HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-17; City Council; Minutes7: f < r. CITY OF CARLSBAD - B 0 8 0 Meeting of: CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned) Date of Meeting: July 17, 1974 Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Place of Meetinq: Council Chambers - ROLL CALL: Vice Mayor Chase called the meeting to order and an- nounced this meeting had been called for the purpose of completing those items carried over from the regular meeting held July 16, 1974, and the public hearing on the General Plan. Mayor Frazee was present at 6:05 P.M. I [ 29 ] Agenda Bill #3141. Operating Budget for Fiscal year 1974-75. The City Manager presented Exhibits A, B, Cy D, indi- cating additions and deletion to the budget, and re- quested they be made a part of the resolution adopting the budget. Mr. Bussey also commented on the followin! i tems : I Travel a1 lowances. In reviewing the travel a1 low- ances for this past fiscal year some of the monies budgeted were not expended.- Rather than change any of the amounts budgeted for this year a close check will be kept to keep expenses down, and if it is found that more has been budgeted than needed, the amounts will be reduced next year. Police radios. It appears there are some radios available from the Police cars, and a check will be made to see if they can be used in other departments. Emergency generator. In checking the equipment, of the pumping stations, it does indicate there is a need for some emergency equipment. A further report will be made to the Council, however, at this time it looks as if the equipment will run between $20,000 and $30,000. Cmn. McComas questioned the purchase of Capital Improv ment items until revenues are available this next fiscal year, and the City Manager stated a memorandum will be sent to all departments requesting a priority list over the four quarters. Cmn. Skotnicki was concerned over the fact the total assessed valuation has been going up steadily and the City has not had to increase its tax rate; however, he questioned the ability of the taxpayer to continue absorbing these additional taxes. It was his feeling the City should look at various means of alleviating the burden of the taxpayer and suggested the following l matters for study: (a) Further study of Charter City vs. General Law City; (b) consolidation of the two water entities; and (c) sharing of heavy equipment not being used 100% of the time with neighboring cities. RESOLUTION NO. 3467, adopting a Final Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year 1974-75 for the City of Carlsbad and establishing controls on changes in appropriations for the various departments and funds, incorporating Exhibits A, B, Cy and D, was adopted after the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent .of the Counci 1. I I 3 - I COUNCILME1 ( vg \Ti /8/ ~ Present X x Absent ''; x Motion X Absent xx Ayes X .: * ' CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- Adjourned meeting of Citv Council Julv 17. 1974 B {28] Bicentennial Committee. The Mayor informed the Council in the appointment of the members to the Bi- centennial Committee two members were omitted and re- quested that the resolution be amended to include William 0. Merritt and Roy R. Sanchez, bringing the total number of members up to 15. RESOLUTION NO. 3458, appointing fifteen persons to the Bicentennial Committee was adopted as amended, after the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous I) consent of the Council. [68] Reimbursement for C.P.O. meetings. Mayor Frazee informed the Council at the time the Joint Powers Agree- ment was entered into this City Council took the posi- tion the City's representative would be reimbursed for attending one meeting per month. In the last few months it has necessitated attendance to at least two meetings each month, and the Mayor asked for comments from the Council as to allowing reimbursement for two meetings each month. It was agreed that the Council change its position to allow reimbursement to the Cities, C.P.0 representa- tive for two meetings each month. 0 several. vacancies that would need to be fil led - one [!%'i Appointments. The Mayor announced there were on the Water Committee; two terms will expire on the and Myles Regan); two terms have expired on the Parking Parks and Recreation Commission in August (Eric Larson Also additional persons are needed to serve on the Authority (Edward W. Snedeker and George W. Killan). Senior Citizens Committee. Mayor Frazee requested the Council members to submit names of persons who would be interested in serving. Councilman Lewis was present at 6:58 P.M. [lod, Assembly Bill 2648 - as amended June 24, 1974. Mayor Frazee made reference to a letter dated July 16, 1974 from the City of Oceanside addressed to all elect- ed officials in San Diego County, stating the City of Oceanside's position that the proposed bill concernling regional transportation is premature for several reasons, especially as it affects the North County area. Crnn. Chase moved that the City of Carlsbad take the position of backing the City of Oceanside's opinion on Assembly Bill 2648 as amended. Following discussion it was agreed that this matter be continued to the next regular meeting for further study. Cmn. Chase withdrew his motion. E701 State Parks Bond Monies. The Mayor announced the County of San Diego has asked that the City of Carlsbad recommend names of persons who would be willing to serve on a citizens advisory committee. It is his understanding the committee will be divided into two groups that will work with the local Parks Director. I COUNCILME? 