HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-25; City Council; Minutes< CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 - .c Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: November 25, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I a5 0- ROLL CALL: Present Absent 1. BOOKMOBILE DONATION TO LIBRARY - FRIENDS OF THE C631 LIBRARY CHARLA BOODRY of Friends of the Library presen- ted to the Council the donation of the Book- mobile. She briefly wemt over the goals of the donation, the costs involved and the vehicle specifications. It was briefly discussed among the Council members and moved that the City accept with appreciation this wonderful gift. 2. AGENDA BILL #3522 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION c481 MARCH 2, 1976. Staff report was given by the City Clerk. The Council was asked to make the decision as to whether or not to charge each candidate a sum not greater than the actual prorated costs of printing, handling and translating the Candidate's Statement. Motion Ayes It was the motion of Council that staff recom- mendation be followed and that the candidate Ayes assume the costs. Motion RECESS: bl>ayor Frazee called for a brief recess at 7:40P.M. and the Council reconvened at 7:50 P.M. with all Council members present. 3. BALLOT MEASURE - INCREASE IN COUNCIL PAY [371 The City Attorney brought two issues before the Council pertaining to pay increases. The first issue was for additional compensation for the Mayor and the second was for a 5% cost of living increase for the Council member's ser- vices. He explained briefly that this could be accom- plished in the form of an ordinance or the issue could be put on the ballot. After some discussion a motion was made that the staff be directed to prepare an ordinance to provide a cost of living increase of 5% based Motion on the provision of State law for cost of Ayes living increases since the last adjustment. Noes It was also moved that the staff be directed to prepare an ordinance for additional income for the Mayor for $50.00 per month over and above Motion what Council members may draw. Ayes It was also the consensus of the Council that should the public object to the increase in pay, the ordinance could be repealed after election. The City Attorney will prepare the documents for the December 16, 1975 regular meeting. \ X X X x 1 8 -5 X X X X X :x :x CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 7 8 B " November 25, 1975 2s I -2- - 4. REPORT FROM CITY ATTORNEY C681 The City Attorney gave a brief report on the League of Cal ifornia Cities - Legal Advocacy Committee. [35] The City Attorney stated that with the passage of Proposition 9, he was now placed in the position of having to prosecute any violations. [48] Further, the Attorney gave a brief report on the election. He then distributed election material to the Council and went over its contents. He suggested that the Council review the material and if they have any questions, to bring them to his attention. 5. REVIEW OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT UORK IN PROGRES r831 Ron Beckman handed out Engineering Department Project lists to the Council. He stated that these lists were for the revi.ew of the Council and he hoped Engineering would get some feed- back from them as to work priorities. The Assistant City Manager stated he would like to set the discussion for a future workshop agenda. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1. PROPOSAL OF VOTING DESK COMPONENTS AND DISPLAY [48] BOARD Councilman Skotnicki proposed that the regular desk-edge model voting station be replaced by the top of the desk station and that a large display board be used for posting of votes. The station in consideration is a #1 - 7 station table top model, such as that being used by many other cities. Since the City Manager has had the opportunity to utilize this model in El Cajon, it was decided to have him discuss this with the Council at a future date. At that time an agenda bill will be prepared and brought before the Council for authorization of the purchase. 2. PROJECT OZ 16*' Councilman Skotnicki informed the Council and c371 staff that he had talked with Project Oz's representative. The representative told Councilman Skotnicki they had been offered a house to board six runaways and conduct group therapy. This house falls into the R-1 zone which permits four unrelated boarders only and no group therapy sessions. Since Project Oz has been offered a $60,000 grant which is good only until December 26, 1975, Councilman Skotnicki inquired if there was some emergency measures that could be taken. ~ I The staff informed Council some alternatives had been discussed with the representative at a prior meeting with the City Manager and City C b - m v5 . CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNClLMEl 1 -3- Attorney to possibly resolve this problem. 3. WORM FARM C881 Councilwoman Casler had been informed of a complaint regarding a worm farm that when being fertilized, brought on an extraordinary amount of flies to the surrounding area. Councilwoman Casler inquired if anything could be done about this situation within the zone restrictions. Council was informed staff had brought this to the attention of the Health Officer. D ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 1O:ZO xx Ayes P.M. Motion LgT?Y?5Af%LERK Respectfully submitted, obson, Recording Secretary B