HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-16; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: July 16, 1974 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers . I) 0 - 1- 2- 3- 4- -5- c481 6- C371 I ~ I - ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Frazee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) he d June 27, 1974, were approved as presented. (b) Minutes of the regular meeting held July 2, 1974, were approved as presented. (c) Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held July 8, 1974, were approved as presented. SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION: 1. Agenda Bi 11 #3032 - Supplement #l. Certifi- cation of Election Results. The City Clerk announced the Certification from the Registrar of Voters' forthe Special Nunici- pal Election held June 4, 1974 had been presente to the Council, as well as the Resolution from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors declar ing the results of the Election. (al Minutes of the adj-ourned regular meeting RESOLUTION NO. 3459, reciting the fact of a Special Municipal Election held in said City of Carlsbad on the 4th day of June, 1974, declaring the result thereof and such other matters as are provided by Law, was adopted by title only with further reading waived. Resolution No. 3459 is by this reference incor- porated herein as though set forth in full pur- suant to the Election Code and marked "Exhibit A" attached hereto. Administration of Oath of Office to newly Elected Official. - The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Anthony J. Skotnicki, the newly elected Councilman, who will fill the vacant Council sea created by the election of Robert C. Frazee to the Office of Mayor. COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (a) Council Committee Assignments: Mayor Fraze announced the following committee assignm-ents would be designated to members of the Council. Audit Committee: Councilman Lewis- Payroll Water Committee: Councilman McComas to remain. JAC Committee: Councilman Chase and Col. Dunne Library: Councilman Skotnicki Parks and Recreation: Councilman Lewis to remain. Councilman Skotnicki- Bills to remain. C.P.O. Mayor Frazee and Councilman Chase, as alternate, to remain. I ( , L'; ! ? COUNCILME1 %c c11 h\ IC 5 %* Present X X X Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- July 16, 1974 - B B I) 1)1 7 C481 (b) Special Municipal Election. Councilman Chase referred to a memorandum he had sent to the Council regarding the handling of the Specia Municipal Election and discussion ensued. It was agreed that the San Diego County Board of Supervisors was responsible for the actions of of the Registrar of Voters' and that they were the entity the Council should make contact with to express the displeasure with regard to the handling of the election. Also discussed was the fact3ha-t the Registrar made Certification to a tie vote between Mr. Skotnicki and Mrs. Casler and following the recount, it was discove ed that there was a computer error. Since an error was made by the computer in the voting count, it was suggested that the Council inquire of the County if they would reimburse the losing candidate for the expense of the recount. If they would not agree, it was suggested by Coun- cilman Chase that the City should find a means to reimburse Mrs. Casler, who by law, was requir ed to pay the entire cost of the recount. It was agreed that the Council instruct the staff to prepare a Resolution expressing the displeasure of the City and the Council with the handling of the election count and urging the reimbursement by the County of recount costs further, expressing the reason that the count was erroneous and caused a recount. P (c) North County Mayors' and Managers' Meeting. The Mayor reported on Mayors' and Managers' meeting and its discussion of transit legisla- tion. No action was taken at this time. C571 (d) Land Use Amendment to General Plan. It was announced for the benefit of those in th'e I audience that the Land Use portion of the Genera Plan will be discussed at an adjourned meeting to be scheduled July 17, 1974 at 7:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. 7- PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Hour of 7:30 P.M. having come and gone, the Mayor declared the Public Hearings open. m31 (a) Agenda Bill #3132. To consider the En- vironmental Impact Report and a zone change from R-A-10,000 to P-M (Planned Industrial) and P-C (Planned Community). Planned Industrail applies to approximately 187 acres and Planned Community applies to 409 acres; said property being gener- ally located on the north side of Palomar Airpor Road approximately 1/2 mi1.e east of El Camino Real. Applicant: Lomas Santa Fe Development C,orp. (Loker) Also known as "Valle Verde". The City Clerk stated the Affidavit of Publica- tion is on file. i I The Planning Director gave a staff report and ex hibited a transparency of the area of the pro- posed EIR and zone change. He referred to a I COUNCILMEP t /I 6 - Motion X Ayes xxx 'V CITY OF CARLSBAD - B I) D -3- 3ul.y 16, 1974 - . letter from the University of California which stated they own the property immediately north of the proposed development, said property known as Dawson Los Monos Canyon Reserve. MR. AL KERN, President of the Lomas Santa Fe Development Corp. was heard by the Council. For the Council's recognition, he introduced from the audience, MR. DONALD SITES, Assistant Chan- cellor-Faci.lities Management at UCSD. MR. CL.AR- ENCE DAWSON, property owner of adjacent property to the east, discussed subject Environmental Im- pact Report; the topography of the land, increas-, ed fire hazard especially in the Los Monos Canyo) area, and population pressure. He also stated .he endorsed the recommendations of the Universit!' MR. AL KERN returned to the podium to address comments made by Mr. Dawson. The Public Hearing was declared closed. A motio was made that the Environmental Impact Report be certified with conditions and that the staff be directed that those additional suggestions by the University be addressed prior to considera- tion of any further development plans. I RESOLUTION NO. 3460, announcing findings and decision on a preannexation chanqe of zone from I R-A-10 (City) and A-1-8 (County)-to P-C (Planned Community) and P-M (Planned Industrial) for 637 acres located on the north side of Palomar Aiir- port Road between El Camino Real and Rancho Sant Fe Road to be known as "Val le Verde". I A motion was made that Ordinance No. 9399 be introduced for a first reading by title only with further reading waived: ORDINANCE NO. 9399, amending Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by amending the zoning map to grant a preannexation change of zone from R-A-10 (City and A-1-8 (County) to P-C (Planned- Community) and P-M (Planned Industrial) for 637 acres located on the north side of Palomar A-ir- port Road between El Camino Real and Rancho Sant Ee Road to be known as "Val le Verdell , was i ntro- duced for a first reading by title only with further reading waived. [113] (b) Agenda Bill #3133. To consider a request for approval of a Specific Plan to allow for a 326-unit condominium development on property lo- cated at the northeast corner of Lowder Lane (Paseo del Norte) and Camino de Las Ondas (ex- tended). Applicant: Pacesetter Homes. I The City Clerk stated the Affidavit of Publica- tion is on file. I The Planning Director gave a staff report and exhibited a transparency of subject Specific Plan for review. COUNCILME1 I kg& Cn'Y 16 7 %* Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx CITY OF CARLSBAD -4- July 16, 1974 7 B I) I) 0 v MR. TERRY CROWTHER, Pacesetter Homes, was heard by the Council and the Public Hearing was closed at 8:50 P.M. Discussion ensued by the Council with questions answered by the Planning Director and the follow- ing action was taken: It was moved that the matter be returned to the staff for preparation of the documents necessary for approval of the Tentative Map and Specif,ic Plan and incorporating the conditions of the staff and/or Planning Commission, and to include the following amendments: a) Condition #2 of the Tentative Map to