HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-08; City Council; Minutes- e 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD CQUNCILMEI Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeti Date of Meeting: July 8, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I - 1- 2- E351 3- c291 181 1 Do01 ROLL CALL : CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: The City Attorney reported on an article in the Sacramento Newsletter regarding Collective Bar- gaining legislation. Further, he reported on th appeal regarding the Beach Colony ,property which was denied by the State Coastal Commission and reminded those Council members who have not done so that the Proposition 9 Campaign Disclosure Statements must be filed by July 31, 1975. WORKSHOP - PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1975-76. Mayor Frazee announced the principle purpose of the meeting was to hold a Budget Session but there would be other items which would be dis- cussed in Executive Session. The City Manager presented a memorandum dated July 2, 1975, addressed to the City Manager from the Finance Director listing changes made to department summary sheets and detailed budget Tequest sheets. He stated these chlanges were no reflected in the operations and expenses justi- fication or the equipment justification sheets. Further, he requested that the Council consider these changes when reviewing the inldividual bud- gets. The City Manager also presented a new water budget dated July 7, 1975. Discussion was held by the Council as to the method which the Council would like to pursue in reviewing the budget and a question and answe period ensued on a number of the general items contained in the Budget. a) Purchase of St. Patrick's Churc:h Property. The City Manager informed the Council that the option offer to purchase St. Patrick's Church property had been accepted. He presented two alternatives for the Council Is consideration whereby the Budget could be adjusted to provide funds for the purchase of the property. The City Manager recommended the use of Revenue Sharing and General Fund monies since it would allow flexibility in the event the City wished to sell the property at a later time. b) Tax Rate. Councilman Skotnicki expressed concern that even though the assessed valuation has increased approximately 60% over the past five years, the tax rate has remained the same. The City Mana- ger referred to his budget transmittal letter dated June 27, 1975 in which he recommended that the Council consider a tax reduction of le in the Library Bond Rate and 16 in the Sewer Bond Rate, bringing the overall City tax rate to $1.93. I e t r l ing) Ji& Presen I - 0 0 .e CITY' OF CARLSBAD -2- July 8, 1975 - E291 Workshop - Preliminary Budget 1975-76 (cont.) Following discussion, it was the concensus of the Council that the 26 tax reduction would not materially effect the taxpayer. However, it should be kept in mind in the event a greater tax reduction could be made at a later time. c) Travel, Governmental Meetings and Dues and Subscriptions Expenditures. Following discussion, by rnoti:on, it was agreed that the Council consider a travel reduction in the amount of $3,000; that Governmental Meetings remain as reflected; that the Dues and Subscrip- tions be reduced by $3,000 and that the City Manager submit a report on the proposed reduc- tions. It was clarified that the $3,000 reduction in dues and subscriptions would exclude those that are mandated. d) Communication Expenditures. Councilman Skotnicki questioned the communica- tion expenses allotted and it was agreed that thc City Manager prepare a breakdown of communica- tion expenses for Council review. e) Council - Salary Increase. Councilman Chase noted that if the Council de- sired to change the Council's salary, this would be an appropriate time to increase it pr'ior to the next election. He stated any increase would not effect any .of the members now serving on the Council. It was further pointed out that in some cities, the Mayor receives additional com- pensation. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET REVIEW f) City Council. Following review, a motion was made! that the City Council budget portion be approved for dis- cussion purposes only, as amended, to include $3,000 in Account #9.1. g) City Manager. Following comments by the City Manager and brief discuslon, it was moved that the City Manager's budget be approved for discussion purposes only, as amended-to read $650 in Account #8.4. h) City Clerk. Brief discussion was held and it was moved that the City Clerk's budget be approved for discus- sion purposes only, as amended to read $7,000 in Account #5.1 and $5,000 in Account #8.2. 3 COUNCILME1 Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx - 0 e .c CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- July 8, 1975 ~ ~~ ~~~ Departmental Budget Review (cont.) i) General Government Administration. Discussion was held and a motion was made that that the General Government Administration bud- get be approved for discussion purposes only, as amended to include the addition of $1,500 in Account #8.2. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a brief recess at 9:01 P.M. and stated following the recess the Council would convene to an .Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Council convened to the Executive Session at 9:05 P.M. and the Mayor had previously announced the purpose of the Executive Session was to dis- cuss Personnel, specifically to meet with the City's salary negotiators. The Council recon- vened at 10:35 P.M., with all Council members present, The Mayor announced that the purpose of the Executive Session was to discuss Personne specifically wage and salary negotiations and the following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 3691, ACCEPTING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE REPRESENTATIVES OF MANAGEMENT AND THE CARLSBAD FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCI- ATION. RESOLUTION NO. 3692. ACCEPTING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE REPRESENlATIVES OF MANAGEMENT AND THE CARLSBAD POLICE OFFICER'S ASSOCIATION. RESOLUTION NO. 3693, ADOPTING SALARY PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE CARLSHAD POLICE OFFICER'S ASSOCIATION AND THE CARLSBAD FIRE- FIGHTER'S ASSOCIATION FOR THE 1975-76 FISCAL YEAR. Further the Mayor announced that agreement had been reached with regard to Executive Salary Plan Adjustments and the following motion was made: It was moved that the staff be instructed to prepare the documents necessary to reflect a 7%% increase for the City'Attorney and.Executive Salary Plan and a 10% increase for the City Manager. AJOURNEMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:39 P.M. Respectfully submitted, yT&r@k MARGA T E. ADAMS, City Clerk Nora K. Gardiner, Recording Secretary I 1 COUNCILME1 ( GG I45 ~ Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes Noes xxx Motion Ayes Noes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes X