HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-14; City Council; MinutesF
c 781
Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL(Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: October 14, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
1. BRIEFING BY DEPARTMENT HEAD - Police Chief - Roy Kundtz
The City Manager introduced Police Chief Roy Kundtz.
Police Chief Roy Kundtz gave a lengthy report. Personnel was discussed in regards to new hires, retirement and injuries. New patrolmen have been hired and he reported they are sent to San Diego County Sheriff's for training. He reviewed and reported on the following functions of the Police Department: . traffic complaints, purchase of Radar equipment and lagoon and boating problems, curtailment of disturbances, crowd control, Holiday problems, motorcycle control, burglary prevention, and statistical methods of reporting. Programs such as CSO Program, Joint Enforcement program with County and neighboring cities, Juvenile diversion program and the Explorer program. Use of reserves and their functions were explained. Officer training and require- ments of new applicants were discussed. Refreshev courses and recruit training, FBI training, in- house training, and up-dating by the District Attorney's office has been done. Vehicles and communication aids available to department were noted. Chief Kundtz then summarized the major plans for the department.
The report was concluded by a question and answer period.
The City Manager passed to the Council a copy of the Transit Legislation. He pointed out that the members of the Advisory Committee are anxious to have a member appointed from the Council. The North San Diego County Transit Development Board
will become a legal entity the first of the year. The purpose of a member appointment at this time
will be to study the legislation, inform the Council of changes and bring to the Advisory Committee the Council's recommendations.
General discussion then ensue-d regarding the different types of entities, the possible con- flicts of SBlOl and SB802, the purpose of agencier, the representatives to the Board, voting re- presentation, allocation of funding, level of service, long range plans, the possibility of withdrawal, contracting vs. buying of facilities, managing vs. consulting. Mr. Bussy pointed out that Urban Mass Transit Program may have opera- tional money available. The term of office of the appointed representative was discussed.
Many questions were raised and the answers will be brought back from staff to the Council at a later date, along with the City Attorney's comments.
October 14, 1975 - L
Councilman Lewis moved that Mayor Frazee be appointed as a member of the North San Diego Count Transit Advisory Committee.
Discussion was held on the various responsibilities of the Mayor and the time needed for representation to the various boards.
'I Councilman Chase moved that Councilwoman Casler
County Transit Advisory Committee. fbe appointed the alternate for the North San Diego
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- -681Comprehensive Planning Organization -Representation
Discussion was held regarding the representation on the CPO board.
Motion was made that Councilman Chase withdraw his representation as alternate, and Councilman Anthony J. Skotnicki was appointed as alternate to the Comprehensive Planning Organization.
RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a brief recess at 8:05 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 8:15 P.M. with all Councilmembers present.
I 104 ] Senior Citizens Bus Fare
Mayor Frazee reported the North County Transit Advisory Committee has asked each City to approve a fare for Senior citizens to be one half or less of the fare established by the Committee, or the Board when duly constituted. The City Manager pointed out that the City would not be eligible for funds under Section 5 unless they took action on this point.
By minute motion the Council concurred with the Advisory Committee's recommendation to lower the Senior Citizens fare on routes within the City to one half or less the regular fare.
It was suggested that due to the fact that one half the regular fare would be 12 1/26, the fare be set at 106. By unanimous consent the Council agreed to charge lo$ until such time as the regu- lar fare is raised.
'2513. AGENDA BILL #3488 - DEANNEXATION OF CARLSBAD 1931 SEWER DISTRICT REQUIRED BY CT 73-29 [99] The Public Works Director gave a staff report on the purpose of deannexation of Unit No. 1 Carlsbad Tract 73-29 (Carrillo Estates). The sewer lines for this tract are designed to drain to the existing adjacent subdivision, which is within the jurisdiction of Leucadia County Water District. Using an exhibit map he pointed out the boundaries that are services by Leucadia County Water District and Unit No. 1 can best be served by the Leucadia County Water District.
The City Manager pointed out the alternatives to the deannexation and timing problems encountered.
October 14, 1975 2 22 \y *, Lo1
Discussion was held by the Council and it was by unanimous consent they requested this matter be held over to the next regular meeting.
By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned Motion X at 1O:ZO P.M. Ayes
Respectfully submitted ,
I g 2&LJ
E. ADAMS, 4 ITY CLERK O'Bryan, Recording Secretary