read ''A" Street shall be constructed to a 42 foot I half width or other width as approved by the City Engineer. I b) Condition #8 of the Specific Plan to iw- clude that phasing construction shall be in accordance with the sequence recommended by the Planning Commission. Further, subsequent phases may not begin until the preceding phase has been completed. If the total construction is not completed within five (5) years from the date of Specific Plan approval, the approv a1 of the Specific Plan will be reviewed by the City Council. It was moved that approval be given and the matter be returned to the City Attorney for pre- paration of the documents necessary including those amendments as indicated in the minutes. E991 (c) Agenda Bill #3134. To consider an appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission in denying a proposed amendment to the Specific Plan, which would reduce the total area to be developed, on property located on the easterly side of A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way, westerly of Interstate 5 and southerly of Chin- quapin Avenue, to be known as "Papagayo". Applicant: Larry D. Hunts, Hunts Partnership. The City Clerk stated the Affidavit of Publica- tion is on file. A transparency of the vicinity of the proposed project was exhibited and the Planning Director gave a staff report. MR. LARRY D. HUNTS, architect and developer of the proposed project residing at 845 Chinquapin Ave., was heard by the Council. MR. JIM BOLICH 3970 Park Drive and MR. TAD PAHL, 2717 Wilson St. each stated they had no vested interest in the property but were in favor of the project. MR. W. G. ALLEN, Carlsbad property owner, MRS. KAY CHRISTIANSEN, 2490 Ocean St., and MRS. GLADYS VANCE, 864 Chinquapin Ave., spoke in favor of the proposed project. MR. ALAN KELLY, 4675 El Camino Real, raised a point with regard to opening the Open Space area to the public. He stated this may cause a traffic circulation problem. The following persons spoke in OPPOSI TION to the project on the basis of inadequate Y - COUNCllMEi - I ~ ~ I I k!# Sr g /68 'p ?SI Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X COUNCILMEN I ’ I ’ CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- July 16, 1974 16 9 0 0 0 0 8- Cggl Cggl access, inadequate traffic circulation, density, inability to gain access to back of property when the private road they now use ,is gone, and fire hazard. MR. BARRY AMMON, 4070 Sunnyhill Drive, MRS. SANDRA MARAS, 4098 Harbor Drive, MR. JIM HUNTER, 3140 Harbor Drive, MRS. ANNA HILL, 4195 Harbor Drive, and MRS. EILEEN HOWARD, 4175 Harbor Drive The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at lo:30 P.M. A motion was made that the appeal be granted and Motion the matter returned to the Planning Commission Ayes for review and report. Noes cl061 4. Agenda Bill #3136. Approval of First Supplement to Agreement for temporary connection to the Joint Sewer System by the City of Ocean- side. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Public Works. 1. Agenda Bill #2063 - Supplement #l.- Approval of Final Map for Carlsbad Tract 73-10 and acceptance of future reserved street in El Fuerte Street. Applicant: La Costa Land Co. Following a staff report, approval was given the Final Map for Carlsbad Tract 73-10 and the following- Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3461, accepting for public street Motion purposes certain previously rejected easements. Ayes 2. Agenda Bill #2100 - Supplement #l. Request for extension of time on tentative map for Carlsbad Tract 73-13 (Harold Thompson). The City Manager stated he had received a letter from theapplicant requesting the matter be con- tinued for two weeks pending Coastal Commission action on the project. It was moved that the matter be continued to the next regular Council Meeting. 