HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-16; City Council; Minutesli - P D L CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: December 16, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I 243 ROLL CALL: X Motion Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held APPROVAL OF MINUTES: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was given. INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Frazee. X X X Present November 25, 1975, were adopted as presented. Ayes xx Abstained X Minutes of the regular meeting held December 2, Motion X 1976, were approved as presented. xxx Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held xxx December 9, 1975, were approved as presented. X PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: xxx December 1 , 1975 thru December 15, 1975, as certi fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. X xxx I by the Auditing Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR: ~ I x XI x E991 ~ ~ i [99] 2. AGENDA BILL #3255 - Supplement #2 - TENTA- Resolution NO. 3803, approving unit conditions for Tentative Map Extension for CT 74-21. TIVE MAP EXTENSION - DONALD P. LOKER. [84] 3. AGENDA BILL #3508 - S.upp1ement #1 - PURCHASE OF MULTI-CHANNEL RECORDER SYSTEM. Resolution NO. 3804, accepting bid and authorizing execution of contract, was adopted. [84] 4. AGENDA BILL #3535 - PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC ~ POI VOTING SYSTEM FOR COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Resolution NO. 3805, authorizing and directing purchasing agent to make a sole source purchase of electric voting machine. [84] 5. AGENDA BILL #3536 - PURCHASE OF PICK-UP TRUCK. Resolution No. 3806, accepting bid and authorizing execution of contract for pick-up truck. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEI I - B B lr -2- I [96] 6. AGENDA BILL #3537 - YIELD CONTROL - ALTISMA WAY KT ALICANT,E.'ROAD. Resolution No. 3807, designating yield control on Altisma Way at its intersection with Alicante Road. [29] 7. AGENDA BILL #3538 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS - CAPITAL OUTLAY,' WELLS, RESERVOIRS AND DAMS. Resolution No. 3808, amending Budget for Utili- ties Division, was adopted. ORDINANCES 'FOR 'ADOPTION: By minute .motion,. the reading of the text of all Ordinances 'be'fsore ' the .Counc.i'l .at this meeting was wai'ved. The followinlg Ordinances were given a second reading by ti'tle .only 'and adopted. I II [74] 8. AGENDA BILL #3516 - Supplement #1 - DELETION Motion OF DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM CLASSIFIED SERVICE. OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE #11.86, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.44 x: Ayes IN THE UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE. OF SECTION 2.44.030 TO PLACE DEPARTMENT HEADS [113] 9. AGENDA BILL #3510 - Supplement #l - SPECIFIC Motion PLAN AMENDMENT - OCCTDENTAL LAND, INC. ORDINANCE # 9446 AMENDING ORDINANCE #9404 TO REVISE THE Ayes CONDITI~NS OF APPROVAL FOR A SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-135) FOR A 190 UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT ON 57 ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE NORTH- EAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF LOWDER LANE (SCHUYLER RANCHO ROAD) AND POINSETTIA LANE. - PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1[99] 10. AGENDA BILL .#3511 - APPEAL OF CONDITION- OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP - OAKL'EY PARKER. Mayor Frazee stated it was his understanding that the applicant has requested this matter withdrawn and the City Manager confirmed that this was the applicant's request. 111131 11. AGENDA BILL #3539 - ZONE CHANGE AND SPECIFIC PLAN - SAN 'DI'EGO PIPELINE COMPANY. I A staff report was given by the Planning Direc- tor and a transparency of the proposed site was displayed for review. MR. H.V. CORRODI and another representative from the San Diego Pipeline Company, explained the proposed project and what visual appearance it would have on the environment to the Council. The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:25 P.M. Discussion was held by the Council and a motion Motion was made that the City Attorney be instructed Ayes to prepare the documents necessary for approval of the Zone Change from L-C (Limited Control) to P-U (Public Utilities) and approval of the Specific Plan, as indicated in Plannning Com- mission Resolutions Nos. 1206 and 1207. X X xx xx xx ~ ~ - 1 I __ II - CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEN (I " -3- RT ut t'u 245 m December 16, 19?5 [57] 12. AGENDA BI.LL #3540 - AMENDMENTS/ADDITIONS TO LAND USE 'ELEMENT. '- CARLSP'AD 'GEN'ERAL PLAN. (GPA-36) and [57] 13. AGENDA BILL #3541 - OVERALL GOAL AND POLICY STATEMENTS -' CARLS'BAD .GENERAL .PLAN. (GPA-37). By ~'Co.ncensus of the.'Council , Items 12 and 13 were combinedofor report and discussion. A lengthy staff report was given by the Planning Director and, transparGncles.'.were dilspl~iyed for re3iew. Since-no.one wished to be heard with regard to these ma.t'ters,, the Nayor declared th2 Public Hear- ing closed.at 8:Ol P.M. Lengthy discussion ensued and questions were ask- ed.of the Planning Director con-cerned with the Goals of the L'and Use Element and the Ovzrall Goals arid'Policy Statktient of the General Plan. The following Resolution was p+esented.-for -adopti:o 1; RESOLUTION NO. 3817, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT Flotion x REVISIONS IN THE TEXT AND TO CHANGE THE LAND US6 DESIGNATION FOR FCUR AREAS OF: THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN, was adopted by title only.and with the unF anfmous consent of the Council, further reading was waived. It was moved that the Goals Element of the Land Use Element of the General Plan be continued to the next regular meeting at which time the Over- all 'Goals of the General Plan (AB#35,41) will be discussed. - RECESS: Mayor Frazee 'called for a recess at 8:05 P,.". and the Council reconvened with all Council members present, at 8:25 'P.M. - I. ,. ._ . . .. , 0 OF THE GENERAL PLAN."(GPA-36) TO 'MAKE CERTAIN MINOF xxx Ayes .. DEBARTMENTAL AND- CITY MANAGER REPORTS: .. - ?.l ann? ng . ' ' :* .. ,I [99] 14. AGENDA BILL #34?8 - Supplement #3 - TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP - S.L. & B. SERVICECORPORATION (JOHN E. .McCoy) . Mayor Frazee stated Council :action had .been taken on this matter some tine ago and the City Attcrne;, was directed to -prepare the documents necessary for approva1':to b2 adopted after the resolution -of the alignment of Elm Avenue in cGnnection with the Larwin project known as Tiburon. The following Resolution. was offered for adoption: RESOLCTICN NC. 3738-AY-APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS Motion X TENTATIVE MAP(CT"'74TAj FOR A 30 L,OT SUBDIVISION Ayes xxxx ON PROPERTY GENEKALLYI.LOCATED NORTHEAST OF THE Noes INTERSECTION OF EL CAMINO REAL AN3 APPIAN ROAD. CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNClLMEl - B B v -4- December 16, 1975 2dd I - ~~ I [99] 15. AGENDA BILL #3527 - Sirpplement #1 - SPECIFIC PLAN AND TENTATIVE MAP - GREEN VALLEY KNOLLT- LA COSTA LANTCOMPANY. - This mattei- was heard on December 2, 1975 and has been returned to approval of the documents. The following Ordinance was introduced for a firs reading by title only: I ORDINANCE NO. 9447, ADOPTING A SPECIFIC PLAN(SP-171 FOR A SUBDIVISION CONSISTING OF 220 SINGLE FAMILY I .LOTS, 5 CONDOMINIUM LOTS AND 2 OPEN SPACE LOTS ON 106 ACRES LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE. RESOLUTION NO. 3809, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS SISTING OF 220 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS, 5 CONDOMINIUM LOTS AND 2 OPEN SPACE LOTS ON 106 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL AND SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE, was adopted by title only and with the unanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived. TENTATIVE MAP (CT 75-7) FOR A SUBDIVISION CON- /:87] 16. AGENDA BILL #3542 - SECOND YEAR - COMMUNITY BLOCK GRANT. I A staff report was given by the Planning Director and discussion ensued by the Council. I A motion was made that the City Manager be author ized to sign an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego for the pur- pose of making application for 2nd year Housing and Community Development (HCD) Gr.ant Funds. Further, that the City Manager be directed to proceed in making final application as part of the HCD program. I 11961 17. AGENDA BILL #3543 - COMMUNITY IDENTIFICATION - PRIVATE DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. I The Planning Director stated La Costa is request- ing Council approval of community identification and private directional signs as exempted by Sec. 2?.41.060(3). He stated La Costa Land Com- pany will make a presentation before the Cour?cil at this time and introduced Mr. Fred Morey as the representative from La Costa. Mr. Morey briefly explained the program and in- troduced Mr. Wexler, a representative from San- ford R. Goodkin Research Corp., 1125 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, California who made a slide present tion and answered questions directed to him from the Council. Follcwing comments made by the City Manager, it was moved that the CoGncil accept the concept tha has been presented to the Council by La Costa wit regard to their community identification/private directional sign program, and the staff was in- structed to meet with the representatives of La Costa and and prepare the documents necessary to allow this program to proceed for a maximum of two years. 1 t b Motion Ayes xxx - Mction Ayes xxx - D B CITY OF CARLSBAD CWNCllMEl -5- December 16, 1975 14 7 I C1131 18. AGENDA BILL #3544 - RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRESERVES. A staff report was given by the Planning Director at which time he revjewed some of the provisions of the Williamson Act of 1965 whereby a property owner can make application for tax relief by de- claring his property as Agricultural Preserve. Lengthy discussion was held by the Council and the Plannlng Director clarified certain points of cGncern by the Council. Further discussion was held and the following ReSOluticjn was present ed: RESOLUTION rjo, 3810, SETTING FGRTH THE RULESGOVERN ING THE ADMINISTRATION GF AGRICULTURAL PRESERVES INCLUDING PROCEDURES FOR INITIATING FILING, AND PROCESSING REQUESTS TO ESTABLISH AGRICULTRUAL PRESERVES AND LAND CGNSERVATIGN CONTRACTS, was adopted by title only and with th2 unanimcus con- sent of the Council, furthe? reading was waived. - Further, it was moved that the processing fee for Agricultural Preserve be deleted and that nocharge be made for that process. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 10:20 P.M. and the CoL;ncil reconvened with all Cotincil members present at 1C:30 P.M. - Pub1 ic Works. [93] 19. AGENDA BILL #3545 - CONSULTAWT SERVICES - EMERG-ENCY GENERATSR. I A staff report was gjvet-1 by the Fubl-ic Wcrrks Administrator and comments were added by the City Manager. Following brief discussion, Resolut-ion No. 3811 was presented for adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 3811, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAC AND BERNARD J. O'NEILL I FOR CONSULTING SERVICES REGARDING EMERGENCY POWER GENERATORS FOR SEWER LIFT STATIONS AND AZTHORIZIN" THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT, was adopted by titie only and with the unaniKous consent of the Council, further reading was waived. i [93] 20. AGENDA BILL #3546 - BRISTOL COVE SILTATION PROBLEM. I A staff report was g-iven by the Public Works Administrator, and comments were made by the City Manager. Mr. Bart Lefferdink, 4575 Cove Drive, Carlsbad, reviewed some of the background of the problem as the property owners at Bristol Cove view it and stated further that the property owners are will ing to cooperate with any reasonable plan. Following inquiries of the staff by the Council, it was moved that the staff recommendation be m ;G . Motion Ayes xxx Notion Ayes X Noes xx Motion Ayes xxx Motion Ayes xxx t- - D B lr CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILMEI oc c\ -6- kb &* December 16, 1975 2u I acceptzd arid the staff be instructed to proceed with a study to aid the property owners in deter- mining the propei- solut'ion to the problem wi til the StipUhtion that it is understood that the City accepts no liability for the present situation. The following items were takeii out of Agenda Order: "~. [87] 23. AGENDA SILL #3548 - SAN DIEGO REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN. The Public Works Administrator introduced Mr. Clarence Kaufman, Pvogram Manager of the Solid Waste Management Task Force. Mr. Kaufman review the proposed plan for Solid Waste d-isposal and discussed a few of the terms of the proposal. Further, he distributed material to the Council fclr their review. A brief question and answer period ensued and Margaret Bcnas, 241 Olive, Carlsbad, requested to be heard by the Coiinci'l on behalf of the Lieague of Women Voters. The statemefit read by Mrs. Bonas was in suppoyt of the Solid Waste Management Plan and the Counc-i'l was uygeil to consider a plan which would alleviate ds'sposal of solid waste material. Following discussion, a motion was made that the Motion County of San Diego be advised that the City of (; Ayes xx:: Carlsbad agrees with th2 authoritive of a com- inission. [48] 28. AGENDA BILL $3529 - Supplement #l - GENERfiL MUNICIPAL ELECTI.ON - MARCS 2, 1976. Following a repsrt by the City Clerk, Resolution NGS. 3814, 3815 and 3815, were adopted by title only and wjth the unanimcus consent of the Coun- cil, furthe? reading was waived: RESOLUTION MO. 3814, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF Motion X SUFERVIS6RS OF THE TCUNTY OF SAM DIEGO TO PERMIT Ayes xxx THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS OF SAID COLINTY TO RENDER LATING TO THE CCNDUCT OF A GENERAL M.UNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAIE CITY 0!4 MARCH 2, 1376. RESOLUTION NO. 3875, AMENZING RESOLUTION NO. 3800, Motion X CALLIFiG AND GIVIMG NCTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A Ayes xxx GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY THE 2ND DAY OF MARCH, 1975, BY REVISING SECTION 4 TO PiiOVIDE THAT POLLS WILL BE OPEN TO 8:OO O'CLOCK P.M. CN SAID DAY. RESOLUTION NO. 3816, APPROVIMG AND CCNSENTING TO Motion CONSOLIDATION OF TKE GENtRAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION Ayes xxx TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY 0i.i MARCH 2, 1976, WITH THE ELECTIUN. .- - "-"-. - SPECIFIED SERVICES TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, RE- OCEANSIDE-CAKLSBAD COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 1 ~ !r CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME1 -7- December 16, 1975 269 \fl &G P The City Clerk stated a decision should be made by the City Council as to how the College District should be charged for items being consolidated with the municipal election. Discussion ensued and it was a staff recommenda- tion that the CGllege Sistrict be charged a pro- portionate share of the cost, i.e. one item 25%; two ftems 40%. Following further discussion, it was moved that Motion the recommendation of the staff be accepted and Ayes xxx the College District be charged a prorata share for the cost of conducting the election. ADJSURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at Motion V A 11:58 P.M. to Thursday, December 18, 1975, at Ayes xxx 7:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, D y?dJ?<L MAR A T E. ADAMS, City Clerk Nora Gardinor, Recording Secretary B