HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-10-15; City Council; Minutes?S "' aY*wFIL- L3 ,paTy 1 OF ~~ Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) 'Date of Meeting: October 15, 1974 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chanbers 1.11 "_ ~~ ,_ 1- ROLL CALL: 2- INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Frazee. 3- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. I 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Minutes of the regular meeting held October 1, 1974, were approved as presented. 0 5- CITY COUNC1.L COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council committee reports were given. In report E681 ing action taken by CPO, Mayor Frazee stated the voting had been delayed for 30 days on the es- tablishment of a Regional Housing Authority. . Previously this city has opposed such an author- ity. Thz Mayor requested this matter placed on the agenda for discussion prior to November 18, 1974. 6- PUBLIC HEARINGS: C113-j (a) Agenda Bill #3199 - Supplement #l . ' To con- [9g] sider a request for approval of a Specific Plan for property generally located on the north side of Lowder Lane (Paseo del Norte) between Palomar Airport Rd. APPLICANT: Pacific Point Propertic ,, 0 The Planning Director gave a staff report and stated all of the policies and ordinances of thc City, including the Public Facilities Polic~, have been met by the applicant. The staff is recommending two additional conditions added to the Specific Plan, which the applicant has agret to. The first condition concerns compliance with the California Vehicle Code; the second condition is relative to Coastal Commission (Regional or State) permit issuance, and the recommended wording is contained in the Memor- andum to the City Manager from the Planning Director dated October 9, 1974. MR. ROBERT LADWIG, Rick Engineering, represent- ing the applicant, stated they are in agreement with the conditions, including the added condi- the school district stating public facifities would be provided. The following persons spoke in opposition to thf proposed development primarily for the reasons there is insufficient open space and play area for the children who would be living in the development, therefore, they would be using the faci 1 itieS in the Alta Mi ra Development, whjch is an adult community: Mr- Foster, an attorney representing residents from Alta Miya; Rex Hunterbury, resident of Alta'Mira; and Russ Richards, Alta Mira property owner and Presiden- of the Alta Mira Association. Mr. Richards re- ferred to his letter on file and requested on behalf Of the Association, they would like 'the matter continued to allow time for arguments.. \ tions. He presented a copy of a letter frorn ~ 1 Plr. Ladwi g addressed the Counci 1 and' commented on remarks made' by Xr. Foster. .' The I .. ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ I: j_____ 0 0 OTY " OF CA -2- October 15, 1974 u public hearing was closed at 8:25 P.M.. In reference to a comment made by Mr. Foster,, the Council inquired of the City Clerk if the . Pub1 ic Hearing had been properly .noticd,c!:---. .,.!. .. The City Clerk stated all parties on the propert: ownership list supplied by the Planning Depart- ment had been notified and the Hearing was pro- perly advertised in the Carlsbad Journal. A motion was made that the staff be instructed to prepare the documents necessary for approval of Specific Plan (SP-161) and CT 74-17, to in-. clude added conditions. E1131 (b) Agenda Bill #3212. To consider an Amend- ment to a Specific Plan on property located :sout' of Palomar Airport Road and. west of El Camino Real. Applicant: Systems Capital Corporation. The Planning Director gave a staff report st,at- ing that Conditions 81 and #2 of City Council Resolution #3087 are no longer required and it is the staff recommendation and the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission that they be deleted. MR. ROBERT HALPER, Manager of Hughes Aircraft (Systems Capital Corporation) was heard by the Council. No one else wished to the heard and the Pulic Hearing was closed at 9:20 P.M. RESOLUTION NO. 3526, amending a Specific Plan for property located south of Palomar Airport road^ and west of. El Camino Real. by the amendment of Resolution No. 2087 to delete Condition Nos. 1 and 2 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 836 regarding a traffic signal and access road. (Case No. SP-109), was adopted by title .only with further reading waived. ~1131 (c) Agenda Bill #3213. To consider the Environ [85] mental Impact Report and a Specific Plan to a110 development of 253 units on 100 acres of land generally located on the southerly side of Palo- mar Airport Road and easterly of El Camino Real. Applicant: Carrillo Rancho Partnership. Also to be considered is Tentative Map approval for CT 73-29. The Planning Director gave a staff report. He stated the Planning Commission and the staff are recommending approval of the Specific Plan with an added condition to the Specific Plan which would require an archeological investiga- tion and report prior to issuance of any permits He stated this was not included in the Resolu- tion of the Planning Commission approving the Specific Plan but was requested to be added to City Council's approval of the Specific Plan. MR. CHARLES SOLAZO, representtng Ponderosa Homes the developer, informed the Council he would be available for any question the Council may have and further stated Ponderosa Homes would agree to incorporate whatever was necessary to satisf) the uncovering of any archeological finding!; on the site. 9 NC:)L%A$ I I ,1 CITY - NCPLMI 7 0 ". 