1 p& sr 9 t 82 ?w Motion Ayes: xx Motion xx Ayes x I. , CITY OF CARLSBAD A -3- July 17, 1974 - B B I) 0 9 I [57] Land Use Amendments. The Mayor announced that the Public Hearing on Land Use Amendments had been continued to this date and would be reopened at this time. Persons wishing to speak would be: heard follow- i'ng the ,staff re.por'ts. . ; The Planning Director made an oral presentation of the items discussed at the July 15th Public Hearing, re- viewed the items, staff recommendations and the City Council action. He stated he would continue with the staff reports on items remaining to be heard. North Shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The Planning Director reviewed the matter of the North Shore of Agua Hedionda Lagoon stating the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission and Land Use Committee for this area is 4-10 dwelling units per acre. Nine property owners represented by Attorney Nick Sauer and three property owners represented by Attorney Thomas Murray, are requesting the land use category of 10-16 dwelling units per acre. A transparency was displayed on the overhead projector indicating the location of- tk propertyownersrequestingthe higher density. The Plan- ning Director stated the Planning Commission and the Land Use Committee recommended th3.t the densities remain as shown and the City Council has not yet made its decision on what the proper land use density should .be for this area. . 1E MR. RAY WINTER, representing nine of the proper- ty owners in the area, stated the property owner were requesting a density of 10-16 dwelling unit per acre. Following discussion, the Council concurred with the staff recommendations. Group 10 Request. The Planning Director stated a request was received from Group 10, a group of property owners who own a parcel of land in the vicinity of Hosp Grove. The request was that their holdings be designated as "Medium Density-Residentiali' 4-10 d.u. per acre. The Land Use Committee, Planning Commission and the staff recommendation is that the density remain at 0-4 d.u. per acre as indicated. The Land Use Committee and the Planning Commission both felt that Group 10 request was not reasonable due to the fact that it would be extruding into a single- family neighborhood to the south and also because of the topography and the potential saving of a number of Eucalyptus Trees that exist on the site. Exhibiting a transparency, the Planning Director defined subject area as the entire block in the vicinity of the Elm Avenue Reservoir at the Elm Avenue extension and Donna Drive, to include the remaining portion of the Adler property although that was not a part of the request by Group 10. i There was no one in the audience who wished to be heard with regard to this request. The Planning Dir- ector, upon inquiry, informed the Council that Group 10 was represented by Bob Ladwig of Rick Engineering at the Land Use Committee Hearing and since that time they have made no further presentations. The Public Hearing was declared closed and following discussion by the Council, the Council indicated their concurrenc with the recommendation of the staff for RLM - 0-4 d.u. per acre. ! L COUNCILME1 1 - ? ? i 83 M "05 9 L I .. .., . CITY OF CARLSBAD -4- July 17, 1974 1 D I) I, Bressi Ranch Request. The Planning Director, identifying subject property on the proposed Land Use Map, stated a request was made by Mr. Byron White, re- presenting the Bressi Ranch, for a portion of the Bressi property to be designated as Planned Industrial or Non-Residential Reserve on the Land Use Plan becaus of the impact of Palomar Airport. Further, he stated the Land Use Committee recommended that the area re- main as residential only and that the proposal could best be considered at the time of annexation, zoning, or future General Plan Amendment. The Planning Com- mission recommendation was that some of the area be designated as "Non-Residential Reserve" as shown on the Land Use Plan and the staff agreed with that re- commendation. The property owner and representative of the property owner have indicated their concurrence with the recommendation and are agreeable to submittin at the appropriate time, a master development plan for their entire parcel. MR. BYRON WHITE, 2300 First National Bank Building, San Diego, representing the Bressi Ranch was heard,, He stated they agree with the proposed Land Use Map for the reasons outlined by the Planning Director and at the time of annexation, they can be more precise. MR. DON McKLELLAN, Lomas Santa Fe Development Coy Solana Beach, stated he does concur with Non-Residenti designation on the property as shown on the map. I ( t I It was agreed by the Council that the staff recommenda tion be accepted. t e Ro-osevelt Commercial The Planning Director re- ferred to a request which was made by several owne'rs of existing C-2 zoned property along Roosevelt Street. He stated the request of the property owners was that their holdings be designated on the Land Use Plan .as "Neighborhood Commercial" and that the existing zoning be changed from C-2 to C-1 with the requirement of Specific Plan approval prior to development. The Imain concern is the possible adverse impact of introducing more multiple-family units into the neighborhood and loss of potential economic gain. He stated it was the property owners feeling that C-2 land uses and C-2 zoning were not the desirable land uses that could allow a particular neighborhood to evolve and more importantly,-that there .shou-ld.be some k,ind,: of. commercial designation give'n to properties that exist on the peri.phery of the central business district. Adjoining neighbors in the area felt that commercial was not the desirable use but at the same time, they felt that additional multi-family residential uses were not necessary. Following meetings with citizens groups, the citizen's Land Use Committee, Planning Commission testimony and after a number of presentatio to residents in the area, the staff recommended that the area bounded by the railroad track and the alley between Madison St. and Roosevelt and the area from Chestnut north be designated as a combination district which would primarily be oriented toward Professional- Administrative uses with the provision under some type of restrictive city program (Special Use/Specific Plar The Planning Director further elaborated on the staff recommendation. He stated the Planning Commission, Land Use Committee and citizens felt that this would be the most workable solution for some degenerative effort in that portion of the downtown and it was the I ! 