HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-18; City Council; MinutesYIC CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME, - D z Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meet Date of Meeting: December 18, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I 2 7s 20LL CALL: City Manager. [63] 21. AGENDA BILL #3316 - Supplement #3 - TECilNICAL PROCESSING ...-~- AI";D WSRK ARE4 COMPLETICN - LIBRARY. A staff report was given by the City Manager and Council discussion ensued. It was moved that the staff be authorized to con- tact the contractor who recently completed the mezzanine work for this additional work in th2 technical processing area in an amount not to exceed $3,500.C0. [88] 22. AGENDA BILL #3547 - SAN DIEGO COllNTY CUDE- FOOD HANDLE=.- A staff report was given by the City Manager and discussion was held by the Council. In accordanct with the requirements, the title of Ordinance No. 5048 was read, amending Title 6, Chapter 6.02 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Section 6.02.960 to adopt by reference Chapter 2, of Division 1, Gf Title 6 of the San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances regardi'ng food handlers and a motion was xade that the staff be instructed to set the Public Hearing for January 6, 1975. 3 - RESSLUTIOW NO. 3812, REQgESTING THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEFARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH TO ENFORCE THE PRUVISIONS OF THE FOOD HANDLERS ORDINANCE, was adopted by title only and with the unanimous con- sent of the Council, further readirig was waived. [#87] 23, fiGENDA 3ILL #3548 - SAP4 DIEGO REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ."" PLAN. .--I This matter was discussed at the i-egular meeting held December 16, 1975. I [53] 24. AGENDA BILL #3549 - CABLE TELEVISION ORDIN- ANCE. -.." I Mr. Jerry PietS, Assistant to the City Manager, gave a staff report regarding this inatter and comments were added by the City Manager. Follow- ing sone discdssion by the Council, Ordinance No. 6055 was intrsduced for a fiTst reading by title only: OKDINANCE NU. 6055, AMENDIMG TITLE 5 OF THE CARLS BAD MUNICIPAL CCDE BY THE ACDITION OF CHAPTER 5.28 TO ESTABLISH A PROCEDURE FOR THE GRANTING OF FRANCHISES FOR CABLE TELEVISIUN SYSTEMS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. [25] 25. AGENDA BILL #3550 - PROPOSED ANNEXATION - "SO'JTH CARMAD AWNEXATION :40. : .22" - 'dILLIAM .. -, SAVAGE. -, ., The City Manager reported on this matter and stat ed the staff is requesting the imposition of two conditions prior to approval Gf the annexatii.on I Motion xxx Ayes A V Motion xxx Ayes X - Mcjtion xxx Ayes X I 1. CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- December 18, 1975 1 2 7/ ar;d he revi'ewed the condi'tions wi,th the Councl'l, The appltcant stated he had no objections to th.e conditions being placed on the annexatjon. The following Ordinance was introduced for a firs1 reading by t-itle only: m ORDINANCE NO. 1187, APPROVIWG THE ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AND DESIGNATING THE SAME AS THE "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 1 .22". Further, it was moved that prior to final adop- tion of Ordinance No. 1187, the applicant shall remove all existing signs on the subject property and construct signs which are in accord with the City of Carlsbad sign ordfnance, and the applican shal I fTle Detachment Application from the Leucadia County Water- District service area with the Local Agency Formation Commission. I [:23] 26. AGENDA BILL #3551 - PARAMEDIC EM.ERGENCY SERVICE. .-.. B - A brief report was made by the City Manager who poimted out Dr. Hal Thatcher has been in contact with him regarding this matter and is present in the audience. The Mayor inqtiired if Dr. Thatcher wished to be heard by the Council. Dr. Thatcher rcviewd the action of the Tri-City Hospital Board of Director's at a recent meeting. He summarized the training procedures which have been set up for prospective paramedics and those who have completed the program and urged favorable action by the Council. Questions were asked of Dr. Thatcher regarding the funding of such a program and futhe'r discussien was held. The following Resolution was adopted by title only and with the tinanimous consent of the Council, further reading was waived: RESOLUTION NO. 38 13, KEQUESTING THE DIRECTORS OF THt TRI-CITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT TO SEKWE