0' -3- 0ctobe.r. 15 ,. 197.4 - No one else wished to be heard and the public hearing was closed at 9:45 P.M. The Environmental Impact Report (EIR-185) was accepted for Carrillo Estates (Ponderosa Homes) as recommended by the staff. Further, the staff was instructed to prepare the necessary documents for approval of Specific Plan 132 and Tentative Map CT 73-29 for the reasons and upon the conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolutions 1099 and 1100 with the ad- ditional condition contained in the Planning Dir- ector's memorandum to City Manager dated October 9, 1974, said condition to be expanded to reserve the authority on the part of the City to impose additional conditions on the Specific Plan or' Tentative Map as may be deemed necessary in yiew of the results of the archaeological investiga- tion. "____" I - " . . . . . " -. . -. . " - - ". . . . - .". - ". .. - - " "_._ - - -. . -. . . . . . . ."_ - 7- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Planning. :571 1. Agenda Bill #3123 - Supplement #2. Re- port from Planning commission on Amended Land Use .Element of the General Plan for the City of Carlsbad. The Planning Director gave a staff report and stated Mr. Gary Wrench, representing the Plannin! Commission was present to discuss two areas of concern to the Planning Commission: 1) decision on commercial land use designation south of Marron Road that is commonly known as the "Ripiker property. 2) City Council action on the land use designation along north Pi0 Pico, north of City Hal 1. Mr. Gary Wrench addressed the Council on behalf of the Planning Commission and discussed the extension of "0" uses along north Pi0 Pic0 and stated it was felt that premature development such as this cause strip development land uses. He urged the Council to restore the designation along the.North Pjo Pic0 area to the RLM designa tion as unanimously requested by the P1annin.g Commission. The second area of concern relates more to the extent than to the substance of the "0" designation southwest along the east side of El Camino Real from Marron Road. The propert is a triangular piece which begins south of Marron Road and proceeds until it tapers and ends at the extension of Elm Avenue. He proceed ed to explain the Planning Commission's feellings with regard to the "0" designation and proposed that a revision be made prior to the adoption of the Land Use Amendment of the General Plan. He further stated the primary concern of the Planning Commission in each case discussed .is to avoid "strip development". . .". . I i -__".- -." "" ~ I. ___II 0 "" .. .. . 0 r7-Y . f GARLSBAD c224JMa LIME October 15, 1974 -4; . .. i.- """"""_" _"_~_ ~~ ~ ~. 7- Following discussion, a motion was that the recommendation of the Planning Commission in connnection with the request to delete the "0" designation and restore the RLM 'designation alon! north Pi0 Pico, be accepted as presented. The motion died for l-ack of a second. A further motion was made that the land use cle- signation "O", as set by the City Council remain along the .north Pi0 Pic0 area. Following discussion of the property southwest a1on.g the east side .of El Camino Real and Marron Road, it was moved that Agenda Bill #3123 be continued to an adjourned meeting. It was agreed 'by the Council that .all of the records indicating Council action as well as Planning Commission action and graphics be made available to the Council for review. [991 2.. Agenda Bill #3214. Request for approval of tentative map for Carlsbad Tract 74-20 to allow development of 20 Condominium units locatel on the west side of Harrison St. south of Ch.irr- quapin Ave. Applicant: Harrison Lagoon, a Partnership. The Planning Director gave a staff report and exhibited a transparency of the proposed develop ment for Council review. He further stated the project is now under development and is 95% complete. The Council approved the Specific Pla (SP-70.1) in May, 1973, but due to a misunderstan ing on the part of the applicant, a tentative map was not filed. The applicant has met all ordinances and policies of the City of Carlsibad. A motion was made that the recommendati0.n of the staff and the Planning Commission for approval of the Tentative Map for CT 74-20, be accepted and the City Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary documents for approval. The staff was also instructed to review the conditions of the tentative map for consistency witti the exisitng Counci 1 Pol icy. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 1O:OO P.M. and the Council reconvened at 10:15 P.M., with all Councilmen present. 7- -. .. . 