3. Agenda Bill #3135. Proposed Underground Utility District No. 5 located on El Camino Real between Agua Hedionda Creek and Ranch0 Carlsbad Drive.' A staff report was given by the City Engineer and, the. following Resolution-was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 3462, expressing the intent of the Carlsbad City Council to initiate proceeding pursuant to Chapter 11.08 of the Carlsbad Muni- cipal Code and calling a Public Hearing to de- termine whether the Public Health, Safety, or Welfare require the formation of an Underground Utility District on El Camino.Real from southerl of Agua Hedionda Creek to Ranch0 Carlsbad Drive. Motion Ayes CITY OF CARLSBAD -6- July 16, 1974 - D D B 0 - The City Engineer explained this is a request for an extension of time on an existing agree- ment between the City of Carlsbad and the City of Oceanside. RESOLUTION NO. 3463, approving an agreement be- tween the City of Carlsbad and the City of Ocean 1 side for the.fi.r.st supplement to agreement for temporary connection by the City of Oceanside to the Joint Sewer System and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement, was adopted by title only with further reading waived. B. City Manager. Dl1 1. Agenda Bill #2295. Calavera Lake/Coulnty [70] Regional Park. I The City Manager requested this matter be tabled until such time as the staff has prepared a re- i port. It was moved that the matter be tabled until I the staff has had an opportunity to prepare a report. C741 2. Agenda Bill #3137. Purchase of Asphalt Products. The City Manager stated bids for asphalt product: were opened on June 26, 1974 and only one bid was received. RESOLUTION NO. 3464, accepting a bid and authori., zing the execution of a Contract for Asphalt Products, was adopted by title only with further reading waived. The above Resolution awarded the contract to South Coast Asphalt, Inc., Post Office Box 2'18, Carlsbad, California, for the fiscal year 1974- 75 in the amounts indicated in "Exhibit A" attached to Agenda Bill #3137, for the purchase of asphalt products. ~781 3. Agenda Bill #3138. Approval of Agreemen.: [45] between City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Unified School District - re: Bicycle Safety Program. Following a report by the City Manager, Resolu- tion No. 3465 was adopted by title only with further reading waived: RESOLUTION NO. 3465, approving an agreement be- tween the City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Unified School District for a bicycle safety program and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agree- ment. [941 4. Agenda Bill #3139. Plaza Camino Real - Participation in Parking Lot expansion. The City Manager informed the Council a letter had been received from Mr. Robert Getz, Presi- dent of the May Stores Shopping Centers, Inc. requesting consideration by the Council of parti cipating in an expansion of parking facilities COUNCILMEC' i hi$& %r q /70 'p GO Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X 1 - D B D I) I CITY OF CARLSBAD - -1- July 16. 1974 - at Plaza Camino Real in connection with a 450,000 sq. ft. expansion of the retail center. Proposed major stores are Sears-Roebuck & Co.. and Broadway and other minor stores. The letter also requests consideration by the City to ex- tend Marron Road westerly to Jefferson St. MR. ROBERT GETZ, May Stores Shopping Centers:, In made an oral presentation to the Council. He stated an economic study should be made and suggested that it be made by someone of the Council's choice. He further recited the annual gross income estimated by Sears and Broadway and a sales tax figure which the City would receive. c Following futher discussion of this matter by th Council and a suggestion that consideration of the extension of Marron Road be considered separately from the proposed expansion of the .parking lot, a motion was made that the City Manager enter into negotiations with the princi- pals involved for the preparation of an economic study. 5. Agenda Bill #3140. Amendment to La E;:! Costa Interim Parks Agreement. The City Manager explained the amendment to the interim parks agreement with La Costa will allow them to proceed with development. RESOLUTION NO. 3466, approving first supplement to interim parks agreement dated October 15. I 1973 between the Cjty of Carlsbad and La Costa Land Company and authorizing the Mayor to exe- cute said agreement, was adopted by title only with further reading waived. c291 6. Agenda Bill #3141. Final Operating Budget for City of Carlsbad - Fiscal Year 1974- 1975. It was agreed by the Council that this matter be continued to an adjourned Council meeting to be scheduled for July 17, 1974. 9- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: The following 0rdinances:were given a second reading and adopted: c251 (a) Agenda Bill #3126. A motion was made that the following Ordinance be adopted by title only with further reading waived: ORDINANCE NO. 1170, approving annexation of certain uninhabited territory to the City of Carlsbad designated "East Carlsbad Annexation ~ I No. 2.20" (Loker property) m31 (b) Agenda Bill #3122. It was moved that the following Ordinance be adopted by title only with further reading waived: ORDINANCE NO. 9395, granting a preannexation zone change from County E-1-A to Carlsbad zone R-A-10,000, on property located northeasterly of Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Home Park. (Allen 0. Kelly). COUNCllMEi h\ vg IO, 1 71 9 Motion Ayes xxx Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X Mot i on xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X Abstained I. CITY OF CARLSBAD -8- July 16, 1974 - D D I) I) .r - ~~ ~ P91 C991 10- C991 1991 1991 C991 E991 E451 11- C781 I (c) Agenda Bill #lo54 - Supplement #4. A motion was made that the following Ordinance be I adopted by title only with further reading waived: I ORDINANCE NO. 9396, granting a change of zone from R-1-15,000 to P-C (Planned Community) on I property located on'the lagoon side of Adams St. and southeast of Hoover St. (Hedionda Point Covington-Coninmark). I (d) Agenda Bill #2144 - Supplement #3. It was I moved that the followina Ordinance be adoPted by title only with furt6er reading waived': I ORDINANCE NO. 9398, adopting Specific Plan (SP- 131) on property generally located northerly I of and adjacent-to Olivenhain Road. (Ponderosa Homes-Kaiser/Aetna) CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were approved by one motion affirming the actions of the Consent Calendar: A. Agenda Bill #2161 - Supplement #l. Approval was given the Final Map for Carlsbad Tract 73-32 I located on the north side of Navarra Dr. east of Viejo Castilla Way. (Barrie Chase). I B. Agenda Bill #2087 - Supplement #l. Approval was given the Final Map for Carlsbad Tract 73-24 located on the south side of Poinsettia Lane between 1-5 and Lagoon Lane (Covington Bras.,/ Occidental Land Co.) C. Agenda Bill #2094 - Supplement #l. The Tentative MaD time extension for Carlsbad Tract I 72-32 located on the west side of El Camino Real between Alga Rd. (extended) and Arena1 Rd. (extended), was approved. (Ayres property). D. Agenda Bill #2091 - Supplement #3. Tentativ Map time extension was granted for Carlsbad Trac I 73-8 (Carlsbad Palisades) located on the wester- ly side of and adjacent to El Camino Real and northerly of Kelly Dr. (Pacific Southwest Corp.) E. Agenda Bill #3142. RESOLUTION NO. 3468, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and California Lutheran Homes for part cipation in a future sewer assessment district and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agree ment, was adopted. (Future Improvement Agree- ment in connection with Parcel Split #228, lo- cated at Grand Ave. and Carlsbad Boulevard). i - ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: A. City Manager. 1. Introduction of New Police Chief. City Manager introduced the new Chief of Police, The I Mr.-Roy Kundtz, who will report to his new posi- tion with the City of Carlsbad, August 1, 1974. Mr. Kundtz was welcomed by the City Council. COUNClLhr sq 1762 k 'p I Motion ~ Ayes xx Motion Ayes Abstained xx Mot i on xx Ayes X Motion xx Ayes X Abstained Motion xx Ayes X 2 t - IEt X X X X X I, CITY OF CARLSBAD -9- July 16, 1974 7 D I) D c B. City Attorney. 