HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-24; City Council; Minutes&Y OF CARLS~D Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned meeting) Ilate of Meeting: July 24, 1975 'rime of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. IPlace of Meeting: Council Chambers 0 0 D " c 291 ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~- ~~~ ROLL CALL: Cmn. Lewis was present at 7:03 P.M. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS : The Council continued discussion on the Depart- mental Budgets, commencing with the Park Budget. Park Department. The City Manager stated in re- viewing the Parks budget, Pate 157, he had deleted $6,000 for the purchase of a 3/4 Ton Truck. After discussing this item further with Mr. Johnson, it is his opinion the truck is needed, and recommend- ed the $6,000 be placed back in the Parks budget. Park-in-lieu fees were discussed in regards to the funds accummulated in the seven areas. Due to the fact the Hosp Grove development has not progressed as rapidly as expected, it was felt perhaps these funds should be used to commence the improvement of the Magee property. By motion of the Council it was agreed that Acct. 8.2, Page 155, designated "Design Drawings of Hosp Grove" be changed to Magee Property, and that the Park-in-lieu fund, Area #1 , designated "Hosp Grove Design" be changed to Magee Property, for a total of $13,000. After further discussion the Parks budget was conditionally approved with the addition of $6,000 for purchase of the 3/4 Ton Truck. Recreation Department. Discussion was held on the part-time salaries shown in the budget, and the City Manager informed the Council he has assigned Mr. Greer to study the hiring of part-time employ- ees and to submit a report. Also the City receive back approximately $35,000 in fees from persons participating in the various recreation programs. When the study is completed a report will be sub- mitted showing the break-down. Mayor Frazee stated he had asked the City Manager to check and see how many cities in the County are charging a 6% Transient Tax. It is estimated the extra 1% would bring in an additional $40,000. The City Manager stated as of September 1 , 1975 there will be four cities in the County charging 6%. Available funds for the swimming pool were dis- cussed and the City Manager stated he is in hopes of having $500,000 available by fiscal year 1976- 77. Cmn. Lewis noted on Page 164, Acct. 8.0, $1500 is set aside for the Mayor's Youth Council and other civic groups. It was his opinion th-is fund shoulc be separated from the Recreation budget and placec in the Non-departmental budget. The City Manager stated of this amount only $1,000 is allocated for the Mayor's Youth Council. I , i f COUNCILME1 ~~ 0.f q ru /63( 3 P Present x x X Motion Ayes xxx Motion xxx Ayes X > I ~ * I, cfrv OF CARLSERD ,. - D m c By motion of the Council it was agreed that the amount of $8,000 proposed for lease-purchase of the aerial bucket vehicle be deleted from Acct. I -z- City Council - July 24, 1975 I After further consideration it was agreed that the $1,000 allocated for the Mayor's Youth Council be placed in the Non-departmental budget, and $1,000 be deleted from the Recreation budget. The Recreation budget was conditionally approved as amended. Library. Discussion was held on the request for additional personnel, and Mrs. Cole, City Libraria was present and explained the need for the addi- tional personnel. By motion of the Council the Library budget was conditional ly approved. Sanitation Department. The City Manager stated he had removed the purchase of the Crane from the Sanitation budget and placed it in the Revenue Sharing budget. He noted this unit will meet Cal-Osha Safety requirements. Discussion was held as to the amount of use the equipment would have, and rental of the equipment vs. purchasing. Upon motion made by Cmn. Lewis and seconded by Cwn. Casler it was agreed that the amount allocat- ed for the equipment remain in the budget, and that a more detailed report be submitted to the Council prior to purchase of the equipment. The Sanitation Department budget was given condi- tional approval. A short recess was called at 9:00 P.M. and the meeting reconvened at 9:lO P.M. with all members present. Water Pollution. The Water Pollution budget was conditionally approved. Street Lighting. Considerable discussion was he1 on the lease-purchase of an aerial bucket vehicle The Public Works Director and the Utility Main- tenance Director gave a report on the need and use of this particular equipment in the street lighting maintenance program. d 3.0. The Street Lighting budget was conditionally approved as amended. Park-in-lieu Budget. The Park-in-lieu budget was conditionally approved as previously amended. Joint Sewer. The Public Works Director informed the Council the $168,000 available in the budget represents Joint Sewer Bonds Construction monies and connection fees that have been collected. Th funds will be used to construct a 24" force main on Jefferson St. for the Vista-Carlsbad Outfall (Phase I) and for the purchas from Vista Sanita- le COUNCllMEl 1 Mot i on xxx Ayes Mot i on xxx Ayes X Y Motion xxx Ayes X Motion xxx Ayes Moti on xxx Ayes X Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes X Noes xx Motion Ayes xx Noes X . c I. &Y OF CARLSERD -3- - n b - I City Council - Julv 24. 1975 tion District an additional share of the Vista- Carl sbad Outfall. The Joint Sewer budget was conditionally approved. Water Department. Following considerable discus- sion and a review of the bond indenture require- ments, the Water Department budget was condition- ally approved. Revenue Sharing. The St. Patrick Church property was discussed as to possible uses of the buildings if the City proceeds with the purchase of the property. It was agreed if the ultimate decision is to pur- chase the St. Patrick Church property that Option #1 recommended by the City Manager be used for funding the purchase. Other items in the Revenue Sharing budget were discussed, and by motion of the Council the Revenu Sharing budget was changed to reflect that the $100,000 allocated for street overlay be utilized for the possible purchase of the St. Patrick Church property, and that $100,000 be placed in the General Fund for the street overlay program. Travel , Government,al Meetings, Subscriptions and Dues. The City Manager referred to his memorandum dated July 21, 1975, listing recommended reduction in the Travel and Governmental Meetings for the various departmental budgets, as well as the recom mendation that no change be made in the dues and subscriptions. The Council accepted the recommendations of the City Manager as set forth in his memorandum dated July 21, 1975. ” Bicentennial Projects. Cwn. Casler noted there were no specific funds designated for the Bicenten nial projects, and the City Manager informed the Council many of the projects in the various de- partmental budgets for this fiscal year were re- quested by the Bicentennial Committee. Adjournment: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:53 P.M. Respectfully submitted, g$ggZAf- I L COUNCILME Mot i on Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx