HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-22; City Council; Minutes. .* dhv OF CARLSERD COUNCILME - <. . Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned meeting) Date of.Meeting: July 22, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meetinq: Council Chambers - 0 B I - I RO L'L CALL : The Mayor announced this worksession was for the purpose of discussing the proposed budget for fiscal year 1975-76. C291Travel - Dues and Subscriptions. The City Manager presented a memorandum to the Council dated July 21 1975, listing recommended reductions .in the Travel and Governmental meeting accounts for the depart- mental budgets. He suggested that the Council re- view the reductions and at the next budget session if the Council concurs adopt them by Minute motion as a group, and the staff will reflect the changes in the appropriate budgets. The memorandum further stated that in reviewing the dues and subscriptions, of the $22,400 budgeted $19,100 involves accounts that are pr.imarily a part of the departments,' operations. As to the $3,300 balance the City Manager recommended that no change be made, and the staff will develop a policy re- garding the use of the account for Council consider ation. Communication Expenses. A written report was sub- mitted concerning communication expenses from July 1, 1974 to May 31, 1975. The City Manager indicated the expenses for this period were less than the previous year. North County Transit System. An estimated fund balance for the North County Transit :System for Fiscal Year 1975-76 was presented, and the City Manager suggested that even though the monies go direct to CPO, he felt it should be shown as ai! budget item Encumbrances. The Council acknowledged receipt of a memorandum dated July 22, 1975 from the Director of Finance to the City Manager, listing outstandin! encumbrances and continuing appropriations as of June 30, 1975. Street Overlay Program. Mr. Bussey informed the Council he had made an administrative decision to pick up three streets in connection with the over- lay program, which under the overlay program, the work would have stopped in the middle of the stree- The cost of the work is estimated to cost an ad- ditional $14,000 that was not budgeteid. The loca- tion of the work picks up two legs on Ridgecrest and one on Seacrest. Capital Improvement Projects. Cmn. Chase suggestec to the Council that in reviewing the budget the following capital improvements be taklen into con- sideration: Swimming Pool Fir'e Station #3 Elm Avenue extension Purchase of St. Patrick's Church property ambul ance. He recommended that Hosp Grove, Canyon Dr. and the purchase of a Ladder Truck be delayed. I I !; J t, d - P \yi G. r %O c, /6/ resent x x x ~ I . c'hv OF CARLSERD COUNCILMEI Y , -2- City Counci 1 - July 22, 1975 /L A \fl Gw P Mayor Frazee stated he felt the City .is going to have to consider the improvement of a portion of Tamarack Ave. The City Manager reviewed the funding that is in this years budget and the funding that would be necessary to accomplish these objectives. Departmental Budgets. The Council continued its review of the departmenta' budgets, commencing with the City Attorney's budget By motion of the Council the following departmental budgets were given conditional approval : Motion e Ayes xxx Account Departmen: 105 City Attorney 106 Finance 107 Treasurer 111 Purchasing 112 Personnel 114 Ci vi 1 Defense 118 Bui 1 ding 119 Police and Grants 120 Fire & Fire Station #3 121 Engi neeri ng 122 Streets 123 Mechanical Maintenance 124 Pub1 ic Works Admn. 125 Utility Maintenance 126 Waste Collection 127 General Government B1 dg:;. 2-2107 Gas Tax 4- 108 Planning Discussion was held on specific items included in the Non-Departmental budget. The $1,000 a1 located for Lifeline was discussed and Cmn. Chase moved that the Lifeline contribution be deleted for this fiscal year. The motion died for lack of a second. The City Manager informed the Council several meet- ~ ings had been held with members of the Chamber of Commerce concerning the allocation for Community Promotion. It is the general feeling that perhaps a contract can be worked out whereby the Chamber would be the contractor and the City would oontract for specific Chamber services. Chamber President Harry Swanson was present and addressed the Council, stating that if a contract arrangement could be worked out between the City and the Chamber for specific services at fixed rates, it would make the Chamber self supporting. Following discussion by motion of the Council Motion $38,000 was allocated for Community Promotion. Ayes xxx A further motion was made to conditionally approve Motion the Non-Departmental budget as revised. Ayes xxx D I . ,.* t &Y OF CARLS~D CQUNCILMEI 1 *.'F -3- \\ 6r 9 /63 no 'ib City Council - July 22, 1975 By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at xxx Ayes 10:02 P.M. to Thursday, July 24, 1975 at 7:OO P.M. X Motion Respectfully submitted, 0 gzrE. ADAMS dFq- I)