HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-16; City Council; Minutes- a CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEI I - I I Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: September 16, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers /97 \ I m ROLL CALL: INVOCATION was offered by Vice Mayor Chase. Present Absent X PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given by Councilman Lewis. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held September 2, Motion 1975 were approved as presented. Ayes Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held September 9, 1975 were approved as presented. I Eon PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: I I Authorization was given the payment of the Bills for the General Expenses of the City: City Operations $232,008.14; Water Operations $10,291.50; Net Payroll Transfer $77,502.99 for a total of $319,802.63 for the period September 1, 1975 through September 15, 1975 as certified by The Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Motion Ayes Ratification was given the payment of the Payroll by the Auditing Committee. certified by the Director of Finance and approved August 5, 1975 through September 7, 1975, as Ayes in the amount of $120,023.13 for the period Motion 1341 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Vice Mayor Chase stated he had audited the bills for the Chamber of Commerce and found them to be true and correct to the best of his knowledge. He recommended reimbursement in the amount of $2,934.89. Motion Ayes By minute motion, the reading of the text of all was waived: Ordinances before the Council at this meeting Motion ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: The following Ordinances were given a second read- ing by title only and adopted: I 9'91 1. AGENDA BILL NO. 3417 - SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 1131 SP-104A) - CITY OF CARLBAD (Larwin- San Diego, 971 'hsupplement #2 - ORDINANCE #9433 REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 9324 AND ADOPTING AN AMENDED SPECIFIC 85.5 ACRES LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN ELM AVENUE AND MARRON ROAD. A Motion was made to adopt Ordinance No. 9433 by Motion title only. This motion was then withdrawn. A motion was made to continue this item to the next Ayes meeting. Motion failed for lack of majority Motion Noes A motion was made to adopt Ordinance No. 9433 by Motion title only. Due to a tie vote no action was Ayes taken. Noes The City Attorney informed the Council that this matter was still before the Council. By unanimous consent, the Council proceeded to the next item. PLAN (SP-104A) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 501 LOTS ON xx X xx X xx xx X xx xx X 1 1 ) ) ) X X CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 - B 8 -2- September 16, 1975 I lj.1312. AGENDA BILL #3443 - APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE CITY OF CARLSBAD (Rinker Properties) - Suppl. #1 ORDINANCE NO. 9436, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSB MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-159) FROM R-1-10 TO C-2-Q AND R-P-Q ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF EL CAMINO REAL AND MARRON ROAD ALIGNMENT. Councilman Chase wanted the record to show his vote was without prejudice because of the "Q" zone. 1'1313. AGENDA BILL #3444 - APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE - CAL-PACIFIC PROPERTIES (ZC-158) - SUppl. #1 ORDINANCE NO. 9437, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLS- BAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A PREANNEXATION CHANGE OF ZONE FROM C-1 AND RD-M TO C-1-Q AND RD-M-Q ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ALGA ROAD AND EL CAMINO REAL. Councilman Chase wanted the record to show his vote was without prejudice because of the "Q" zone. 7:31 4. AGENDA BILL #3460 - ADOPTION OF COUNTY ORDINANC SEPTIC TANK PERMITS - AMENDING CHAPTER 6.02. SECTION 6.02.010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE WHICH INCORPORATES CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE SAN DIEG COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES TO AMEND SECTION 68.326 AND 68.333 OF THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE AND TO REPEAL SECTIONS 68.334 AND 68.335 TO AMEND THE REGULATIONS RELATING TO SEPTIC TANK PERMITS. (Ord. #5046) PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3:21 5. AGENDA BILL #3467 - PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO PUBLI UTILITIES (P-u) AND LIMITED CONTROL (L-c) ZONES (ZC-69) The City Manager explained to the Council that ther were several changes in the proposed amendment that were not outlined in the staff report as pointed out by the Planning Director, He felt that further staff evaluation was needed. During Council discussion, it was suggested that energy transmission facilities, including rights- of-way and booster station facilities be studied, as well as a review of any limitations on the storage tanks. Vice Mayor Chase inquired if anyone wished to be heard. No one wished to be heard and the public hearing was closed. A motion was made that the matter be continued to the next regular meeting, October 7, 1975. 