HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-30; City Council; MinutesI" - B[37 0 c35 .I I ~ &Y OF CARLSERD Meeting of: JOINT CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION (Adjourns Date of Meeting: September 30, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. P1 ace of Meeting: Council Chambers Regular Meeting) I ~~~ ROLL CALL: Also present were Planning Commissioners E. H. Jose, Jr., R. L. Watson, Stephen L'Heureux, Ronald Packard and Eric Larson. Commissioners "J" 'IC" Fikes and E. W. Dominguez were absent. Commissioner Dominguez arrived at 7:07 P.M. I 1. REPORT ON CURRENT STATUS OF SDG&E and JAPUTAL LANDS. The City Manager stated this report is being presentec as a result of a request by the Planning Commission to review the status of S D G & E and Japatul Lands. He then deferred the report to the Planning Director. The Planning Director reported on San Diego Gas and Electric's Specific Plan which was adopted by City Council Ordinance No. 9279 in August, 1971 and reviewed the conditions of the Ordinance. Reference was made to a wall exhi bit and a smaller map which was passed to the Council and Commissioners for their perusal. The Planning Director reported further on an Amendment to the Spec.ific Plan which was approved by Ordinance No. 9372, adopted December 4, 1973. The Final EIR was accepted on November 20, 1973. He informed the Council that the amendment to the Ordinance incorporated conditions one through nine inclusive and eleven, as set out in Planning Commis- sion Resolution No.986 and added conditions fourteer and fifteen. Discussion was held regarding specific conditions contained in the Specific Plan Ordinance No. 9279. The Planning Director outlined the major conditions involved: a) Park area and athletic facilities; b) land use requirements; c) Carlsbad Boulevard improvements; d) Cannon Road improvements and e) Dedication requirements. ! I The City Manager during the Planning Directors comments amplified present status of each of the major areas, specifically addressing the park area and Carlsbad Boulevard street improvements. City Manager also indicated recent information and legislative questions as to whether or not Ordinance No. 9372 is negated by the terminology in the con- text of the Ordinance and if the only document in effect at this time is Ordinance No. 9279. He state the staff would research this question further and report back to the Council and Commission as to the status of the conditions contained in Ordinance No. 9372. A question and answer period then ensued. C ~ The Planning Director reported on the status of the ~ lands owned by Japutal Company. The Mayor stated that there was a representative in the audience from ~ San Diego Gas and Electric and Japutal Land Company. ~ and the Council reconvened at 8:20 P.M. with all I RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 8:lO P.M. Council members present. 2. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ON STATE PLANNING ACT. The City Manager stated since the City Council and the Planning Commission members were all present COUNClLh ed 206 - Presen I , AE' X -" -. B 0 &Y OF CARLS~D COUNCILME1 -2- 4q \$i ro September 30, 1975 0207 m I at one time, it was felt this would be an appro- priate opportunity to review the State Planning Act. He stated the City Attorney had prepared a report on this matter. A lengthy report was given by the City Attorney informaing those present of specific laws and regulations in connection with Planning Commission's duties and obligations. He further informed them of those portions of the law which allowed local government flexibility in the compliance of the State Planning Act. It was pointed out that the Planning Commission in most cases was an advisary body to the City Council. He advised them of the procedures established which were either mandated by the State Planning Act or set out by Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad and clarified the terms Specific Plan of the State Planning Act and Specific Plan as used by the City of Carlsbad in connection with developments in certain zones. A lengthy question and answer period ensued between the Commission, the Council and the staff. After it was satisfied that there were no further questiors, the report was considered concluded. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 P.M. to Wednesday, October 1, 1975 at 5:OO PiM at Rancho Carrillo, located at 6301 Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad, California. Respectfully submitted, Tf &&4/ L&&" 8. & +=j @i22/54<,~ MARGA T E. ADAMS, City Clerk Nora Gardiner, Recording Secretary ~ I