HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-17; City Council; Minutes7 I) 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: December 17, 1974 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers w I ~~~~___~ ~ ~- ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ 1- ROLL CALL: Councilman Lewis arrived at 7:15 p.m. 2- INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Frazee. 3- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was lead :by Cmn. Chase. 4- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (a) Approval of the minutes of the adjourned. regular meeting held November 26, 1974, was given. (b) Approval wds $iven the minutes of the meet- ing held December 3, 1974. 5- COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS were given and no action was taken. The reading of text of ordinznces was waived. 6- PUBLIC HEARINGS: The hour of 7:30 p.m. having arrived, the Mayor declared the Public Hearings open. C1131 (a) Agenda Bill #3252. To consider a request for amendment to a Precise Plan to allow Real Estate Offices at the Country Store, 4901 El Camino Real. APPLICANT: JAY AND MARYON D. HOFFMAN The Council heard the staff report and recommend ations for approval of the amendment to a Precis Plan, City Council Resolution No. 1507. No one wished to speak and the public hearing was closed. The Council discussed the matter and it was referred to the staff for preparation of the documents necessary to amend Resolution No. I507 to permit real estate offices. E1131 (b) Agenda Bill #3253. Request for approval of E991 pre-annexational zone change from San Diego County E-1-A to City R-1-7500. Also to be con- sidered is a tentative map for CT 74-14. APPLICANT: INVESTOR'S DEVELOPMENT & MORTGAGE CORP. (Templin Heights) The staff presented a report on the subject property and stated all ordinances and policies, including Public Facilities, of the City hhve been met. The Planning Director pointed out the Planning Commission has recommended a cornbin ation of R-1-7500 and R-1-9000 to more adequate1 meet topographic conditions. Mr. Cliff Burford, representing the developer, addressed the Council and stated concurrence with recommendations of the staff and the Plisn- ning Commission. ~ No one else wiihed to be heard and this portion ~ of the public hearing was closed. I I I- 3 \,\ COUNCILME1 Motion xx Ayes X Motion Ayes xxx ~ ~ 7 0 I CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 -2- December 17, 1974 The Council discussed at length the sewer and water facilities a9 well as ;other conditions of approval of the tentative-map. I Following discussion, the Environmental Impact Report was certified. I The staff was directed to prepare the documents necessary for approval of Zone Change ZC-145 and tentative map CT 74-14 and to amend condition No. 15 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 1117 It was also agreed that condition No. 14 of said resolution be amended to require a see- ondary access to Elm Avenue be completed prior to construction of Phase 2. I The staff was further instructed to include the standard traffic signal prosecution policy as a condition of approval of the tentative map. (c) Agenda Bill #3254. To consider an appeal [431 of the decision of the Planning Commission in granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a church on the north side of' Oak Avenue between Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Highland D APPELLANTS: CHARLES AND MARIE NISSEN, et a1 1 A review of staff recommendations and Planning Commission action was given by the Planning Director. The City Clerk stated that no additional corres- pondence had been received other than those letters already provided the Council. The public hearing was opened and the following people spoke in favor of the Conditional Use Permit: Re..w..; and blrs.#iJohn Amos, applicants, and Char1 es Amos. Speaking in opposition to the construction of a'i church on Oak Avenue were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nissen, Don Chaplin, Cleona Bryant, Claude Rhedd, Leona Collins, all residents of Oak Avenue. I No one else wished to speak and the public hear- ing was closed. I The Council discussed the matter and it was agre that the site being.'considered was too small to accommodate a church with adequate setbacks and landscaping buffers as well as being on an unim- proved residential street and not on a secondary or collector street as the General Plan requires I The Council indicated its intent to grant th,e appeal of the Planning Commission decision and returned the matter to the Commission for report with the recommendation that the des,ision:;of the Council' be upheld. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called a recess at 9:45 p.m and the meeting was reconvened at 9:51 p.m. with all Councilmen present. 1 1 ;269 y s, %* 9 Motion Ayes xxx Ayes Motion xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion xxx Ayes X d Motion Ayes xxx I I - 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCllMEi c " -3- December 17, 1974 I c 1131 (d) Agenda Bill #3259. To consider an eight (8) hanth extension of an Urgency Ordinance (Ordinance #9403), prohibiting commercial develol ment in the Roosevelt Street Study area. The Planning Director stated that additional timl was needed to prepare a schedule for development of a Specific Plan for the Downtown area, which includes the subject properties and appropria,te zoning tools to accomplish the proposed combin- ation district designated 0-N. No 0n.e wished to speak and the public hearing was closed. Following discussion, a motion was made to adopt Ordinance No. 9414 as read in full. Additional discussion ensued. The Council agreed that the staff be instructed to set as a priority the development of the 0-N ordinance and that it be accomplished within four months. ORDINANCE NO. 9414. AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA MERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ROOSEVELT STREET STUDY AREA was adopted. ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY MEASURE PROHIBITING COM- 7- DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: A. Planning. ~131 1. Agenda Bill #3242-Supplement No. 1. [99] Approval of zone change from R-1-10,000 to R-1-7 and tentative map for-CT 74-4 was given at a public hearing held December 3, 1974. Resolution No. 3555, announcing find$.ngs:.and ,_ decision regardi'ng change of zone (ZC-142) from R-1-70,000 to R-1-7500 and open space (0-S) to allow construction of 234 single family homes on 107 acres located southeast of El Camino Real and Route 78. LEADERSHIP HOUSING SYSTEMS, IIVC. A new motion waiving the reading of the text of ordinances was offered to allow Councilman Lewis an opportunity to vote because he was not prlesen earlier in the meeting when reading of ordinance was waived. ORDINANCE NO. 9413, AMENDING TITiE 2'1 OF THE,' CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING . MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1-10,OOO tO R-1-7500 (ZC-142) AND OPEN SPACE (0-S) ON 107 ACRES LOCATED SOUTHEAST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND ROUTE 78 was introduced for a first reading. Resolution No. 3556, approving with donditions Tentative Map (CT 74-4) to allow construction of 234 single-family homes on 107 acres located southeast of El Camino Real and Route 78, was adopted with the reading of the resolution being waived by unanimous consent of the Council. I F. e 3 L 1 I B 0 %ol 7 3,749 - Motion xxx Ayes X Motion Ayes xx r 00 Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Mot i on Ayes xxx Motion xxx Ayes X - D 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME I " -4- December 17, 1974 I ~ ~~- E1131 2. Agenda Bill #3243-Supplement #l. Approv, of the Master Plan for area to be known as Valle Verde was given at a public hearing held December 3, 1974. LOMAS SANTA FE DEVELOPMENP Resolution No. 3557, approving a Master Plan (MP-153) to allow a planned industrial develop- ment on.approximately 187 acres and planned ' residential development on 410 acres, locatedl 1/2 mile east of El Camino Real on the north sidl of Palomar Airport Road, was adopted with the reading of the resolution being waived by una,n- imous consent of the Council E991 3. Agenda Bill #3255. Request for approval of a tentative subdivision map for Carlsbad Tract 74-21 , to permit development of approximat1 187 acres for industrial-business park purposes, 1st Phase of Valle Verde development. The Council discussed at length the proposed tentative map and a motion was made to delete condition #13 regarding Lot 35 from the list of conditions of approval. There was no second and the motion died. The staff was directed to prepare the documents necessary for approval of the tentative map with conditons as outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1119. It was moved that the staff be further instructe to delete condition #13 of the Planning Commiissi resolution B. Public Works. E991 1. Agenda Bill #2174-Supplement #l. A request for extension of time on a tentative map for CT 73-38, known as Carlsbad Gardens, located at Tamarack Avenue and Jefferson Street was considered. HIRSCH - STERN Partnership '.The staff informed the Council this was the last tentative map approved before the public fac-ilit pol icy was adopted. Robert Hirsch,: developer, addressed the Council urging the extension be granted to allow an opportunity to meet the public facilities policy The Council agreed to continue the matter to the first meeting in January, 1975. E991 2. Agenda Bill #2189-Supplernent #l. Request for extension of time on tentative map for CT 73 known as Spinnaker Hills subdivision, located easterly of and adjacent to Lagoon Lane. STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO The matter was continued to January 7, 1975. E991 3. Agenda Bill #2207-Supplement #l. Approv of final map for CT 73-49, Unit #1, for deve'lop- ment of industrial park generally located on the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Paloma Airport Road and El Camino Real. CABOT, CABOT AND FORBES PROPERTIES, INC. I a e e C C 1 - a r 271 1 Motil Ayes Noes 1Y Mot i Ayes Noes Moti n Ayes Noes es Moti Ayes 39, Moti 11 Ayes I I ~ ~ p on X on X on X on x on x I fi 55 9 X xx xx xx .xx :xx CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEI 1 -5- the acceptance of future reserved street at Cen- tella Street and Estancia Street. LA COSTA LAND COMPANY 5. Agenda Bill #3257. Approval of San Mar The City Manager reviewed the Interim Parks Agr ment between the City and La Costa Land Co. and the details concerning what is to be included i the survey. He recommended that the Council approve the new map, with the two lots at the rim of the canyon to remain as open space. Mr; Fred Clorey, representative of La Costa, spoke and indicated concurrence with the recom- mendations of the City Manager. The Council extended the first supplement of th Interim Parks Agreement of October 15, 1973, fo two months and accepted the boundary map of -the canyon as presented, with the understanding tha the two lots at the rim of the canyon would remain as part of the open space under pr?iva.he projects which would result in the creation of new jobs, the constrwtion of Marron Road and the parking lot could generate as many as 900 additional job opportunities. Additionally, it is estimated that certain improvements in the downtown area would produce a significant number of permanent jobs and on this basis the two projects could qualify for funding from the The Council instructed the staff to submit the OEDP Project Summary to the General Committee f the San Diego Region for consideration in the Overall Economic Development Program. C. City Manager. 1. Agenda Bill #3259. Purchase of lavalie microphones for Council Chambers. The Council agreed that the installation of lavalier microphones on the dais would facilita communications and Resolution No. 3559 was o,ffe for adoption. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCllMEl 1 -~ December 17, 1974 -6- I I RESOLUTION NO. 3559, authorizing the expenditure of funds for the purchase of microphones,was adopted by title only after the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. ~1 051 2. Agenda Bill #32.61. Joint application witb County of San Diego for Grants, pursuant to Hous- ing and Community Development Act of 1974. I) I C991 (a) Agenda Bill #3244. ORDINANCE NO. 9412. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0 The City Manager outlined the basic points in filing a joint applicatt,on with the County, and stated that the City of San Diego and the City of Carlsbad are the only two cities in the count) that have their own housing assistance plan. Thi will not be changed. I Resolution No. 3560 was offered for adoption. - RESOLUTION NO. 3560, authorizing submittal of joint application(S) with County of San Diego for grants pursuant to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, was adopted by title only after the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Countil. I 1851 3. Agenda Bill #3242. City Charter con- sideration. The staff stated that through the League of California Cities, contact had been made with Bill Holliman, an attorney formerly with the League, who has some expertise in City Charters. I He would be willing to speak to the Council. The Council directed the staff to arrange for Mr. Holliman to speak to the Council at an adjourned meeting after the first af the year. E51 1 4. Agenda Bill #3240-Supplement #l. Propos Fire Station No. 3. With the consent of the Council this matter was continued to January 7, 1975. 8- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 20 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 20.22 TO PROVIDE FOR THE FILING OF ADJUSTMENT PLATS, was given a second reading and adopted. E1131 (b) Agenda Bill #3235-Supplement #l. ORDINANCE NO. 9410. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMEND ING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A PREANNEXATION CHAN (RESIDENTIAL DENSITY-MULTIPLE ZONE) AND C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL ZONE) ON 16.5 ACRES TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL AND APARTMENT COMPLEX ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ALGA ROAD AND EL CAMINO REAL was given a second reading and adopted. (CAL PACIFIC PROPERTIES) OF ZONE FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY E-1-A TO RD-M I 1 I is E' ( Y qf 9 z,3 ~ % 9 Motion Ayes (X( b Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X d Motion Ayes X Absent xx Motion Ayes X Absent xx E - rn 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD December 17 , 1974 -7- I I E1131 (c) Agenda Bill #3236-Supplernent #l. ORDINANCE NO. 9411. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, I ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-160) FOR A 135-UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON 43.2 ACRES LOCATED ON THE EAST SID OF CREST DRIVE BETNEEN ELM AVENUE AND EUCALYPTUS AVENUE, was given a second reading and adopted. (KAMAR CONSTRUCTION co.) 9- CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were approved by one motion affirming the actions on the Consent Calendar: C991 A. Agenda Bill #3263. Resolution No. 3562, E451 approving an agreement between the City and Will T. Price and Diana D. Price for Future Street: Im provements on Forest Avenue and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement, was adopted., C701 B. Agenda Bill #3145-Supplernent #2. Contract; 1.02 [451 The Council accepted the work on Contract 7022, beach access steps at Grand Avenue and Ocean Street on behalf of the City and instructed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and to release bonds 35 days after recordation. i - I 110- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1 [lo51 1. Agenda ill #3250. Offshore Oil Drilling.. This matter was considered at the meeting of December 3, 1974 and the staff was directed to prepare a resolution opposing offshore drilling. Resolution No. 3561 was offered for adoption. ~ - RESOLUTION NO. 3561, opposing at this time plans to lease Federal Lands for drillina i:h !the I outer continental shelf off the cogst of souther California, was adopted by title only after the reading of the resolution was waived by unanimous consent of the Council. ~ 1 The City Attorney informed the Council a meeting was planned for Friday regarding offshore dr,i71- ing and he had not received a copy of the EIIR. [371 I 2. Councilman Skotnicki requested a report Ibe made on the progress of the Growth Monitoring program, Capital Improvements program, and the up-dating of the public works fees. [691 : 3. Mayor Frazee stated there is a vacancy on th~ Parks and Recreation Commission and no new applications have been filed. E281 4. Mayor Frazee appointed Jerry Rombotis, B,ar- bara Brill and Tom Monreal to the Citizen of the Year committee. [37] 4. Councilman Chase suggested that each council. man submit items to be incorporated in the agendi for the next joint meeting with the Planning Commission. 11- RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: Ratification was Qiven payment of the payroll in the amount of $104,121 .50 for the period of COUNCILME - - Motion Ayes X Noes xx Motion xx)i Ayes )i CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -8- December 17, 1974 November 18, 1974 bhrou$h December 1, 1974, E certified by the Director of Finance and approve by the Auditing Committee. Ratification was given payment of bills for General Expenses of the City: City Operatio the amount of $179,397.02; Water Operations iin the amount of $43,315.01 and Net Payroll in the in the amount of $68,408.34; TOTAL BILLS: $291.12037, for the period of November 18, 1974, through December 1, 1974, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. [34] Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Frazee stated he had x Motion audited the bills for the Chamber of Commerce best of his knowledge. He recommended bills in and found them to be true and correct to the xxx Ayes the amount of $2,498.35 be reimbursed the Chambe). 12- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:17 a.m. Respectfully submitted, ,i.-flT..t 24&&-~ MARGAR'/ E. ADAMS, City Clerk VIRGINfA M. SMITH, Recording Secretary B