HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-08; City Council; Minutes. .. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEI %'fl Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: August 8, 1974 h# Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers Absent X 196 %@ 1 - ROLL CALL: xx Councilman Lewis arrived at 5:47 p.m. C991 Agenda Bill No. 3165. Future agreement on proposed Parcel Split No. 140-A, south of Palomar Airport Road and east of Lowder Lane. APPLICANT: ANDREW McREYNOLDS The agreement is in regard to the future construc- tion of Encina drainage channel improvements, as required at the time of the Tentative Map approval. RESOLUTION NO. 3488, approving an agreement betweer Motion X the City and Andrew McReynolds for future drainage Ayes xx channel construction and authorizing the Mayor to Absent X execute said agreement, was adopted after the read- ing of the resolution was waived by canaBn!.tilof the Abstain Csunci;!:. .t.' B .. 1571 Agenda Bill No. 3166. Citizen and Professional Advisory Committee on Seismic Safety and Geologic Hazards Element of the General Plan. The City Manager explained that as a requirement of the Government Code, a Seismic Safety Element as part of the General Plan must be adopted. Because of certain requirements to insure maximum coordination, it is recommended that the above named committee be established. Resolution No. 3489 was presented and the follow,- ing amendments were made: Section 3, item (4) - amended to read: "To recommend seismic safety objectives for land uze; Section 3, item (5) - amended to read: "To s.ecommend objectives for reducing seismic hazards as related to existing and new structure.;. Section 6 was added, to read: The committee shall appoint one of its members to act as chairman at its first regular meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 3489, creating and establishing ': consent of the Council. aftier the reading of the resolution was waived by X Absent on seismic safety and geologic hazards, was adoptec xx Ayes the citizens and professionals advisory committee Motion Committee appointments were discussed and in addi- tion to the list of names submitted for consider- ation by the Planning Department, AL.W. PAHL, MAX AMOS, AND ALLAN McDOUGALL were offered ds ,poss:i blie candidates for the committee. €t..-was moved thdt the list submitted by the staff Motion comprise the nucleus of the committee and that it Ayes xx be increased by a minimum of two(2) lay people, Absent X and that consideration be given to the names alreacy submitted. CITY ATTORNEY: The law suit of Sonoma vs Petaluma in which the limiting of dwelling units for con- struction each year was at issue, is. now-going to be appealed. The League of California Cities has suggested that all the cities participate in this B *. - D D c CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME Augu - -2- st 8, 1974 (adjourned meeting) new litigation. The law firm of Rutan and Tucker is preparing an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the City of Irvine. The City Attorney asked the Council's pleasure in the matter. The Council discussed the matter in detail and agreed not to participate in the appeal and instructed the staff .to notify the League of this decision. REFINERY. The City Attorney informed the Council that if they wished to place the refinery issue on the November ballot, it would be necessary to pre- pare the measure and have it in the hands of the Registrar by August 23rd. The City Attorney cited legal and technical differ- ences in such a measure as the refinery and the community pool 'which was on the March General Muni- cipal Election. - Councilman Lewis arrived at 5:47 p.m. The Council discussed the potential legal problems and use of the public hearing process at such time as the refinery application is submitted. The City Attorney further pointed out that the law does not provide for zoning by initiative, that there is a real potential that this would inter- fere with the constitutional rights of the prop,ertj owner if this were placed on the ballot. A motion was made that the City Attorney be Motion instructed not to pursue the matter at this timle,, Ayes xx RECESS. The Mayor called a recess at 6:OO p.m. and the meeting was reconvened at 6:25 p.m. ADJOURNMENT. Agenda Bill #3123-Land Use Element-con't to 8-14-71. By proper motion, 'the meeting was adjourned at Motion 6:30 p.m. to August 14, at 2:OO p.m. in the City Ayes xxx Counci 1 Chambers. Respectfully submitted, I ~ Noes X -.~-y&i-f?~ qYc/ MAR ARE E. ADAMS, C ty Clerk VIRG N A M. SMITH, Recording Secretary