1621 1. Brown Act. The City Attorney informed the Council that it was recommended by Mr. Car- penter of the League of California Cities that City Attorneys distribute materials on the "Open Meeting Act" or Brown Act and that he had prepared a very extensive anaylsis for distribu- tion to the Council. The City Attorney further recommended that when the Mayor calls for an Executive Session to discuss personnel, he shoul state the specific item under personnel which is to be discussed. ( E321 2. EPA Litigation. A brief report on EPA Litigation was given by the City Attorney. I 12- RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: It was reported that due to the new payroll system, there would be no ratification of the payroll. Ratification was given the payment of bills for the General Expenses of the City in the total, amount of $567,153.49, which includes City Operations, Water Operations and Investments, for the period June 16, 1974 through July 1, 1974, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the auditing committee. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Mayor called for an Executive Session at 12:05 A.M. for the purpose of discussing salary negotiations. The Council reconvened at 12:30 A.M. and the Mayor announced that an agreement had been reached with the Police Officer's Assoc ation and the staff was instructed to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding to include the following conditions: [741 1) The Carlsbad Police Officer's Associatio up the top 2-1/2% payment of the Educational Incentive Program. If either of the other two employee associations receive a salary increase greater than 9% and/or is not re- quired to give up Educational Incentive Pay, the same would apply to the CPOA. 2) The CPOA agrees to give up shooting pay for marksman and sharpshooter and change ex- pert pay to $50.00 a year. 3) The CPOA agrees to have PERS coverage extended to include the "Widow and Orphan C1 ause" . 4) The CPOA agrees to give up "Admissions Day" as a holiday and substitute the in- dividual's Birthday as a holiday. ~781 agrees to a 9% salary increase and would giv COUNCILME1 I Motion xxx Ayes X - , I I i ! CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 July 16, 1974 17f M 9 -1 0- v 9 \G D 13- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at P.M. in the City Council Chambers. xxx Ayes 12:35 A.M. to Wednesday, July 17, 1974, at 7:OO X Motion Respectfully submitted, B NORA K. GARDINER Recording Secretary D 0 . . ~. . - .. . . I 11 / 75 B i 1 2 3 *I 51 RESOLUTION NO. 3459 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOIQJIA, RECITING THE FACT OF A SPECIAL I'KJNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE 4TH DAY OF JUNE, 1974, DECLARING THE mSULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS Am PROVIDED BY LAW. D 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ii WHEREAS, a special municipal election was held and con- ducted in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Ca1ifornia, on Tuesday, the 4th day Of June, 1974, as required bS law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to City Council 2esolutions Nos, 3378 and 3379 said election was consolidated with the statewide primal election held on said date; and WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regularly I 14 given in time, form and manner as provided by law, that voting @ cD .d 2 O 15 precincts were Properly established, that ele(ztion officers were E5 y 86.5 2 . -16 GE>2 z za appointed and that in all respects said election ~7as held and COP i. 3a ducted and the votes cast thereat, received and canvassed and the m~j~z 17 gEz2 g 1; 8 0- 18 returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by .>t- n 19 the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California ze y 5. z - 0 20 for the holding of elections in cities; and uo a 21 WHEREAS, City Council Resolution No. 3379, adopted the 21 22 County of San Diego to canvass the returns of said election; and 23 day of March, 1974, authorizes the Board of Supervisors of the 24' WHEREAS, pursuant to the Elections Code said canvass has 25 been completed by the Registrar of Voters who has certified the 26 27 results to said Board which has, by its Resolution Docket No.4907 adopted on the 10th day of July , 1974, certified the re- 28 sults to this City Council, said resolution and results are at- 29 tached and made a part hereof as Exhibit A. 30 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 311 California, does resolve as follows: - .." - I) I 32 // 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. EXHIBIT "A" . .. .. .I' ,. . , . .. . . -. . . . . - . - . . . . - - . - . . . . - . . ., . . - . .. -. .~ - "~... ".."" ,..- ~.. ,. .. . .. ,I // I 11 I 1 1 76 2. That said special municipal election was held for the D 2 term to end on Piarch 9, 1976. 4 I/ portion of a term of office in which a vacancy was created, said 3 purpose of electing a member of the City Council for the unexpire 5 3. That the total number of votes cast in said City was B 6 5,248 7 4. That the names of persons voted for. at said election 8 votes given to each such person are as follows: 9 for a member of the City Council of said City and the number of 10 11 12 13 14 @ g 15 Ea o, du. w P 00 zg 16 z> $0 :e <k u: 854 ;L;$sf$ -= N 0 -J 17 iuu gz8d 18 20 v) d 55 d 19 v c u 20 I ~ i I i 21 22 &WRY K. CASLER 7,714 DAVfD F. DAWES 497 I I j ROBERT B. PRESCOTT 846 ANTHONY J. SKOTNICKI 1 ,7i!O 5. That the City Council does declare and determine that ANTHONY J. SKOTNICKI was elected as a member of the City Council -of. said City for a term ending on March. 9, 1976. 6. That the City Clerk shall enter on the records of the City Council of said City a statement of. the result of said elec- tion showing: (a) The whole number of votes cast in the City. (b) The names of the persons voted for. (c) The office which each person was voted for. 23 person. 24 (a) The number of votes given in the City to each 25 27 compliance by the person elected with the provisions of Sections 26 7. That the City Clerk shall immediately make and, upon State Constitution of the State of California and shall have the 31 Clerk shall also administer the Oath of Office prescribed in the 30 signed by the' City Clerk and duly authenticated; that the City 29 shall deliver to the person elected a Certific:ate .of Election 28 11550 and 11559 of the Elections Code of the Sta.te of California, B 32 I . person subscribe thereto and file the same in the off'ice of the 2. 32 I . person subscribe thereto and file the same in the off'ice of the 2. .. . .. .. ,. \ I 177 I B 1 2 City Clerk, Whereupon, said person so elected shall be inducted into the office to which he has,been elected. 3 8. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage and 4, adoption of this resolution, shall enter the same in the book of 5 'i original resolutions of said City, and shall make a minute of the 6 7 I passage and adoption thereof in the records of the proceedings of which the same is passed and adopted. 8 the City Council of said City in the minutes of the meeting at D I 9 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regu:Lar meeting of the I Carlsbad City Council held on the 16th day of July , 1974, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas, '.and Levii s . ,. :; NOES : None. 14 I ABSENT : None. r. @ .OZ 8 N 15, :a ?Jus O) ??/ /.' ) .3 ,/7 -/ //E 7&7 (- </;-YE2 :"02 =E A,, 'is -.I 17 ." 86 JzN~ 18 >=.-cg zo 16 . .... . . .; "p fszg f;: $2 iF ROBERT C.. FIIAZEE, Kayor ' L ..$ 19 ATTEST : <a E ..> v ,:' !' ,.$ :* 1 ,. G f Z,O' .~RG 1. 6f+d F@i?iL%+Y .:, ii C', ' 1/77! , E. . ADAMS, (city Clerk :: .:, ;2,1.- .?; 22 (SEAL) I. , >. ' * 'I , *' (I?, I. ', 'I, .' : >,,' I), 8, ' ,.,. '.e&; 24 ; ~ 26 25 4; I). 27 28 29 30 31 32 1' 1. - ". . - . . - . . 3. "_...".."... .."...."._. . . _..~ ...... ..-.-... ~ . ...... I.".. -.... - .~.-. - . . - . - . . . - " - - - -I. - -. ._I I , I, , I fi kEI"Z9, CITY CCLYCZ, CITY C? CA'LS3rn (?ZCCt C&.?SKU 4OS30 CC!!S3rn 40960 CA~S3rn kg20 ClLSLSBAD bog40 LtC&sB.Q 40230 C&%S3$B 40931 S@&S%D ' . b095Q:l CARIBAD kO971-5 . . . .. . . Ci"?LS3AD 10971-2 cp31LssAD ' bo990 CiTY ..if) coTJ74Ty CERrTIFICrn . STXZ OF C-YLI?OEXlX) Corn OF S.W DIEGO) I, CFIS J. SEXTO??, Registrar of Voters oi: the Cornty or S; do hereby certify th2t mcer the provisions of the Califomi; tions Code, Division L2, Fzrt 2, Chzpnter 2, "tide 6, I b-z( ducted a recount of the votes Czst in the Sppcid Election tc a ~aczr,cg on the City Couxif in ti= City of Cml-;od. nis Election was consolidated with the Direct E-.i"lary Election ht Jme 4, 194. Proper cleclaratiorr having been filed rJith tbi: the recout has con6UCte6 Qn ZUkr 8, 1974, zqd the foregoizg ccmplete co2y of all of the retru?;s of seid recomt. Witness ny he?