AS THE AGENCY FOR THE INITIATION AND OPERATION OF EMERGENCY PARAMEDIC SERVICE FCR MUNICIPALITIES WITHIN TKI-CITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT. Following a sGggestion by Mayor Frazee, Council- woman Casler and Councilman Lewis agreed to work with the City of Vista and the Tri-City Hospital District regarding the paramedic program. [81] 27. AGENDA BILL #3552 - SELECTION OF MAGEE HOUSE ARCHITECT. -~ Counc-ilman Chase and Councilwoman Casler, member: of the Architectural Selection Committee reportec on their review of the proposals received for the architectural work on the restoration of the Ma- gee House and it was recommended that Mr. Edward S. Ebright of Environmental Design, Planning and Graphics be sejected to prepare plans and speci- fications. v t J I ! I - > I ? COUNClLME8 ~ rxi Mot i on Ayes Noes xxx Motion Ayes xxx ?dot i on Ayes XXX - - B B %, - CITY OF CARLSBAD 7.3 -, December 18, 1975 a72 I Following Councl'l discussion, the recommenda,tion of the Archftectural Selection Committee was acceptEd arid i't was moved that Mr.: Edwar,d S. Ebright of tnvironmental Design, Planning and Graphics be selected to prepare the plans and . specificatfons!'for the restoration of the Magee House and the City Attorney was directed to pre- pare any necessary agreements. E481 28. AGENDA BILL #3529 - Supplement #I - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION - MARCH 2, 1976. - This matter was discussed at the regular meeting held December j6, 1975. I [371 29. AGENDA BILL #3553 - INCREASE IN COMPENSATION OF MAYOR AND 'CITY COUNCIL. I This matter was returned for documents per City Council instruction to the City Attorney at their regular rneeting held November 25, 1975. The following Ordinance was introduced for a first readins by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 1188, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER MENT OF SECTION 2.04.030 AND BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 2.04.040 TO INCREASE THE COMPENSATION OF TI-1E MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. .2.34 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMEND- E81 30. AGENDA BILL _" #3554 ~ - CREATION OF HOUSING COMMISSION. " I Following a staff report by the City Attorney, lengthy discussion ensued and questions were asked of the Cjty Attgrney and City Manage-r. Following further discussion, Ordinance No. 1189, was introduced for a first reading by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 1189, AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 2.04 TO ESTABLISH THE HOUSING CSMMISSION. " [311 31. AGENDA SILL #3555 - HOXE OCCUPATION PERMIT PRUCEDllRE. I Councilwoman Casler reported on complaints she had received with regard to certain home occupa- tions. Discussion was held by the Council and it was moved that the staff be instructed to prepare a report on the manner .in which other cities handle the home occupation permit procedures. [;'GI Pianning Commission Instjtute. "- It was announced that a Planning Commissioner's Institute would be held in San Francisco, Febru- ary 4th thru 6th. Discussion was held by the Council and it was moved that up to three members of the Planning Commisison be authorized to attend the Plafining Commissioner's Institute in San Francisco. COUNCILME Motion Ayes Noes xxx Motion Noes X Ayes xxx Motion xxx Ayes X Notion xxx Ayes X I -' CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCILME -4- I CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: .- C701 Proposed Swimming Pool. The City Manager reporte Gn the statLis of the swimming pool which i's pro- posed and stated negotiations regarding the pro- perty at Chestnut and Monroe have reached a stale mate. CoL;ncilman Lewis reported the reccmmenda- tion of the Parks and Recreation Commission and Council d-iscussion ensued. The Council commented that they were not in agreement with the Parks and Recreation recommendation. Some discussion was held Nith regard to a site suggested at Elin and Valley and it was the con- census of the Council that negotiations begin on that site or another site suitable for the pur- pose of a community swimmfng poo:. Council committee reports were given and nG acti'orr was taken. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:14 P.M. to Tuesday, Cecember 30, 1975, at 7:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers. Respectftilly submitted, B gq drgh E. ADAMS, City Clerk Gardiner, Recording Secretary i B