571 6. AGENDA BILL #3468 - SCENIC HIGHWAYS ELEMENT GENERAL PLAN - Resolution No. 3745 Vice Mayor Chase pointed out that the Council has not had a work session on this item. The Planning Director gave a lengthy staff report submitting Exhibit entitled "Exhibit A of February 1975, as revised August 21, 1975". He explained the element includes all recommendations of the ~ I P E -. ( (; -. I Motion Ayes D Noes Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes X xx X xx X xx X xx 7 B D 'c CITY OF CARLSBAD -3- September 16, 1975 I member "ad hoc" Citizens Advisory Committee. The staff had made an indepth report to the Planning Commission, to the Citizens-at-Large to explain the element was prepared and presented in accordanc with Government Code Section 65302 and consistent with the State of California Council on Inter- governmental Relations (CIR). The Planning Director then explained the steps necessary to implement the process, the goals of the Scenic Highways Program, the policies and action programs and the criteria for establishing Scenic Highways in the City of Carlsbad, and how the Master List was established. He pointed out the different routes with the aid of exhibit maps. Vice Mayor Chase inquired if anyone wished to be heard. No one wished to be heard and the public hearing was closed. A motion was made to amend page 14 of the Scenic Highways Element, Exhibit A of Resolution No. 3745, to include the Master List of Eligible Routes as set out in the memorandum to the City Council from the Planning Commission, dated September 15, 1975, pages 2 and 3. Council discussion then ensued with a question and answer period. The City Attorney clarified what was meant by an "adverse effect". The following resolution was adopted by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived: RESOLUTION NO. 3745, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN BY ADOPTION OF A SCENIC HIGHWAYS ELEMENT AS PART OF THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD (GPA-35). DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS: Planning Department 1251 7. AGENDA BILL #3469 - "EAST CARLSBAD DETACHMENT - NO. 2.25" (Rancho Carrillo) - Resolution No. 3746 The staff report was given by the City Manager stated that it is necessary for the Council to adopt a resolution requesting the detachment of the territory from the San Marcos Fire Protection District and seek approval of LAFCO. The following resolution was adopted by title only ~ and with the unanimous consent of the Council, ~ further reading was waived. RESOLUTION NO. 3746, MAKING APPLICATION FOR THE DETACHMENT OF TERRITORY FROM THE SAN MARCOS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND SEEKING APPROVAL OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - "CARRILLO RANCH DETACHMENT". I t COUNCILME1 Motion Ayes xx Motion xx Ayes X Mot i on Ayes xx CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 1 - B 0 -9- September 16, 1975 I 0518. AGENDA BILL #3470 - MAIL BOX LOCATIONS IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS - Resolution " No. 3747, objecting to - g delivery in new areas. affectin postal regulations A staff report was presented by the City Manager. The U. S. Postal Service recently adopted regula- tions which ended the process of home mail delivery to new areas and indicated that all mail delivery had to be to curb side mail boxes, specifying the type and requirements for the mail boxes. The Public Works Director stated legislation is in the offing to modify the regulations. Council discussion followed and the point was brought out by Vice Mayor Chase that the post offic will accept the temporary solution until the proble has resol ved. The following resolution was adopted by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived: RESOLTUION NO. 3747, OBJECTING TO NEW POSTAL REGULATIONS AFFECTING MAIL DELIVERY IN NEW AREAS. By minute motion staff was instructed to forward the resoltuion to all proper legislative agencies 1'1019. AGENDA BILL #3450 - CONTRACT 1026 - INSTALLA- 4.51 TION OF A WATER LINE IN SKYLINE DRIVE BETWEEN BIRCH AND ALDER AVENUE - A staff report was given by the Public Works Administrator. Nine bid proposals were received on September 4, 1975. The engineering staff has analyzed the bids and recommended the contract be awarded to the low bidder, CARLSBAD PIPELINES INC. Discussion followed regarding the difference in the bids, and the Council was assured by Public Works Director that the bond required for the bid was posted. The City Attorney clarified the acceptance of low bidder and what was meant by "responsi bl e bidder". Following discussion, Resolution No. 3748 was offered for adoption by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived: RESOLUTION NO 3748, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING TION OF A WATER LINE IN SKYLINE DRIVE FROM BIRCH AVENUE TO ALDER AVENUE was adopted and the bid was awarded to CARLSBAD PIPELINES, INC., of Carlsbad, California in the total amount of $17,96' THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT #lo26 FOR THE INSTALLA- 991 10. AGENDA BILL #3182 