& and OfZicial Sed., this 8th d2y of July, 191 ) ss. -(7y,,pd, r I j\7 ;/ * ~ , 5' ,&? F %& Wf )' L, / ,' - CBk??s J. S%~OB, EGIST'-Lq 07 'I I EXHIBIT "A" i/ 0 ?/ , ' ', .. AlV. , *_ .\ 5. .* .. .; ij - "'! 1974 - . " j A SOLUTION OF-THE BGARD OF SLTERVISO'X DECLRRING THE ' l I%SULTS OF TEE SPECI-AI, MUNICI1AL .. ELECTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSi3AD CONSOLIDATED WITH THE STATEWIDE: ?RIi?_?RY ELECTION OF JUNE 4, 1974,. .. -? . . _. A7 ~ p-. .. . .> -: . - , LL. .- .. . . y... cr . . \i I. .. .I .\xi! -! :>; C'..~ ,. ue -c B. On xotion of Supervisor Brobm- fl seconiisd 'by Supemisor .. .. .. .. Bear 8 the following resolution is adopted: Di:. - , -. - .. .. . . .. .. - .. . WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad. requested that this Board consolidate the election of said city ~ith the Statewide "-, Primary. Election. of June 4, 1974; and ., .. . WEREAS, this Board ordered the consolidation of said election .. . . ., with said statewide primary. election; and .. ... . , .- .. .. ~ .. ... . . , .. . ., ., .MEREAS, said'consolidated election was called, held and conducted in ,the manner required by .law, and on July 2, 3,974, the Registrar of Voters of the County of San Diego certified I), to this Board the results .of the canvass of saLd consolidated election (Board of Supervisors Doc. No, 490403); and following a rkco-x~t z:u"Lficziz.sd' by.- law, ti19 Xsgistrar 92 Voters certifiec? to.: this 'Board on July lo,. 1974, the results of - the recount (3oard of Supervisors Doc. No. 490791 1; ana .. W~ZEAS, the Clerk of this Board has. entered upon the' records of this Board a statement of said results; . NOW THEPZFOFE IT IS RESOLVED AND DZCLARED khat the 'results of' gald election, as recounted, are as follows: 0 .. ... 63, ,. *. 6 ', I. 9 PL For mmber 0.f the City Council for the unexpired portion .c 05 2 term of .office in which a vacancy was created,. said 0 . gem" to. end on March 9, 1976. .. MARY H. CASFLER 1,714 .. .. DAVID. F. ..DATPES : 497 .. .. , ' .x7 .. .. DnDVD0m I3 r) nuuhClfrL u- L-RESCOTT . . 846 .... ~THONY J. smmmxr 1,720 .. .. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the 'Clerk of this Board certify ., .. said results 'to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad by , . 3orwarding to said city a certjfied capy of this resblution; -. ... .. .. .. . ._ ... ... - . .,. ........ ...... ...... ...... .... .... .. , ..~ . '. . -. .... ." ." .. .. .. .- .. .. ., - . ...... .... . .. .. .. .. 6j "_ "_" .-. "." ' .. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the 30ard of Supervisors of the ' . County of San Diego, State of California, th.is 10th day of m July ; 1974, by the followinq vote: w - - .. AYES : Supervisors BroTm, Conde, Bear,, and Taylor NCES : . s~prcisska $$one .. 2+BSENT: Supervisor Walsh "a STATE OF CALIPORXIA ] ss. County of San Diego ) .I 7 I, PORTER D. CRE??AIIS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sari State of California, hereby certify that 3: have coinpared the foregoing copy with original resolutiorz passed 2nd adopted by safd Board, at a regular neetin: theqe'of;,j:B,t;,fhe time and by the vote therein stated, which original resolution is $ih<'iri ray.ogfi,ce; -that the S~ICS contains a full,. true and correct transcript the. I,.. ' ,,->+&d .of tEie whq1e thereof, ,\' ', '.) 't. ., 1 , ; . f ! . Jxly, 1972 I : j 'j,, . , , . \Vi,tness m hand 2nd the seal of said Board of Superviscxs, this 10th . da. ., ., '> ,i ; ...... . -. 7. PORTER. D . CEMANS ", z x . > ' ~ .:, %' ,. ;;? ,, , / , 1. '"d~,,,>,~ , % >,'I )<I ('i ~ ') .' 0 . Clerk o /$the Board -of Spporvis~r 5 .:I By ./DoR~ / .3&+4,d E. Tmble &-ab (C7AT \ ... ....... . 3C31ltP. ...