1 I - 1 8s ~ COUNCllMElr ~ I' , -:* CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- July 11, 1974 - B B m 0 c ~~~ ~ ~ recommendation of the staff that the Council follow that action. He further stated that this area should be considered and given attention in connection with the Special Treatment area of the downtown and explain ed it will be a new land use category and land use program which has not yet been addressed. No one from the audience wished to be heard and dis- cussion ensued by the Council. The Planning Director, after lengthy discussion, recommended that the staff return with a written report- on what has been discusse also with a list of options and recommended course of action for the Council to assess. It was the concensu of the Council that the matter be returned to the Planning Commission with the report from the staff as recommended by the Planning Director outlining several options and especially asking their opinion on amend- ing the existing General Plan. t < RECESS: The Mayor called for a recess at 8:15 P.M. and the .Cbuncil reconvened at 8:30 P.M. Savage Request. Mr. Bill Savage, whose property lies north of Batiquitos Lagoon and east Of 1-5 and which falls within the Sphere of Influence, was heard by the Council and spoke in support of his mVst for a higher density than that recommended by the Land Use Committee, Planning Commission and staff. He stated he would agree to alter his original request of 16,-24 d.u. per acre to 10-16 d.u. per acre. He stated t:hat the land use density of 0-4 would be a tremendous burden. He further stated that his request at this time is that consistency with the property to the west along the north shore be maintained. If the Council agrees with his request, he stipulated he would-submit a Specific Plan for Council approval prior to develop- ment. If the Council cannot agree and the density is set at 0-4 as recommended, in all probability, the land will remain as it is. He urged the Council to agree to a higher density and return the matter to the Planning Commission for further study. The testimony portion of the he-a.r?ng was closed and-.disG cussion held with comments 'interjected by- the Planning D.irector..It was the concensus of the Council that the matter be returned to the Planning Commission for fur- ther study; Councilmen Chase, McComas and Mayor Frazee requested it be returned to the Planning Commission with a recommendation of 10-16 d.u. per acre. Council- men Lewis and Skotnicki requested the matter be re- turned to the Planning Commission with no density recommended. North Pi0 Pico. In response to the request of many property owners that a more intense land use desi nation be considered on Pi0 Pico, north of City Hall because of the impact of Interstate #5, the Planning Director stated consideration was given this area and it was recommended that, with the exception of the one parcel deleted by the Council at the meeting of July 15, 1974, the parcels as shown on the transparenc fronting on the East side of Pi0 Pico, between Laguna Drive and Buena Vista Drive, and all the properties on the West side of Pi0 Pico, south of Las Flores Drib be designated as Professional-Administrative and Re- lated Commercial, plus consideration that all access be taken from Pi0 Pic0 Drive. - ! I COUNCILME? ( 1 - 9 3- I I 5 ¶ kf s7 3 85 'p z* ". . 0 ,.., I CITY OF CARLSBAD -6- July 17, 1974 - B D B 0 1 MR. ANTHONY SPANO, 1240 Buena Vista Way, and MR. JIM LESTER, Knowles Avenue, expressed their opposition to the proposed land use designation. It was agreed by the Council that concurrence be given the recommendation of the staff. Bedroom Densities. The Planning Director stated a point was raised regarding bedroom densities and land use. He explained that service requirements are primarily based on the number of people using those public facilities and the number of people is largely governed by the number of bedrooms available per dwell ing unit. Densities based on unit count alone do .not give the service requirement per person option. The concept of bedrooms per acre rather than dwelling.units per acre was discussed by t~heLand Use Committee but was not included in the final draft. The Planning Commis- sion also discussed this concept but felt the idea needed more investigation and suggested that the staff prepare an in-depth study on the subject. Following, the study, it was suggested that if the City wished to include this concept in the Land Use Element, they could adopt it as an amendment to the General Plan at a later date, and the staff concurred with the Plannin Commission on this matter. Some discussion ensued with regard to the concept of bedroom densities. The Planning Director, in con- cluding his report informed the Council that Section 1 of the Report are those items which must be returned to the Planning Commission for report. The only por- tion that has to be returned to the Planning Commissio in Section 2 are those areas that differ from the Planning Commission recommendation. The Couricil concurred with the staff recommendations deleting item 11-A (Bedroom Densities) from the Final Draft, and a motion was made that the items in Section 1 be returned to the Planning Commission for report an the items in Section 2 that differ from the Planning Commission recommendations be returned to the Planning Commission for report. b ( r ( The Mayor announced the only items that have not been discussed, at this point,, are Densities and Densi.ty Ran- ges. in. th? Inner City,.. .A motion was made that the Public Hearing be continued to the next regular meetin! 13,- ,.:ADJOURNMENT: BY proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. T3 Respectfully submitted, &15:@L MAR A T E. ADAMS City C1 erk ng COUNCILME? i v g /cf% M %@ 7 Motion Ayes xxx Motion xxx .Ayes X Motion Ayes xxx