +">zry:~*-&y. ""L . ?.~,-. q:,:,. :.:-.. '.- - - . ".. .E*-,.. - __ -: 2 "" -. .- . -->-:.:. : ... ""_ __ .". ... . " .. ._ I*iC-~-r.-C"c~VII"-"r.. , ",w<-.*:&.." ,,,,,;&;"l. ."..:?.";:ai...P." ., z . 1 ;. j- ~ i ,-,, %."Si.. -, ,. ._,_.. ." i>...l ,~~~~~~:~~:~~~~~~~.-~~-. - .-rr __-., \...-*SI.- .?"* &x, :;>-:.*a; .~., __ ,,' ..:;,:.;: -.,:::~ '. ~ , -' .' . . .. ..:. -. . . .. . : -:J ~ _, ~,.,~~- . -;;;.:&* ___i .._. ",.. . . - . - . .- . . .." ""- -~- -~ ~ - ,-zg.:,:. - - -: ~ ..., >,? -"-.."-.:- ~. I.. ,.-,.j .-....~.~,~~-,_,7.1"ti-.~-=__^-..CJ..-?. ~~~~~-ii.~~ .. "-"*~- -.-., . !, .+?. ,. . - ,. ...< . - Y :. -. ".) LL.-T7-.*, .:: _.. . . . ~ . ~ - _,, . .. ,>. . . - - .. ,.,. . - """_ ___ *. . " "_. ." - . .". . C1VY UF WRhSBAD -9- r, 0 0 -I- 1 'June 5, 1974 " 10- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: (b) City Attorney. [32] The City Attorney gave. a brief report on the EPA litigation and stated he will report .further as the case progresses;. (c) City Manager. E681 .The City Manager stated he had been contacted by CPO/Sancog this past week and they would like to make a presentation before the City Council and Planning Commission, concerning their work program. He stated the CPO wished to know i 1' the Council and Planning Commission wanted a Joint Meet-ing and what would be a convenient time to set such a meeting. L681 The City Managel;' also reported correspondence had been re- ceived from Mr. Aleshtre of the County of San Diego regard- ing the acquisition of facilities in Carlsbad for DEFY. The City Manager read the letter and inquired if the Council had any comment. No discussion was held on this matter. C291 With regard to the Budget, the City Manager recommended . . June.10, 1974 or the early part of the following week. [48] The City Clerk reported on -the 'Canvassing of the Ballots from the June 4, 1974 Primary, at which time the City of Carlsbad had on that ballot one vacancy for the City Council seat. She stated the law requires that the Council meet within seven (7) days of the election. The County can not, however, guarantee that they will have the canvass completed by then. The new Council person cannot be seated until the canvass is completed .by the County so that if it is not done within seven days, the Council will have to adjourned the meeting on a daily basis until the-canvass is completed by the County. that work sessions by the.Counci1 should begin the week of .. 11- RATIFICATION OF THE BILLS AND PAYROLL: Ratification was given the payment of the payroll.in the amount of -$117,245.95 for the period May 16, 1974 through May 31, 1974, .as certified by the Director of Finawe and ,. approved by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given the payment .of bills for the General Expenses of the City in the amount .of $108,050.49 and the Water Department in the'amount of $2,833.63, for the period May 16, 1974 through May 31, 1974, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing C.ornmittee. ! ,. EX.ECUTIVE SESSION: ! Mayor Frazee called for an Executive Session at 9:50 P.M. j convened at 11:20 P.M. with all Councilmen present and.the I Mayor announced that Personnel had been discussed a'nd I the following appointments had been agreed upon: for the purpose of discussing Personnel. The Council Y'e- ! I I j [92] 1) JAC (Joint Advisory Committee) Committee -'Mr. Ron Beckman, Carls,bad Pub1 ic ldorks Administrator, 'appojnted as one of the a1 ternate delegates. .. L I I 1 f 1 E631 2) LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Ray Brookhart and Grace 7 Mamaux - reappointed to a full term. 1 ! :; ~, j .y 3) HOUSING APPEALS BOARD - Mr. George Watson. " "_." .___,__" ..... . -. -. .. . - ". . - . . . . " . . . .- . . . . . ." .. .. f Ei f i; CXXJNCLLME o(li. f!L [;I *. +yq+Jpq:;+:&$ ;z:& -.<: .:' -: r . ., ' 2 . . ~ ~ _.. . . .j".>." ..-. :. . ,,~ - .~ .&. ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~-. . . "."1 :Ty..m.x.::,.<> .... "l:t .~.:"<z-rc .y,~? .~~~?~~-~~~.~~:.~~"~~~~~~-~.~~.-~ y'.':', -i. .sz-=-'kr w -=x, -R*-.->. . . ,. Cd>". .. -s-c . . , -.. .~ >k.?.?., ~ ' . . . - ."s. ..+?.",. . . . . ., . ,-.- i. .." % ~ . . ""_ . .. ""___...... - . " CITY OF CAREBAD COtlUCItME