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION CHASE FINANCIAL (CT 74-7) The City Manager stated that a review cannot be completed prior to expiration date of September 17 1975 and requested the matter be continued. I r 1 5 204 Motion Ayes Motion Ayes Motion Ayes .oo. I 1 i fi a, PO 'rn X xx X xx 1 XI CITY OF CARLSBAD -5- September 16, 1975 - I) e - - [ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ A motion was made to refer the tentative map extension request back to staff for recommendation within 35 days. City Manager [84]11. AGENDA BILL #3471 - PURCHASE OF HOOD COVER [70]FOR DUMP TRUCK The City Manager explained the hood cover device fits on the back of a dump truck so that the cover will enable crews to use the brush chipper without causing damage to property and creating a nuisance. A motion was made to adopt Resolution No. 3749 by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived: RESOLTUION NO. 3749, AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF A HOOD COVER FOR TWO AND ONE HALF TON 1975 FORD DUMP TRUCK, by the transfer of funds from account 5-114-6.7 to 5-114-9.1 of the Parks and Recreation Budget, in the amount of $740.00 104.I12. AGENDA BILL #3742 - NORTH COUNTY TRANSPORTA- TION SYSTEM The City Manager informed the Council that the basic change in the contract was from the $9.82 per hour to $12.39 per hour for the City's payment towards the operation of the North County Trans- portation system in the confines of the City of Carlsbad. He noted that fees would be reduced on the contract by the amount of fare box revenue within the City limites. He recommended the Council approve the contract and advised them he would review further the break- down of the corridor line fee allocation. MR. D'AMICO, Assistant Superintendent of Oceanside Transportation System addressed the Council and answered questions concerning the contract, routes and fare allocations. MR. GIL DURAN, Marketing representative, presented the District's public relations program and marketing plans and explained the bus service in operation now and plans for future operations. Council discussion followed regarding funding of the transportation system. A motion was then made to adopt Resolution No. 3751 by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived: ~ , RESOLUTION NO. 3751, TERMINATING AN AGREEMENT FOR 1 BUS SERVICE BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC BUS TRANSPORTATION SERVICES was adopted. ! COUNCllMEl Motion Ayes xx Motion xx Ayes X 7 D I) CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEI I 1 -6- September 16, 1975 I ~ ~~~~~~~~ RECESS: Vice Mayor Chase called a recess at 8:45 PM and the meeting was reconvened at 8:45 P.M. with all Council members present except for Mayor Frazee COUNCIL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Vice Mayor Chase called an Executive Session at 8:50 P.M. for the purpose of discussing personnel, specifically an appointment to the Library Board of Trustees. The Council reconvened at 9:05 P.M. with all council members present except for Mayor Frazee. Vice Mayor Chase announced the following action was taken: [~;3113. AGENDA BILL #3742 - APPOINTMENT TO LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Following the Executive Session Vice Mayor Chase announced the appointment of DR. WILLIAM LIPKEMAN, 4519 Cove Drive, to fill the vacancy on the Library Board of Trustees which will expire in June, 1977 and the following Resolution was adopted by title only, and with the unanimous consent of the Council further reading was waived: RESOLUTION NO 3750, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The City Manager reported that the City had been asked to participate in studies by the University of Southern California which they may conduct on Productivity with the financial assistance of the Federal Government. C371There are two separate studies: 1) A management productivity study which consists of working with a consultant looking at the team effort of departments to study budget processes, programs and how productivity is measured. 2) A training study where it is anticipated a person on the City staff would spend one or two weeks training on analyzing reports on productivitj to get the most for the tax payors dollars. If the funds are granted to the University of Soutk ern California by the Federal Government the cost to the City of Carlsbad is estimated to be approxi- mately $1,200 for both studies. A motion was made to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the acceptance of the Management studies. CITY ATTORN.EY .ADDITIONAL BUSINESS No additional business. I I 1. 202 Mo ti on Ayes - Motiol Ayes y D CP r m 7 n 8 xx X xx !, CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 \B vrcrq -7- I-0 September 16, 1975 203 m I ADDITIONAL COUNCIL REPORT Vice Mayor Chase noted there will be a workshop meeting Tuesday, September 23, 1975 and the fifth Tuesday a joint meeting will be held with the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. to Tuesday, September 23, 1975 at 7:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, I) !'!.q(&&(&*&Z /$222@m MAR -AR E. ADAMS, CITY CLERK Claude te O'Bryan, Recording Secretary 0