HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-19; City Council; Minutes1, - 0 D lr CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meet Date of Meeting: March 19, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers - ~~~ ROLL CALL: I The following items were continued from the regular Council Meeting held March 18, 1975: I C. City Manager. I c101 I 2. Agenda Bill #3292 - Supplement #l. Taxi applications for Carlsbad. I A staff report was given by the City Manager and he stated the staff, as instructed by the Council at their last meeting, has prepared the douments necessary for approval of taxi cab service in Carlsbad. In reviewing the matter, the City Manager noted that each company had separate rates which were incorporated in the Certificate of Convenience and Necessity and that, if at some time, any of the taxi companie wished to change their rate, the matter would have to return to the Council. ! C The following Resolutions were adopted by one motion, by ti'tles only, and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived: RESOLUTION NO. 3616, determining that the Publi interest, convenience and necessity require the issuance of a Certificate to the Encinitas Yellow Cab Company to operate two taxicabs in the City of Carlsbad and ordering the City Clerk to issue said certificate subject to cer' tain conditions. c - RESOLUTION NO. 3617, determining that the Publiic interest, convenience and necessity require the issuance of a Certificate to the Mesa Taxi Com- pany to operate four taxicabs in the City of Carlsbad and ordering the City Clerk to issue said certificate subject.to certain conditions. RESOLUTION NO. 3618, determining that the Pupli interest, convenience and necessity require the 1 issuance of a Certificate to the Oceanside Yellow Cab Company to operate three taxicabs in the City of Carlsbad and ordering the City Clerk to issue said certificate subject to cer- tain conditions. E371 3. Agenda Bill #3223 - Supplement #2. City Charter consideration. The City Manager reported he had contacted Pro fessor Ezgene C. Lee of the University of California at Berkeley concerning his views re lative to the advantages and disadvantages of city charters. He stated this was the last instructions to the City Manager from the Coun cil. Dr. Lee indicated, upon being contacted, that he would not be available to discuss the matter with the Council. I - - - Lengthy discussion ensued and it was moved tha the Council proceed with the appointment of a citizen's advisory committee, being a cross- section of the registered voters in Cali.lsbad; 1 Motion Ayes xxx I ~ ~ Motion ' Ayes xx ~ Noes X (Motion failed) *' CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCllME~ I) A -z- March 19, 1975 no more than fifteen (15) in number, whose pur- pose would be to draft a proposed City Charter and present it for the Council's consideration. Prior to the vote being taken, Councilman Skot- nicki stated after the formation of the commit- tee, the Council could direct them as to what their purpose is in coming up with a draft Charter with regard to instructions to the committee. The motion to form a citizen's advisory com- mittee for the purpose of drafting a proposed City Charter, failed for lack of a majority and no further discussion was held. C451 4. Agenda Bill #3322. Abandoned vehicle [781 abatement program - Contract with County of San Diego. Following a report by the City Manager, Resolu- tion No. 3619, was offered for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 3619, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego for the removal of abandoned vehicles within the City, and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement, was adopted by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived. E281 5. Agenda Bill 3323. Request for addi- [841 tional telephone at Senior Citizen's Informa- tion Center. The City Manager reported on this matter and referred to a letter dated February 20, 1975 from the Chairman of the Association of Senior Citizens. Following review by the council of this requesLa motion was made that authoriza- tion be given for the installation of a second telephone in the Senior Citizen's Information Center as delineated in the staff report. E681 6. Agenda Bill #3324. Associate City mem- bership in National League of Cities. A report was given by the City Manager who cit- ed a number of benefits which would be derived from the Associate City Membership. His re- commendation was that the City of Car+lsbad join this Association. Discussion ensued and a motion was made that the staff be instructed to ap.ply for an Associ- ate Membership in the National League of Cities for 1975. D 051 7. Agenda Bill #3325. Creation of Rede- C941 velopment Agency. This matter was taken out of Agenda order at the regular meeting of March 18, 1975 and dis- cussed at that time. 6 6 \v c, s 01 Motion Ayes xxx Mot i on Ayes XX) Motion XX) Ayes X Noes - 0 I) I CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- March 19, 1975 C741 8. Agenda Bill #3326. Proposed change to Chapter 2.44, Personnel, of the Municipal Code. I The City Manager gave background information which resulted in the presentation of this matter before the Council. He further stated it is the intent to create one Personnel Board which would serve as an advisory board on Appea and Grievances. Further, it is proposed that the Personnel Board consist of five members serving terms of four years duration; appointec by the City Council from a list of approximate. ly twenty-five recommended candidates, resul- tant of a joint management-employee association concensus. 1 i - C - Lengthy discussion ensued by the Council and a motion was made that the staff be instructed to prepare changes to Section 2.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to provide for a single munici- pal Personnel Board to act as an advisory board as recommended by the staff. The reading of the text of all Ordinances was waived at the regular Council meeting held March 18, 1975. 8- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: e1131 (a) Agenda Bill #3300-Supplement #l. ORDINANCE [941 NO. 9419, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-146A) TO ALLOW THE KELLY-KURLANDER- "i VANDERBERG SHOPPING CENTER PROJECT TO BE CON- STRUCTED IN FIVE PHASES ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN HAYMAR DRIVE AND MARRON ROAD, was given a second read- ing and adopted. (Azelea, Inc. - John Bartman) e1131 (b) Agenda Bill #3299-Supplement #l. O'RDINANCE NO. 9418, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING I MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM RD-M TO R-1-7500 ON A 1.5 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF LAGOON LANE BETWEEN POINSETTIA LANE AND THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON, was given a second reading and adopted. (Rancho La Costa Partnership) 9- CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were approved by one motion affirming the action on the Consent Calendar: A. Approval of Final Map. I ~ e991 1. Agenda Bill #3482-Supplement #2. The I Final Map for Carlsbad Tract 74-22. for condo- I minium project located south of Chinquapin Ave- nue and north of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, was approved. (Larry D. Hunts - "Papagayo") B. Proclamation. e801 1. Agenda Bill #3327. The week of March 24th thru March 28th was proclaimed "Jolly Green Clean-up Week". COUNCILME 6, \fi Le CpI S Motion Ayes Noes xx> I Motion Ayes XX) Motion Ayes XXI , Motion Ayes XXI - 0 t. - CITY OF CARLSBAD -4- March 19, 1975 10- C281 ~761 [221 C681 c251 1 ~ " ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: A. City Council. 1. Letter from Community Cause. Councilm Skotnicki referred to a letter from Community Cause and moved that the Council adopt a Coun- cil Policy which would provide for the nomina- tion of candidates to fill vacancies on boards committees, and commissions to be published from time to time, at one meeting of the Coun- cil to-allow citizen in-put and that Council action not be taken until the fol7)owing meetin The motion failed for lack of a second. ar 1, ga Discussion ensued and a motion was made that the Mayor be directed to write a letter to the Carlsbad Community Cause relating that the Council decision is not to adopt a policy which would allow for the publication of names and that an established list is available for pub- lic review. 2. Appointment to Planning Commission. Mayor Frazee announced he would like to appoint Ronald C. Packard to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission created by Mary Casler and moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 3260. RESOLUTION NO. 3620, appointing one person to the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission, was adopted by title only w.i:'t;:hfurther read.ing waive I 3. Palomar Airport Master Plan. reported there will be a Public Hearina The held Mayorl by' CPO regarding the Palomar Airport Mister Plar and suggested that the Council review this matter. Further, he requested this item be placed on the next regular agenda. 4. San Diego Division of League. Mayor Frazee informed the Council he had received a letter from the San Diego Division of the Lea- gue of California Cities concerning appointments to various committees of the League and he point ed out that Carlsbad does not have anyone serv- ing on any of the committees. 5. LAFCO - Sphere of Influence Study. The Mayor announced he had received a communi- cation from the City of Oceanside together with a Resolution indicating their opposition to LAFCO spending any further effort on a Sphere of Influence study. They are asking local cities to concur with them in their opposition. Councilwoman Casler reported she attended a meeting recently with LAFCO and at that time, it was pointed out that LAFCO is mandated by the State to complete a Sphere of Influence study. Further discussion ensued and based on the information reported by Councilwoman Casler a motion was made that the Mayor write a letter to LAFCO stating that the City of Carlsbad has established boundaries for their Sphere of In- fluence and that efforts should be made to main tain these boundaries; further that the City of Carlsbad does understand LAFCO's requirement to complete the boundary study. COUNCILME Motion xxx Ayes x ' Noes > - Y Mot i on Ayes xxx - I<. *. 7 I) I I 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- March 19, 1975 ~1041 6. Transit Bill Legislation. Mayor Frazee reported that Senator Mill's has agreed to de- lete the North County from his Senate Bill (SB-101) on Transit Legislation. He stated it is his understanding that Senator Stull is pre- pared to present a Bill to the Senate setting up a North County Transit District which would consist of one member of the Board of Superviso and one member from each of the North County cities. Following discussion, it was moved that the City of Carlsbad go on record in support of the concept of a "North County Transit District 1 It was agreed that a position should be taken on this matter and the Mayor requested that the matter be placed on the next agenda. I C781 7. Skate Board Comp.1.aint. The Mayor stat ed it is evident that the City of Carlsbad is having a problem with skate boards, especially in certain areas of the City. The City Manage concurred that there is a problem and requeste direction from the Council. It was the con- census of the Council that they wished a repor on this matter and suggested that the Mayor's Youth Committee undertake a study on the pro- blem of skate boards in the City and prepare recommendations for Council consideration. E371 8. Request for Joint Meetings. Councilma Chase stated a number of requests have come in for joint meetings with the Council and no datt have been set yet to satisfy these requests. He stated joint meetings have been requested by CMWD, the Parks and Recreation Commission to discuss the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. Councilwoman Casler poknted out also, that the Parks and Recreation Circu- lation and Goals Element of the General Plan i forthcoming on the Counci 1 agenda. Also, Counci man Chase stated joint meetings have been re- quested by the Planninq commission, and he stated, personally,he would like some infor- mal work sessions held to discuss the possible Redevelopment Agency, Charter City as to goals for the City and the Capital Improvement Pro- gram. The City Attorney pointed out that ther is a requirement that the Genevlal Plan and zoning be consistent and at this time, not one piece of property has been rezoned. He stated that is one of the items that the Council is mandated to accomplish. Following discussion, it was agreed that the City Manager return to the Council with a list of critical priorities - Nr Id ,t n !I S 1 e 11- ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, %?$:ei e%z<k ~ By: N%ra K. Gardiner Recording Secretary I COUNCIL ME^ + S Motio Ayes I -