6. ruaiic Works. -. . E99 1 1. Agenda Bill #989 - Supplement #2. Final map for Carlsbad Tract 7-2-13, condominium projec located north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon betwee A.T. & S.F. Railroad and 1-5. APPLICANT: Larry Hunts (Papagayo) The Final Map for Carlsbad Tract 72-13 (Pa.pagayo bonds within fifteen days. I I was approved, subject to receipt of fees and I I B _a36 Motion (Motion died) Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes - Motion Ayes . . . . . .. . .. Mo ti.on Ayes Noes i > ., CITY - i= CARLSBAD CCUKX" - e """ 0 - -5- ............................. .. .. . ....... ..... 111 '. C. City Manager. c84 1 1. Agenda Bill #3217. Readvertising and solicitation of new bids for compact sedan. A staff report was give'n by the City Manager and the following Resolution was adopted by titlte only with further reading waived: RESOLUTION NO. 3530, rejecting all bids rece,ived and authorizing and directing the Purchasing Agent to readvertise bids for a compact sedan.. C841 2. Agenda Bill #3278. Purchase of office- furniture. Following a staff report by the City Manager, the Resolutions listed below were adopted by title only with further reading waived: RESOLUTION NO. 3531, accepting a bid and author- izing the execution of a contract for office furniture. RESOLUTION NO. 3532, accepting a bid and author- izing the execution of a contract for office furniture. Resolution No. 3531 authorized the execution of a contract for office furniture with Southwest Office Interiors, 7480 Convoy Court, San Diego, California 92111 in the total amount of $758.96, tax i ncl uded. Resolution No. 3532, authorized the execution of a contract for office furniture with Lewis and O'Nei71 Office Equipment, 3102 San Luis Rey Road Oceanside, California 92054 in the total amount of $3,106-86, tax included. ~291 3. Agenda Bill 83219. Amending salary schedule for fiscal year 1974-75. The City Manager gave a staff report and answer- ed inquiries by the Council. . ,I ."_.." . - ."""."..1.. .. .." "_.."._ . """". ._ ..."."..."".._ "...". ..______ "__ "" . __ ......"..... .. - RESOLUTION NO. 3533, adopting an amended salary plan for fiscal year 1974-75, was adopted by title only with further reading waived. The above Resolution amending the salary plan was in connection with the Utilities-Maintenance Department. E1041 4. Agenda Bill #3220. Interim Bus Service for Carlsbad. The City Manager explained that the City of Oceanside was unsuccessful in their bid for buse to implement the full bus system proposed for Carlsbad at this time but the Oceanside Trans- portation System, by reducing their charter ser- vice, is willing to make a bus available to the City of Carlsbad for interim bus service. It was,moved that the staff be directed to imple ment interim bus service for the City of Carlsba ........ "_ ".."."". -.. ..... 237 - Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes .- _"." .. " . - Motiol Ayes Motiol /.Ayes ~ I P W 0 : < .a C" ravs 0 .. J' , .. v October 15, 1974 ills C. City Manager continued - 5. Agenda Bill $3139 .- Supplement iil. Plaz, Camino Real - Participation in Parking Lot Ex- pansi on. Following a brief report by the City Manager, Mr. Austin Anderson was introduced, representing the consulting firm of Levander, Partridge and Anderson, Inc., who recently completed a study of the financial impact of the proposed expan-. sion of Plaza Camino Real, for the City of Carlsbad. Mr. Anderson presented the findings of his analysis regarding the financial impact of tihe proposed expansion of Plaza Camino Real, and utilized visual graphics to review his findi.ngs. He further stated his findings reflect very con- servative figures and the figures could be much higher. Mr. Robert Getz, President of the May Stores Shopping Centers, Inc., addressed the Council briefly and commented that the findings of the report were very conservative. Following discussion it was agreed that the City of Carlsbad would not participate financially in the construction of any parking facilities in connection with the proposed Plaza -Camino Rea7 expansion; and that the City Council would con- sider some degree of participation in the off- site improvements to Marron Road that might be necessary to provide access to the expanded center. ADDITIONAL .BUSINESS: (a) City Council. ."_ .-... ^ _.. . . . " ....... . " . ..~" . -. -- .. .. . - . .. ". . 1. Removal of Palm Trees on Adarns St. Cmn. Skotnicki expressed his displeasure with the removal of Palm.Trees in connection with the widening of Adams Street, and stated he felt: if a similar situation should arise again more con- sideration should be given to preserving the natural surroundings. 2. Public Works - Fee Study. Crnn. Skotnick stated he was concerned about the possibility of the Engineering Department losing monies on their plan check fees;and felt a study should be made. The City Manager informed the Council a study was made within the past six months, however, the study was held up due to other studies being made. Mr. Bussey .assured the Council the matter would be brought to the Council within the near future. 3. Bicycle Motocross. Cmn. Chase requestec a report from the Police Department regarding the bicycle motocross. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 12:Ol A.M. to Wednesday, October 16, 1974 at 5:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, uqdY@- ZLlJhET E. ADAMS, City Clerk ..,fin A /at en nnrtrn n- --.- "Grin Cnrrni-arv .